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李博峰博士研究涉及大地测量数据处理理论和GNSS应用新技术等多领域。尤其对混合整数模型参数估计理论、方差-协方差分量估计理论、三频GNSS数据处理、以及网络RTK的研究有深入的研究和独到的见解。在国际著名学术期刊JGR, J Geod, IEEE TGRS, IJGIS, GPS Solutions,以及国内测绘学报等学术期刊发表论文80余篇,其中,SCI/EI检索60篇。担任J Geod, GPS Solut, JoSE, Surv Review, JGPS, J Spatial Science, Sensor等国际期刊审稿员,部分论文(2008~): 1. Shen Y*, Li B. (2007). Regularized solution to fast GPS ambiguity resolution. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 133 (4): 168-1722. Li B*, Shen Y, Xu P. (2008) Assessment of stochastic models for GPS measurements with different types of receivers. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(20): 3219-3225.3. Feng Y*, Li B. (2008) A benefit of multiple carrier GNSS signals: regional scale networkbased RTK with doubled inter-station distances. Journal of Spatial Science, 53(1):135-147.4. Shen Y*, Li B, and Xu G. (2009) Simplified equivalent multiple baseline solutions with elevation-dependent weights. GPS Solutions 13 (3): 165-171.5. Li B*, Shen Y. (2010) Global navigation satellite system ambiguity resolution with constraints from normal equations, Journal of Surveying Engineering, 136 (2):63-716. Li B*, Feng Y, Shen Y. (2010) Three carrier ambiguity resolution: distance independent performance demonstrated using semi-generated triple frequency GPS signals, GPS Solutions, 14(2):177-1847. Feng Y, Li B*. (2010) Wide area real-time kinematic decimetre positioning with multiple carrier GNSS signals, SCIENCE CHINA: Earth Sciences, 53(5):731-7408. Zhou Z, Shen Y*, Li B. (2010). A windowing-recursive approach for GPS real-time kinematic positioning. GPS Solutions, 14 (4): 365-3739. Li B*, Feng Y, Shen Y, Wang C. (2010) Geometry-specified troposphere decorrelation for subcentimeter real-time kinematic solutions over long baselines, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115:B1140410. Li B*, Shen Y, Feng Y. (2010) Fast GNSS ambiguity resolution as an ill-posed problem, Journal of Geodesy, 84:683-69811. Shen Y*, Li B, Chen Y. (2011) An iterative solution to weighted total least-squares adjustment, Journal of Geodesy, 85:229-23812. Li B, Shen Y, Lou L*. (2011) Efficient estimation of variance and covariance components: a case study for GPS stochastic model evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(1):203-21013. Li B*, Teunissen PJG. (2011) High dimensional integer ambiguity resolution: first comparison between LAMBDA and Bernese, The Journal of Navigation, 64:S192-S21014. Shen Y, Xu P*, Li B. (2012). Bias-corrected regularized solution to inverse ill-posed models, Journal of Geodesy, 86: 597-60815. Li B*, Shen Y, Li W. (2012) The seamless model for three-dimensional datum tansformation, Science China: Earth Sciences, 55(12):2099-210816. Zhou Z*, Li B, Shen Y. (2013) A Window-recursive approach for GNSS kinematic navigation using pseudorange and Doppler measurements, The Journal of Navigation, 66:295-31317. Li B*, Shen Y, Zhang X. (2013) Triple frequency GNSS navigation prospect demonstrated with semi-simulated data, Advances in Space Research, 51:1175-118518. Verhagen S*, Li B, Teunissen PJG. (2013) Ps-LAMBDA:Ambiguity success rate evaluation software for interferometric applications, Computers & Geosciences, 54:361-37619. Li B, Shen Y, Zhang X, Li C, Lou L*. (2013) Seamless multivariate affine error-invariables transformation and its application to map rectification, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27(8):1572-159220. Li B, Shen Y, Lou L* (2013). Noniterative datum transformation revisited with twodimensional affine model as a case study, Journal of Surveying Engineering, 139(4):166-17521. Lu J*, Chen Y, Li B, Fang X. (2014) Robust total least squares with reweighting iteration for three-dimensional similarity transformation, Survey Review, 46(334):28-3622. Shen Y*, Li W, Xu G, Li B (2014) Spatiotemporal filtering of regional GNSS network’s position time series with missing data using principle component analysis, Journal of Geodesy, 88:1-1223. Li B*, Shen Y, Feng Y, Gao W*, Yang L (2014) GNSS ambiguity resolution with controllable failure rate for long-baseline network RTK, Journal of Geodesy, 88(2):99-11224. Li B*, Verhagen S, Teunissen PJG. (2014) Robustness of GNSS integer ambiguity resolution in the presence of atmospheric biases, GPS Solutions, 18:283-29625. Li B*, Teunissen PJG (2014) GNSS antenna-array aided CORS ambiguity resolution, Journal of Geodesy, 88(4):363-37626. Zhou Z*, Li B* (2014) GNSS windowingnavigation with adaptively constructed dynamic model, GPS Solutions, doi:10.1007/s10291-014-0363-y27. Li Y, Gao Y, Li B* (2014). An impact analysis of arc length on orbit prediction andclock estimation for long-baseline and PPP applications, GPS Solutions, 2014,doi: 10.1007/s10291-014-0380-x. 1. 李博峰,沈云中. (2008) 顾及基线先验信息的GPS模糊度快速解算, 测绘学报, 38(4): 413-417.2. 李博峰,沈云中,周泽波. (2009) 中长基线三频GNSS模糊度的快速算法, 测绘学报, 38(4):296-3013. 李博峰,沈云中,楼立志 (2010) 基于等效残差的方差-协方差分量估计, 测绘学报, 39(4):349-3544. 李博峰,沈云中 (2010) P范分布混合整数模型极大似然估计, 测绘学报, 39(2): 141-145.5. 李博峰,沈云中 (2011) 基于等效残差积探测粗差的方差-协方差分量估计, 测绘学报, 40(1):10-14.6. 李博峰,沈云中,张兴福 (2012) 纳伪概率可控的四舍五入法及其在整周模糊度固定中的应用, 测绘学报, 41(4): 483-4897. 张兴福,李博峰. (2013) 多类重力场模型的精度分析及联合确定GPS点正常高的方法, 测绘学报, 42(1):6-128. Li, B., Teunissen, P. (2012) Real-Time Kinematic Positioning Using Fused Data from Multiple GNSS Antennas, 15th International Conference of Information Fusion, 9-12 July, 2012, 933-9379. Li B, Verhagen S, Teunissen PJG. (2013) GNSS ambiguity estimation and evaluation: LAMBDA and Ps-LAMBDA. CSNC 2013 Proc, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 244, 291-30110. Li B. (2008) Generation of third code and phase signals based on dual-frequency GPS measurements. ION GNSS 2008, Savannah, GA, America, pp:2820-2830 (sponsored student paper)11. 李博峰,沈云中,楼立志(2010) GPS中长基线观测值随机特性分析,武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 35(2): 176-18012. 李博峰,刘成,石德斌,等(2010) 无砟轨道铁路控制网的Helmert方差分量估计,同济大学学报·自然科学版, 38(2): 302-30613. 李博峰,沈云中 (2009) 附有约束条件的GPS模糊度快速解算,武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 34(1):177-12114. 李博峰,沈云中,冯延明 (2009) 基于三频GNSS的长距离实时精密导航算法,武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 34(7):782-786

257 评论


1)张正禄,吴栋材,杨仁 精密工程测量. 编著教材. 北京:测绘出版社,1992. 2) 张正禄. 现代工程测量控制网的理论和应用.译著. 北京:测绘出版社,1989.3) 高时浏,张正禄. 地籍测量概论. 译著. 北京:测绘出版社,1988.4) 陈永奇,张正禄等. 高等应用测量. 编著教材. 武汉:武汉测绘科技大学出版社,1996.5) 田应中,张正禄,等. 地下管线网探测与信息管理. 现代测绘科技丛书. 北京:测绘出版社,1997.6)张项铎,张正禄. 隧道工程测量. 工程测量经验丛书. 北京:测绘出版社,1998.7)张正禄,杜道生等. 同等学力人员申请硕士学位测绘科技与技术学科综合水平全国统一考试大纲及指南. 国务院学位委员会办公室.北京:高等教育出版社,1999.8)张正禄.工程测量学.普通高等教育测绘类规划教材,武汉大学出版社.2002年7月第一版8)宁津生等编著(参编).测绘学概论. 高等学校测绘工程专业核心教材. 武汉:武汉大学出版社,20049)李青岳,陈永奇(参编).工程测量学.普通高等教育测绘类规划教材(修订本). 北京:测绘出版社,1995.10)张正禄编著.工程测量学.普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材,高等学校测绘工程专业核心教材,武汉大学出版社.2005年10月第一版.11)张正禄. 数学辞海. 第五卷测绘学副主编. 中国科学技术出版社等,2002.8;12)参编《中国大百科全书》、《简明华厦百科全书》和《中国水利百科全书》13) 硕士论文.论隧道施工三角网和边角网测量误差对贯通误差的影响和网的最优化设计. 武汉测绘学院.1981.14) 博士论文.Zur Stabilisierung von wiederholt gemessenenHoehennetzen durch absolute und relative Schweremessungen.Universitaet Hannover. Dissertaion Nr.139, HannoverDeutschland. 1985. 1. 张正禄. 隧道施工地面导线网的合理布设. 武汉测绘学院学报,1982(1).2. 张正禄. 隧道施工三角网和边角网测量误差对横向贯通误差的影响和网的最优化设计.测绘学报,1982(3). 3. 张正禄, A.安东诺甫罗斯 隧道测量的设计和平差. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1985(2). 4. 张正禄.监测大区域地壳垂直形变的重复精密重力和水准测量联合平差模型. 测绘学报,1986(3). 7. 张正禄. 变形监测网的灵敏度分析. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1986(3).8. 张正禄. 重复精密重力测量对水准测量平差成果的加强和改善. 测绘学报,1987(1).9. 张正禄,李晓东. 变形监测网优化设计的一种新算法. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1989(2). 10. 张正禄,李晓东. 观测值的灵敏度影响系数及其在监测网优化设计中的应用.测绘学报,1989(4).11. Zhang Zhenglu, Li Xiaodong. A new optimizationmethod for monitoring networks basedon the sensitivity criterion. ZfV, 1990(6).12. Zhang Zhenglu, Li Xiaodong. Optimization of monitoringnetworks according to thesensitivity coefficients of observations, FIG Symposium.Beijing: 1991.5. 13. Zhang Zhenglu. Zur Auswertung undAnalyse der horizontalen Verschiebungen einesgebauten Damms von Bao Gang Wasserumleitungsreservoir,6th International FIGSymposium on Deformation Measurements. HannoverF. R. Germany: 1992.2.14. 张正禄,邓克寰. 宝钢引水库大坝水平位移监测评价和变形分析. 武汉测绘科技大学学报, 1992(4).15. 张正禄,金国胜,李清泉. 矿岩界线的自动推断. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1994(3).16. Zhang Zhenglu, Jin Guosheng, Li Qingquan. The study ofgraphic dataprocessing ingeology and survey information management system ofunderground mine. Das Markscheidewesen,1995(2). 17. 张正禄,杨振涛,徐绍铨. 秦岭特长隧道洞外精密高程控制测量. 地壳形变与地震增刊,1996(6)18. Zhang Zhenglu, Zhang Chuanyin. Stadying of new idersand methods of deformationanalysis, 8th. International Symposium on DeformationSurvey. HongKang:1996.6.19. Zhang Zhenglu, Guo Jiming, Huang Quanyi, Chao Boching,Luo Nianxue. Research into anautomatic system of terrestrial control surveying datagathering and processing. Festschriftfuer Univ-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Habil. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans.Pelzer zum 60. Geburtstag. Hannover:1996.20. 章传银,张正禄. 变形体的稳定性及其定量分析方法初探.测绘学报,1997(4).21. Zhang Zhenglu, Huang Quanyi, et al. Research into aconnected sequence and automaticsystem in terrestrial surveying engineering on totalstation. Symposium on Geodesy forGeotechnical and Structural Engineering. EisenstadtAustria. 1998.4.22. 邓跃进,王葆元,张正禄. 边坡变形分析与预报的模糊人工神经网络方法. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1998(1),26-3123. 冯琰,张正禄,罗年学. 最小独立闭合环与附合导线自动生成算法. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1998(3),255-25924.邓跃进,张正禄. 测量控制网优化设计专家系统研究. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1998(2),105-110.25. 张正禄,黄全义,罗年学,巢佰崇. 全站式地面测量工程一体化自动化系统研究. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,1999(1).26. 邓跃进,董兆伟,张正禄. 大坝变形失稳的尖点突变模型.武汉测绘科技大学学报,1992(2).27. Jiang Zheng, Zhang Zhenglu. Model recognition ofdeformation object under the constraintsof topological relationships. 9th InternationalSymposium on Deformation Survey. Hashar, Poland:1999.9.28. Deng Yuejin, Zhang Zhenglu. Nonlinear dynamic modelof deformable body and its motionstability analysis. 9th International Symposium onDeformation Survey. Hashar, Poland:1999.9.29. 张正禄. 工程测量学的发展现状和趋势. 武汉测绘科技大学学报增刊,1999.2.System Intergrated by GPS and Totalstation.The 3rd Across-the-Strait GeomaticsConference. HongKong,China: 2000.1230. 郭际明,梅文胜,张正禄等. 测量机器人系统构成与精度研究. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,2000(5),421~42531. Zhang Zhenglu et al. Precise levling of very longQinling Mountain Tunnel. Geo- Spatial InformationScince,Vol.3 No.1 2000(1)57~6132. 张正禄 工程测量学的发展评述 测绘通报, 2000(1),11~1433. 张正禄 工程测量学的发展评述 测绘通报,2000(2),9~1034. 张正禄,黄全义,罗年学,巢佰崇. 论测绘工程专业本科教育的实践性教学,武汉测 绘科技大学学报,Vol.25 2000 增刊,25~26.35. 郭际明,张正禄等. GPS 与TPS 集成超站仪的数据转换研.武汉大学学报.信息科学版.Vol 26,2001(1),46~5036. 张正禄,郭际明,黄全义, 罗年学. 超站式集成测绘系统STGPS研究. 武汉大学学报.信息科学版Vol 26,2001(5),446-45037. 张正禄, 罗年学, 黄全义,梅文胜. 一种基于可靠性的工程控制网优化设计新方法. 武汉大学学报.信息科学版Vol 26,2001(4),354-36038. Zhang Zhenglu, HUANG Qianyi,CHEMELINA Klaus. Researchon Geological Landslide Problems Related on the Three GorgesProject. IAG Workshop on Monitoring of Constructions andLocal Geodynamic Process .Wuhan, China, May 22-24 2001,36-4439. JIANG Zheng, ZHANG ZhengLu. Stochastic process of Landslideand Prediction. IAG Workshop on Monitoring of Constructions andLocal Geodynamic Process Wuhan, China, May 22-24 2001,129-13640 .GUO Jiming, LUO Nianxue, ZHANG Zhenglu, Samwel Simon Katambi.GPS Network Adjustment and Coordinate Transformation forDeformation Monitoring Project. IAG Workshop on Monitoring ofConstructions and Local Geodynamic Process Wuhan, China,May 22-24 2001,237-24241.WEN Hongyan, ZHANG Zhenglu. Detection of the PeriodicalSignal in the Deformation Analysis. IAG Workshop on Monitoringof Constructions and Local Geodynamic Process Wuhan, China,May 22-24 2001,170-17742. ZHANG Chuanyin, ZHANG Zhenglu. Deformation Data ProcessingApproach from the Viewpoint of Deformation Reference Frame. IAGWorkshop on Monitoring of Constructionsand Local GeodynamicProcess Wuhan, China, May 22-24 2001,204-21543. HUANG Quanyi, ZHANG Zhenglu. Dam Deformation Predictionby Artificial Neural Network Method. IAG Workshop on Monitoringof Constructions and Local Geodynamic Process Wuhan, China,May 22-24 2001.123-12844. 张正禄、张松林、黄全义、王瀛勇. 大坝安全监测、分析与预报的发展综述. 大坝与安全.2002(5),13-1645. 梅文胜、张正禄、郭际明、黄全义.测量机器人变形监测软件系统研究.武汉大学学报.2002(2),165-17146. 蒋征,张正禄.滑坡变形的模式识别. 武汉大学学报.信息科学版.Vol 27,2002(2),47. 张正禄, 罗年学,冯 琰. 多维粗差定位与定值的算法研究及实现. 武汉大学学报.信息科学版Vol 28,2003(4),400-404.48. 张正禄,张松林,伍志刚,王卫国. 20~50km超长隧道(洞)横向贯通误差允许值研究. 测绘学报,Vol 33,2004(1):83-8849. ZHANG Zhenglu, ZHANG Songlin. A Method for design of GPShorizontal network with simulative calculating. FestschriftUniv-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Habil. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans. Pelzer zurEmeritierung anlaesslich seines 68.Geburtstages.211-219.Hannover:2004.50. ZHANG Zhenglu,ZHANG Songlin. Research on the allowablevalue of Lateral Breakthrough Error for super long Tunnelfrom 20 to 50 Kilometers. Ingenieurvermessung 2004. 14thInternational Course on Engineering Surveying ETH ZuerichContributions. 51-6051. ZHANG Zhenglu, ZHANG Songlin. Allowance of LateralBreakthrough Error for super long Tunnel from 20 km to 50 Km.Geo-Spatial Information Science,Vol.7 2004(3) 198-20352. ZHANG Zhenglu ZHANG Kun DENG Yong LUO Changlin.Research on Precise Triangulated Height in place of FirstOrder Leveling。Geo-Spatial Information Science,Vol.82005(4),235-23953. ZHANG Zhenglu, ZHANG Songlin. Allowance of LateralBreakthrough Error for super long Tunnel from 20 to 50Kilometers.“The Proceedings of the China Association forScience and Technology”. 200554. ZHANG Jun, ZHANG Zhenglu, WANG Hong. An Approachof Adaptive Genetic Algorithm to Prevent Group PrematureConvergence based on Distance, International Symposium ofIntelligence Computation & Application(ISICA'2005)2005.3 56~6255. 张正禄,邓勇,罗长林等. 精密三角高程代替一等水准测量的研究. 武汉大学学报. 信息科学版Vol.31, 2006(1):5-8 )56. 张正禄,邓勇,罗长林等.论精密工程测量及其应用.测绘通报,2006(5):17~2057. 张正禄,邓勇,罗长林等.瑞士的测绘教育述评.测绘通报,2006(3):64~66

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