直译与意译这两种不同的译法,自古有之。然而自五四以来,人们围绕着这两种译法进行了激烈的争论。 1922年,茅盾在“‘直译’与‘死译’”一文中写道:“近来颇有人诟病‘直译’;他们不是说‘看不懂’,就是说‘看起来很吃力’。我们以为直译的东西看起来较为吃力,或者有之,却决不会看不懂。看不懂的译文是‘死译’的文字,不是直译的。 1934年,茅盾在“直译·顺译·歪译’一文中写道:“‘直译’这名词,在‘五四’以后方成为权威。这是反抗林琴南氏的‘歪译’而起的。我们说林译是‘歪译’,可丝毫没有糟蹋他的意思;我们是觉得‘意译’这名词用在林译身上并不妥当,所以称它为‘歪译’。” 1980年,茅盾在《茅盾译文选集》序中回忆这一段往事,他写道:“后来有的译者随意增删原著,不讲究忠实原文的‘意译’,甚至‘歪译’,那就比林译更不如了。” 从以上情况看,在二三十年代,反对直译的人所反对的是看不懂或看起来吃力的译文;反对意译的人所反对的是随意增删原著、不讲究忠实原文的译文。 鲁迅也是积极主张直译的。 后来有人提出直译和意译是一回事,是无法区分的。 1946年,朱光潜在“谈翻译”一文中写道:“所谓‘直译’是指依原文的字面翻译,有一字一句就译一字一句,而且字句的次第也不更动。所谓‘意译’是指把原文的意思用中文表达出来,不必完全依原文的字面和次第。‘直译’偏重对于原文的忠实,‘意译’偏重译文语气的顺畅。哪一种是最妥当的译法,人们争执得很厉害。依我看,直译和意译的分别根本不应存在。……想尽量表达原文的意思,必须尽量保存原文的语句组织。因此直译不能不是意译,而意译也不能不是直译。” 1953年,林汉达在“翻译的原则”一文中写道:“正确的翻译是直译,也就是意译。死译和胡译不同,呆译和曲译不同,这是可以划分的,它们都是错误的翻译。正确的翻译是分不出直译或意译的。” 1959年,周建人为《外语教学与翻译》写了一篇文章,题目是“关于‘直译”’。他在文中写道:“直译既不是‘字典译法’,也不是死译、硬译,它是要求真正的意译,要求不失原文的语气与文情,确切地翻译过来的译法。换一句话说,当时所谓直译是指真正的意译。” 如果说四五十年代人们认为直译也就是意译,二者无法区分,那么到了七八十年代人们又对直译和意译分别作了分析。 1982年,周煦良在“翻译三论”一文中写道:直译可以分为三类:第一类是译音而不译意。如democracy译为“德谟克拉西”,而不译为“民主”。第二类是照字面译。如crocodile tears译作“鳄鱼的眼泪”,而不译作“虚伪的眼泪”。第三类是不按照中国语言习惯和词序而按照原文的结构或词序的翻译。如“‘你来了,’她说”。最后,他指出“这样一些直译好像为数不少,但就一篇文章,一部书来看,直译的成分毕竟是少数。” 1978年,许渊冲在“翻译中的几对矛盾”一文中也谈到直译与意译的问题,他说:“直译是把忠实于原文内容放在第一位,把忠实于原文形式放在第二位,把通顺的译文形式放在第三位的翻译方法。意译却是把忠实于原文的内容放在第一位,把通顺的译文形式放在第二位,而不拘泥于原文形式的翻译方法。”最后他得出五点结论,归纳成两点就是:一.译文和原文相同的形式能表达和原文相同的内容时,可以直译,不能表达时就意译;二.原文的表达形式比译文精确、有力时,可以直译,译文的表达形式比原文精确、有力时,可以意译。 1979年,王佐良在“词义·文体·翻译”一文中写道:“要根据原作语言的不同情况,来决定其中该直译的就直译。该意译的就意译。一个出色的译者总是能全局在胸而又紧扣局部,既忠实于原作的灵魂。又便利于读者的理解与接受的。一部好的译作总是既有直译又有意译的:凡能直译处坚持直译,必须意译处则放手意译。” 从以上情况看,七八十年代的译者对直译和意译作了分析和比较,采取了兼容并蓄的态度。这说明当代的译者比二三十年代乃至四五十年代的译者在理论上都更加成熟了。 在国外,译界的同行也同样在这一方面进行探讨。英国剑桥大学乔治·斯坦纳教授主张意译。他在1975年发表的After Babel一书中发挥了17世纪英国学者约翰·德莱顿关于意译的主张。他写道:“翻译的正确道路,既不应是直译,也不应是模仿,而应是意译 (paraphrase)。所谓意译,就是‘译者有一定限度的自由,他要时刻看到作者,这样就不至于迷失方向,但他主要是紧跟作者的意思而不死扣字眼,他可以对作者的意思加以引伸,但不能改变。’据德莱顿说,这就是埃德蒙·沃勒和西德尼·戈多尔芬1658年翻译维吉尔的史诗《伊尼德》(Aeneid)第四卷时采取的方法。更重要的是,德莱顿本人翻译维古尔、贺拉斯、奥维德、朱文纳尔、乔叟等人的著作时,也采用了这种方法,在他评论别人的译作时(如1685年出版的Sylvae一书的序言)所阐述的也是这种方法。通过意译,‘作者的精神可以得到传播,而不会遭受损失。’好的翻译好比是‘一种写生’。最理想的情况是,译作不剥夺原作的权威,而能向我们表明假如原作本来就是用我们的语言创作的,它会是个什么样子。” 国外还有一些学者表达了类似的看法。你同意他们这种看法吗?
Photographs: Walden Pond - Past & Present Walden, The Place - By Ronald Wesley Hoag Thoreau's own 1846 survey map of Walden Pond A ghostly Encounter - poem by Amy Belding Brown The Walden Woods of Thoreau's Youth - an early map From Google Earth - what Walden looks like from space Thoreau quotes, mostly from Walden, with links to their sources Search for words or phrases in Walden in the Princeton Text Archive For the more obscure words - Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 Edition "Our problem today is that we have allowed the internal to become lost in the external ... So much of modern life can be summarized in that arresting dictum of the poet Thoreau: 'Improved means to an unimproved end'." - Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1964 "In Walden, Thoreau ... opens the inner frontier of self-discovery as no American book had up to this time. As deceptively modest as Thoreau's ascetic life, it is no less than a guide to living the classical ideal of the good life. Both poetry and philosophy, this long poetic essay challenges the reader to examine his or her life and live it authentically." - Kathryn VanSpanckeren "The best and most Romantic memoir an American has produced is Walden — though nobody calls it one. ... What Thoreau has to overcome during his time in the woods is not a lapse in mental health. His great problem is to escape the mental health of his neighbors, their collection-plate opinions, their studious repetition of gossip ... There's not a note in the book of self-pity, or nostalgia. And why did he quit his cabin in the end?
Photographs: Walden Pond - Past & Present Walden, The Place - By Ronald Wesley Hoag Thoreau's own 1846 survey map of Walden Pond A ghostly Encounter - poem by Amy Belding Brown The Walden Woods of Thoreau's Youth - an early map From Google Earth - what Walden looks like from space Thoreau quotes, mostly from Walden, with links to their sources Search for words or phrases in Walden in the Princeton Text Archive For the more obscure words - Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 Edition "Our problem today is that we have allowed the internal to become lost in the external ... So much of modern life can be summarized in that arresting dictum of the poet Thoreau: 'Improved means to an unimproved end'." - Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1964 "In Walden, Thoreau ... opens the inner frontier of self-discovery as no American book had up to this time. As deceptively modest as Thoreau's ascetic life, it is no less than a guide to living the classical ideal of the good life. Both poetry and philosophy, this long poetic essay challenges the reader to examine his or her life and live it authentically." - Kathryn VanSpanckeren "The best and most Romantic memoir an American has produced is Walden — though nobody calls it one. ... What Thoreau has to overcome during his time in the woods is not a lapse in mental health. His great problem is to escape the mental health of his neighbors, their collection-plate opinions, their studious repetition of gossip ... There's not a note in the book of self-pity, or nostalgia. And why did he quit his cabin in the end? 'It seemed to me that I had several more lives to live.'" - Benjamin Kunkel 就这多
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