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标题:IL-10 production in a CD5+ B cell lymphoma arising in a CD4 monoclonal antibody-treated SJL mouse链接:

212 评论


Preincubation of SLK cells with free cRGD peptide significantlyreduced the cytotoxic response of SLK cells to 16%cRGD-DOXO-SPIO micelles (PG: 67.1±5.0%), supportingthe X-dependent growth inhibition. In the current micelledesign, encapsulation of DOXO and SPIO nanoparticlesinside the hydrophobic micelle cores has the advantages ofavoiding potential exposure of hydrophobic SPIO surfacesand adsorption of blood proteins. In addition, polymer chainentanglement led to a very low critical micelle concentration(CMC) at ~12 ug/mL. All of the experiments in the currentstudy were performed at concentrations much higher thanthe CMC to ensure the integrity of micelles. “Stealth”micelles with similar PEG-PLA copolymer compositionshave demonstrated significantly increased in vivo half-livesof drugs (e.g., paclitaxel) to 11 h in cancer patients.Theincreased in vivo stability should enhance the effectivenessof these cRGD-functionalized micelles for active targetingto tumor vasculature. Current work is in progress to evaluatethe in vivo efficacy of the cRGD-DOXO-SPIO micelles inan animal tumor model. SLK 细胞的预孵化与自由RGD 肽极大使SLK 细胞降低细胞毒素的反应到16% RGD-DOXO-SPIO 胶束(页:, 支持 X 依赖成长禁止。在当前的胶束设计, DOXO 和SPIO 的封闭在疏水胶束里面核心有好处避免疏水SPIO 表面潜在的曝光并且血液蛋白质的吸附。另外, 聚合物链子缠结导致了非常低重要胶束集中 (CMC) 在..12 ug/mL 。所有实验在潮流研究更加高级被进行了以集中比 CMC 保证胶束正直 。胶束以相似的PEG-PLA 共聚物构成展示了显著增加的活体内半衰期药物到11 h 在癌症病人.它增加的活体内稳定应该提高有效率这些RGD- 胶束为活跃瞄准对肿瘤脉管系统 。当前的工作是进展中评估 RGD-DOXO-SPIO 胶束的活体内效力动物肿瘤模型。

285 评论


Acta Biologica Hungarica 2014-12-01 Regulation of auxin, abscisic acid and salicylic acid levels by ascorbate application under heat stress in sensitive and tolerant maize leaves.Burcu Seckin Dinler, Emel Demir, Yasemin Ozdener KompePMID 25475985 AbstractIn the present study, the effect of ascorbic acid (5 mM) on some physiological parameters and three hormones (auxin, abscisic acid, salicylic acid) was determined under heat stress (40 °C) in maize tolerant cv. (MAY 69) and sensitive cv. SHEMAL (SH) at 0 h, 4 h and 8 h. Heat stress reduced total chlorophyll content (CHL), relative water content (RWC) and stomatal conductance (gs) in SH but did not lead to changes in MAY 69 at 4 h and 8 h. However, pretreatment with ascorbic acid increased (CHL), (RWC) and (gs) in SH under heat stress while it reduced MDA content significantly in both cv. We also observed that heat stress led to a reduction in SA level but increased ABA and IAA levels in SH, whereas it increased SA and IAA levels but did not change ABA level in MAY 69 at 4 h. Furthermore, in SH, ASC application under heat stress increased SA level and decreased IAA and ABA levels at 4 h, but it had no effect on SA and ABA at 8 h.

187 评论


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