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大众传媒的作用 The Function of Mass Media
As the development
the Inter, today we live in the high-tech world, we can have access
to all kinds of high-tech products, such as TV, puter and so on. The
Inter makes the world *** aller, we can know the instant news quickly.
years ago, we only have TV and radio to get the news, but now, we
have puter and cellphone. We call such product the mass media. The
mass media brings people a lot of fun, we can know the news from all
over the world, we are not just depending on the traditional media. Now
the government takes some action to clear the departments, the citizens
can supervisor the official. If people find the officials take the
advantage of the government’s resource, they can use the media to expose
such behavior. Mass media is weled by the audience, people not only
know more about the world, but also can supervisor the government.
As our society and economy develop quickly, it is important to cooperate with others because one man on his own isn't enough, so we must bine with others' power. Only by cooperation will the job be finished in a perfect way. There are many advantages in cooperation. First of all, it can save your valuable time and energy. Secondly, there are many opportunities to learn from each other. It is lucky enough if you cooperate with the person you like. You will feel enjoyable, and you would not mind sharing happiness and hardship with your partners. On the contrary, unfortunately, if the person with whom you cooperate is offensive, you should try your best to tolerate his or her shorting. Believe it or not, everyone possesses advantages; you will be able to dig out his or her excellences.However, you should believe in your partner because your faith will give him more confidence. And you must treat your partner honestly.
The increasing popularity of the news media makes it now of really powerful force and easy to be harnessed to cause negative influence. This is because many news media panies tend to broadcast sensational news in order to attract audience's attention and therefore get a high viewing ratings. This can easily lead to the false report which can distort the public's values and at the same time destroy an innocent person's life, for instance, a report on a crime without actual investigation.
The effect of media in our life There are many types of media such as: television, news paper, magazine, radio, inter, cinema, phones and many more. Media is important and also have positive effect on people's life. Because it shows people the world's news, and it have advantage to educate the children also, the media has an important educational and joyment concerns.The media have positive effect to show the people all news on the world. Now a day's, the world became like *** all village because of media effect. The media spread knowledge, information and news for the states, regions and cities too. For example: We can know every thing about the war on any place or the risks around us also, the media tell us on the television or the radio about the weather if it is bad or good so we will take our precautions or even we might change our plans if the weather won't permit . Also, it tells us about natural disaster for example: hurricanes, tornados, storms, tsunami such as the tsunami that happened on the south east of Asia. So we saw the events as if we are there. Also inter or phones can be used for munication with our family any time and we can hear their voice and see their images for example, skype, hotmail and yahoo messenger programs. The media have an interest in many aspects: education, fun, medical, documentary, and sport. The education programs help people who want to learn something by TV or inter for example: some people learn English language online on the inter. The documentary program which I always like to watch such as programs about animals, jangle, sea life or old nation…etc. Finally, media has many benefits for kids especially TV.The children learn many things from TV that they can't see it on the nature such as some animals forms and sound as cow, cat, horse ..ect. Also intellectual and skill develop- mental programs that teach kids painting ,drawing, and inventing things such as program in tree house channel called Mr. Maker that teach children how to make there toys. Media is important for children who want to learn second language; that will help them to get English quickly for example my son always watches the kids channel that helped him to learn English swiftly.
The experts warn we're at the dawn of a post-antibiotic era. Immediate global action is needed, they say, if dire consequences are to be avoided within just a few years. This would involve cutting down on the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics and providing incentives to pharmaceutical panies to develop new drugs. Research would be needed into how antibiotics in farming affect the growth of drug-resistant strains of bacteria. The experts warn that without effective antibiotics, treatments ranging from minor surgery to current cancer chemotherapy regimes could bee impossible and that deaths from infections in developed countries might return to levels last seen in the early 20th century. They also say healthcare costs would probably spiral, as we'd be forced to resort to newer, more expensive drugs and stay in hospital for longer when recovering from illness.
The Media and Famous People In almost every form of media,including television,newspapers and magazines,a great deal of attention is paid to the personal lives of celebrities.It seems that the public cannot get enough of this kind of news.However,I believe that the media have a responsibility to present a balanced view of the world,as well as respect the lives of public figures.Therefore,I believe that the media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people. For people who are fascinated with the lives of public figures there are some forms of media devoted exclusively to this topic.They can satisfy their curiosity by buying fan magazines and watching TV shows devoted to entertainment news.The general media should present all types of information because people have different interests.Furthermore,the practice of dwelling on the private lives of celebrities can lead people to pay more attention to these matters than they otherwise would.Perhaps most importantly,the media should respect the privacy of every individual,including public figures.They may have chosen to be in the public eye,but that does not give the public the right to know everything about them.Moreover,many stories about celebrities are untrue; they are only gossip reported to increase sales of magazines and other media.They are unfair to the famous and mislead the public. For all of these reasons,I believe that the media should pay more attention to matters other than the private lives of public figures.In this way,they can appeal to a wider audience and encourage people to develop other interests.In my opinion,the media currently pay too much attention to the private lives of public figures. 参考译文: 媒体与名人 几乎每一种媒体,包括电视、报纸和杂志,都把许多焦点放在名人的私生活上.一般大众似乎对这种新闻一直很感兴趣.然而,我认为媒体有责任以公正无偏袒的观点报导时事,以及尊重公众人物的生活.因此,我认为媒体的确过度关注名人的私生活. 因为有些人对于公众人物的私生活十分着迷,所以有些媒体就专做这个主题.通过购买针对歌迷或影迷所发行的杂志和观看电视节目的娱乐新闻,就能满足这些歌迷和影迷的好奇心.一般媒体应该提供所有类型的资讯,因为人们的兴趣各不相同.此外,老是强调名人的私生活,会使人们比平常更注意这些事情.或许最重要的是,媒体应该尊重个人的隐私,包括公众人物的隐私.他们可能选择公开露面或上传播媒体,但那并不表示大众有权知道他们的一切.此外,许多关于名人的报导并不真实;那些报导只不过是被用来增加杂志销售量以及其他媒体业绩的八卦传闻.那些不实的报导不仅对名人不公平,也会误导大众. 基于这些理由,我认为媒体应该多注意公众人物私生活以外的事情.如此一来,媒体就能吸引更广大的受众群,并且鼓励人们培养其他的兴趣.依我之见,目前的媒体的确过度关注公众人物及他们的私生活.
我试试吧~An introduction to English Weekly Now I want to introduce a sort of newspaper to you.That is English Weekly.In 1983 it was its first time to be punished by Shanxi Normal University.It is the newspaper that is for more than one kind of pepple such as the students in high school and middle school,the teachers and the reading lovers.It is the newspaper that more and more people know.It is the newpaper that can be published the most of all the newspapers.The number English Weekly published is near 16000000 !There are some sections on it, such as domestic news, sports and entertainment, answers for difficulties and various interesting affairs.It is designed by simple language with illustrations, it can help us enlarge our vocabulary and improve our English level
争议 最近一些年发生在新闻界的一个值得关注的现象就是传统媒体的人才在向新媒体流动,要知道传统媒体的很多人至今为止仍然是看不起新媒体的,因为看上去新媒体和旧媒体比较,它依然不像是媒体,或者说不是我们传统意义上的媒体。
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence swore in Betsy DeVos as U.S. secretary of education on Tuesday after casting the tie-breaking Senate vote to confirm President Donald Trump's controversial nominee. It was the first time in American history that a vice president had been needed to get a Cabi pick approved.美国副总统彭斯主持了教育部长贝齐?德沃斯的宣誓就职仪式。
DeVos pledged at her swearing-in to "support and defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." In the words of her official vow, she also pledged to "well and faithfully" discharge the duties of her office.德沃斯星期二晚上宣誓时说,她将“支持和捍卫美国对抗所有敌人,无论来自国外还是国内”。
The ceremony took place quickly and without fanfare, except for the whirring and clicking of cameras and other media equipment. After the short ceremony was over, a *** all audience of family and friends burst into polite applause.宣誓就职仪式快速完毕,没有喧闹,只有照相机的快门声和其他媒体设备的响声。
Earlier in the day, o Republicans voted with a united Democratic caucus in opposition to DeVos. The result was a 50-50 split before Pence cast the deciding vote, as the Constitution mandates when the chamber is evenly divided.星期二早些时候,两名参议院共和党人投票站在了团结一致反对德沃斯任命的民主党人一边,导致支持和反对票数为50-50,副总统彭斯按宪法规定在参议院各执一词时投出了决定性一票。
Media in China Compared to enty years ago, media is growing fast in China. TV sales have been increasing very quickly. Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing traditional thinking. Nowadays, fewer people live in the traditional Chinese style building. Modern media has made China a very different by changing people's life style. In China, people are more likely to stay at home rather than going out. Because modern media changes the way people work and gather information . In the past, people got information from their neighbours or at work because most of them were not well educated which means they could hardly read or write. Communication was the only way to interact with each other, which could limit the way of gathering information. However, in a modern society, people can get their knowledge in multiple ways, such as Inter, TV & newspapers. Thus, modern media gives people a greater range of getting knowledge. On the other hand, modern media helps people get information quickly and easily. For instance, people can get information from long distance in a short time by making a phone call. In the past, people talked to their neighbours to pass information, which is a waste of time. As a result, Chinese culture has been positively affect by modern media. Inter, as a great contribution to human society development, also affect Chinese culture in a silent way. In the modern era, people prefer to municate by Inter rather than going out because it's fortable and convenient to stay at home use the chatting tools. That causes people's connection to be reduced, which means people are not close to each other anymore. In other words, modern media has changed people's relationships in China. Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing the traditional life style. People are more likely to stay at home rather than going out. Their personal connections have decreased dramatically. Moreover, modern media helps people get information quickly and easily. However, this trend will never stop, Chinese culture will change by modern media more and more to adapt the new world.
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日本动漫三巨头如下: 1、讲谈社 讲谈社是日本最大的综合性出版公司,由野间清治于1909年在日本东京创立,所属于音羽集团,并负责管理下属公司,如金唱片和光文社,