《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》& Mini Cosmo拥有最丰富的编辑内容◇ 时装FASHION我们不仅以权威资讯传递时装领域的最新潮流趋势,更注重给中国女性以切实的指导,为她们追求高质量的时尚生活提供全方位服务。同时以敏锐的视角发掘流行背后的东西,对瞬息变换的时尚发出《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》自己的声音。◇ 美容·健康 BEAUTY·HEALTH《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的女性追求身心由内而外的和谐与完美。我们以第一时间把品牌推出的美容、健康产品推荐给读者,同时配以精心制作、创意独特的图片,和生动有趣的文字,使读者在愉悦的阅读中获得身心的放松和切实的指导。◇ 人物·社会 PEOPLE·SOCIETY《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的女性拥有广阔的视野和丰富的心灵,她们渴望走出家门,寻找自己成功的大门。《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》关注现代女性的成长,关注变动的社会中女性遇到的新问题,传递时尚、健康的潮流、生活观念和方式。◇ 职场·情感 RELATIONSHIPS在世界范围内《COSMOPOLITAN》是一本公认的关于“关系”的最权威杂志。《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》关注现代女性的事业和感情发展,我们广受欢迎的栏目“职场”“爱”“心灵捕手”“心理试剂”,让现代女性在职业发展和两性关系中寻求最佳支点,获得双重成功。◇ 生活方式 LIFESTYLE《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》的女性永远充满好奇、追求精致生活,懂得享受人生。所以我们的“文化“娱乐”“旅游”“美食”“派对”栏目将提供最鲜活的城市娱乐文化大餐,反映新城市、新人类、新女性的生活。◇ ONLY IN COSMO《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》之所以能成为最受中国白领女性欢迎的杂志,高质量的内容是第一位的,有些内容你更是只能在COSMO里看到。◇ 专栏作家专业指导拥有一批高水准的专栏作家是一本杂志实力的体现。《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》就拥有一批资深的时尚流行、时装美容、健康心理、职场、两性关系专栏作家。他们极具专业水准和优美文笔的文章是《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》能够拥有一批忠实读者的吸引力所在。◇ COSMO MAN虽然是女性杂志,《时尚·COSMOPOLITAN》却开辟了独特的《COSMO MAN》刊中刊:男人心事、了解男人、我们爱他、有型男有趣的视角、幽默的文字让女人能够更加了解男人。the most fruitful editorial contentFASHIONNot only do we provide the latest fashion trends with our authorized information, but also focus on providing the practical direction for their desire for high quality life, and service them in all aspects.At the meantime, we dig deeply behind fashion, and make our own comments with our own voice on the changing trends.BEAUTY·HEALTHTremds Cosmopolitan readers seek for the harmony and perfect mentally and physically.We introduce the latest hairdressing, health caring products of all famous brands to our readers, and decorate them with vivid pictures and interesting articles, which makes the reading relaxing and instructive.PEOPLE·SOCIETYThe female readers of Trends Cosmopolitan have got a wide vision on world fashions. They desire their own personal independence and implementation. Trends Cosmopolitan focuses on the lives of women, taking care of the problems that women may meet in this ever changing society, delivering the latest information about world fashion , as well as conveying the most fresh concept of healthy life.RELATIONSHIPSWorld-widely, the magazine Cosmopolitan has always been regarded as the authority in exploring human relationships. Trends Cosmopolitan focuses on both development of women career and love. Some of our most widely read column such as Career, Love, Mental view, Cosom Quiz, help women in finding the best balance between career and family, and gaining the success on both sides.LIFESTYLEFemale readers of Trends Magazine are open minded to new life style. They always hope to take adventures in life and to pursue the most tasty life style and attitude in modern metropolis.ONLY IN COSMOThe reason why Trends Cosmo became the most popular among white-collar women not only lies in it's high quality content, but also due to the unique content you can't find in any other magazines.EXPERTS AND COLUMNISTOwning a first-class columnist shows the standard of a magazine. Trends Cosmo has a high-leveled columnist expertised in fashion, cosmetics and relationships. Their beautiful articles and professional advices is another reason why she has such a big amount of loyal and stable readers.COSMO MANBeing the top female magazine, Trends Cosmo also has a special column for men: Guy Spy, His Viewpoint, Man We Love... Interesting articlesand humorous ideas can make women love men better.
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