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291 评论


Small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises to explore the core competitiveness of the summary, China's small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises by the rapid development of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises in national economic development played an increasingly important role in the survival of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and the development of more and more people Concern. The next era is the era of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, a dynamic small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises will continue to play its operating flexibility comfortable, convenient sales, cash flow flexibility, and other advantages in the competitive market economy in our own place, and China's economy to inject new vitality into the development.SMEs in development have their own advantages, but also faced a series of issues, the SMEs face a prominent issue is the lack of competitiveness, in particular the general lack of core competitiveness. The future market competition will be the core competitiveness of the competition. Since last year based on international and domestic trade the deterioration of the environment, this year's trade situation is very grim. China's SMEs to the plight of growth, expansion, able to compete successfully in the market, it must continue to nurture and build their core competitiveness, to enhance its capacity for sustainable development, enhance its international competitiveness on the market .This paper on small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises on the importance of the national economy, followed on the current trading environment that foster and enhance core competitiveness of the necessity and secondly through the core competitiveness of the overall outline for the research papers provide the basis for theoretical basis and Guidance; Third, analysis of China's small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and the core competitiveness of the current situation and existing problems; fourth, to small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises and the core competitiveness of nurturing way and the implementation of specific measures. Finally, the article discusses the issue made a concluding. Key words: small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises; core competitiveness and nurture

241 评论


自英国央行作出独立的在1997年,进行货币政策一直比较不具争议性。辩论之间的keyneisans , monetarists的支持者和固定汇率机制,现在看来非常遥远。尽管明显的共识,有许多相关的问题进行货币政策尚未解决,并会尽快来前列。是当前的形式,独立为英国央行是否恰当呢?应中央银行的目标通货膨胀或价格水平呢?请问1 ,中央银行处理的资产价格通缩?应更多地考虑采取的货币总量?应中央银行的目标资产价格呢?是什么之间的关系,货币供应量和资产价格上涨?应如何确保中央银行的金融稳定?国际能源机构是在前列,改变参数的辩论围绕货币政策在七十年代和八十年代。这段文字,汇集了一些主要的作者在该领域,包括现任总督英伦银行,以讨论当前的问题在货币政策和之间的关系,货币政策和金融市场。它是适当的本科生和研究生在经济和金融以及为练习者在金融市场。参考

120 评论


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