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2.1 Eco-tourism Ancient Village Eco-tourism is based on the ecological concept of an ancient village proposed tourism activities, with ancient villages in the background to the ancient village landscape in order to attract objects, and environmentally responsible travel and tourism behavior. Primarily through the protection of the environment to make local sustainable development of ecological and demographic purposes. Eco-tourism is to implement an effective sustainable tourism ancient village ways and means. At present, eco-tourism because of its advocacy of human production and life and social harmony to achieve the regional vision for sustainable development in popular favor. With the continuous development of eco-tourism, it is no longer confined to a number of natural areas, but also includes some unique socio-cultural regions, mainly because some need people to make efforts to protect the culture of fragile zone. Eco-tourism development model with the conventional model of tourism development concept in the development of a fundamental difference. 2.2 The ancient village of eco-tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model 2.2.1 Leisure and tourism development model mainly to appreciate the ancient Ming Ju, ancient architecture, rural scenery, feel the ancient culture so as to achieve self-cultivation and relax for the purpose. The same time, tourists can also participate in the ancient village of farming activities, taste the local cuisine, painting, embroidery and other activities. Ancient village tourism recreation and tourism development model should try to create an ancient village in the ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The characteristics of ancient village tourism resources: old buildings and cultural atmosphere; poetry throughout their homes; quiet nature; Qishanxiushui 2.2.2 Ancient Village Landscape Heritage Protection and Eco-museum building Development model Due to the impact of the industrial revolution and social progress, China has been gradually abandoned the traditional way of life, aroused the people's unique traditional way of life and ancient crafts of the attention and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism have developed rapidly. However, due to the scarcity of ancient villages in the landscape and its historical value makes it had to strengthen the protection of the landscape of ancient villages. Protection of the heritage of ancient village landscape architecture from space, it is divided into four regions on the protection of: (1) core areas (sensitive areas) - it is not subject to interference or subject only to minimal interference. (2) buffer (dispersed recreation areas) - at the periphery of the core area, are subject to certain human interference in natural ecosystems. (3) intensive recreation areas - are in the periphery of the buffer zone, and residents are closely linked settlements, land-use intensity greater control of certain tourist services and facilities, the main landscape resort, provide an excellent natural environment. (4) to serve the community - located on the periphery of intensive recreation area is the tourism infrastructure and service facilities are concentrated region, is the tourists and managers living region, which in strict accordance with the relevant standards required to deal with garbage and solid waste The landscape of ancient villages, the protection is mainly reflected in two aspects: (1) The physical geography ecology and environmental protection - mainly manifested in the ancient villages, ancient towns on the mountain style landscape features, landscape is the body and blood of ancient cities and towns; (2) Ancient Villages in human ecology and environmental protection - mainly reflected in the protection of ancient buildings of the original style original, ancient folk customs, rhyme lingering cultural atmosphere, protecting the ancient villages of the whole eco-system of human authenticity is an ancient village in the heart of tourism development and utilization. In order to enhance the landscape of ancient villages, heritage conservation and promotion of local tourism and better development, the building of eco-museum in the old village will be of great significance. Eco-museum of the definition: through science, education and cultural practices, management, research and open community heritage, including the natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, the Eco-museum is a kind of public participation in planning and development means. Eco-museum, the application of local language, daily real-life, specific to the physical environment to obtain the desired changes. Eco-museum focusing on the protection of the same time, the use of protected natural ecology and human ecology as a tourist attraction, a modest eco-tourism development, so that local residents benefit from tourism, in the protection and development to establish a balance between the more better resolve the nation's cultural heritage protection and tourism development, the contradiction between increased awareness of ethnic identity and enhance a culture of self-transmission capabilities. Eco-museum tour of a cultural experience of a cultural nature of tourism, eco-museum in the old village center set up a display room, display promotional materials and display pictures, kind, and the introduction of the Eco-museum, the characteristics of goods and customs, to reflect the unique culture of the ancient village. Eco-museum at the same time focus on community involvement, attention to intangible heritage and intangible heritage protection.

341 评论


徽州古民居保护现状与对策农工民主党黄山市委员会 程小江2008年,农工党黄山市委利用近4个月的时间,在市和区县文物部门的大力支持下,对我市境内古民居现状进行了深入调研,现就怎样进一步做好徽州古民居保护工作,提出几点意见和建议。1、尽快完善古民居保护办法并争取纳入国家《条例》《安徽省皖南古民居保护条例》颁布已经十几年了,随着时间推移,新情况、新问题日益凸现,有必要重新进行修订和完善,切实增强其可行性和可操作性,从而使古民居保护工作纳入法制化、规范化、程序化轨道。2008年初,国务院批准建立跨省域的徽州文化生态保护试验区,从这个意义上说,皖南古民居实际已经超越了本省范畴,因此,我们还要争取将古民居保护,纳入国家《历史文化名城名镇名村保护条例》,使之成为国家意志,这样,古民居保护工作可以更广泛地得到关注和支持。2、积极推进古民居保护管理工作一要加强保护管理队伍建设。市县两级文物部门应该作为同级政府直属机构,在人员安排时能够对文物部门特别是从事古民居保护工作的部门有所倾斜。可以由市县两级政府出面组织协调,以文物部门的人员为主要力量,成立一个由公安、工商等多方面人员构成的古民居保护管理机构,并以此来协调解决保护过程中出现的执法难问题。对于古民居相对集中的村镇,进一步建立健全古民居民间保护委员会和业余文物保护员制度。从而使我市古民居保护工作有一个强有力的组织、人员和法律保障。二要尽快依法设立古民居保护基金。基金的来源可以从市县政府在财政预算中安排的用于古民居保护和维修的专项资金,国内外热心古民居保护人士的捐款,开发、利用古民居所得的收入等多渠道筹措。凡是利用古民居从事旅游开发的单位,其门票收入应当有不低于20%的比例纳入古民居保护基金。古民居及其构件的合法买卖,非政府组织的易地重建,都应缴纳一定比例的保护基金。此外,违反《条例》的罚没收入要用于保护工作。三要开展古民居普查、建档工作。建议尽快在全市范围内开展一次古民居专项普查。普查的内容包括:每幢古民居的属地、建筑年代、所有权、现存状况、保护等级,并附照片。在普查的基础上,给每处古民居建立起纸质和电子档案。对那些由于各种因素暂时未被列入保护单位的但又具有重要文物价值的古民居,我们可以先由文物管理部门将其确定为文物保护对象,并设立文物保护标志。3、严格拆迁、变卖、易地重建审批制度,促进合法交易建议市政府出台《黄山市古民居及其构件买卖管理办法》,建立古民居及其建筑构件合法买卖流通渠道。对于那些虽然建于1911年前但没有什么历史、艺术、科学研究价值并且又不座落在古村镇之中的民居及其建筑构件,可以考虑在文物行政管理部门的监督下合法交易。对于古玩店展销的古民居建筑构件,必须标明真品、仿品、可卖或非卖品,设立举报电话,从而杜绝以假乱真,欺诈游客现象。政府应安排专项经费,用于征集社会流散的古民居构件及其附属文物,用经济和行政管理双重手段来规范市场行为。要坚持以原地保护为主的原则,对于人力难以抗拒的自然环境因素而导致的不得不易地保护的古民居,必须严格履行报批手续。在易地拆迁保护时,一定要由有资质的古民居专业修复队伍来施工,文物行政部门要对拆建实施全程监管。4、多管齐下,促进古民居的保护工作要抢救性维修全市濒危古民居。各级政府文物管理部门要对辖区古民居进行逐一排查,并拟定临时和永久性两套维修方案。视项目维修资金到位情况,对濒临坍塌的建筑及时采取临时加固措施,对重点保护单位漏雨严重的要先行翻漏处理,并疏通排水设施。对重点建筑采取屋面加用防水材料隔层的治本措施。同时,积极对上争取专项维修资金。鉴于目前政府有限的资金投入,我们可以在保护中引入更多的市场机制,鼓励社会力量及有实力的经济实体编制保护规划,合理开发利用。对于古祠堂、古戏台、古书院等集体所有、规模较大的古建筑,可以结合农村文化站、农村书屋建设等,辟为村民公共活动场所,使之在利用中得到有效保护。作为旅游景点开发的古民居,要避免过度商业氛围,以保持古民居原生态状况。要加强农村新居建设规划和监管力度,保护古民居生存的环境风貌。推广实施古民居“认领”制度,采取各项优惠政策,鼓励境内外的有识之士以购买、租赁、认养等方式,取得古民居的产权、使用权或冠名权。要广泛深入宣传《文物保护法》、《皖南古民居保护条例》。通过乡规民约的形式,激发农民群众保护文化遗产的自觉性和积极性。教育部门要把古民居保护编入乡土教材,对中小学生进行教育。古民居是我们的前辈留给我们的一笔不可再生的珍贵财富,我们有责任有义务将它们保护好。我们相信,有各级领导的重视,有文物部门同志的辛勤工作,有广大市民的积极参与,有热心人士的慷慨相助,古民居保护工作一定会日臻完善。“禁止修建破坏传统风貌的建筑物和广告标牌等,禁止拆损受保护的古建及构件,禁止在古村开山、采石、开矿……”日前,黄山市政府出台7个规范性文件,明确每个徽州古村都得编制保护规划,不得擅拆古村一砖一瓦,即使异地保护也要在本村进行。黄山市有101个古村及1.3万余幢古建筑,除西递、宏村等少数古村得到完好保护外,多数古村落中古建和大量新建房屋互相交错,部分古村已看不出古朴风貌。很多古建因地基降低和年久失修,破败不堪。加上村民为改善居住条件,擅自拆除一些受到保护的老房子。近些年,拆除、倒卖徽州古建及古建构件的问题也日益严重。此次,黄山市政府集中出台7个规范性文件,对老屋产权变更、外地人认领保护老屋、古民居搬迁拆除等都作出严格规定。“黄山市一次性出台7个保护徽州古村落及古民居的文件,在国内同等城市中十分少见。”黄山市政府法制办负责人告诉记者。根据《黄山市古村落保护利用暂行办法》规定,该市及区县将古村落保护与利用纳入本地区国民经济和社会发展规划,须在每年度财政预算安排保护利用专项资金,用于所在的每个古村规划编制和基础设施改善等。古村旅游收入须主要用于古村保护及古民居维修。该市还规定,古村落保护突出的,给与每个古村3~6万元奖励。个人修缮古民居的,黄山市及所在区县政府根据修缮资金总额,配套给与4000元到6000元奖励。利用古民居的在税费上给与优惠或免除。古民居原产权所有人无力保护的,可办理土地征收转让,由愿意保护的单位或个人出资保护。因无力维修而自愿捐赠古民居的村民,当地政府可另行审批安置居住地。余治淮:徽州古民居保护的见证人(作者:gov 来源:黄山日报 阅读:287 日期:2008年10月15日)本报讯 10月11日,中央电视台在新闻联播改革开放三十周年《我的亲历》栏目播出《余治淮:徽州古民居保护的见证人》:从拆梁卖瓦的破房子,到精心维护的世界遗产。安徽黟县徽州文化研究所所长余治淮,30年来从徽州古建筑群的保护中,看到了文明的传承和进步。这两天,安徽黟县西递村一所清朝中期的建筑需要维修,余治淮和工程人员精心制定了一个修旧如旧的施工方案,整个工程至少要花15万元。而在三十年前,当时在黟县文化局工作的余治淮根本想不到这些老房子会变得如此金贵。安徽黟县徽州文化研究所所长余治淮:像这么一栋房子,我那时候来看,只要三百斤萝卜就可以买这么一栋像模像样的老房子。曾经一段时间,当地村民发展生产的热情高涨,余治淮发现有的村民把自家的花园改造成了猪圈,书房变成了仓库。安徽黟县徽州文化研究所所长余治淮:很好的木雕上就钉上了钉子挂上了腊肉。从那时起,余治淮开始通过当地党委政府劝阻村民们对古民居的破坏性改造,并帮助西递、宏村办起了旅游公司。很快,外来游客的赞叹和迅速增长的旅游收入,让村民们开始重新审视自家的古老民居和传统文化。安徽黟县徽州文化研究所所长余治淮:感到自己应该把古民居好好保护起来,这是个宝贝啊!而且可以讲,这些宝贝就是祖宗传给他们以后赖以生存的一个饭碗。2000年,西递宏村成功申报“世界文化遗产”。现在,旅游收入已经占到了当地居民收入的一半以上,村民只要照料好自己家的宅子,每年都能拿到固定的分红。在西递村村口的这块大石头上,镌刻了所有村民集体宣誓的誓言,要世世代代共同保护这片世界文化遗产。安徽黟县徽州文化研究所所长余治淮:由把房子部件拆下来卖来换取一点粮食柴火到今天能主动保护这些房子,这是一个飞跃。没有改革开放,中国就没有这么一处世界文化遗产。作为一个30年来参与宣传保护(文化遗产)工作的人来说,我觉得很满足。

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2 the ancient village eco-tourism development mode2.1 ecological tourismThe ancient village eco-tourism is proposed based on the ecological concept of a kind of ancient village tourism activities to the ancient village as a background, based on the ancient village landscape to attract and environmentally responsible travel and sightseeing. Mainly based on the protection of the environment to make the local ecological and sustainable development of population to the purpose. Ecological tourism is the implementation of sustainable tourism of ancient villages effective means and ways. At present, the ecological tourism because its advocates of human life and production and social harmonious coexistence, and realize the sustainable development of the region and quite popular with the idea. With the continuous development of ecological tourism, it has no longer restricted in some natural areas, including some social culture unique regional, mainly is some people need to protect cultural fragile belt. Ecological tourism development mode and conventional tourism development mode in the development idea is essential distinction.Ancient villages 2.2 ecological tourism development modeThe leisure sightseeing ammeters development modeLeisure sightseeing models are mainly in the ancient name, appreciation, pastoral scenery, cultural atmosphere so as to cultivate one's morality raises a gender, relax. While tourists also can participate in the ancient village, where the farming activities taste delicacies, painting, embroidery, etc. The ancient village tourism development mode of leisure sightseeing should build the atmosphere and mysterious ancient village. The ancient village tourism resources of ancient architecture characteristics: cultural atmosphere, Style homes. Halcyon natural, Historic silk.2.2.2 ancient village landscape construction of heritage conservation and ecological museumDevelopment modeDue to the impact of the industrial revolution and the progress of the society, the traditional Chinese way of life was gradually abandoned, sparked with traditional way of life and the ancient crafts and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism developed rapidly. However, due to the ancient village landscape of scarcity and its historical value makes people have to strengthen the protection of ancient village landscape.The ancient village landscape heritage protection from spatial structure to divide it into four areas: (1) the CBD (protection) -- it is MinGanOu without interference or only by the minimum interference. (2) buffer (decentralized recreation areas) -- in the peripheral area is certain human disturbance, the natural ecological system. (3) dense recreation areas - at the periphery of the buffer, and residents settlement is closely related to the intensity of land utilization, control of tourist service facilities, the main landscape clusters, provide excellent natural environment. (4) in community service - the periphery is dense leisure tourism infrastructure and facilities are concentrated area, is tourists and business managers, the strict life area in accordance with the relevant requirement garbage and solid waste treatment.The ancient village landscape protection mainly embodied in two aspects:(1) natural geographical environment protection - mainly in the ancient villages, the ancient town of landscape character, the ancient town is landscape, body and (2) the ancient village humanism ecological environment protection, the protection of ancient mainly embodies in the wind, of primitive simplicity of folklore, the ancient militaryoutpostsbuilt culture breath, etc, to protect the ancient village of whole humanities ecosystem is the true ancient village tourism exploitation of the core. In order to strengthen the ancient village landscape heritage protection and promote the development of local tourism better in ancient villages, the construction of ecological museum will have great significance. Definition: the ecological museum through science and education and culture, management, research and open community heritage, including natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, ecological museum is a kind of public participation in the planning and development. Born state museum of local language, the application of real life, daily gain of tangible environment to change. To protect the ecological museum in the same time, using what protect natural ecology and humanism ecological tourist attractions, as appropriate, to the eco-tourism development in tourism benefiting local residents in the protection and development, establish a balance between, better resolve cultural heritage protection and tourist development, enhance the contradiction between ethnic identity of consciousness, promote cultural heritage of the self. Ecological museum tourism culture belongs to belong to experience tourism, cultural ancient villages in the room, the establishment of ecological museum center and display pictures and put materials, introduces the ecological features of commodity and custom museum of ancient villages to reflect the unique culture. Also on the ecological community participation, pay attention to the museum of material and non-material heritage protection.

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参考文献是旅游 文化 论文的一部分 ,正确地标注以及合理地引用参考文献不仅关系到论文的质量 ,也在一定程度上反映了作者的学术态度。下面是我带来的关于2017年旅游文化论文参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!

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2 ancient village eco-tourism development model 2.1 Eco-tourism Ancient Village Eco-tourism is based on the ecological concept of an ancient village proposed tourism activities, with ancient villages in the background to the ancient village landscape in order to attract objects, and environmentally responsible travel and tourism behavior. Primarily through the protection of the environment to make local sustainable development of ecological and demographic purposes. Eco-tourism is to implement an effective sustainable tourism ancient village ways and means. At present, eco-tourism because of its advocacy of human production and life and social harmony to achieve the regional vision for sustainable development in popular favor. With the continuous development of eco-tourism, it is no longer confined to a number of natural areas, but also includes some unique socio-cultural regions, mainly because some need people to make efforts to protect the culture of fragile zone. Eco-tourism development model with the conventional model of tourism development concept in the development of a fundamental difference. 2.2 The ancient village of eco-tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model 2.2.1 Leisure and tourism development model mainly to appreciate the ancient Ming Ju, ancient architecture, rural scenery, feel the ancient culture so as to achieve self-cultivation and relax for the purpose. The same time, tourists can also participate in the ancient village of farming activities, taste the local cuisine, painting, embroidery and other activities. Ancient village tourism recreation and tourism development model should try to create an ancient village in the ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The characteristics of ancient village tourism resources: old buildings and cultural atmosphere; poetry throughout their homes; quiet nature; Qishanxiushui. 2.2.2 Ancient Village Landscape Heritage Protection and Eco-museum building Development model Due to the impact of the industrial revolution and social progress, China has been gradually abandoned the traditional way of life, aroused the people's unique traditional way of life and ancient crafts of the attention and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism have developed rapidly. However, due to the scarcity of ancient villages in the landscape and its historical value makes it had to strengthen the protection of the landscape of ancient villages. Protection of the heritage of ancient village landscape architecture from space, it is divided into four regions on the protection of: (1) core areas (sensitive areas) - it is not subject to interference or subject only to minimal interference. (2) buffer (dispersed recreation areas) - at the periphery of the core area, are subject to certain human interference in natural ecosystems. (3) intensive recreation areas - are in the periphery of the buffer zone, and residents are closely linked settlements, land-use intensity greater control of certain tourist services and facilities, the main landscape resort, provide an excellent natural environment. (4) to serve the community - located on the periphery of intensive recreation area is the tourism infrastructure and service facilities are concentrated region, is the tourists and managers living region, which in strict accordance with the relevant standards required to deal with garbage and solid waste . The landscape of ancient villages, the protection is mainly reflected in two aspects: (1) The physical geography ecology and environmental protection - mainly manifested in the ancient villages, ancient towns on the mountain style landscape features, landscape is the body and blood of ancient cities and towns; (2) Ancient Villages in human ecology and environmental protection - mainly reflected in the protection of ancient buildings of the original style original, ancient folk customs, rhyme lingering cultural atmosphere, protecting the ancient villages of the whole eco-system of human authenticity is an ancient village in the heart of tourism development and utilization. In order to enhance the landscape of ancient villages, heritage conservation and promotion of local tourism and better development, the building of eco-museum in the old village will be of great significance. Eco-museum of the definition: through science, education and cultural practices, management, research and open community heritage, including the natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, the Eco-museum is a kind of public participation in planning and development means. Eco-museum, the application of local language, daily real-life, specific to the physical environment to obtain the desired changes. Eco-museum focusing on the protection of the same time, the use of protected natural ecology and human ecology as a tourist attraction, a modest eco-tourism development, so that local residents benefit from tourism, in the protection and development to establish a balance between the more better resolve the nation's cultural heritage protection and tourism development, the contradiction between increased awareness of ethnic identity and enhance a culture of self-transmission capabilities. Eco-museum tour of a cultural experience of a cultural nature of tourism, eco-museum in the old village center set up a display room, display promotional materials and display pictures, kind, and the introduction of the Eco-museum, the characteristics of goods and customs, to reflect the unique culture of the ancient village. Eco-museum at the same time focus on community involvement, attention to intangible heritage and intangible heritage protection.纯手工翻译,绝非假货,希望能帮助你

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