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首页 > 期刊论文 > 无线监测温度的毕业论文

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价格合理!信工毕业 就会单片机

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Over the past 10 years, Internet technology and microelectronics technology changes the rapid development of the entire world. An increasing number of personal digital equipment, such as computers, mobile phones, DVD players, PDA, scanner, etc., to enter the people's lives. Most of the equipment is connected through cable. And the large number of cables to people's lives a lot of inconvenience, so many alternative cable technology emerged. In this paper, a short distance wireless communication technologies on the basis of the study, Based on the realization of a wireless digital transmission and single-chip computer chip wireless digital temperature acquisition system, system includes temperature acquisition modules, wireless data transceiver module two parts. I first wireless digital signal to the principles and methodology of the study Then the existing digital communications chip making a comparison and analysis, to choose the market to meet the design requirements, and the outstanding cost performance data nRF2401 transceiver, and uses the 10 AD7416 digital temperature sensor for temperature measurement and control, would greatly simplify the design, System performance is also more stable, the paper also gave details of this digital sensor structure and use; finalizing the design of the hardware and all the interface between the chip circuit Automatic temperature monitoring and alarm functions.

281 评论


第一章 绪论1. 1 选题背景防潮、防霉、防腐、防爆是仓库日常工作的重要内容,是衡量仓库管理质量的重要指标。它直接影响到储备物资的使用寿命和工作可靠性。为保证日常工作的顺利进行,首要问题是加强仓库内温度与湿度的监测工作。但传统的方法是用与湿度表、毛发湿度表、双金属式测量计和湿度试纸等测试器材,通过人工进行检测,对不符合温度和湿度要求的库房进行通风、去湿和降温等工作。这种人工测试方法费时费力、效率低,且测试的温度及湿度误差大,随机性大。因此我们需要一种造价低廉、使用方便且测量准确的温湿度测量仪。1.2 设计过程及工艺要求一、基本功能~ 检测温度、湿度~ 显示温度、湿度~ 过限报警二、 主要技术参数 ~ 温度检测范围 : -30℃-+50℃~ 测量精度 : 0.5℃~ 湿度检测范围 : 10%-100%RH~ 检测精度 : 1%RH~ 显示方式 : 温度:四位显示 湿度:四位显示~ 报警方式 : 三极管驱动的蜂鸣音报警

156 评论


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