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TESOL Journal (TJ) is a TESOL member benefit. It is a refereed, practitioner-oriented electronic journal based on current theory and research in the field of TESOL. Articles enable an active and vibrant professional dialogue about research- and theory-based practices as …
TESOL Journal在Education研究类别的1254种相关期刊中排名第642。. 在Education领域,TESOL Journal的排名百分位约为48%。. TESOL Journal 影响因子排名分区. · 在Linguistics and Language研究领域,TESOL Journal的分区数为1区。. TESOL Journal在Linguistics and Language研究类别的884种相关期刊 …
该期刊发表了众多在TESOL学术领域颇具前瞻性以及影响深远的文章,对于从事TESOL行业的人而言,是必备的专业学术期刊。 TESOL Quarterly is a refereed professional journal, fosters inquiry into English language teaching and learning by providing a forum for TESOL professionals to share their research findings and explore ideas and relationships in the field.
TESOL Quarterly, a professional, refereed journal, was first published in 1967. The Quarterly encourages submission of previously unpublished articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with English language teaching and learning and standard English as a second dialect. As a publication that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical ...
This international journal is devoted to the applications of educational technology and applied linguistics to problems of foreign language teaching and learning. Attention is paid to the learning and teaching of all languages (e.g. English) as second or foreign …
The Taiwan Journal of TESOL (TJTESOL) is an international journal dedicated to research on teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Jointly published by the Department of English at National Chengchi University (NCCU) and Crane Publishing, the journal publishes one volume per year, composed of a Spring and a Fall issue available as both print and online versions.
The Internet TESL Journal is a free online journal for teachers of English as a second language that includes lesson plans, classroom handouts, links of interest to ESL teachers and students, articles, research papers and other things that are of immediate practical use to ESL teachers.
TESOL Quarterly (TQ), a refereed professional journal, fosters inquiry into English language teaching and learning by providing a forum for TESOL professionals to share their research findings and explore ideas and relationships in the field.TQ's readership …
The Journal is the sister journal to the long established Asian EFL Journal, Linguistics Journal and Asian ESP Journal. The TESOL International Journal is indexed in Scopus, the MLA (Modern Language Association) index, Asian Education Index, Social Science Research Network, Google Scholar, and Open J Gate & Ulrich’s Web.
by Richard Smith. Richard discusses his article, 'A brief history of ELT Journal ' in this video, to mark the 75th anniversary of ELT Journal, exploring the evolution of the journal to what it is today and the evolution of the field of ELT (English Language Teaching) itself. Explore all Editor's Choice videos. YouTube. Oxford University Press ELT.