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Nanostructured inorganic electrochromic materials for light applications. Nanophotonics ( IF 8.449 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-20 , DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2020-0474. Wu Zhang, Haizeng Li, Eric Hopmann, Abdulhakem Y. Elezzabi. Abstract Electrochromism, an emerging energy conversion technology, has attracted immense interest due to its various applications ...
With the accelerating update of advanced electronic gadgets, a great deal of attention is being paid today to the function integration and intelligent design of electronic devices. Herein, a novel kind of multitasking 3D oxygen-deficient WO 3– x ∙ 2H 2 O/Ag/ceramic microscaffolds, possessing simultaneous giant energy density, ultrahigh mechanical strength, and reversible electrochromic ...
摘要: This paper covers three aspects of electrochromic smart windows. Their energy efficiency is discussed, and it is argued that a control strategy considering whether a room is in use or not can lead to large savings of the energy needed for space cooling.
The printed devices show an electrochromic contrast of 32 ± 4% and switching times of 3.0 ± 1.4 s, comparable to the spincoated reference devices. The utilization of inkjet printing enables the fabrication of different device designs with individually addressable pixels. The display can be worn innocuously on the skin without loss of ...
苏州纳米所发表电致变色进展综述论文. 近日,中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所先进材料部赵志刚课题组在国际材料科学期刊 Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 发表题为 Fusing Electrochromic Technology with Other Advanced Technologies: A New Roadmap for Future Development 的 ...
Fabrication of flexible electrochromic film based on amorphous isopolytungstate by low-temperature inkjet-printed process with a solution crystallization kinetic-controlled strategy Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.273) Pub Date : 2021-08-17, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.131840
自然指数(Nature Index)是Nature出版集团(Nature Publishing Group)依托于全球顶级期刊统计各高校、科研院所(国家)在国际上最具影响力的研究型学术期刊上发表论文数量的数据库(首次是2014年11月 …