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Ultrasonication and electrochemically-assisted synthesis of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets for electrochemical sensor applications. Shikandar D. Bukkitgar, Nagaraj P. Shetti, Kakarla Raghava Reddy, Tawfik A. Saleh, Tejraj M. Aminabhavi. Article 100183. Download PDF.
FlatChem | 期刊接受率 & 期刊拒稿率. 学术期刊的接受率取决于在特定期刊上发表文章的相对需求,同行审批的品质等因素。. 文章接受率较低的期刊通常被认为是较有声望的旗舰刊物。. 大多数期刊并不会在其网站上告知投稿者接受率,仅仅只是做为内部的基准 ...
刚才准备投一个英文杂志,投的过程中让选择编辑,可是一个都不知道,遇到这种情况该怎么办啊 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。 欢迎协助我们监督管理,共同维护互联网健康,违规、侵权举报等事项,请邮件联系 wangxiaodong2@tal.com 处理(点此查看侵权举报方式)
Brønsted Acid Functionalized Carbon Catalyst for Synthesis of Biologically Active Coumarin-substituted Bis (indolyl)methanes. Vikrant Singh, Ashima Dogra, Joydeep Das, Prasenjit Manna, Neeraj Gupta. In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 24 August 2021. Download PDF.
FlatChem 影响因子排名分区. · 在Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials研究领域,FlatChem的分区数为1区。FlatChem在Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials研究类别的234种相关期刊中排名第38。在Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials领域,FlatChem的排名百分位约为83%。. FlatChem 影响 ...
Abbreviation of FlatChem. The ISO4 abbreviation of FlatChem is Flatchem . It is the standardised abbreviation to be used for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes and meets all criteria of the ISO 4 standard for abbreviating names of scientific journals. ISO4 Abbreviation of FlatChem
大家所熟知的国际著名汤森路透集团(现更名为科睿唯安)最早推出了的三大著名期刊引文索引数据库,分别为科学引文索引 (SCIE),社会科学引文索引(SSCI) 和艺术与人文引文索引 (A&HCI)。2008 年底,该集…
FlatChem - Chemistry of Flat Materials, a new voice in the community, publishes original and significant, cutting-edge research related to the chemistry of graphene and related 2D & layered materials.The overall aim of the journal is to combine the chemistry and applications of these materials, where the submission of communications, full papers, and concepts should contain chemistry in a ...