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If you are a current qualifying member of The Econometric Society, you can register online.Registration is necessary to enjoy the services we supply to members only (including online full content of Econometrica from 1933 to date, e-mail alert service, access to the Members' Directory) .
4 months ago # QUOTE 1 Jab 1 No Jab ! Economist. 5a57. In the past 10 years, mainland Chinese economists have published 45 papers in the world's top five economic journals, including 19 AER, 9 ECTA, 7 JPE, 4 QJE, and 6 RES. A total of 731 papers published in other international A journals, JoE 172 papers, JFE 65 papers, JFQA 52 papers, JIE 48 ...How about Nanjing Audit U.? « Economics Job Market RumorsNAU got two AERs within a year « Economics Job Market ...查看更多结果
What is IDEAS? IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 3,700,000 items of research, including over 3,400,000 that can be downloaded in full text.. RePEc is a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics which includes bibliographic metadata from over 2,000 ...
The AEA's JOE Network is targeted to the comprehensive needs of employers, candidates, and faculty. View job listings. Post a job listing.
关于Claude d'Aspremont 教授讲座通知. 发布日期: 2007-02-28 来源: 1369. 关于Claude d'Aspremont 教授讲座通知. 题 目: Strategic R&D Investment, Competitive Toughness and Growth. 报告人: Claude d'Aspremont 教授. 地 点: 玉泉校区外经贸楼418室. 时 间: 2007年2月28日 (星期三). 晚 …
小Aer: 什么意思?没看懂 ST-GCN训练自己的数据集代码实践问题记录 crackedBug: 你好,请问你是用alias mmskl='python main.py'了么?有点疑惑 ST-GCN训练自己的数据集代码实践问题记录 小Aer: Models will be downloaded automatically before testing.
Clark Evans在2001年在首次发表了这种语言[1] ,另外Ingy döt Net与Oren Ben-Kiki也是这语言的共同设计者。目前已经有数种编程语言或脚本语言支援(或者说解析)这种语言。 YAML是"YAML Ain’t a Markup Language"(YAML不是一种置标语言)的递回缩写。