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被正式期刊录用有费用吗? 她的级别是什么??? am writing to cordially invite you to submit or recommend papers to the American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM …
Journal of Business Economics and Management is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research papers. It keeps the continuity of the Journal “ Almanach des …
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帮忙推荐一个JCR3区期刊 已经有9人回复 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management是SCI还是EI? 已经有20人回复 请问 AJBM(African Journal of Business Management)现在是 SSCI 吗? 已经 …
The article list of scientific journal NS. Open Access journals and articles. Free download, read and cite papers for your scientific research and study. Publish your …
Lazear, E.P. (1999) Educational Production. Social Science Electronic Publishing, 116, 777-803.
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM) is an openly accessible journal published monthly. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for …
There are 704 citations for articles published in the journal AJIBM as of June 2020, which increase by 45% compared to 485 citations as of June 2019. Please click the …
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management请问这是什么杂志啊??在这个杂志上发表文章有些什么要求??? 返回小木虫查看更多
是不是AIAAJ.ofPropulsionandPower .new-pmd.c-abstractbr{display:none;}更多关于AJIBM是什么期刊的问题>>