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We publish the world's most significant open access portfolio. In 2016, we helped over 78,000 authors from all over the world make their research freely available. We publish over 600 fully open access journals in all disciplines, from the life sciences to the humanities. Authors also have the option to publish their article under an open access licence in more than 1,700 of our subscription ...
Springer Journal Suggester. Enter your manuscript details to see a list of journals most suitable for your research. Manuscript title. Manuscript text. Subject area. Please select subject area. Please select. Architecture / Design. Biomedicine.
Springer: 论文投稿经验分享. 2017年11月30日 (周四) 10:00 Accept without source files(历次提交到under review的等待时间四个多月,在自己手中修改共花了一个半月)每次返修给的时间为45天. We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript, " 文章题目 " has been accepted for publication in 期 …
Publish open access with Springer. Publishing open access makes your work immediately and permanently available online for everyone, worldwide. Springer is pleased to offer a variety of open access options for our authors to publish their research. No matter which option you choose, all open access articles and books are subject to high-quality ...
Applied Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of applied natural sciences published semimonthly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus / SciFinder, and many other databases.