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教授 10人 1、向思楼,男,1956年生。四川师范大学美术学院•书法学院教授,硕士生导师。1979年毕业于西南师范学院美术系,1989年结业于中央美术学院版画系。中国美术家协会会员,中国版画家协会会员,四川省版画艺委会副主任。
古典作品试译与解读. 展开 《蒂迈欧》中的赫西俄德:造物主对众神如是说 (试发表). 试发表 其他 译作. 《柏拉图与赫西俄德》第13章 第十三章 《蒂迈欧》中的赫西俄德:造物主对众神如是说 雷加利(Mario Regali) 引论 柏拉图在处理早期诗人们的作品时采用 ...
近日,我校外国语学院耿秀萍副教授在HERMATHENA(第207期,175-179页)发表论文Gains and Losses of Films Adapted fromBritish And American Literature。该期刊是我校认定的权威期刊,是艺术与人文科学引文索引(A&HCI)期刊。众所周知 ...
期刊名称:HERMATHENA ISSN : 0018-0750 出版频率: Semi-annual 出版社: TRINITY COLLEGE, COLLEGE STREET, DUBLIN, IRELAND, 2 ...
第1页 首页 上一页 下一页 末页 共有90条记录. 1. 期刊名称:HAHR-HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW. ISSN:. 0018-2168. 出版频率:. Quarterly. 出版社:. DUKE UNIV PRESS, 905 W MAIN ST, STE 18-B, DURHAM, USA, NC, 27701.
Hermathena - A Trinity College Dublin Review. The journal is under the auspices of the Department of Classics. It has been published here at Trinity College without interruption since 1873. Subjects covered include the Classical World, Theology, and Philosophy. Contact. Editor: Professor Monica Gale, Department of Classics.
Hermathena Hewitson 1874 Andrew V. Z. Brower. This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms. The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in ...