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Teeth are highly mineralized structures that develop in specific morphogenetic zones along the jaws within a distinct superficial epithelial unit, the dental lamina.[1] Both represent shared derived characters of all living vertebrates with jaws,[2] but form ...
A team of engineers and marine biologists at the University of California, San Diego, led by Michael Frank, a Ph.D. candidate at the Jacobs School of Engineering, have designed a space exploration device modeled on sea urchin’s mouth and teeth. Read more about their research here.
BMC Oral Health是开放存取(Open Access,简称OA)期刊。 开放获取是国际学术界、出版界、图书情报界为了推动科研成果利用互联网自由传播而采取的行动。 其目的是促进科学及人文信息的广泛交流,促进利用互联网进行科学交流与出版,提升科学研究的公共利用程度、保障科学信息的保存,提高科学研究 ...
摘要: The paddlefish ( Polyodon spathula ) is one of the most primitive and unique freshwater fishes of North America. It is adapted as a plankton filter-feeder. The wide mouth and greatly expansible pharyngeal cavity allows it to process a large quantity of water.
Abstract Objectives This in vitro study aimed to investigate the color changes of the bracket-bonded tooth surfaces after the use of 4 different mouthwashes. Materials and methods A total of 100 human premolar teeth were randomly divided into 10 equal ...
摘要: Dogs are commonly kept as household pets, but sometimes pet dogs bite people. We report the case of a 69-year-old man who was bitten by his pet pit bull terrier. The dog bite resulted in multiple open wrist fractures and dislocation of the distal radioulnar ...
期刊链接: BMC Oral Health 微信链接: 点击此处阅读微信文章 COVID-19的大流行把远程牙科和远程学习推到了政策考虑的前沿。远程牙科支持通过电子通信手段提供口腔健康服务,将牙医和病人联系起来,而不受通常的时间和空间限制。