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5月11日,发表在JAMA Network Open杂志的一项研究描述过去10年中国极早产儿的存活率和主要发病率。. 结果发现,在中国出生的极早产儿有着很高的死亡率和发病率。. 尽管随着时间的推移生存率有所提高,但主要发病率有所增加。. 在这项研究中,来自复旦大学附属 ...
The Cover Feature shows a new inverse-crown-ether species appearing with a colorful glow. This glow features a cavity architecture and a bright encapsulated ring to construct the skeleton. The fragment of colorful light looks like the monoanionic bis-NHC-pincer-type ligands and the center of ring is regarded as the core of the [Mg 4 OBr 4] moiety.In our article, we report a tridentate ...
n.问题争论点发行发行物期刊号vi. &vt.发行流出造成…结果 225 football ‘futbɔ:l n.足球比赛足球橄榄球 226 evidence ‘evidəns n.根据证据证人vt. &vi.证实证明 227 rapid ‘ræpid adj.快的迅速的急促的n.急流 228 rarely ‘rɛəli adv.很少难得 229 former ‘fɔ:mə adj.在前的
There is evidence that cancer survivors are at increased risk of second primary cancers. Changes in the prevalence of risk factors and diagnostic techniques may have affected more recent risks. We examined the incidence of second primary cancer among adults in the West of Scotland, UK, diagnosed with cancer between 2000 and 2004 (n = 57,393).
JAMA Network Open:中国三级医院极早产儿的死亡率和合并症发病率(2010年至2019年). 尽管极早产儿,即胎龄少于28周的婴儿,相对较少,占全世界所有早产儿的5.2%。. 据数据显示,这些最不成熟的婴儿患各种并发症风险升高,包括支气管肺发育不良,脑出血,坏死 ...
Background Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is regarded as one of the most common dose-limiting adverse effects of several chemotherapeutic agents, such as platinum derivatives (oxaliplatin and cisplatin), taxanes, vinca alkaloids and bortezomib. CIPN affects more than 60% of patients receiving anticancer therapy and although it is a nonfatal condition, it significantly ...
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Texas Expands Sexual Harassment Protections For Employees, Exposure For Employers And Individuals. Jackson Lewis P.C. on 8/31/2021. Beginning September 1, …
Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Results. There was a high incidence of cancer during the first 60 days following diagnosis (SIR = 2.36, 95% CI = 2.12 to 2.63). When this period was excluded the risk was not raised, but it was high for some patient groups; in particular women aged <50 years with breast cancer (SIR = 2.13, 95% CI = 1.58 to 2.78), patients with ...
1001 confer kәn’fә: vt. 赠予,协议 vi. 协商 1002 conference ‘kɔnfərəns n.会议讨论会 1003 confess kən’fes vt.供认承认坦白告白忏悔 1004 confidence ‘kɔnfidəns n.信任信赖信心把握adj.得信任的 1005 confident ‘kɔnfidənt adj.确信的自信的 1006 confidential a.秘密