socolar. [期刊论文] [Full-length article] Effect of clipping on aboveground biomass and nutrients varies with slope position but not with slope aspect in a hilly …
双层结构边坡降雨入渗与坡面径流耦合分析 Coupling analysis of rainfall infiltration and slope runoff in two-layered slope 作者:韩同春(浙江大学) Author:hantongchun(Zhejiang University) …
2018年度高水平论文发表情况. Facile fabrication of hollow biochar carbon-doped TiO2/CuO composites for the photocatalytic degradation of ammonia nitrogen from aqueous solution.
国际著名的有关土力学、岩石力学、工程地质、环境岩土工程的岩土技术期刊,每期只刊登几篇文章,都是鸿篇巨著。. 英文版或法文版。. SCI 期刊影响因子 Impact factor (2005): 1.203. Established for almost 60 years, Géotechnique is ICE's …
我院邵伟博士在滑坡领域SCI期刊《Landslides》上发表研究成果. 邵伟博士于2018年12月在《Landslides》发表题为《Comparison of single- and dual-permeability models in …
最新英文期刊文献(滑坡特征与制图)推荐. 摘要:Tertiary soft-rock strata exposed on the eastern side of Changbai Mountain are landslide-prone strata. In recent years, shallow landslides have …
Sediment transport capacity (Tc) is an essential parameter in the establishment of the slope soil erosion model. Slope type is an important crucial factor affecting …
A slope stability analysis following a global limit equilibrium approach provided a distribution of the pseudostatic coefficient vs. pore water pressure. The results …
Rainfall and water level change are two of the main factors causing failure of reservoir slopes. Thus, soil-fluid mechanics is applied with the fluctuation of …
Hongjie Chen, Zaobao Liu*, Temperature control and thermal-induced stress field analysis of GongGuoQiao RCC dam, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, DOI: …