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SAGE高排名期刊介绍.ppt,* * * * * * * * * 政治与国际关系学 SAGE Top Journals 政治学(2007年JCR) SAGE = 17% European Union Politics 《欧盟政治》, 德国 Online ISSN: 1741-2757 Print ISSN: 1465-1165 2000年创刊,季刊 2007年影响因子:1 ...
Psychological Science publishes cutting-edge empirical research of broad interest and theoretical significance across the field of psychology. Browse our new Letters to the Editors collection. Check out Psychological Science 's collection of content related to COVID-19. Association for Psychological Science.
我现在有两个问题: 一是,Science Progress是SCI收录,还是SCIE收录? 另外,不知道这个杂志发表周期是多久? 跪求大神指点!!! 40 6 展开6条回复 共31条 首页 上一页 下一页 尾页 页码: 1 /4页 10条/页 分享您的投稿经验,提升MI经验值,获取更多积分 ...
About this journal. Since 1970, Social Studies of Science has been a central journal for the field of Science and Technology Studies, serving as a venue for the articulation and development of key ideas and findings in the field from its early years to the current day. The journal is multi-disciplinary, welcoming contributions that advance our understanding of science, technology and medicine ...
About this journal. Science Progress is a broad multidisciplinary title, aiming to provide a platform for the entire scientific community that includes medicine, health, life sciences, psychology, environmental science, physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, materials science and computer science. As a SCIE ranked title, we welcome all scientifically rigorous research suitable for a ...
SAGE方法库模块 内容和数量 对科研或教学的意义 方法图书 (Book & Reference) *理论材料为基础 SAGE正式出版的880余本方法图书(含58本百科全书),讨论770余个定量、定性或混合研究方法,构建翔实的理论基础、帮助读者正确理解方法。