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It is usually the large structures that attract attention. We have to look twice to see those small buildings that so often lend a street or square its particular charm. Newspaper kiosks, telephone cells, bus shelters, a florista (TM)s stall a " they are all part ...
organic semiconductor materials are a kind of organic compounds or polymers with semiconductor properties. The conductive effect of these materials will change significantly with different illumination heating doping materials. In addition
Wiley 新刊 Small structures. 作者 春暖花开@强. 来源: 小木虫 600 12 举报帖子. +关注. 大家好,有没有人知道wiley 最近在搞一个新期刊,叫small structures?. 听名字貌似跟small methods是一个系列的样子。. 有人知道详细信息嘛?. 这个期刊如何定位的,比small methods高还是低 ...
Single‐Atom Materials: Small Structures Determine Macroproperties. Jiarui Yang, Wenhao Li, Dingsheng Wang, Yadong Li, First Published: 26 September 2020. Abstract. The single-atom materials (SAMs) have been explored intensely, but there are still many barriers needed to overcome, which hold back the practical use of SAM.
Small Structures is a premium interdisciplinary journal, providing a new home for cutting-edge research on sub-macroscopic structures across various dimensions and multiple disciplines, including but not limited to chemistry, physical & materials science, engineering, and life sciences. The scope of the new journal is intentionally broad to encompass integrative and collaborative nano ...
Fabrication of small-structure red-emissive fluorescent probes for plasma membrane enables quantification of nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio in live cells and tissues Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy ( IF 4.098) Pub Date : 2020-12-10, DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.119338
某设备基础沉降原因分析及处理方法. Vol.17No.4 2003 12Soil Eng. FoundationDec. 2003 王子辉, 烟台264005) 对一设备基础沉降事故的原因进行分析,认为 沉降的直接原因在于回填质量不符合设计要求,不能满足压实 压实填土地基,回填土, 压实系数, 深层搅拌桩 TU 471 ...