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In February of 2004, Li joined the Liquid Crystal Institute at Kent State University as Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Organic Synthesis and Advanced Materials Laboratory, where he is also Adjunct Professor in the Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program.
The recent advances in adaptive cyber defense (ACD) have developed a range of new ACD techniques and methodologies for reasoning in an adaptive environment. Autonomy in physical and cyber systems promises to revolutionize cyber operations. The ability of autonomous systems to execute at scales, scopes, and tempos exceeding those of humans and ...
致上海交通大学医学院全体教师的贺信. 横向绩效公示. 关于上海交大医学院开通虚拟校园卡服务的通知. 教师博雅微信公众号《师说》专栏征稿启事. 公民防疫行为准则. 关于2021年秋季学期返校开学工作安排的通知. 关于12-17岁人群新冠疫苗预约接种的说明. 关于 ...
Journal updates. JARO is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research findings from disciplines related to otolaryngology and communications sciences, including hearing and balance. JARO welcomes submissions describing original experimental research that investigates the mechanisms underlying problems of basic or clinical significance.
一、计算机科学期刊介绍 计算机科学的publication最大特点在于:极度重视会议,而期刊则通常只用来做re-publication。大部分期刊文章都是会议论文的扩展版,首发就在期刊上的相对较少。也正因为如此,计算机期刊的影响因子都低到惊人的程度,顶级刊物往往也只有1到2左右----被引的通常都是会议 …
ARO Agricultural Research Organization ARO, Katif Research Center, Negev, Israel Christian Imholt Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Munster, Germany Murray B. Isman The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Lara R. Jaber University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan Stefan Jaronski USDA ARS, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Mattias Jonsson
Aims and scope. This journal is aimed to systematically cover all essential aspects of cybersecurity, with a focus on reporting on cyberspace security issues, the latest research results, and real-world deployment of security technologies. The journal publishes research articles and reviews in the areas including, but not limited to ...
递呈系统——RNA疗法核心竞争力. 2021年7月6日,Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals公司宣布,其在研RNA干扰(RNAi)疗法ARO-HIF2在治疗晚期透明细胞肾细胞癌(ccRCC)患者的1b期临床试验中获得积极结果。. 中期分析结果表明,ARO-HIF2缩小了部分患者的肿瘤体积,降低了HIF2α蛋白 ...
雷锋网AI 科技评论:日前,ACM(国际计算机学会)公布了 2018 年度 ACM 杰出科学家名单,全球共有 49 名研究人员入选。. 其中,华人学者的表现非常出色,上榜的共有 12 名,占总榜单比例近四分之一。. 作为世界上最大的计算机领域专业性学术组织,ACM 的影响力 ...