The name ": the three-level inverter implementing SVPWM modulation system and SHEPWM mixing method - jia-jun[English] : the name of a Hybrid Method SHEPWM of SVPWM. Adjustable Speed to Three - to Drive System[key] : the three-level inverter, the space vector PWM, selective harmonic elimination PWM inverter, SanDianPingNiBianQi, KongJianShiLiangMaiKuanDiaoZhi, TeDingXiaoXieMaiKuanDiaoZhi, BianPinDiaoSu,,The author] : ZhangYongChang, ZhaoZhengMing, ZhangYingChao, ZhangHaiTao, YuanLiJiang, BaiHua,[zuozhe] : ZhangYongChang, ZhaoZhengMing, ZhangYingChao, ZhangHaiTao, YuanLiQiang, BaiHua,[the] : the tsinghua university electrical engineering department unit of electric power system of state key laboratory, haidian district, Beijing 100084,,[English] : the name of ZHANG Yong - thing, ZHAO Ming ZHANG Ying, the government - chao, ZHANG Hai - - the tao, Li qiang, you will launch, -The title] : jia-jun[English] : A JOURNAL OF science: CHINESE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FOR[page] : 72-77The program] : power system[number] : 15 referencesThe periodical information] : 2007 (27[no] : TM464 classification,[English abstract] :[in] : the three-level inverter in the clamping midpoint voltage inverter in large capacity has been widely used in this study. And the high voltage inverter in three levels, namely SHEPWM and used SVPWM when using low frequency used SVPWM, asynchronous SHEPWM, avoid the high-frequency harmonic characteristic worse when implementing SVPWM SHEPWM and low in the shortcomings of large storage, give full play to the advantages of both, in the work within the scope of frequency can be effectively restrain low-order harmonic, get better. Mix modulation of output waveform is difficult problem, this paper analyzes the impact of smooth transition between the reasons and puts forward specific solutions, ensure the switching voltage and current process without jumping on PSIM software. SHEPWM three-level SVPWM and the simulation and actual three-level inverter control in the experiment on the platform of simulation and experimental results demonstrate that this method in the mix modulation frequency and high frequency harmonics are good, both asked the smooth transition of insurance makes the practicability, mix modulation and has been used in the practical three-level inverter.文章名】:三电平变频调速系统SVPWM和SHEPWM混合调制方法的研究-中国电机工程学报【文章英文名】:Study on a Hybrid Method of SVPWM and SHEPWM Applied to Three-level Adjustable Speed Drive System【关键词】:三电平逆变器,空间矢量脉宽调制,特定消谐脉宽调制,变频调速,SanDianPingNiBianQi,KongJianShiLiangMaiKuanDiaoZhi,TeDingXiaoXieMaiKuanDiaoZhi,BianPinDiaoSu,【作者】:张永昌,赵争鸣,张颖超,张海涛,袁立强,白华,【zuozhe】:ZhangYongChang,ZhaoZhengMing,ZhangYingChao,ZhangHaiTao,YuanLiQiang,BaiHua,【作者单位】:清华大学电机系电力系统国家重点实验室,北京市,海淀区,100084,【作者英文名称】:ZHANG Yong-chang,ZHAO Zheng-ming,ZHANG Ying-chao,ZHANG Hai-tao,YUAN Li-qiang,BAI Hua,【刊名】:中国电机工程学报【英文刊名】:A JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING【页数】:72-77【栏目】:电力系统【参考文献数】:15【期刊信息】:2007年16期27卷【分类号】:TM464,【英文摘要】:【摘要】:三电平中点钳位逆变器在高压大容量变频调速中得到了广泛的研究和应用.该文在三电平高压变频器中同时应用SVPWM和SHEPWM,即低频时采用异步SVPWM,高频时采用SHEPWM,避免了高频时SVPWM谐波特性变差和SHEPWM在低频时存储量大的缺点,充分发挥了二者的优点,使变频器在整个工作范围内都可以有效抑制低次谐波,得到较好的输出波形.混合调制的难点在于衔接问题,文中分析了影响二者之间平滑切换的原因并提出了具体的解决方法,保证了切换过程中电压和电流没有跳变.采用PSIM软件对三电平SVPWM和SHEPWM进行了仿真研究,并在实际三电平变频器控制平台上进行了实验.仿真和实验结果证实了该文的混合调制方法在低频和高频都有较好的谐波特性,二者问的平滑过渡保让了混合调制的实用性,并已用于实际三电平变频器之中.
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参考文献是在指在英语论文写作过程中,对某一著作或论文的整体的参考或借鉴。下面是我带来的关于英语论文的参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!英语论文的参考文献(一) [1]蒋花,史志康.整合与对话一论《金色笔记》中的戏仿[J].当代外国文学,2007(2):78. [2]黄梅.女人的危机和小说的危机--女人与小说杂谈之四[J].读书,1988(01):5. [3]孙宗白.真诚的女作家多丽丝·莱辛[J].外国文学研宄,1981(3):70. [4]施旻.《金色笔记》是女性主义文本吗·一关于多丽丝·莱辛及其《金色笔记》的论争[J].东岳论丛,2000(5): 132-134. [5]李福祥.多丽丝·莱辛笔下的政治与妇女主题[J].外国文学评论,1993(4):40-43 [6]黎会华·多丽丝·莱辛《金色笔记》中的现代主义技巧分析[J].外语研究,2003(6):73. [7]陈才宇,刘新民.金色笔记[M].北京:译林出版社,2000. [8]黎会华·解构菲勒斯中心:构建新型女性主义主体一《金色笔记》的女性主义阅读[J].浙江师范大学学报,2004(3):33. [9]韩小敏,纪卫宁.析伍尔夫与莱辛文学创作的相似性[J].理论专刊,2004(8):125-126. [10]姜红.有意味的形式[J].外国文学,2003(4):96-98. [11]徐燕.《金色笔记》的超小说艺术[J].宁波大学学报,2003(3):78-80 [12]蒋花,史志康.整合与对话一论《金色笔记》中的戏仿[J].当代外国文学,2007(2):78. [13]卢婧.《金色笔记》的艺术形式与作者莱辛的人生体验[D].南京师范大学博士学位论文,2008. [14]佘海若.迟来的正义:被缚的自由女性一记2007年诺贝尔文学奖[J].今日科苑,2007(23): 19-24. [15]刘颖.建构女性的主体性话语一评多丽丝·莱辛的《金色笔记》[J].邵阳学院学报,2004(4). [16]范晓红.从《金色笔记》解读多丽丝·莱辛的生态整体观[D].南京师范大学,2011. 英语论文的参考文献(二) [1]邓伟根.产业经济学研究[M].北京:经济管理出版社,2001:107 [2]潘懋元. 教育 的基本规律及其相互关系[J].高等教育研究,1988(3): 1-7 [3]叶茂林.教育发展与经济增长[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2005: 264 [4][美]伯顿.克拉克.高等教育系统学术组织的跨国研究[M].王承绪等译.杭州:杭州大学出版社,1994 [5]林荣日.教育经济学[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2001:276 [6]靳希斌.教育经济学(第四版)[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2008:418 [7][日]天野郁夫.日本高等教育结构[M].东京:日本玉川大学出版社,1986:12 [8]高素英.人力资本与经济可持续发展[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2010:194 [9]潘愁元、王伟廉.高等教育学[M].福州..福建教育出版社,1995:65-70 [10][美]T.帕森斯.社会行动的结构[M].张明德,夏遇南,彭刚译.南京:译林出版社,2003: 48-50 [11][美]罗伯特.K.默顿.社会理论和社会结构[M].唐少杰,齐心等译.南京:译林出版社,2006: 152-153 [12]伯顿.克拉克.高等教育系统学术组织的跨国研究[M].杭州:浙江教育出版社,2001: 292 [13]李锋亮,袁本涛.研究生教育与我国经济增长的匹配关系[J].北京大学教育评论,2013 (3): 78-84 [14]吕连菊,阚大学.高等职业教育对经济增长影响的实证研究以江西省城市面板数据为例[J].河北科技大学学报(社会科学版),2014 (1): 9-14 [15]李彬.产业结构的调整与人才需求及其培养模式[J].高等工程教育研究,2006(5):70-74 英语论文的参考文献(三) 1.柯东霞(2005).交流与互动一一英语课堂教学模式的主旋律.全国教育科研“十五”成果论文集(第二卷). 2.曹逸韵(2012).浅析二语习得研究中的输入假说与互动假说.《琼州学院学报》(4). 3.付凤文(2000).分阶段听力教学.《国外外语教学》(2). 4.方子纯(2006).语篇宏观结构分析与听力教学.《外语电化教学》(8). 5.卢仁顺(2002).“输出假设”研究对我国英语教学的启示.《外语与外语教学》(4). 6.陈丽清(2010).新的英语教学模式--民主与互动性教学.《语言与 文化 研究》(第六辑). 7.梁岁林(2004).图式理论下的听力课新型教学模式的运用.《新疆师范大学学报》(1). 8.董明(2004).大学英语课堂“生生互动”模式初探.《外语与外语教学》(5). 9.金海玉(2012).浅析语言输入、互动、输出假说与二语习得的关系.《海外英语》(18). 10.方申萍(2000).第二语言听力理解中的学习策略培训.《国外外语教学》(4). 11.沈昌洪.刘喜文.季忠民(2010).《第二语言习得导论》(英文版).北京:北京大学出版社. 12.宫力(2010).《交互式语言教学研究》.北京:人民教育出版社. 13.顾伟勤(2010).论“互动假说”的发展与局限.《外语学刊》(5). 14.何培芬(2003).解码理论在大学 英语听力 中的应用.《外语电化教学》(12). 15.李慧敏(2006).从图式理论看大学英语听力教学.《北京第二外国语学院学报》(外语版)(8). 猜你喜欢: 1. 英美文学参考论文免费范文 2. 关于英文本科生毕业论文 3. 英美文学毕业论文优秀范文 4. 英汉语言对比方面论文参考目录 5. 英语系文化类毕业论文 6. 英美文学相关论文
出处:三相异步电动机的原理与结构 摘要:作电动机运行的三相异步电动机转子的转速低于旋转磁场的转速,转子绕组因与磁场间存在着相对运三相异步电动机而感生电动势和电流,并与磁场相互作用产生电磁转矩,实现能量变换。与单相异步电动机相比,三相异步电动机运行性能好,并可节省各种材料。按转子结构的不同,三相异步电动机可分为笼式和绕线式两种。关键词 三相异步电动机;基本结构;工作原理;选用一、三相异步电动机的基本结构1、定子(静止部分)(1)定子铁心作用:电机磁路的一部分,并在其上放置定子绕组。构造:定子铁心一般由毫米厚表面具有绝缘层的硅钢片冲制、叠压而成,在铁心的内圆冲有均匀分布的槽,用以嵌放定子绕组。定子铁心槽型有以下几种:半闭口型槽,半开口型槽,开口型槽。(2)定子绕组作用:是电动机的电路部分,通入三相交流电,产生旋转磁场。构造:由三个在空间互隔120°电角度、队称排列的结构完全相同绕组连接而成,这些绕组的各个线圈按一定规律分别嵌放在定子各槽内。(3)机座作用:固定定子铁心与前后端盖以支撑转子,并起防护、散热等作用。2、转子(旋转部分)(1)三相异步电动机的转子铁心:作用:作为电机磁路的一部分以及在铁心槽内放置转子绕组。(2)三相异步电动机的转子绕组作用:切割定子旋转磁场产生感应电动势及电流,并形成电磁转矩而使电动机旋转。构造:分为鼠笼式转子和绕线式转子。3、三相异步电动机的其它附件端盖:支撑作用。轴承:连接转动部分与不动部分。轴承端盖:保护轴承。风扇:冷却电动机二、三相异步电动机的工作原理定子绕组接上三相电源后,电动机便产生旋转磁场,所谓旋转磁场就是指电动机内定子和转子之间气隙的圆周上按正弦规律分布的,能够围绕着电动机在空间不断旋转的磁场。转子与旋转磁场之间存在相对运动。转子导条被旋转磁场的磁力线切割而产生感应电动势,它在转子绕组中感应出电流,两者相互作用产生电磁转矩,使转子转动起来。从而将电能转化为转轴的机械能。当电动机的三相定子绕组(各相差120度电角度),通入三相对称交流电后,将产生一个旋转磁场,该旋转磁场切割转子绕组,从而在转子绕组中产生感应电流(转子绕组是闭合通路),载流的转子导体在定子旋转磁场作用下将产生电磁力,从而在电机转轴上形成电磁转矩,驱动电动机旋转,并且电机旋转方向与旋转磁场方向相同。三、三相异步电动机的选用三相异步电动机应用广泛,是一种主要的动力源。在此,要特别强调合理选择电动机的额定功率,如额定功率选择过大,不仅造成设备投资费用增加,而且电动机长期处于低效率低功率因数点运行,是很不合理很不经济的。1、三相异步电动机的选用要点(1)根据机械负载特性、生产工艺、电网要求、建设费用、运行费用等综合指标,合理选择电动机的类型。(2)根据机械负载所要求的过载能力、启动转矩、工作制及工况条件,合理选择电动机的功率,使功率匹配合理,并具有适当的备用功率,力求运行安全、可靠而经济。(3)根据使用场所的环境,选择电动机的防护等级和结构形式。(4)根据生产机械的最高机械转速和传动调速系统的要求,选择电动机的转速。(5)根据使用的环境温度,维护检查方便、安全可靠等要求,选择电动机的绝缘等级和安装方式。(6)根据电网电压、频率、选择电动机的额定电压以及额定频率。2、三相异步电动机的选用步骤:选电动机类型→选电动机容量→校核启动转矩最大转矩→等效发热校核→经济性综合指标校核→电动机机械特性与负载特性对比→电动机电压等级与频率→决定核→电动机机械特性与负载特性对比→电动机电压等级与频率→决定3、三相异步电动机的维护保养启动前的准备和检查(1)检查电动机和启动设备接地是否可靠和完整,接线是否正确与良好。(2)检查电动机铭牌所示额定电压,额定频率是否与电源电压、频率相符合。(3)新安装或者长期停用的电动机(停用三个月以上),启动前应检查绕组相对相、相对地的绝缘电阻值。(用1000伏兆欧表测量)。绝缘电阻应该大于兆欧。如果低于这个值,应该将绕组烘干。(4)对绕线型转子应该检查其集电环上的电刷以及提刷装置是否能正常工作,电刷的压力是否能符合要求。电刷压力为 N/cm。(5)检查电动机的转子转动时候灵活可靠,滑动轴承内的油时候达到规定的油位。(6)检查电动机所用的熔断器的额定电流是否符合要求。(7)检查电动机的各个紧固螺栓以及安装螺栓是否牢固并符合要求。4、运行中的故障处理(1)启动时的故障当合上断路器或自动开关后,电动机不转,只听到嗡嗡的声响,或者不能转到全速,这种故障原因可能是:定子回路一相断线,如低压电动机熔断器一相熔断,或高压电动机短路器以及隔离开关的一相接触不良,不能形成三相旋转磁场。转子回路断线或接触不良,使转子绕组内无电流或电流减小,因而电动机不转或者转动很慢。在传动机械中,有机械上的卡阻现象,严重时电动机就不转,且异常声响。电压过低使电动机转矩减小,启动困难或不能启动。电动机定子,转子铁心相摩擦,增加了负载,使转动困难。运行人员发现上述故障时,对高压电动机来讲,应立即拉开电动机的断路器以及隔离开关,检查其定子、转子回路。(2)定子绕组单相接地故障。电动机绕组由于受到各种因素的侵蚀,使其绝缘水平降低。此外,由于电动机长期过负荷运行,会使绕组的绝缘体因长期过热而变的焦脆或脱落。这都会造成电动机定子绕组的单相接地。(3)三相电动机单相运行的故障三相电动机在运行中,如果一相熔断器烧坏或接触不良,隔离开关,熔断器,电缆头以及导线一相接触松动以及定子绕组一相断线,均会造成电动机的单相运行。运行人员根据电动机所产生的异常现象,确认电动机为单相运行时,则应切断电源,使其停止运行。并用兆欧表测量定子回路电阻值,若电阻值很大或无穷大时,则说明该相断线。然后检查定子回路中的熔断器,断路器,隔离开关,电缆头以及接线盒内接线接触是否良好。四、三相异步电动机的铭牌每台电动机的机壳上都有一块铭牌,上面标明该电动机的规格、性能及使用条件,它是我们正确使用电动机的依据。这里对铭牌上主要的技术参数介绍如下。1、型号为了适应不同用途和工作环境需要,三相异步电动机制成不同系列和型号,不同型号的电动机的机座长度、中心高度、转速等技术参数不相同,使用或选购时应注意型号或根据需要查阅相应产品目录和技术手册。2、功率电动机在铭牌规定的运行条件下,正常工作时的输出功率(kw)。3、电压电动机定子绕组的额定线电压(v)。4、电流电动机在额定工作状况下运行时流入定子绕组的线电流(a)。5、转速电动机在额定工作状况下运行时转子每分钟的转数(r/min)。6、接法电动机的接线盒有六个接线端子,需要改变转子当前的转向时,只要把电动机的三根电源线中的任意两根对调一下,就能改变电动机的转向。结论:实践证明,在工农业生产中,根据实际需要,科学地选用三相异步电动机可以提高生产效率,收到很好的经济效益。在运行中对电动机进行科学的维护保养,使电动机长期处于非常好的技术状态,延长使用寿命,提高工农业生产的的效率。是非常有必要的。参考文献:[1] 才家刚.电动机使用与维理技术. 北京:水利水电出版社,1998.[2] 付家才.电机工程实践技术.北京:化学工业出版社,2003[3] 张曾常.电机绕组接线速成.北京:机械工业出版社,1996[4] 松柏.三相电动机修理自学指导.北京:北京科学技术出版社,2001
基于PLC的电梯控制系统 中文摘要 随着科学技术和社会经济的发展,高层建筑已成为现代城市的标志。电梯作 为垂直运输工具,承担着大量的人流和物流的输送,其作用在建筑物中至关重要。 与此同时,人们对电梯的性能要求也越来越高,比如可靠性,操作方便,舒适性, 低噪音,低能耗等等。随着人们对其要求的提高,电梯得到了快速发展,其拖动 技术已经发展到了调频调压调速,其逻辑控制也由PLC代替原来的继电器控制。 采用PLC对电梯进行控制,通过合理的选择和设计,能够有效的提高电梯的控制 水平,极大地改善了电梯运行的舒适感,使电梯的控制达到了比较理想的控制效 果。为了满足电梯舒适感提高及正确平层要求,电梯的速度给定曲线是一个关键 环节。人们对于速度变化的敏感度主要是加速度的变化率,舒适感就意味着要平 滑的加速和减速。为了获得良好的舒适感,本设计的电梯起制动速度曲线由两段 抛物线(S曲线)及一段直线构成,将加速时间和S曲线加速时间配合调整,获 得了较为理想的起动/制动曲线。 本文在介绍电梯基本结构的基础上,阐述了电梯的拖动原理和控制原理,重 点分析了电梯系统设计中如何用PLC实现控制系统并编制控制程序,研究并提出 了基于PLC和变频器的VVVF电梯控制系统的实现方案,针对这些问题对电梯系 统进行了新的设计.设计出了新的采用PLC进行逻辑控制,用变频器调速的电梯 控制系统。 关键词:电梯,控制系统,PLC,变频器ABSTRACT With scientific and technological and socio-economic development,high-rise buildings have become the hallmark of modern a vertical lift equipment,a lot of people bear the transportation and logistics,its role in building the same time,it has to lift the performance requirements are also increasing,such as reliability,easy to operate,comfortable nature,low noise,consumption,and so on. But the elevator as an important traffic in skyscraper,it also has developed quickly with the improving requirement of the ’s dragging technology has developed from DC timing to AC variable frequency timing and It’s logic control-relay control also has been replaced by PLC to control the elevator,the reliability is improved and the feeling of comfort 15 better through the reasonable selection and design,so the effect of control is more order to meet the comfort,improve transporting efficiency and reach the right floor,the given curve of an elevator is a key of people’s sensitivity on changing speed is about acceleration means acceleration and deceleration on acquire favorable comfort,the starting and braking curves design of the elevator is composed of two s-curves and one adjusting the acceleration time and that of the s-curve’s,ideal starting and braking curves are gained. This paper,based on the introduction of the elevator's basic structure,expatiates the drive and control principle of elevator,and analyzes how to use the PLC to program controlling implementation project of elevator's VVVF control system based on PLC and transducer is studied and article was precisely has carried on the improvement design in view of these questions to the existing elevator PLC to carry on the logical control,modulates velocity the elevator control system with the frequency changer. KEY WORDS:elevator,control system,PLC,inverter目录 第一章前言........................................................1 电梯的起源与发展..........................................1 电梯信号控制系统发展的现状................................2 本文的工作................................................4 第二章电梯的概述..................................................5 电梯的结构...............................................5 电梯的控制要求...........................................7 第三章硬件选型...................................................9 PLC的选择................................................9 PLC的定义和特点........................................9 PLC的主要功能和应用....................................11 PLC与其他工业控制系统的比较............................12 PLC硬件设计............................................14 变频器的选择............................................17 通用变频器概况.........................................18 通用变频器的功率输出驱动技术动向......................19 VS一616G5型变频器简介.................................21设置...................................23 第四章硬件设计....................................................28 电机调速系统的设计.......................................28 电力调速系统的应用与发展................................28 异步电机的调速方法及经济技术比较.........................29 井道信号系统的设计......................................33 电梯控制系统的设计......................................35 第五章软件设计...................................................37 FX2N系列PLC的基本逻辑指令.............................37 程序流程图...............................................39 程序说明.................................................40 结束语.............................................................56 参考文献...........................................................57 发表论文和科研情况说明.............................................59 致谢...............................................................60第一章前言 电梯的起源与发展 随着科学技术和社会经济的发展,高层建筑已成为现代城市的标志。电梯作 为垂直运输工具,承担着大量的人流和物流的输送,其作用在建筑物中至关重要。 是现代城市生活中必不可少,且应用最广泛的垂直交通运输工具。它起源于公元 前236年的古希腊。当时阿基米德设计出一种人力驱动的卷筒式卷扬机,共造出 三台,安装在妮罗宫殿里。人们把这三台卷扬机看作是现代电梯的鼻祖 [4] 。事实 上,早在公元前,我们的祖先和古埃及也都曾经使用了这种人力卷扬机。 在瓦特发明了蒸汽机之后,于1850年,在美国纽约市出现了世界第一台由 亨利·沃特曼制作的以蒸汽机为动力的卷扬机。1854年,在纽约水晶宫举行的 世界博览会上,美国人伊莱沙·格雷夫斯·奥的斯第一次向世人展示了他的发明 -历史上第一部安全升降梯。从那以后,升降梯在世界范围内得到了广泛应用。 在此期间,英国的阿姆斯特朗发明了水压梯 [6] 。随着水压梯的发展,蒸汽梯也就 被淘汰了。后来发展为采用油压泵和控制阀的液压梯。直到今天,液压梯仍在使 用。 1889年,美国奥的斯公司制造的由直流电动机通过蜗杆蜗轮减速器带动卷 筒卷绕绳索悬挂并升降轿厢的电动升降机,构成了现代电梯的鼻祖。 为了解决乘客乘坐电梯的安全性和舒适感方面的问题,1892年,美国亨 利·华特·列昂那得发明了用调节电动机励磁场来调速的电动机—发电机电力驱 动系统,使直流升降机的电力拖动构造有了重大发展。 1900年,交流感应电动机被使用到电梯驱动以后,进一步简化了电梯的传 动设备。以后由交流单速电动机发展到交流双速感应电动机。 1903年,美国奥的斯在电梯传动机构中采用了曳引驱动代替卷筒方式,提 高了电梯传动机械的通用性,同时也制造了有齿轮曳引高速电梯。这种电梯减少 了传动设备,增强了安全性能,成为目前电梯曳引传动的基本构造形式。 在电梯控制技术方面,1949年开始应用电子技术,以后出现了电子器件与 信息处理的分区控制系统,以后发展到大规模集成电路。 由于电梯拖动技术从直流电动机驱动,到交流单速、交流双速电动机驱动, 到交流调压调速(ACVV)控制,交流调压调频调速(VVVF)控制,使得电梯控制技术 不断成熟,加上电子技术、电子计算机技术、自动控制技术在电梯中的广泛应用, 使电梯运行的可靠性、安全性、舒适感、平层精度、运行速度、节能降耗、减少 噪声等方面都有了极大改善。 70年代,特别是1973年以来,电梯控制柜的控制电路逐渐从模拟电路向数 你好,我有相关论文资料(博士硕士论文、期刊论文等)可以对你提供相关帮助,需要的话请加我,7 6 1 3 9 9 4 5 7(扣扣),谢谢。
Vector control (also called Field Oriented Control, FOC) is one method used in variable frequency drives to control the torque (and thus finally the speed) of three-phase AC electric motors by controlling the current fed to the stator phase currents are measured and converted into a corresponding complex (space) vector. This current vector is then transformed to a coordinate system rotating with the rotor of the machine. For this the rotor position has to be known. Thus at least speed measurement is required, the position can then be obtained by integrating the the rotor flux linkage vector is estimated by multiplying the stator current vector with magnetizing inductance Lm and low-pass filtering the result with the rotor no-load time constant Lr/Rr, that is the ratio of the rotor inductance to rotor this rotor flux linkage vector the stator current vector is further transformed into a coordinate system where the real x-axis is aligned with the rotor flux linkage the real x-axis component of the stator current vector in this rotor flux oriented coordinate system can be used to control the rotor flux linkage and the imaginary y-axis component can be used to control the motor PI-controllers are used to control these currents to their reference values. However, bang-bang type current control, that gives better dynamics, is also PI-controllers the outputs of the controllers are the x-y components of the voltage reference vector for the stator. Usually due to the cross coupling between the x- and y-axes a decoupling term is further added to the controller output to improve control performance when big and rapid changes in speed, current and flux linkage occur. Usually the PI-controller also needs low-pass filtering of either the input or output of the controller to prevent the current ripple due to transistor switching from being amplified excessively and unstabilizing the control. Unfortunately, the filtering also limits the dynamics of the control system. Thus quite high switching frequency (typically more than 10 kHz) is required to allow only minimum filtering for high performance drives such as servo the voltage references are first transformed to the stationary coordinate system (usually through rotor d-q coordinates) and then fed into a modulator that using one of the many Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithms defines the required pulse widths of the stator phase voltages and controls the transistors (usually IGBTs) of the inverter according to control method implies the following properties of the control:Speed or position measurement or some sort of estimation is needed Torque and flux can be changed reasonably fast, in less than 5-10 milliseconds, by changing the references The step response has some overshoot if PI control is used The switching frequency of the transistors is usually constant and set by the modulator The accuracy of the torque depends on the accuracy of the motor parameters used in the control. Thus large errors due to for example rotor temperature changes often are encountered. Reasonable processor performance is required, typically the control algorithm has to be calculated at least every millisecond. Although the vector control algorithm is more complicated than the Direct Torque Control (DTC), the algorithm is not needed to be calculated as frequently as the DTC algorithm. Also the current sensors need not be the best in the market. Thus the cost of the processor and other control hardware is lower making it suitable for applications where the ultimate performance of DTC is not required.[edit] HistoryVector control was patented by Felix Blaschke in . Patent 3,824,437 filed originally on August 14, 1969 in Germany while he worked for important contemporary publication about the same topic wasKarl Hasse: Zur Dynamik drehzahlgeregelter Antriebe mit stromrichtergespeisten Asynchron-Kurzschlußläufermotoren. Dissertation, TH Darmstadt, 1969. In the Blaschke's patent the rotor flux linkage was calculated from the measured air-gap magnetic field. Thus this method is called direct rotor oriented vector control. However, to use standard induction machines, the method to estimate the rotor flux linkage from the measured stator currents, as proposed by Hasse, is more practical. Versions based on flux estimation instead of measuring are called indirect rotor oriented vector controls. An early review of the possible alternatives was published in the paper:Blaschke, F., Böhm, K.: Verfahren der Felderfassung bei der Regelung stromrichtergespeister Asynchronmaschinen. IFAC Symposium: Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Duesseldorf, October 7 – 9, 1974, Proceedings Vol I, pp. 635...649. Vector control has later been dealt with in numerous publications. Several methods have been developed to make possible the operation without speed or position sensor. Also methods to estimate the rotor time constant and other parameters have been presented. One good book dealing with these issues is:Peter Vas: Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control, Oxford University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-19-856465-1 In addition to induction machines, the vector control has also been applied to synchronous machines and doubly fed the major Siemens' patents expired in the end of 80's and beginning of 90's, many other manufacturers begin to use this method in their products making this the de facto standard in demanding motor control applications the only alternative being the Direct Torque Control (DTC) developed by is Vector Control?FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSReliance GV3000 AC drives offer simple and low-cost yet powerful closed-loop flux vector operation. These nextgeneration devices are ideal for applications which require precise, high-performance control of AC motor speed, torque andshaft GV .'s series of fact sheets are written to provide easy-to-understand answers to commonly askedquestions about the operation and application of GV3000 AC drives. They're answers that can help you receive maximumvalue from these innovative electronic drive . What makes the VECTOR inside the GV3000 AC drive?A. The GV3000 utilizes two independent control loops to provide simultaneous control of motor speed and flux. Aspeed/torque loop for closed loop control of motor speed or shaft torque and a flux loop to provide constant magnetizingamps throughout the motor's speed range. These control loops are capable of providing:• Tight Speed Regulation - steady state error• Direct Torque Regulation - torque setpoint control from 0 to 100% rated torque• Control at Zero Speed - generate 150% torque for high breakaway torque applications• High Dynamic Response - 15 Hz bandwidth response is ideal for rapid load changesQ. What's the difference in torque control of the GV3000 compared to drives without vectorcontrol?A. Variable Voltage, Variable Frequency AC controllers like the Reliance GP2000, rely on a volts M per Hertz (Hz) curveto develop constant stator flux. The relationship between applied voltage and frequency provided by these controllers worksfine for speeds above 5 Hz. Often however, their use results in a reduction in peak torque in applications where requiredspeeds are less than 5 you can see in this Torque vs Speed Curve, the ability of a typical VVVF controller to provide peak motor torquedecreases at lower speeds. This reduction in torque is due to the non-linearity of voltage to frequency (Hz) during lowfrequency operation. The non-linearity I s caused by stator voltage drop which in turn requires a larger percentage of overallterminal voltage. To compensate for the loss of peak torque at low speeds, voltage boost is often added to VVVF . How does the GV3000 compensate for peak torque reduction at low speeds?A. The GV3000 regulates the magnitude of motor flux at a peak level throughout the entire speed range. A self -tuningfeature within the drive measures the required amount of magnetizing (flux producing) amps. By regulating this valuethroughout the speed range, constant motor flux is maintained. As a result, the GV3000 is capable of providing constanttorque from zero to the motor’s base the GV3000 regulate speed any better than a typical VVVF driveA. Yes. Typical VVVF controllers are usually not able to regulate speed on their own. These controllers suffer what’sknown as speed “droop” as the motor’s load droop or loss in speed when load increases is caused by motor slip. Slip occurs in every induction motor. It isthe difference between the rotor’s mechanicalspeed and the motor’s rotational electrical is necessary since a difference in elctrical and mechanical speeds is needed to cause the proper amount of rotorcurrent to flow. The resulting torque is then sufficient to overcome friction an dwindage losses, and to drive the speed Regulation function in the GV3000’s Control Loop performs precise speed regulation. Its speed feedbackautomatically compensates the field’s rotational speed as load increases to eliminate the effect of slip common to fact, the GV3000 AC drive can provide speed regulation within a 100 millisecond recovery time . What makes the vector control in the Gv3000 different from other types available?A. Other drives, sometimes calles sensorless or tachless vector control do not provide independent control of motor speedand flux. These methods of vector control will show better performance characteristics when compared to VariableVoltage, Variable Frequency (VVVF) drives, but they are not capable of providing the performance offered in theGV3000. Typical limitations of other vector drives include:• Constant torque is limited to speed ranges above 1 Hz• Speed regulation is improved to only 1%• Zero speed operation without motor cogging is not possibleDocument-D7171-
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中国是世界上机械发展最早的国家之一。中国的机械工程技术不但历史悠久,而且成就十分辉煌,不仅对中国的物质文化和社会经济的发展起到了重要的促进作用,而且对世界技术文明的进步做出了重大贡献.传统机械方面,我国在很长一段时期内都领先于世界。到了近代由于特别是从18世纪初到19世纪40年代,由于经济社会等诸多原因,我国的机械行业发展停滞不前,在这100多年的时间里正是西方资产阶级政治革命和产业革命时期,机械科学技术飞速发展,远远超过了中国的水平。这样,中国机械的发展水平与西方的差距急剧拉大,到十九世纪中期已经落后西方一百多年。新中国建立后特别是近三十年来,我国的机械科学技术发展速度很快。向机械产品大型化,精密化、自动化和成套化的趋势发展。在有些方面已经达到或超过了世界先进水平。总的来说,就目前而言中国机械科学技术的成就是巨大的,发展速度之快,水平之高也是前所未有的。这一时期还没有结束,我国的机械科学技术还将向更高的水平发展。只要我们能够采取正确的方针、政策、用好科技发展规律并勇于创新,我国的机械工业和机械科技一定能够振兴,重新引领世界机械工业发展潮流。就小型夯实机械而言:上世纪60年代以前,我国小型夯实机械非常缺乏,很多小型场地的夯实基本上采用人工夯实。上世纪60年代初期,长沙建设机械研究所与北京建筑工程学院等单位合作,在群众性技术革新成果的基础上总结发明了具有中国特色的蛙式夯实机,1962年获国家科技发明奖。蛙式夯实机结构简单,维修、使用方便,很快成为我国60年代夯实机械的主导产品。据不完全统计蛙式夯实机累计产量达到50000多台,在我国经济建设中发挥了重要作用。70年代以后,蛙式夯实机逐渐被性能更先进的振动冲击夯和振动平板夯所替代,目前蛙式夯实机已经很少,基本被淘汰。1964年,长沙建设机械研究所开发了HB120型内燃式夯实机,开始由上海工程机械厂生产,后来主要由津市洞庭工程机械厂生产,年产量200台左右。80年代,内燃式夯实机产品质量有较大提高,曾出口东南亚和非洲地区。90年代以后,内燃式夯实机产销售量也在逐渐减少,目前只有少数小型民营企业生产。1977年,长沙建设机械研究所和柳州市建筑机械厂开发了我国第一台HZR250型和HZR70型振动平板夯,这两种产品分别于1979 年和1982年通过了由建设部组织的鉴定。随后义乌建筑机械厂、四平建筑机械厂、安阳振动器厂、津市洞庭工程机械厂等多家企业都开始生产振动平板夯。1986年长沙建设机械研究所又开发了较大的HZR450型振动平板夯。上世纪90年代以后,振动平板夯在我国有了较快的发展,产品品种、规格和生产企业增多,国外的振动平板夯陆续进入中国市场。1983年,长沙建设机械研究所和湖北振动器厂联合开发了我国第一台HZR70型振动冲击夯,1984年通过了由建设部组织的鉴定,1985年获建设部科技进步三等奖。由于振动冲击夯具有压实效果好、生产率高、体积和重量小、轻便灵活等突出特点,深受用户欢迎,得到了迅速的推广使用,并很快发展到资江机器厂、新乡第三机床厂和津市洞庭工程机械厂等几十家企业生产。振动冲击夯虽然比振动平板夯开发晚,但发展速度、产销量和使用广泛性比振动平板夯大得多,目前已成为我国夯实机械中产销量最大的主导产品。上世纪90年代以后,国外的振动平板夯陆续进入中国市场。振动冲击夯和振动平板夯在我国的成功开发,不仅为我国建设施工部门提供了性能先进的夯实机械,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益,而且使我国夯实机械技术向前跨进了一大步,缩短了与世界先进水平的差距,促进了我国压实机械的发展。就机械加工而言:热加工 铸造 据考古发现,在北京平谷、昌平、房山等处曾出土了公元前16世纪(商代)的青铜礼器。 明永乐年间(1403~1424年),北京制造出享誉世界的明永乐大铜钟(吨)和钟楼大铜钟(63吨)及铁钟(25吨),采用分炉熔化、地坑造型和陶范法铸造。 20世纪50年代以前,北京在铸造上采用粘土砂手工造型。1955年,北京第一机床厂开始采用漏模造型、双面模型型板及铁型板和标准砂箱造型。1965年,开始采用塑料模型。 1980 年,北京市机电研究院与北京玛钢厂研制成功工频无芯塞杆底注式保温浇注电炉。1982年,该院与北京机床铸造二厂研究成功冲天炉风口吹氧技术。 1985~1988年,北京机床研究所试验成功浮动端面密封环的压力铸造工艺。 锻压 1959年,北京第二通用机械厂(后改名北京重型机器厂)建成2500吨水压机。1971年,该厂制造出6000吨水压机,这是当时北京最大的锻压设备。 1968~1979年,北京起重机器厂先后采用300吨油压机和2000吨油压机制造出起重机吊臂和大型覆盖件。 80年代,北京市机电研究院和北京市模具中心研制出一系列高精度多工位冲裁模具,接近或达到进口模具水平,改变了北京精密冲裁模具依赖进口的局面。 热处理 1949年前,北京已采用电炉、盐溶炉、热电偶等手段进行零件退火、回火、淬火、正火、调质、渗碳等热处理。 1956年,北京第一机床厂开始采用高频感应淬火。1961年,北京第二机床厂开始采用气体氮化淬火。1969年,北京量具刃具厂开始采用光亮淬火。 1978年,北京机床研究所研究完成机床导轨表面接触淬火工艺及设备、淬火质量检查技术条件的研究。1979年,铁道科学研究院和中国科学院力学研究所等合作完成大功率柴油机缸套表面的激光改性处理的研究。 1979年,北京市机电研究院研制成功千瓦级二氧化碳激光器,并于80年代初分别应用于汽缸套和邮票印刷设备的激光热处理。其中,清华大学、北京市机电研究院、北京邮票厂共同完成邮票厂七色机打孔器表面激光强化研究。 1984~1990年,北京市热处理研究所研究成功真空热处理、气体渗碳微机控制技术(与北京航空航天大学合作)、稀土软氮化、粉末冶金制品表面强化、煤油加甲醇小滴量法微机可控渗碳、固体渗硼、渗碳过程微机辅助工艺设计及跟踪控制系统等热处理新技术,并应用于生产。 焊接与切割 1949年,北京已有气焊、电弧焊及氧乙炔火焰切割等手工作业。 1963年,北京金属结构厂与一机部机械科学研究院合作开发出钨极氩弧焊,并实现了氮气等离子切割不锈钢。1964年,用直流钨极氩弧焊及焊丝合金化技术解决了核工业用倾斜式电解糟纯镍焊接。 1966年,北京金属结构厂开发出了使被焊球体旋转的埋弧自动焊。1968年,该厂开始以液化石油气代替乙炔切割。 80年代初,清华大学发明了新型MIG焊接电弧控制法,在控制电弧技术上取得突破。 80年代初,北京城建设计院等完成液化石油气移动式气压焊轨技术的研究和应用。 1990年,北京金属结构厂开始采用数控精密切割和具有光电跟踪及数控寻踪读入自动编程的大功率等离子切割技术。可见,我国机械发展在近代发展其迅速。China is the world's first national machinery development. Chinese mechanical engineering technology not only has a long history and splendid achievements in Chinese is not only the material culture and social economic development plays an important role in the world, and to promote the progress of civilization, technology has made great contribution to Chinese traditional machine. And in a long period ahead in the world. In modern times, especially from the early 18th century, due to the nineteen forties, due to the economic and social reasons, such as the China machinery industry, stagnation, in the 100 years is western bourgeois political revolution and industrial revolution, mechanical science and technology is developing rapidly, and far more than the level of China. So, China mechanical development level and the western gap widens, sharply to the 19th century middle behind western one hundred the founding of new China, especially in the past 30 years, our country's mechanical science and technology development speed. To the mechanical product large-scale, precision, automation and discusses the trend of development. In some aspects has reached or exceeded the world advanced level. Generally speaking, currently China mechanical science and technology achievement is huge, developing fast, high level of unprecedented. In this period, China has no end of mechanical science and technology will develop to a higher level. As long as we can adopt the correct policy, with good technology development and innovation, our machinery industry and mechanical technology can revitalize, leading to the development trend of mechanical small ramming machinery:In the 1960s, China mechanical very small tamp lack, many small venues ramming basically USES artificial 1960s, changsha construction machinery institute and Beijing architectural engineering institute, etc., the technical innovation achievements in mass on the basis of summing up Chinese characteristic invented the breaststroke ramming machine, 1962 exceeded national science and technology. The breaststroke ramming machine structure is simple, easy to use and maintenance in 1960s, soon became the dominant products to consolidate machinery. According to not complete count breaststroke tamp cumulative yield reached more than 50,000 machine, in the economic development of our country has played an important role. Since 1970's, the breaststroke ramming machine was gradually more advanced performance of vibration shock ram and vibrating plate ram, now replaced by laying machine has rarely breaststroke, basically be 1964, changsha construction machinery institute HB120 developed movable type, type of Shanghai began laying machine, engineering machine production mainly by tianjin municipal later, annual production engineering machinery dongting about 200. In the 1980s, movable type ramming machine product quality has increased greatly, have exported to southeast Asia and Africa. Since 1990s, internal-combustion type ramming machine production sales, and gradually decreased in only a few small private enterprise 1977, changsha construction machinery factory buildings and developed in liuzhou HZR250 type and the HZR70 type vibrating plate ram, these two kinds of products in 1979 and 1982 passed by the ministry of construction of the organization. Then yiwu building construction machinery factory, siping, anyang vibrators factory, tianjin municipal engineering machinery dongting and other enterprises have started producing vibrating plate ram. In 1986, changsha construction machinery research and develop a larger HZR450 type of vibrating plate ram. Since 1990s, vibrating plate ram in our country has developed very quickly, varieties of products, specifications and increase production enterprises, foreign vibrating plate ram gradually to enter the Chinese 1983, changsha construction machinery institute and the joint development of hubei vibration in the first HZR70 type vibration shock ramming, 1984, passed by the ministry of construction, organization construction technology progress in 1985 won prizes. Due to the vibration impact compaction result has good ramming, productivity, high volume and weight of small, lightweight flexible outstanding characteristics, deeply user etc, obtained a rapid promotion, and soon ZiJiang development to the factory, xinxiang municipal engineering machine tool plant and tianjin dozens of dongting production factory etc. Vibration shock ramming although than vibrating plate ram, but later development speed of development, production and use of extensive than vibrating plate ram, has become the largest in China in the ramming machinery products. Since 1990s, foreign vibrating plate ram gradually to enter the Chinese shock ramming and vibrating plate ram the successful development in our country, not only for our construction department provides advanced performance of mechanical, laying have achieved good economic benefit and social benefit, and make our ramming mechanical technology into a big step forward, shorten the gap with the advanced world level, promoting the development of compaction mechanical processing:According to the archaeological discovery, hot-working casting in Beijing pinggu, changping and so have proved that the 16th century BC shang dynasty (bronze objects. Ming yongle (1403-1424 years), Beijing produce world-renowned Ming yongle great 3-ton bell made ( tons) and tower (63 tons of great 3-ton bell made of iron clock (25) and the furnace of melting, pit TaoFan model and method of casting. In the 1950s, Beijing based on clay sand castings in manual. In 1955, Beijing first machine tool plant began using leakage mould modelling, double-sided model and iron plate type plate and standard sand box modelling. In 1965, start using plastic model. In 1980, the institute and Beijing municipal electrical factory has successfully developed line frequency coreless bathroom plug stem bottom note type electric insulation casting. In 1982, hospital and Beijing the casting machine research cupola tuyere oxygen blowing technology. 1985-1988, Beijing institute of machine of floating end face seal ring by die successful test pressure casting 1959, Beijing second metalforming machinery general factory changed (Beijing) built 2500 ton heavy-duty hydraulic press. In 1971, the factory produced 6,000 tons, which is then Beijing hydrtesting biggest metalforming equipment. 1968-1979, Beijing hoisting machine factory has 300 tons of using hydraulic press 2000 tons and create crane and large panel. In the 1980s, Beijing institute of electrical and developed a series of Beijing mould centre high-precision cutting die, the multistage close to or to import mould level, changed Beijing precision punching moulds dependence on 1949, Beijing has heat treatment furnace, salt dissolved by thermocouples means furnace, quenching and tempering, parts of annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering, carburizing and etc. In 1956, Beijing first began using high-frequency quenching machine tool plant. In 1961, the Beijing second machine tool plant began using gas nitriding quenching. In 1969, the following enterprise by Beijing gage start light quenching. In 1978, the complete machine tool research institute of Beijing guide surface contact quenching process and equipment, quenching condition of quality inspection. In 1979, scientific research institute of China academy of railway and mechanical institute of high-power diesel engine cylinder collaboration of surface modification of laser. In 1979, Beijing institute of electrical carbon dioxide laser is developed, and the kilowatt in early 1980s respectively applied in cylinder and stamp printing equipments of laser treatment. Among them, tsinghua university, Beijing, Beijing institute of electrical YouPiaoChang jointly completed YouPiaoChang seven color machine DaKongQi laser surface strengthening research. From 1984 to 1990, Beijing institute of vacuum heat treatment research, gas carburizing microcomputer control technology (Beijing university of aeronautics &astronautics and cooperation), rare earth soft nitriding, powder metallurgy products surface strengthening, kerosene and methanol small drops of microcomputer control method of carburizing, solid boriding and carburizing process computer aided process planning and tracking control system, and the application of new technology heat in production. Welding and cutting in 1949, Beijing has geo-drilling, electric welding and cutting etc oxyacetylene flame manual operation. In 1963, Beijing metal structure and YiJiBu mechanical science research cooperation to develop tungsten argon arc welding, and realize the nitrogen plasma cutting stainless steel. In 1964, the use of dc argon arc welding and tungsten wire alloying technology solved by tilting electrolysis industry worse pure nickel welding. In 1966, Beijing metal structure factory developed by rotating sphere of the submerged arc welding automatic welding. In 1968, the plant began to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) instead of acetylene cutting. In the early 1980s, tsinghua university invented new MIG welding arc arc technology in control, control a breakthrough. In the early 1980s, the Beijing urban construction design completed liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) mobile pneumatic rail welding technology research and application. In 1990, Beijing metal structure factory to adopt CNC precision cutting and with photo-electricity tracking and CNC pursuit of high input automatic programming technology plasma , China mechanical development in modern development of its rapid.
1) 机械技术 机械技术是机电一体化的基础,机械技术的着眼点在于如何与机电一体化技术相适应,利用其它高、新技术来更新概念,实现结构上、材料上、性能上的变更,满足减小重量、缩小体积、提高精度、提高刚度及改善性能的要求。在机电一体化系统制造过程中,经典的机械理论与工艺应借助于计算机辅助技术,同时采用人工智能与专家系统等,形成新一代的机械制造技术。 (2) 计算机与信息技术 其中信息交换、存取、运算、判断与决策、人工智能技术、专家系统技术、神经网络技术均属于计算机信息处理技术。 (3) 系统技术 系统技术即以整体的概念组织应用各种相关技术,从全局角度和系统目标出发,将总体分解成相互关联的若干功能单元,接口技术是系统技术中一个重要方面,它是实现系统各部分有机连接的保证。 (4) 自动控制技术 其范围很广,在控制理论指导下,进行系统设计,设计后的系统仿真,现场调试,控制技术包括如高精度定位控制、速度控制、自适应控制、自诊断校正、补偿、再现、检索等。 (5) 传感检测技术 传感检测技术是系统的感受器官,是实现自动控制、自动调节的关键环节。其功能越强,系统的自动化程序就越高。现代工程要求传感器能快速、精确地获取信息并能经受严酷环境的考验,它是机电一体化系统达到高水平的保证。 (6) 伺服传动技术 包括电动、气动、液压等各种类型的传动装置,伺服系统是实现电信号到机械动作的转换装置与部件、对系统的动态性能、控制质量和功能有决定性的影响。 机电一体化系统组成 1.机械本体 机械本体包括机架、机械连接、机械传动等,它是机电一体化的基础,起着支撑系统中其他功能单元、传递运动和动力的作用。与纯粹的机械产品相比,机电一体化系统的技术性能得到提高、功能得到增强,这就要求机械本体在机械结构、材料、加工工艺性以及几何尺寸等方面能够与之相适应,具有高效、多功能、可靠和节能、小型、轻量、美观的特点。 2.检测传感部分 检测传感部分包括各种传感器及其信号检测电路,其作用就是检测机电一体化系统工作过程中本身和外界环境有关参量的变化,并将信息传递给电子控制单元,电子控制单元根据检查到的信息向执行器发出相应的控制。 3.电子控制单元 电子控制单元又称ECU(Electrical Control Unit ),是机电一体化系统的核心,负责将来自各传感器的检测信号和外部输入命令进行集中、存储、计算、分析,根据信息处理结果,按照一定的程度和节奏发出相应的指令,控制整个系统有目的地进行。 4.执行器 执行器的作用是根据电子控制单元的指令驱动机械部件的运动。执行器是运动部件,通常采用电力驱动、气压驱动和液压驱动等几种方式。 5.动力源 动力源是机电一体化产品能量供应部分,其作用是按照系统控制要求向机械系统提供能量和动力使系统正常运行。提供能量的方式包括电能、气能和液压能,以电能为主。 机电一体化主要课程 机械方面:机械制图,机械设计,工程材料,工程力学,数控编程技术,autoCAD,Mastercam软件,C# 电工方面:可编程控制器PLC,单片机,自动控制原理,数字电路,电工电子 实习课程:电力拖动,PLC,单片机,钳工,普通车、铣、刨床,数控车、铣,加工中心 本专业的培养目标 本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具有创业、创新精神和良好职业道德的高等专门人才,掌握机械技术和电气技术的基础理论和专业知识;具备相应实践技能以及较强的实际工作能力,熟练进行机电一体化产品和设备的应用、维护、安装、调试、销售及管理的第一线高等技术应用型人才。 本专业职业面向 机电一体化专业是一个宽口径专业,适应范围很广,学生在校期间除学习各种机械、电工电子、计算机技术、控制技术、检测传感等理论知识外,还将参加各种技能培训和国家职业资格证书考试,充分体现重视技能培养的特点。学生毕业后主要面向珠江三角洲各企业、公司,从事加工制造业,家电生产和售后服务,数控加工机床设备使用维护,物业自动化管理系统,机电产品设计、生产、改造、技术支持,以及机电设备的安装、调试、维护、销售、经营管理等等。 1、主要就业岗位:机电一体化设备的安装、调试、维修、销售及管理;普通机床的数控化改装等。 2、次要就业岗位:机电一体化产品的设计、生产、改造、技术服务等。 1) Mechanical Technology Mechanical Technology is the basis of mechatronics, mechanical technology focus is on how to adapt to mechanical and electrical integration technologies, the use of other high and new technology to update the concept, implementation, structure, materials, performance changes, meet the reduced weight, smaller size, higher precision, improved rigidity and improved performance requirements. Mechatronic systems in the manufacturing process, the classical theory and technology should be by means of mechanical computer-aided technology, while use of artificial intelligence and expert systems, the formation of a new generation of mechanical manufacturing technology. (2) Computer and Information Technology Including information exchange, access, operation, judging and decision making, artificial intelligence, expert system, neural networks belong to the computer information processing technologies. (3) System Technology System technology that is the whole concept of application of relevant technology organizations, from a global perspective and the system objective, will generally be broken down into a number of interrelated functional unit, the interface technology is an important aspect of system technology, it is to achieve the organic parts of a system guarantee the connection. (4) Automatic control technology Its scope is broad, under the guidance of the control theory, system design, system simulation after design, site commissioning, control technology, including such high-precision positioning control, speed control, adaptive control, self-diagnostic calibration, compensation, representation and retrieval . (5) sensing technique Sensing technique is a system of receptors is to achieve automatic control, automatic adjustment of the key links. Its function is stronger, the higher the system's automated process. Engineering requirements of modern sensors can quickly and accurately access information and able to withstand the harsh environment of the test, it is the mechanical and electrical integration systems to achieve a high level of assurance. (6) servo drive technology, including electric, pneumatic, hydraulic and other types of transmission, servo system is the conversion of electrical signals into mechanical motion devices and components, the dynamic performance of the system, control the quality and functionality have a decisive impact. Composed of mechatronic systems 1. Mechanical body mechanical body, including racks, mechanical connection, such as mechanical drive, which is the basis of mechanical and electrical integration, play a support system of other functional units, the role of motion and power transmission. Compared with the purely mechanical products, electrical and mechanical integration of the technical performance of the system is improved, functionality is enhanced, which requires mechanical body in the mechanical structure, materials, processing technology and other aspects of geometry can be corresponding with high efficiency, versatile, reliable and energy-saving, small, lightweight and beautiful features. 2. Detection sensor part of the detection sensor part includes a variety of sensors and signal detection circuit, and its role is to detect the process of mechatronic systems work itself and the external environment-related changes in parameters, and information to the electronic control unit, electronic According to the control unit checks the information given to the corresponding control actuators. 3. Electronic control unit Electronic Control Unit, also known as ECU (Electrical Control Unit), is the core of mechatronic systems, responsible for the detection of each sensor from the external input command signal and concentration, memory, calculation, analysis, information processing based on the results of according to a certain extent and pace of issuing the appropriate command, control the entire system destination. 4. The role of actuators actuators are based on order-driven electronic control unit movement of mechanical parts. Actuators are moving parts, usually electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drives and other drives in several ways. 5. Power source power source is the energy supply part of the mechatronic product, its role is in accordance with the requirements of the system control to provide energy to the mechanical system and power to make the system work properly. Way to provide energy, including electricity, gas, energy and hydraulic energy to electrical energy based. Main Courses Mechatronics Mechanical aspects: mechanical drawing, mechanical design, engineering materials, engineering mechanics, numerical control programming, autoCAD, Mastercam software, C # Electrical: the programmable logic controller PLC, MCU, automatic control theory, digital circuits, electrical and electronic Internship Program: electric drive, PLC, MCU, fitter, general turning, milling, planer, NC, milling, processing center The training goal The professional training moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development, entrepreneurial, innovative spirit and good professional ethics of higher expertise, mechanical technology and electrical technology to master the basic theory and professional knowledge; have the appropriate practical skills and a strong practical work capacity, skilled mechanical and electrical integration of the application of products and equipment, maintenance, installation, commissioning, sales and management of the first line of high technology talents. The professional career-oriented Mechatronics is a wide caliber professionals to adapt to a wide range of students in school during the addition to learning a variety of mechanical, electrical and electronic, computer technology, control technology, sensing, detection theory, will also participate in various skills training and National Vocational Qualification Certificate Examination, fully embodies the characteristics of attention to skills development. Primarily for students in the Pearl River Delta after graduating from business, the company engaged in processing and manufacturing, household appliance manufacturing and service, CNC machine tool equipment maintenance, property management systems automation, electrical and mechanical product design, production, transformation, technical support, and mechanical and electrical equipment installation, commissioning, maintenance, sales, management and so on. 1, the main jobs: mechanical and electrical integration, equipment installation, commissioning, maintenance, sales and management; common modification of CNC machine tools and so on. 2, secondary jobs: mechatronics product design, production, transformation and technology services.
Electric Automation 电气自动化ELECTRIC AUTOMATION DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ADJUSTING THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ELECTRIC AUTOMATION DEVICE The invention relates to an electric automation device comprising a control unit that is controlled by a computer. In order to create an automation device that can be set to predefined functions in a particularly flexible manner while requiring less testing, a computer hardware component (2) is provided with control software comprising a basic functional area which includes an operating system (3), a device driver (4), and communication modules (5) so as to form a basic automation device (1) while the basic automation device (1) is complemented with any application modules (7a, 7b, 7c, 8, 9) that can be connected to the basic functional area via a software interface (6) in order to obtain the automation device. The invention also relates to a method for producing or adjusting the functions of such an electric automation device. 电气自动化专业介绍一、专业概况 随着高新技术的发展和生产自动化程度的提高,我国国民经济发展,正在和继续需要大批技术应用型实用人才。电气自动化技术是现代制造技术中不可缺少的重要技术门类,也是一个国家科技实力乃至综合竞争力的综合反映,在工业发展中具有前导地位。电气自动化技术,集机、电、计算机、信息处理等多学科于一体,是多学科相互交叉、渗透、结系淖酆涎Э疲�诠�窬�媒ㄉ柚姓加兄匾�牡匚弧R虼耍�梢运档缙�远��际跏嵌ヌ炝⒌氐氖乱担�枪�窬�梅⒄购腿嗣裆�钏�教岣叩奈镏侍跫�� ?br> (一)、培养目标本专业培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,具有良好职业道德和综合业务素质,具备较强的创新意识和创业能力,掌握电气自动化技术、计算机控制技术的基础理论,能在生产、建设、管理、服务第一线从事常用电气自动化设备、常用电气设备、供配电系统和装置、计算机控制系统、PLC控制系统的安装、调试、运行和维护的实用型高技能专门人才。 (二)、培养要求及职业能力分析 1、培养要求:本专业主要学习电气自动化的专业技术知识,应具有较强的本专业技术应用能力。 2、职业能力分析 (1)具有良好的身体素质、职业道德和人文素质,较强的语言文字表达能力和一定的社会交往能力及继续学习能力。 (2)具有较强的用英语进行人际和人机交流能力,具有阅读和翻译本专业有关英文资料的能力。 (3)具有较强的在信息化社会中工作、学习、生活所必备的计算机应用能力;熟练使用电子电气CAD软件;掌握一门程序设计语言。 (4)具有分析和测试常见的电工电子线路,能设计一般电工电子应用线路,能熟练使用常规电工电子仪器、仪表,具有熟练的电工基本操作技能。 (5)熟悉常用低压电器的基本原理及使用;能熟练阅读电气控制线路的原理图与接线图;具有对常规电气设备、供配电设备等电气控制系统进行安装、调试、维护能力。 (6)具有正确选用、安装、调试、维护电力电子装置和典型交、直流调速系统的能力。 (7)具有熟练的可编程控制器应用能力。 (8)具有以嵌入式计算机数字控制技术为核心的新技术基本应用能力,对相应控制系统具有调试维护能力。 (9)具有对一般的机械零件图、产品装配图与机械、液压和气压传动系统回路的识读能力,了解常用机械设备的结构特点及工艺过程,了解常见的机械和电气的配合关系。 (10)了解企业管理的基本知识,具有一定的质量意识。 (三)、课程设置 课程设置共分五部分:公共必修课、专业必修课、专业限定选修课、专业选修课及公共选修课。 1、公共必修课包括:思想道德修养、法律基础、邓小平理论、马克思主义哲学、体育、英语、高等数学、计算机操作基础等。 2、专业必修课包括:电工基础、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机及拖动基础、机械制图及公差、机械工程基础、嵌入式计算机原理及应用、C语言程序设计、自动检测与转换技术、现代电力电子技术、可编程序控制器应用、自动控制原理与系统、C语言、工厂电气控制技术、电子电气CAD、变配电技术、变频调速原理与应用、工业控制网络、DSP原理与应用及专业英语等。其中主干课程为:电工基础、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机及拖动基础、嵌入式计算机原理及应用、自动检测与转换技术、现代电力电子技术、可编程序控制器应用、自动控制原理与系统等。 3、专业限选课包括:计算机控制技术、工业自动化仪表、控制电机、智能控制等。 4专业任选课包括:电工电子工艺、多媒体技术、楼宇自动化、计算机系统仿真、计算机维修、程序设计(VB)等。 5、公共选修课包括:包括两个能力模块:经济管理科学类和人文与社会科学类。 (四)、实践教学环节 1、专业主要实践教学包括:电工实验、模拟电子技术实验、数字电子技术实验、电机与电力拖动实验、可编程序控制器应用实验、嵌入式计算机原理实验、现代电力电子技术实验、电工基础课程设计、电子技术课程设计、嵌入式计算机原理课程设计、可编程序控制器应用课程设计、自控系统课程设计、综合系统实训、金工实习、电工电子实习、专业参观、综合生产实习、毕业设计等。 2、非专业实践教学包括:入学教育、军训、暑期社会实践、社团活动、体育活动、文艺活动等。 (五)、职业技能证书 本专业证书包含三个方面: 1、公共必修证书:PET、计算机一级证书。 2、专业必修证书:CAD初级、维修电工中级。 3、任选证书:CET四级证书、计算机三级证书(单片机方向)、CAD中级证书、维修电工高级证书、气液电控制技术。 (六)、本专业师资力量 学院拥有一支学术造诣高、教学经验丰富、实践能力强的师资队伍。电气自动化技术专业现有师资26人,其中副高职称以上有17人,“双师型”教师10人。能够满足公共基础课、专业基础课和专业课的理论及实践教学的需要。 二、职业前景 1、对口行业 电气自动化技术是传统而具有新内涵的专业,本专业培养拥护党的基本路线,德、智、体、美等全面发展,具备从事电气自动化技术所需要的理论知识和职业技术能力,主要在生产、建设、服务和管理等第一线工作的高级技术应用性专门人才。本专业的毕业生可就职于国防、航天、航空、航海、铁道、机械、轻工、化工、电子、电力、电信、钢铁、石油、矿山、煤炭、地质、勘测等广泛的工业、农业、科学研究领域,也可就职于现代物流及现代服务业。 2、就业前景 在上海市经济委员会的《上海制造业战略升级的行动纲要》中指出:加快推动制造业的战略升级是贯彻党的十六大精神,坚定地走新型工业化道路,实现向制造业强国转变的国家战略需要,也是上海建立新型产业体系,提高城市综合竞争力,坚持“四个中心”的客观要求。上海制造业战略升级的重点包括:高新技术产业重点发展电子信息和现代生物与现代医药制造业;交通运输设备制造业重点发展汽车、轨道交通、船舶、民用飞机;装备制造业重点发展大型成套设备、电站设备、新能源和新型环保设备制造业;原材料制造业重点发展石油化工和精细化工、精品钢材制造业;生产性服务业重点发展制造业物流、技术服务等产业;大力发展就业广、清洁型的都市型工业。根据电气自动化的内涵,上述产业无不包含电气自动化技术,同时也对电气自动化技术专业的人才提出了更高的要求。据上海市政府组织的《面向新世纪上海紧缺人才需求趋势与开发研究对策》的报告显示,复合型技术人才是紧缺的专业人才,而电气自动化技术专业是培养复合型技术人才的有效载体。可以预见在未来数年内,电气自动化专业毕业生就业前景良好。
查到10篇关于电动车的文献。我想能适合楼主的可能有个一篇两篇吧。如果楼主感兴趣,可以发邮件到,我发给你全文。[1]O'Keefe, M., K. Bennion, and . Laboratory, Comparison of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Electronics Cooling Options. 2008: National Renewable Energy Laboratory.[2]Shabashevich, A., et al., Consumer Ready Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Team-Fate, University of California, Davis. http://www. teamfate. net/technical/UCDavis_Spring2007_TechReport. pdf, 2007.[3]Rousseau, A., S. Pagerit, and D. Gao. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control Strategy Parameter Optimization. 2007.[4]Syed, F., et al., Derivation and Experimental Validation of a Power-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2006. 55(6): p. 1731.[5]Moreno, J., M. Ortúzar, and J. Dixon, Energy-Management System for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Using Ultracapacitors and Neural Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2006. 53(2).[6]Miller, J., Hybrid Electric Vehicle Propulsion System Architectures of the e-CVT Type. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2006. 21(3): p. 756-767.[7]Markel, T. and A. Simpson. Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System Design. 2006.[8]Wang, C., O. Stielau, and G. Covic, Design considerations for a contactless electric vehicle battery charger. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 2005. 52(5): p. 1308-1314.[9]Musardo, C., et al. A-ECMS: An Adaptive Algorithm for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management. 2005: IEEE; 1998.[10]Faiz, J., et al., Sensorless direct torque control of induction motors used in electric vehicle. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on, 2003. 18(1): p. 1-10.
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