物流管理的定义 物流管理(Logistics Management)是指在社会再生产过程中,根据物质资料实体流动的规律,应用管理的基本原理和科学方法,对物流活动进行计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现最佳的协调与配合,以降低物流成本,提高物流效率和经济效益。现代物流管理是建立在系统论、信息论和控制论的基础上的。 物流管理主要有4个特点 (1)以实现客户满意为第一目标; (2)以企业整体最优为目的; (3)以信息为中心; (4)重效率更重效果。 实施物流管理的目的 实施物流管理的目的就是要在尽可能最低的总成本条件下实现既定的客户服务水平,即寻求服务优势和成本优势的一种动态平衡,并由此创造企业在竞争中的战略优势。根据这个目标,物流管理要解决的基本问题,简单地说,就是把合适的产品以合适的数量和合适的价格在合适的时间和合适的地点提供给客户。 物流管理强调运用系统方法解决问题。现代物流通常被认为是由运输、存储、包装、装卸、流通加工、配送和信息诸环节构成。各环节原本都有各自的功能、利益和观念。系统方法就是利用现代管理方法和现代技术,使各个环节共享总体信息,把所有环节作为一个一体化的系统来进行组织和管理,以使系统能够在尽可能低的总成本条件下,提供有竞争优势的客户服务。系统方法认为,系统的效益并不是它们各个局部环节效益的简单相加。系统方法意味着,对于出现的某一个方面的问题,要对全部的影响因素进行分析和评价。从这一思想出发,物流系统并不简单地追求在各个环节上各自的最低成本,因为物流各环节的效益之间存在相互影响、相互制约的倾向,存在着交替易损的关系。比如过分强调包装材料的节约,就可能因其易于破损造成运输和装卸费用的上升。因此,系统方法强调要进行总成本分析,以及避免次佳效应和成本权衡应用的分析,以达到总成本最低,同时满足既定的客户服务水平的目的。 物流管理的发展经历 物流管理的发展经历了配送管理、物流管理和供应链管理3个层次。物流管理起源于第二次世界大战中军队输送物资装备所发展出来的储运模式和技术。在战后这些技术被广泛应用于工业界,并极大地提高了企业的运作效率,为企业赢得更多客户。当时的物流管理主要针对企业的配送部分,即在成品生产出来后,如何快速而高效地经过配送中心把产品送达客户,并尽可能维持最低的库存量。美国物流管理协会那时叫做实物配送管理协会,而加拿大供应链与物流管理协会则叫做加拿大实物配送管理协会。在这个初级阶段,物流管理只是在既定数量的成品生产出来后,被动地去迎合客户需求,将产品运到客户指定的地点,并在运输的领域内去实现资源最优化使用,合理设置各配送中心的库存量。准确地说,这个阶段物流管理并未真正出现,有的只是运输管理、仓储管理和库存管理。物流经理的职位当时也不存在,有的只是运输经理或仓库经理。 现代意义上的物流管理出现在20世纪80年代。人们发现利用跨职能的流程管理的方式去观察、分析和解决企业经营中的问题非常有效。通过分析物料从原材料运到工厂,流经生产线上每个工作站,产出成品,再运送到配送中心,最后交付给客户的整个流通过程,企业可以消除很多看似高效率却实际上降低了整体效率的局部优化行为。因为每个职能部门都想尽可能地利用其产能,没有留下任何富余,一旦需求增加,则处处成为瓶颈,导致整个流程的中断。又比如运输部作为一个独立的职能部门,总是想方设法降低其运输成本,但若其因此而将一笔必须加快的订单交付海运而不是空运,这虽然省下了运费,却失去了客户,导致整体的失利。所以传统的垂直职能管理已不适应现代大规模工业化生产,而横向的物流管理却可以综合管理每一个流程上的不同职能,以取得整体最优化的协同作用。 在这个阶段,物流管理的范围扩展到除运输外的需求预测、采购、生产计划、存货管理、配送与客户服务等,以系统化管理企业的运作,达到整体效益的最大化。高德拉特所著的《目标》一书风靡全球制造业界,其精髓就是从生产流程的角度来管理生产。相应地,美国实物配送管理协会在20世纪80年代中期改名为美国物流管理协会,而加拿大实物配送管理协会则在1992年改名为加拿大物流管理协会。 一个典型的制造企业,其需求预测、原材料采购和运输环节通常叫做进向物流,原材料在工厂内部工序间的流通环节叫做生产物流,而配送与客户服务环节叫做出向物流。物流管理的关键则是系统管理从原材料、在制品到成品的整个流程,以保证在最低的存货条件下,物料畅通的买进、运入、加工、运出并交付到客户手中。对于有着高效物流管理的企业的股东而言,这意味着以最少的资本做出最大的生意,产生最大的投资回报。 国网提示:如果认为我们提供的本词条还有不当的地方欢迎批评指正。【物流的概念】 解释一: 物流是指为了满足客户的需要,以最低的成本,通过运输、保管、配送等方式,实现原材料、半成品、成品及相关信息由商品的产地到商品的消费地所进行的计划、实施和管理的全过程。 物流构成:商品的运输、配送、仓储、包装、搬运装卸、流通加工,以及相关的物流信息等环节。 物流活动的具体内容包括以下几个方面:用户服务、需求预测、定单处理、配送、存货控制、运输、仓库管理、工厂和仓库的布局与选址、搬运装卸、采购、包装、情报信息。 解释二: 在我国国家标准《物流术语》的定义中指出:物流是“物品从供应地到接收地的实体流动过程,根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合。” 解释三: 物流中的“物”是物质资料世界中同时具备物质实体特点和可以进行物理性位移的那一部分物质资料。“流”是物理性运动,这种运动有其限定的含义,就是以地球为参照系,相对于地球而发生的物理性运动,称之为"位移"。流的范围可以是地理性的大范围,也可以是在同一地域、同一环境中的微观运动,小范围位移。“物”和“流”的组合,是一种建立在自然运动基础上的高级的运动形式。其互相联系是在经济目的和实物之间,在军事目的和实物之间,甚至在某种社会目的和实物之间,寻找运动的规律。因此,物流不仅是上述限定条件下的“物”和“流”的组合,而更重要在于,是限定于军事、经济、社会条件下的组合,是从军事、经济、社会角度来观察物的运输,达到某种军事、经济、社会的要求。 解释四: stream :在化工生产过程中,需要进行化学或物理变化的物料常常以气态或液态参与生产过程,并以管道输送,这样参与过程的原料、中间产物、产品等称为物流。在连续操作过程中不断地加入或排出的固体物料也可称为物流。 The definition of logistics management Logistics Management (Logistics Management) is in the process of social reproduction, according to the material flow of information entities, the application of the basic principles of management and the scientific method, the logistics activities of planning, organization, command, coordination, control and supervision, so that all Logistics activities to achieve the best possible coordination and cooperation in order to reduce logistics costs and enhance logistics efficiency and economic benefits. Modern logistics management system is built on the theory, information theory, cybernetics and on the basis of. Logistics Management has four major characteristics of (1) in order to achieve customer satisfaction as the first target; (2) to enterprises as a whole for the purpose of optimal; (3) with information as the center; (4) more emphasis on efficient results. The purpose of the implementation of logistics management The purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price at the right time and suitable sites available to customers. Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspect of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. Starting from this idea, the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits of mutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer service purposes. The development of logistics management experience The development of logistics management has experienced distribution management, logistics management and supply chain management three levels. Logistics management originated in World War II military transport supplies and equipment developed by the storage and transportation modes and technologies. After the war, these technologies are widely used in industry, and greatly improve the operational efficiency of enterprises, for enterprises to win more customers. At that time, logistics management, aimed at the distribution of the finished product that is produced, how fast and efficient products through distribution centers to serve customers, and as far as possible to maintain a minimum inventory. Logistics Management Association of the United States at that time called the Physical Distribution Management Association and the Canadian supply chain and logistics management is called the Canadian Association of Physical Distribution Management Association. In this initial stage, logistics management is the established number of products produced by, passively to meet the needs of customers, products will be transported to the designated locations, and in the field of transport to achieve the most optimal use of resources, a reasonable set of distribution Center inventory. Rather, this stage of logistics management has not really there, there are only transportation management, warehousing management and inventory management. Logistics manager positions do not exist at that time, there are only the manager or warehouse manager. Modern sense of logistics management in the 1980s. People find that the use of cross-functional process management approach to observe, analyze and solve business problems in the very effective. By analyzing the material from raw materials shipped to factories and production lines running through each workstation, product output, and then transported to distribution centers, the final delivery to customers throughout the circulation process, enterprises can eliminate a lot of high-efficiency appears to have actually reduced Optimize the overall efficiency of the local acts. Because everyone wants to functional departments as far as possible use of its capacity, left no surplus, once the increased demand, everywhere a bottleneck, resulting in the suspension of the entire process. For instance the Ministry of Transport as a separate functional departments, always trying to reduce their transport costs, but its result will be a need to speed up the delivery of orders rather than shipping by air, although this saved the freight, it lost customers, resulting in The overall loss. Therefore, the traditional vertical management functions no longer suited to modern large-scale industrial production, and horizontal logistics management can be integrated management of each process on the different functions, in order to get the overall optimization of synergies. At this stage, to expand the scope of logistics management in addition to transport, the demand forecasts, procurement, production planning, inventory management, distribution and customer service, so as to systematic management of the operation of enterprises, to maximize the overall efficiency. Goldratt's The "goal" in a sweep of the global manufacturing industry, its essence is from the perspective of the production process to manage the production. Accordingly, the Physical Distribution Management Association of the United States in the mid-1980s changed its name to the United States Logistics Management Association, Canada and the Physical Distribution Management Association in 1992 changed its name to the Canadian Association of Logistics Management. A typical manufacturing enterprise, its demand forecasts, purchase of raw materials and transport links are usually called into the logistics and raw materials in the factory processes within the logistics supply chain called the production, distribution and customer service link called out to the logistics. Logistics management is the key systems management from raw materials, finished products to the entire process to ensure that the lowest inventory conditions, the flow of buying materials, imported, processed, shipped out and delivered to the customer. For a highly efficient logistics management companies shareholders, this means that the capital to at least make the most of the business, produce the greatest return on investment. State Net: If we think of this term is also available in inappropriate places welcome criticism correction. [] The concept of logistics One explanation: Logistics is that in order to meet customer needs, the lowest cost, through the transport, storage, distribution, etc., and raw materials, semi-finished products, finished goods and related information from the origin to the consumption of goods and conducted by the planning, implementation and management of the The entire process. Logistics form: the transport of goods, distribution, warehousing, packing, loading and unloading handling, circulation processing, logistics and related information, and other areas. The specific content of logistics activities, including the following areas: customer service and demand forecasts, order processing, distribution, inventory control, transport, storage management, factories and warehouses and the layout of the site, removal handling, procurement, packaging, intelligence and information. Explanation 2: China's national standards, "the logistics of terms" that the definition of: logistics is "items from the suppliers to receive and process flow of the entity, according to actual needs, transportation, storage, handling, transport, packaging and distribution processing, distribution, information processing , And other basic functions of the organic integration. " Three explanations: The logistics of the "objects" is material information in the world along with material entities can be physical characteristics and the displacement of that part of material information. "Flow" is the physical movement, such movement has its limited meaning, that is, for the reference to the Earth in relation to the earth and the physical movement, known as "displacement." The scope of flow can be rational and large-scale, may also be in the same area, the micro-environment of the same movement, small-scale displacement. "Objects" and "flow" of the combination is a natural movement built on the basis of the senior forms of exercise. Their mutual ties in the economic objective and in-kind between the military and in-kind, and even in certain social objectives and in-kind between the movement to find the laws. Therefore, logistics is not only the qualification of "objects" and "flow" of the portfolio, but more important is that is limited to the military, economic and social conditions under the portfolio, is from the military, economic and social point of view of observation Transport, to achieve some kind of military, economic, social requirements. 4 explained: stream: in the chemical production process, the need for chemical or physical changes of materials, often in gaseous or liquid involved in the production process, and piped, to participate in this process of raw materials, intermediate products, products known as logistics. In continuous operation in the process of constantly adding or from the solid material can also known as logistics.
E-business environment under the logistics and distributionAbstract: e-commerce under the logistics and distribution will help reduce production business inventories and accelerate capital turnover, enhance logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs, and stimulate the social needs and is conducive to the whole community's macro-control and promote the healthy operation of the market economy and electronic Business to develop in depth. Key words: e-commerce distributionFirst, China's development of logistics distribution E-commerce logistics entity is the core issue of the distribution items. China, as a developing country, the logistics industry to its late start, low level, the introduction of e-commerce, e-commerce did not have to support the activities of the modern logistics level. However, since e-commerce in China to settle down, people did not stop distribution of the discussion. At present, China mainly three types of e-commerce distribution model, is a full distribution system, that is, the domestic Internet-based, to various regions of the country's logistics system has been linked by agreement, a comprehensive distribution network for the entire process straight . The second category is a regional system of a single business model. Partial to the original business of a single regional distribution site for the base and be integrated, similar to a single business to business services, computer networking, the entire system of networking, and automated management. The third category is professional distribution system of the model. Such as postal communications, railway transport, air, water, Qiyun and other departments have been the perfect use of the national transport network resources to carry out specialized distribution. From across the country, China has long been subject to the impact of the planned economy, low levels of social logistics, logistics management system confusion, the existing three categories of e-commerce distribution model is not yet ripe, efficiency is not high, but in the red. Therefore, the need for China's economic development, enterprise reform and development of e-commerce logistics and distribution, learn from developed countries through the road and experience from China in 1992 began a logistics distribution center of the experimental work. In 1996 the Internal Trade issued "on strengthening the commercial development of logistics distribution center construction work of the notice," pointed out the development and construction of logistics distribution center the importance of the proposed development and construction of the guiding ideology and principle, put forward the "mechanisms and intensive Management, improve the function of the development of the logistics and enhance strength "of the reform and development principles, to establish modern logistics distribution center to change the social construction of logistics distribution centers, the development of modern network as the main direction. Second, China's logistics and distribution patterns and problems of At present, China's increased the number of e-commerce sites, transactions involving goods of daily necessities and other non-consumables, and on its e-commerce distribution model, can be divided into three types, namely operating BtoB (business to business) business model, BtoC (Business to consumers) model and the virtual logistics company model, in practice, although these three models get the recognition and application of common, but in e-commerce and distribution of convergence and optimal operation, there are still many problems, reflected in concrete : China's current social low level of information networks, network infrastructure is relatively weak, especially as e-commerce platform for the delivery and billing infrastructure lags behind, the computer penetration rate low rate of Internet users only about 8 percent and are mainly concentrated in major cities , The use of Internet users in the real rate of online shopping less than percent, electronic shopping credit has not been widely recognized. The understanding of the importance of e-commerce logistics enough. Availability of the overall level of enterprise network low ratio of less than Internet companies, logistics enterprise information construction lagged behind, logistics and distribution of specialization, social, electronic, modern low level. There have been serious problems of poor business reputation, late delivery, delivery or do not send the wrong frequent phenomenon. E-commerce logistics infrastructure is not yet perfect, logistics systems theory is not enough, the logistics technology is still very backward, China's logistics workers and practice the theory of modern logistics of the new theories, new technologies, such as integrated supply chain management, third party logistics, automation Warehouse, automatic sorting system, global positioning system (GPS), and so has just contacted. Jidong of the lack of e-commerce and e-commerce technology has practical experience in human resources, in particular the lack of Jidong e-commerce and logistics distribution to understand the innovative spirit of the compound talents. Third, logistics and healthy development of the countermeasure 1. Enhance the degree of information. Distribution of information for performance: the logistics of the database of information collection and code, the logistics of the electronic information processing and computer, the transmission of information and the standardization of real-time logistics information such as the digital storage. Therefore, the bar-code technology, database technology, electronic ordering system, electronic data exchange, radio frequency technology, management information systems, enterprise resource planning, and other advanced management strategy should be in China's logistics and distribution enterprises to promote use. Information is all modern technology and management tools of the foundation, only to achieve distribution of information can take up to the era of e-commerce distribution industry and historic task. 2. Improve the logistics management system, improve service quality. Internet shopping for the delivery time is too long and has yet to supply the phenomenon as e-commerce company in order to better serve customers, suppliers and customers should be strengthened between the exchange of information and feedback. This will save users to order processing fees, users can also save time and gradually raise awareness of online shopping sense of trust, making good steady development of e-commerce. 3. Distribution lower prices. China's large-scale development of e-commerce online shopping has been difficult, logistics and distribution costs high, especially in the type of Internet transactions, for each client to achieve door-to-door is the high cost, we must work hard to reduce costs, e-commerce solution Logistics and distribution companies and distribution services among enterprises in the prices of contradictions. 4. Perfect laws and policies. E-commerce for the logistics and distribution problems, the relevant government departments should actively study the characteristics of e-commerce, the rapid development of targeted laws, regulations and policies to regulate e-commerce activities, enterprises and consumers in general to increase the confidence of e-commerce Flu. 5. Actively developing third-party logistics enterprises. "TPL" refers to the logistics business from the supply side and demand-side beyond the completion of a third party, in a sense that it is a form of logistics professionalism, "third-party logistics" in logistics management experience, Talent, technology, philosophy and other areas have certain advantages, the e-commerce transactions in both supply and demand of all the logistics activities of agent credentials, well-funded third-party logistics, the logistics can take full advantage of modern technology, is built on the foundation of modern information network technology On the logistics management software to ensure that customers at any time and any place check of goods and provision of supporting services, e-commerce transactions between the parties involved in the logistics can be entrusted to professional logistics enterprises, concentrate on developing the electronics market and business efficiency of the e-commerce BtoB transactions. The establishment of a national logistics public information platform, the development of 4PL. 4PL is a supply chain integrator, mobilization and management organizations and their complementarity of the service provider's resources, capacity and technology to provide an integrated supply chain solutions. Clearly, 4PL must meet three conditions: not the interests of the logistics side, to achieve information sharing, the ability to integrate all the logistics resources. And really meet these conditions, only a virtual network of platforms, and this is the logistics and public information platform. It provides comprehensive supply chain solutions to social integration of logistics resources, enhance the country's logistics industry integrated collaborative capabilities.电子商务环境下的物流配送摘要:电子商务下的物流配送既有利于减少生产企业库存,加速资金周转,提高物流效率,降低物流成本,又刺激了社会需求,有利于整个社会的宏观调控,促进市场经济的健康运行及电子商务向纵深发展。关键词:电子商务 物流 配送一、我国物流配送发展概况 电子商务物流的核心问题是实体物品的配送。我国作为一个发展中国家,物流业起步较晚,水平低,在引进电子商务时,并不具备能够支持电子商务活动的现代化物流水平。但自从电子商务在中国落户,人们就没有停止对物流配送问题的讨论。目前,我国主要有三类电子商务物流配送模式,一类是全程物流配送系统,即以国内互联网为基础,把全国各地区已有的物流系统通过协议联系起来,形成全方位的全程直投配送网。第二类是区域性单一业务系统改造模式。以原有局部区域性单一业务的配送站点为基础,并加以集成,把单一业务改为同类业务服务,通过计算机联网,实现整个系统的网络化、自动化管理。第三类是专业化配送系统改造模式。如邮政通讯、铁运、空运、水运、汽运等部门利用已有的完善的全国性运输网络资源进行专业化配送。从全国范围来看,我国长期以来受计划经济的影响,物流社会化程度低,物流管理体制混乱,已有的三类电子商务物流配送模式还不成熟,效率不高,而且处于亏损状态。因此,针对我国经济发展需要、企业改革及电子商务物流配送发展现状,借鉴发达国家走过的道路和经验,我国从1992年起开始了物流配送中心的试点工作。1996年原国内贸易部发出了《关于加强商业物流配送中心发展建设工作的通知》,指出了发展建设物流配送中心的重要意义,提出发展建设的指导思想和原则,同时提出了“转换机制、集约经营、完善功能、发展物流、增强实力”的改革与发展方针,确定以向现代化物流配送中心转变,建设社会化的物流配送中心,发展现代化网络为主要方向。 二、我国物流配送模式及存在的问题 目前我国电子商务网站数量大增,交易商品涉及日用品及其他非易耗品等,就其电子商务物流配送模式而言,可分为三种类型,分别是经营BtoB(商家对商家)业务的模式、BtoC(商家对消费者)的模式以及虚拟物流公司模式,在实践中这三种模式虽然得到共同的认同与应用,但在电子商务与物流配送的接轨和优化运行上还存在许多问题,具体体现在: 中国目前的社会信息网络化水平低,网络基础设施相对薄弱,特别是作为电子商务平台的传递和结算基础设施滞后,计算机普及率低,网民比率只有8%左右,并主要集中在各大中城市,网民中真正采用网上购物的比率不到,电子购物的信用没有得到广泛认同。 对电子商务物流的重要性认识不够。供货企业网络化整体水平低,上网企业比率不足,物流企业信息化建设滞后,物流配送的专业化、社会化、电子化、现代化程度低。 存在严重的商业信誉差的问题,迟送、送错或不送现象时有发生。 电子商务物流基础尚不完善,物流理论还不够系统,物流技术还很落后,我国物流理论工作者和实践者对现代物流的新理论、新技术,如集成化供应链管理、第三方物流、自动化立体仓库、全自动分拣系统、全球定位系统(GPS)等才刚刚接触。 缺乏既懂电子商务理论和技术又有电子商务实践经验人才,尤其缺乏既懂电子商务又懂物流配送的有创新精神的复合型人才。三、物流配送健康发展的对策 1.提高信息化程度。物流配送信息化表现为:物流信息收集的数据库化和代码化、物流信息处理的电子化和计算机化、信息传递的标准化和实时化、物流信息存储的数字化等。因此,条码技术、数据库技术、电子订货系统、电子数据交换、射频技术、管理信息系统、企业资源计划等先进的管理策略,应在我国的物流配送企业大力推广运用。信息化是一切现代技术和管理手段的基础,只有实现物流配送信息化,才能承担起电子商务时代赋予物流配送业的历史任务。 2.完善物流管理系统功能,提高售后服务质量。针对网上购物出现的送货时间过长以及迟迟没有货源的现象,作为电子商务公司为了能更好的服务于顾客,应加强顾客和供货商之间信息的交流与反馈。这样可以给用户节约订单处理费用,又可以节约用户的时间,逐渐提高人们对网上购物的信任感,使得电子商务良性稳步发展。 3.降低配送服务价格。我国发展电子商务实现大规模的网上购物一直困难重重,物流配送费用偏高,特别是零售型的网上交易,为每个客户实现送货上门是高成本的,必须努力降低成本,解决电子商务公司与物流配送企业之间在配送服务价格方面的矛盾。 4.完善法律政策。针对电子商务物流配送出现的种种问题,政府有关部门应该积极研究电子商务的特点,迅速制定有针对性地法律、法规和政策,以规范电子商务活动,增加企业和广大消费者对电子商务的信任感。 5.积极发展第三方物流企业。“第三方物流”是指物流由商务的供方、需方之外的第三方完成,从某种意义上说它是物流专业化的一种形式,“第三方物流”一般在物流管理经验、人才、技术、理念等方面都具有一定的优势,对电子商务交易中供求双方的所有物流活动进行全权代理,同时第三方物流资金雄厚,可以充分利用现代物流技术,具有建立在现代信息网络技术基础上的物流管理软件,保证客户在任何时间、任何地点查看货物及提供配套的服务,参与电子商务交易的双方可以把物流委托给专业物流企业,专心于电子市场的开拓和商务效率的提高电子商务BtoB交易模式。 建立全国物流公共信息平台,发展第四方物流。第四方物流是一个供应链集成商,它调集和管理组织自己的以及具有互补性的服务提供商的资源、能力和技术,以提供一个综合的供应链解决方案。显然,第四方物流必须满足三个条件:不是物流的利益方、能实现信息共享、有能力整合所有的物流资源。而真正满足这些条件的只有一种虚拟的物流网平台,这就是全国物流公共信息平台。它能提供综合的供应链解决方案,以整合社会物流资源,提高我国物流产业的综合协同能力。
SQL (sometimes expanded as Structured Query Language) is a computer language used to create, retrieve, update and delete data from relational database management systems. SQL has been standardized by both ANSI and is commonly spoken either as the names of the letters ess-cue-el (IPA: [ˈɛsˈkjuˈɛl]), or like the word sequel (IPA: [ˈsiːkwəl]). The official pronunciation of SQL according to ANSI is ess-cue-el. However, each of the major database products (or projects) containing the letters SQL has its own convention: MySQL is officially and commonly pronounced "My Ess Cue El"; PostgreSQL is expediently pronounced postgres (being the name of the predecessor to PostgreSQL); and Microsoft SQL Server is commonly spoken as influential paper, A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, by Dr. Edgar F. Codd, was published in June 1970 in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) journal, Communications of the ACM, although drafts of it were circulated internally within IBM in 1969. Codd's model became widely accepted as the definitive model for relational database management systems (RDBMS or RDMS).During the 1970s, a group at IBM's San Jose research center developed a database system "System R" based upon Codd's model. Structured English Query Language ("SEQUEL") was designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in System R. The acronym SEQUEL was later condensed to SQL because the word 'SEQUEL' was held as a trademark by the Hawker Siddeley aircraft company of the UK.[citation needed] Although SQL was influenced by Codd's work, Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce at IBM were the authors of the SEQUEL language design. Their concepts were published to increase interest in first non-commercial, relational, non-SQL database, Ingres, was developed in 1974 at . 1978, methodical testing commenced at customer test sites. Demonstrating both the usefulness and practicality of the system, this testing proved to be a success for IBM. As a result, IBM began to develop commercial products based on their System R prototype that implemented SQL, including the System/38 (announced in 1978 and commercially available in August 1979), SQL/DS (introduced in 1981), and DB2 (in 1983).At the same time, Relational Software, Inc. (now Oracle Corporation) saw the potential of the concepts described by Chamberlin and Boyce and developed their own version of a RDBMS for the Navy, CIA and others. In the summer of 1979, Relational Software, Inc. introduced Oracle V2 (Version2) for VAX computers as the first commercially available implementation of SQL. Oracle V2 beat IBM's release of the System/38 to the market by a few was adopted as a standard by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) in 1986 and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1987. However, since the dissolution of the NIST data management standards program in 1996 there has been no certification for compliance with the SQL standard so vendors must be relied on to SQL standard is not freely available. SQL:2003 and SQL:2006 may be purchased from ISO or ANSI. A late draft of SQL:2003 is available as a zip archive from Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation. The zip archive contains a number of PDF files that define the parts of the SQL:2003 is designed for a specific purpose: to query data contained in a relational database. SQL is a set-based, declarative programming language, not an imperative language such as C or extensions such as Oracle Corporation's PL/SQL bridge this gap to some extent by adding procedural elements, such as flow-of-control constructs. Another approach is to allow programming language code to be embedded in and interact with the database. For example, Oracle and others include Java in the database, and SQL Server 2005 allows any .NET language to be hosted within the database server process, while PostgreSQL allows functions to be written in a wide variety of languages, including Perl, Tcl, and to and variations of the standards exist. Commercial implementations commonly omit support for basic features of the standard, such as the DATE or TIME data types, preferring variations of their own. SQL code can rarely be ported between database systems without major modifications, in contrast to ANSI C or ANSI Fortran, which can usually be ported from platform to platform without major structural , IBM's SQL PL (SQL Procedural Language) and Sybase / Microsoft's Transact-SQL are of a proprietary nature because the procedural programming language they present are for lack of portabilityThere are several reasons for this lack of portability between database systems: * The complexity and size of the SQL standard means that most databases do not implement the entire standard. * The standard does not specify database behavior in several important areas (. indexes), leaving it up to implementations of the database to decide how to behave. * The SQL standard precisely specifies the syntax that a conforming database system must implement. However, the standard's specification of the semantics of language constructs is less well-defined, leading to areas of ambiguity. * Many database vendors have large existing customer bases; where the SQL standard conflicts with the prior behavior of the vendor's database, the vendor may be unwilling to break backward keywordsQueriesThe most common operation in SQL databases is the query, denoted with the SELECT keyword. SQL SELECT queries are declarative: * SELECT retrieves data from tables in a database. While often grouped with Data Manipulation Language statements, SELECT is considered by many to be separate from SQL DML. SELECT queries allow the user to specify a description of the desired result set, but it is left to the devices of the database management system (DBMS) to plan, optimize, and perform the physical operations necessary to produce that result set. A SQL query includes a list of columns to be included in the final result immediately following the SELECT keyword. An asterisk ("*") can also be used as a "wildcard" indicator to specify that all available columns of a table (or multiple tables) are to be returned. SELECT is the most complex statement in SQL, with several optional keywords and clauses: o The FROM clause indicates the source tables from which the data is to be drawn. The FROM clause can include optional JOIN clauses to join related tables to one another. o The WHERE clause includes a comparison predicate, which is used to narrow the result set. The WHERE clause eliminates all rows from the result set for which the comparison predicate does not evaluate to True. o The GROUP BY clause is used to combine rows with related values into elements of a smaller set of rows. o The HAVING clause is used to identify which of the "combined rows" (combined rows are produced when the query has a GROUP BY clause or when the SELECT part contains aggregates), are to be retrieved. HAVING acts much like a WHERE, but it operates on the results of the GROUP BYand can include aggregate functions. o The ORDER BY clause is used to identify which columns are used to sort the resulting data. Unless an ORDER BY clause is included, the order of rows returned by SELECT is never retrieval is very often combined with data projection; usually it isn't the verbatim data stored in primitive data types that a user is looking for or a query is written to serve. Often the data needs to be expressed differently from how it's stored. SQL allows a wide variety of formulas included in the select list to project 1:SELECT * FROM booksWHERE price > BY titleThis is an example that could be used to get a list of expensive books. It retrieves the records from the books table that have a price field which is greater than . The result is sorted alphabetically by book title. The asterisk (*) means to show all columns of the books table. Alternatively, specific columns could be 2:SELECT , count(*) AS AuthorsFROM booksJOIN book_authors ON = BY could also be written asSELECT title, count(*) AS AuthorsFROM books NATURAL JOIN book_authors GROUP BY titleunder the precondition that book_number is the only common column name of the two tables and that a column named title only exists in 2 shows both the use of multiple tables in a join, and aggregation (grouping). This example shows how many authors there are per book. Example output may resemble:Title Authors---------------------- -------SQL Examples and Guide 3The Joy of SQL 1How to use Wikipedia 2Pitfalls of SQL 1How SQL Saved my Dog 1Data manipulationFirst, there are the standard Data Manipulation Language (DML) elements. DML is the subset of the language used to add, update and delete data: * INSERT is used to add rows (formally tuples) to an existing table. * UPDATE is used to modify the values of a set of existing table rows. * MERGE is used to combine the data of multiple tables. It is something of a combination of the INSERT and UPDATE elements. It is defined in the SQL:2003 standard; prior to that, some databases provided similar functionality via different syntax, sometimes called an "upsert". * DELETE removes zero or more existing rows from a Example:INSERT INTO my_table (field1, field2, field3) VALUES ('test', 'N', NULL);UPDATE Example:UPDATE my_table SET field1 = 'updated value' WHERE field2 = 'N';DELETE Example:DELETE FROM my_table WHERE field2 = 'N';Transaction controlsTransactions, if available, can be used to wrap around the DML operations: * BEGIN WORK (or START TRANSACTION, depending on SQL dialect) can be used to mark the start of a database transaction, which either completes completely or not at all. * COMMIT causes all data changes in a transaction to be made permanent. * ROLLBACK causes all data changes since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK to be discarded, so that the state of the data is "rolled back" to the way it was prior to those changes being and ROLLBACK interact with areas such as transaction control and locking. Strictly, both terminate any open transaction and release any locks held on data. In the absence of a BEGIN WORK or similar statement, the semantics of SQL are WORK;UPDATE inventory SET quantity = quantity - 3 WHERE item = 'pants';COMMIT;Data definitionThe second group of keywords is the Data Definition Language (DDL). DDL allows the user to define new tables and associated elements. Most commercial SQL databases have proprietary extensions in their DDL, which allow control over nonstandard features of the database system. The most basic items of DDL are the CREATE,ALTER,RENAME,TRUNCATE and DROP commands: * CREATE causes an object (a table, for example) to be created within the database. * DROP causes an existing object within the database to be deleted, usually irretrievably. * TRUNCATE deletes all data from a table (non-standard, but common SQL command). * ALTER command permits the user to modify an existing object in various ways -- for example, adding a column to an existing TABLE my_table ( my_field1 INT, my_field2 VARCHAR (50), my_field3 DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (my_field1, my_field2) );Data controlThe third group of SQL keywords is the Data Control Language (DCL). DCL handles the authorization aspects of data and permits the user to control who has access to see or manipulate data within the database. Its two main keywords are:GRANT Authorizes one or more users to perform an operation or a set of operations on an Removes or restricts the capability of a user to perform an operation or a set of SELECT, UPDATE ON my_table TO some_user, * ANSI-standard SQL supports double dash, --, as a single line comment identifier (some extensions also support curly brackets or C-style /* comments */ for multi-line comments).Example:SELECT * FROM inventory -- Retrieve everything from inventory table * Some SQL servers allow User Defined FunctionsCriticisms of SQLTechnically, SQL is a declarative computer language for use with "SQL databases". Theorists and some practitioners note that many of the original SQL features were inspired by, but in violation of, the relational model for database management and its tuple calculus realization. Recent extensions to SQL achieved relational completeness, but have worsened the violations, as documented in The Third addition, there are also some criticisms about the practical use of SQL: * Implementations are inconsistent and, usually, incompatible between vendors. In particular date and time syntax, string concatenation, nulls, and comparison case sensitivity often vary from vendor to vendor. * The language makes it too easy to do a Cartesian join (joining all possible combinations), which results in "run-away" result sets when WHERE clauses are mistyped. Cartesian joins are so rarely used in practice that requiring an explicit CARTESIAN keyword may be warranted. * It is also possible to misconstruct a WHERE on an update or delete, thereby affecting more rows in a table than desired. * SQL—and the relational model as it is—offer no standard way for handling tree-structures, . rows recursively referring other rows of the same table. Oracle offers a "CONNECT BY" clause, Microsoft offers recursive joins via Common Table Expressions, other solutions are database functions which use recursion and return a row set, as possible in PostgreSQL with PL/PgSQL.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Active Server Pages (ASP) is Microsoft's server-side script engine for dynamically-generated web pages. It is marketed as an add-on to Internet Information Services (IIS). Programming ASP websites is made easier by various built-in objects. Each object corresponds to a group of frequently-used functionality useful for creating dynamic web pages. In ASP there are six such built-in objects: Application, ASPError, Request, Response, Server, and Session. Session, for example, is a cookie-based session object that maintains variables from page to ASP pages are written in VBScript, but any other Active Scripting engine can be selected instead by using the @Language directive or the