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内衣的尺寸是由数字(下胸围)+英文字母(罩杯)的组成形式来表示的。下胸围:乳房下面,胸腔那一带,穿内衣时后面扣扣子的那一圈。而内衣下围尺码有两种表示方法:一种以32 34 36 等来计算,一种以70 75 80 等来计算,即70=32 75=34 80=36所以我们常见内衣标牌上32/70,34/75,36/80的字样。罩杯:用英文字母来区分乳房大小,顺序以26英文字母顺序排列,越往后证明乳房越大。罩杯尺寸 = 胸围 -下胸围(胸围与胸下围的差距)AA罩杯约 A罩杯约10cm B罩杯约 C罩杯约15cm D罩杯约 E罩杯约20cm (例如:胸围是83公分.下胸围是70公分) 应穿=> 70 B 的,即标识(32B/70B) 女士内衣尺码对照表下胸围 ———— 胸围 —————内衣尺寸 68~72 78~8070A***32A68~72 80~83 70B *** 32B 68~72 83~8570C***32C73~77 83~8575A***34A73~77 86~88 75B *** 34B 73~77 88~9075C***34C78~82 88~9080A***36A78~82 91~93 80B *** 36B 78~82 93~9580C***36C83~87 93~9585A***38A83~87 96~98 85B *** 38B 83~87 98~10085C***38C

Abstract At home and abroad, a variety of lingerie products to further develop and promote women's underwear to wear comfortable and functional requirements of the higher, the female side than underwear and a bundle of different design than the bit to the underwear industry with a broader value-added space. Underwear industry in the current era of rapid development, women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the importance of design has been more and more widely of the underwear manufacturer, designer lingerie, underwear-type version of the division and the importance of female consumers. Women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the design life of more and more and women are closely linked and become a judge lingerie comfort and functionality of the important criteria. Women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the core of design is how to allow consumers to experience better comfort and the correct size for different functions, so that consumers can get a good comfort for the body at the same time meet their demand for correction . Or in the comfort and to strike a balance between functionality and focus to enable consumers to conduct their own consumer demand for choice with the purchase. Women's underwear and a bundle over the side than the design as a complex version of underwear-type part of the design and development, it is designed by the fabric, accessories, functional requirements, comfort request and other constraints. As different fabrics, different physical properties of materials, the same fabric, accessories in different types of applications under version will have a completely different effect. Women of different size and comfort and functional requirements is not the same as in the design must be based on different fabrics, accessories and combination-type version, with, at the same time with a different analysis of the results of feasibility studies, so as to achieve to meet the women wearing underwear on comfort, functionality requirements. The article of female underwear common cup and adapt to the crowd as the basis to determine the side of women's underwear and a bundle of more than than the digital version of the design of different cup and different versions to adapt to population-based analysis of requirements. Than in women's underwear and a tie side design than that required in different types of fabrics, sewing accessories and process analysis, design and development process used in fabrics, accessories, sewing process of selection and application. Of non-gel bra by-bone analysis of the use of materials and application of different materials for research. In this paper, underwear for women and a bundle over the side than the principles of design, materials, technology, structure, equipment, research and analysis, etc., and Knitting Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Mannefen listed as a sample for research. At the same time for a survey of female consumers to conduct an investigation. Generated by the survey data for analysis. Determine the different products for different consumer than the spaces and bundles side than the demand for digital design. Ultimately determine the different consumer groups for the different needs of women's underwear, lingerie as a side than the spaces and places to tie than the theoretical basis for design and development. Keywords female underwear, than the side, and tied more than spaces, functional


Of different women's underwear products further development with popularization, in comfortableness and under being high to require a functional one women to underwear at home and abroad, women underwear side tie, bring first broad appreciation space to development of the underwear industry than different designs of the location than location. In the present high-speed era when develops of underwear industry, women underwear side tie as already widely more and more underwear manufacturing enterprises as importance that location design than location, designer, underwear edition type teacher and women consumer pay attention to the underwear. Women underwear side tie, combine closely woman's life than design of person than location, become and judge women's underwear comfortableness and functional important underwear side tie until core that location design how let consumer experience good comfortableness and to different correction function of size than location, enable consumers to meet it to rectify the positive demand while obtaining good comfortableness for the size. Or seek the equalization point and emphasis point among comfortableness and functionality, enable consumers to choose and buy to one's own consumption demand. Women underwear side tie, design as complicated underwear edition type design a part develop, than location than location, the ones that received surface fabric, adjuvants, functional requirement, comfortableness in different fields of requiring etc. in its design were restricted. Because different surface fabric, physical property of the adjuvants are different, the same surface fabric, adjuvants will produce totally different results under the application of different edition of typeses. And women's requirements for comfortableness and functionality of different sizes are also different, must follow different surface fabric, the adjuvants and one edition of types to make in the design up, match, at the same time to go on, analyze, prove with result produced to collocate, reach, meet women requirement for comfortableness, functionality wear the the common cup type of women's underwear and adapt to the crowd as a basis in the article, confirm women in the underwear side than the location and tie designing more than one edition of types of the location, and adapt to crowd's necessary edition of types to analyze to different cups type differently. And tie than necessary different kinds of surface fabric, adjuvants in the location design and make the craft to analyze than the location with women underwear side, explain to designing surface fabric, adjuvants, choice and application which make the craft adopted in the course of developing. Materials that bone type gentle chests adopts are researched and analysed to having no glue, and employ the result to carry on research to different materials. It is gentle lieutenant general to women underwear side and not tie than principle, material, craft, structure, apparatus where location design than in location,etc. go on research and analyse, and carry on research as studying samples with the listing products of graceful girl's fragrant knit goods Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen. Carry on the investigation for the respondent with women consumers at the same time. To investigating the data produced are analyzed. Confirm different consumers to the side in different products than the location and tie the demand designed more than the location. Confirm different different demands for women's underwear of consuming groups finally, in order to and tie and design the theoretical foundation developed more than the location than the location as women underwear side.



















主办单位: 体育博览杂志社 主管单位: 北京市体育局 协办单位: 主编: 田常波 出版单位: 发行量: 份/期 创刊日期: 2006年12月1日 出刊日期: 每月1日 国际刊号: ISSN1673-8276 国内刊号: CN11-5536/G8 刊物版式: 16开 发行范围: 国内外公开发行

第三位:程旸网络昵称“玩偶青春”,从初二开始喜欢篮球、球鞋,程旸自认是个保守主义者,但是对于Sneaker和AJ,程旸不曾犹豫,从来不计后果不计代价地去付出去付出。程旸MJ收藏的得意之作是AJ14的黑红配色。程旸的收藏除了三十多双的AJ鞋外,还包括了乔丹的运动服、书、手表、篮球,以及不禁使人追忆“飞人”时代的上百张的乔丹球星卡。程旸简介程旸,新锐Sneaker杂志《Shake·型格》主编,中国sneaker圈与潮流圈资深专业人士。程旸对sneaker的着迷从中学时代就显现无疑,高二时在《博》杂志上发表了一篇名为《球星与球鞋》的文章。1999年,程旸进入中国人民大学历史系,开始了他的大学生涯。在大学四年中,他继续潜心于sneaker文化,并发表了大量的关于sneaker的文章,其中包括《NIKE Foamoposite的历程》、《NIKE Shox的历程》及无数球鞋评论。大学毕业后,程旸将他对sneaker的执着爱好转化为了自己的职业与事业,他曾为《体育画报》杂志撰写球鞋版面文章。2004年,他参与创办了国内首本专业Sneaker杂志-《SIZE尺码》。同年他开始为《篮球先锋报》时尚版撰稿。2004年至2006年,程旸先后为CCTV-5的《NBA时尚》栏目作策划,并担任部分主持人的工作。2005年,他担任中国第二本纯Sneaker文化杂志《鞋帮》的策划顾问。除此之外,他还为中国第三本纯Sneaker文化杂志《街霸》撰写专栏文章,为《So-Cool》杂志撰写"青春提馆"栏目。在此期间,他曾多次到美国,对世界最前沿的snerker文化和潮流文化进行探访和研究,同时对球鞋的制作技术也有了更深入的了解。2006年4月,程旸正式创办了《Shake·型格》杂志,为读者提供国内外最新的sneaker及潮流攻略。《Shake·型格》问世不久便受到了众多潮人的追捧。同年7月,他在新浪的BLOG"玩偶青春"也正式开博,目前月浏览量已超过100,000。2007年1月,程旸撰写的书籍-《这不是一双鞋》将正式出版发行。这是中国原创的第一本关于Sneaker文化的书籍。作为中国sneaker圈内的资深人士,程旸以自己独特的视角诠释了NIKE Air Force 1的发展与其蕴涵的深厚文化底蕴。凭借着对sneaker文化的狂热与执着、对潮流文化的独到见解,程旸已逐步成为目前国内潮流文化圈的权威人物。



在保持目前这种风格同时。求新求变。个人认为,还是坚持走鞋的路线!不要一味的追求潮流,服饰。现在杂志在不段的改版过程中,增加了太多的服饰潮流的东西。这样的话杂志与《COOL>等等潮流杂志没有太多的区别,也缺少自己的风格!认真的做一本 纯粹的关于鞋的杂志。就目前市场来说《鞋帮》《型格》我认为还是无法与《尺码》相比的。从编辑团队还有构思,图片的拍摄,创意等等来说《尺码》还是有优越性的。但是仔细反思一下,目前鞋市很疲软,已经没有当年那种狂热气氛,太多的水货小店和大小的网站已经可以让更多的人很容易的吸取更多的鞋的信息。而这类鞋的杂志,似乎走到一个十字路口。鞋与手机还有汽车相比,消费的群体有很大的局限性!消费能力有限,但是拥有忠实的读者!需要做的是踏实的回归鞋的本身,运动鞋有很多种的。即使就NIKE,也分很多种类。篮球鞋,足球鞋 还是有很多文章可以做的。这样可以做成一本专业的运动装备介绍的杂志,甚至可以成为行业的标杆!而不是盲目的去赶潮流,去成为那些所谓潮流潮店的手册。流行的东西很火,但是淘汰没落的速度也很快!比如NIKE DUNK SB,比如BAPE!但是专业纯粹的东西毕将让大家喜欢的。终归到底杂志还是本商业的东西。还需要赚钱的,有商业利益的东西参合在里面。鞋是一种文化,只有爱他的人才能体会它。支持《尺码》!希望你们越办越好




男人风尚 不错

《SIZE》虽然应经不那么火爆了 《型格-SHAKE》玩偶青春的主编 主要介绍潮流方面的信息 但是有他做主编 鞋的内容不会少的《潮流志》也是潮流时杂志 每期基本都会有新鞋潮鞋介绍 希望能帮到你


球鞋吗?《鞋帮》《size 尺码》《潮流志》(潮流品牌为主 会穿插一些球鞋资料)应该还有 我看过的就这些

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