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近年来,受以美国为代表的西方消费主义的生活方式的影响,我国居民不论收入水平的高低对“收入越高,消费的商品越多。接下来我为你带来议论文西方消费观念,希望对你有帮助。 议论文西方消费观念篇1 中国人崇尚勤俭持家,量入为出,习惯于存款消费。而西方人尤其是美国人则主张超前消费,习惯于贷款去享受生活。 有这样一个故事,讲的是一个中国老太太和一个美国老太太在天堂相遇,谈起了各自在人间的一生。美国老太太到银行贷款买房,住了30年,最后贷款也还清了,并享受了一辈子的快乐生活。中国老太太在年轻时,他母亲去世了,为他留下了刚买的房子,让她享受了30年;最后,她也为自己的女儿留下了一套新房。 听完了这个故事,我们应该能够大概了解中美消费观念里体现的文化差异,以及与此相关的社会伦理和社会价值观念等方面的差异。美国老太太贷款住上了新房,舒舒服服地生活了一辈子;中国老太太也有自己的新房住,也能享受人生,不过住的是她母亲的房子。从这个故事中可以看出美国人是自己享受生活,自己管自己,认为“儿孙自有儿孙福”;而中国人崇尚的“前人载树,后人乘凉”,非常关心自己下一代的幸福生活。 造成这种差异的原因是多方面的。因为从古自今,美国人相信上帝,认为他会给每个人赐福,所以美国人崇尚公平,认为自己的事情自己去做,不要想有别人的帮助;而中国人尊住祖,认为是祖先给子孙赐福,是祖先在保佑着你,所以中国人崇尚伦理亲情。 中西消费观念的差异,取决于各自不同的伦理亲情于价值观念。随着文化更加广泛、更加频繁、更加激烈、更加深入地接触与碰撞,中西方也会多向的、多层次的互动和吸纳对方的优秀文化,中国人在子女留下财富的同时,也会接受贷款消费,而美国人也会更加注重伦理亲情。 议论文西方消费观念篇2 随着经济社会的不断发展,人们的生活水平提高了,消费能力自然上升,消费观念也在发生变化。此时,为了促进国家和自身的共同发展,正确的消费观就起了重要作用。 首先,要有促进消费增长的意识,这是必须的。对于个人,消费可以很好的满足自身的需求,提高自己的生活质量。对于企业,消费可以促进商品的生产,从而激励企业不断调整与创新,为企业赢得经济效益,带动企业成长。而对于国家,消费可以拉动内需,国家宏观调控会给予各企业优惠政策,从而带动整个国家的经济增长。根据新调查表明,现阶段我国的经济增长主要靠投资出口拉动,这是不健康,不稳定的经济增长状况,应该努力向依靠消费投资出口协调拉动转变。所以,作为新世纪的创建者之一,我们应该有促进消费增长的意识。 然后,在促进消费增长的同时要注意“促进”并不等于“浪费”。促进是相对于紧缩来讲的,是指在应该消费的时候,若在自己的承受能力范围之内,就尽量去消费。而对于那些没有必要或超过自己承受能力范围的消费,就绝对是“浪费”的不良表现。现在,有很多学生向家人要这要那时,仗着自己有些文化水平,就说“这是促进消费的表现,有利于国家的经济增长”。其实这是一种不正确的消费观,“浪费”并不会带动经济增长。此外,过多的消费会导致通货紧缩,这是通货膨胀的相反现象,是不健康的经济增长模式,必然会抑制经济的长久增长。所以促进且不浪费才是我们应该做到的。 最后,响应世界现阶段的严峻形势——环境污染与全球变暖,我们还应该在消费的同时注意保护环境。这不仅仅是对自己个人的负责,也是对国家,对整个世界负责的表现。臭氧层空洞和白色污染的导致,很大一部分就在于我们没有能做到绿色消费。固然,消费时精打细算也在情理之中,但是若不能做到可持续发展,精打细算节余再多的资本也无济于事。所以,在环境问题还没有道到无可挽回的地步时,让我们树立绿色消费观,做到可持续发展。 消费对于经济增长有着不可替代的作用,但同时必须做到合理又不破坏环境,所以要树立正确的消费观,做一个合格的消费者。 议论文西方消费观念篇3 现在的经济规模比之30年代有了根本的不同,所以抗风险的能力有了不可比拟的优势。其次,尽管美国现在出现了金融危机,但是美国仍然是世界上经济实力最强的国家,毋庸置疑。美国的经济总量仍然雄踞世界31%的绝对地位,足以解决目前的金融不良贷款的问题。其次造成经济危机的主要表象是经济衰退,虽然他们现在开始有了经济发展放缓的迹象,但是基本上还是保持一个正常的,稳定的发展水平。 回头来看,之所以产生次贷风波的问题,表面上是刺激消费,刺激房地产开放的速度。因此对于一些根本没有固定职业,固定收入,信用度极低的低收入家庭,发放风险极大的贷款,使房地产开发的商人大捞其财,似乎解决了大量空置房产的问题,看起来资本主义国家也有了福利性住房,如果正常的话,消费者提前消费,开发者提前赚钱,也不失为好事,可是,因此形成的不良贷款规模不断增加,到了一定程度,危机开始爆发。贷款者无力还款,银行被迫收回房产拍卖,经济的不景气,房价下跌,银行到期受不会应收的贷款,造成坏账增加,到了银行无法承受的地步,只能宣布破产。由于银行之间的拆解关系,形成了破产传递,危机感染,引起了链锁反应。 我想,中国的房地产开发,也应该从中吸取经验教训。避免重蹈覆辙。 另外一个问题是西方人的消费方式和习惯,也是造成这次危机的一个方面。 中国人乃至亚洲人,传统的消费观念与他们截然不同。我们接受的思想是儒家的勤俭之道,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦,已经成为了老幼皆知,共同认可的理念,一茶一饭,当思来之不易的古训深入人心。虽然改革开放以后,80,90 的年轻人消费观念有趋向西方的倾向,大都是讲享乐,不懂得积累的“月光族”,但是大多数国民还是秉承着勤俭持家的态度,常将有日思无日,莫将无时当有时。 看过议论文西方消费观念的人都会看: 1. 关于大学生消费观念的英语作文 2. 关于时尚的议论文 3. 议论文关于节俭 4. 传统文化800字议论文 5. 金融危机800字议论文 6. 关于节俭的议论文作文
Students Consumption Status(A) Students rational consumption is mainstreamThrough questionnaires and individual interviews can be summarized to say that some rational factors of the consumer attitudes of the contemporary college students, breaking the traditional just to meet basic survival needs of the concept.(1) the proportion accounted for by the development of information in the consumption structure is a tendency to expand. More focus on improving their own learning conditions to meet the spiritual and cultural needs. According to this survey, a majority of 1/2 per semester in the freshman girls and boys surveyed investment in education learning in less than 200 yuan, about half of the students in the junior girls and boys surveyed in this investment in more than 400 yuan. This shows that the newly enrolled freshman students already have to improve their own pursuit, but in setting their own goals and plans at the same time, a more cautious investment; juniors after two years of college life, most of own design to determine the target (Kaoyan studying all kinds of eligibility certification, the English level exams, etc.), investment in education of their employment and achieve self-worth is a also attaches great importance to the health consumer. The survey data show that of male students to pay attention to the monthly consumption of nutrient consumption, a greater proportion of girls accounted for . Fitness center set up in schools very popular with students, through surveys and interviews with some of the students, 30 percent of the students have chosen to regular physical exercise, they use the school's sports resources, but also to participate in extracurricular leisure and fitness club. Students of health spending also covers sports equipment supplies, clothing and other presents the multi-hierarchical. Monthly consumption of more than 800 yuan, accounting for , less than 350 yuan, accounting for , of the students 'monthly consumption between $ 350-500, percent of the students' monthly spending control between 500 yuan to 800 yuan . Visible, university students consumption level of differentiation is clear, the proportion of intermediate levels of an absolute majority, not only reflects the social background of intense transformation, but also the main consumer of the college students tend to , consumer attitudes of college students are gradually opening up, avant-garde, but the traditional rational consumer attitudes is still the mainstream. The vast majority of students consider spending the largest factor is the quality of goods or services, the price, and the pursuit of cheap. Because the main source of income of of most students is the parents supply, while of students own part-time, but not make much money. Due to elimination(B) Contemporary Consumption of Students there are a number of issues:An excessive pursuit of fashion and brand names, there are psychological comparisons. Individual surveys and interviews, we learned that: in order to have a cell phone or change to a popular phone, some students prefer to live frugally, at the expense of other necessary expenses; some students to a brand-name clothes, brand name shoes, hats, and even to others to borrow money to meet the desire. Reflect some of the students do not know the amount of income out, driven by vanity can easily form the endless psychological comparisons.(2) interpersonal excessive consumption, mainly for communications expenditures and love spending. Communication costs, the students have cell phones accounted for two-thirds of the total number of surveyed monthly consumption higher than 80 yuan, accounting for percent, nearly be half of the number. Description of students' cell phone consumer is not rational, high overhead, and quite serious. percent of college students love about more than a month spending about 100-200 dollars, most of them recognize the pursuit of the emotional needs of the material input, and often difficult to grasp the rational principle of moderate consumption.(3) the sense of economic independence is weak, weak financial management concepts. 345 people surveyed, 39 did not make the tutor or part-time and those who made a tutor or part-time students have different purposes, 1/2 of the students are eager for the growth of social experience, of the students to independent for the purpose of the "daily subsidy" for the purpose of the proportion accounted for , if the desire for independence as a proactive sense of independence, then the subsidy daily can be seen as a passive sense of independence. The total to the first two with the sense of independence the proportion of students only to the respondents the total number of 1/3. Of course, percent of the students are holding nothing attitude. Obviously, the awareness in this respect compared to peers of the American and European countries the age of 16 require economic independence, the gap is more obvious.
(1) for the Internet experience. Research shows that the majority of Internet users can enjoy the fun of the network, the majority of respondents feel better on the Internet. of that time flies when you feel the Internet, of the Internet is very able to enjoy the fun. Another percent of people do not think the Internet Time flies, of people feel the Internet to bring the fun, when these students belong to those who do not know much of the network or by the network crash victims on the impact of the type . (2) towards the new view of things and willingness to pay for the network services. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, although overall consumption is still in college to meet the "survival needs" phase, namely food and clothing is still the main aspects of spending, of course, and their economic independence have a great relationship, but Students characterized by its own fashion and independent living needs, they need to be respected, interpersonal, and self-realization, so they present a psychologically consumption chase new change of trend. The survey shows that for new things or curiosity or to seek access to new technologies, as well as trying to achieve the requirement to have accounted for , more in line with this vibrant college, fashion novel features. Survey results also show that nearly 50 percent of the students do not want to provide services for online extra pay, only of the students are willing to pay extra fees for online services, there are of the students as the situation to be willing to pay. Such phenomena show that the popularity of the network is also broad enough and deep network of consumer's attitude towards students is not very positive, but also indicates that the network is not in place of civilization propaganda. Another level of regional economic development, people's living standards and also restricting the development of network consumption, network development is still at a preliminary stage. (3) Shopping cause and site selection. Survey shows that a considerable part of the students are active online shopping, personal shopping reasons, price concessions, merchandise styles complete, convenient shopping map, as well as the proportion of amused curiosity fashion each of , , , , due to network consumption, low cost, convenient, and it is different from the traditional consumption of new consumption patterns and other features and advantages of attracting highly qualified, innovative and receptive to new ideas of fashion students. Online purchase of goods requires a cognitive process, but also the factors that produce online shopping, which is the online shopping needs, go to determine how the choice of the merchant. This is the will of students as consumers emotional process. The research shows that, when asked the most visited commercial websites this problem, the result is that the top surface Taobao, eBay, Sina Mall, Mall Sohu, Tencent, NetEase Mall ratio was , , , %, , . Select the main reason of such sites is known, by the influence of friends, integrity ratio of , , . I. INTRODUCTION CNNIC statistics, as of the end of 2006, the number of Internet users in China reached 132 million, and the number of online shopping over 30 million. From the composition of Internet users look, about percent of the online personal user's age under 35 years old, and college students, is among the typical online consumers. College students are a special group with a higher education culture, their ideological consciousness is higher, for new things, new technologies, new ideas have a stronger ability to accept and comprehend, they are the direct object of the popularity of the network. Theory
Man on the Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Normal University East Campus, East Campus, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei Medical University East Campus four campuses humanities, economics and management,
Science, as well as
Engineering and other disciplines, students were investigated and analyzed. Second, the research methods and the research object thesis questionnaire method, Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Normal University East Campus, East Campus, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei Medical University East Campus four campuses humanities, economics and management,
Science, as well as
Engineering and other disciplines all grades way to take a sample survey, the actual 250 questionnaires, 231 valid questionnaires, recovery efficiency. Description of the contents of the questionnaire included 23 closed questions and two open-ended questions of three parts. Statistics Using SPSS For Windows software and the results EXCEL statistical software related statistics, in addition to open-ended questions used for classification and collation of research and analytical methods. Third, the analysis of a questionnaire. Psychological characteristics of students' network consumer survey (1) for the Internet experience. Research shows that the majority of Internet users can enjoy the fun of the network, the majority of respondents feel better on the Internet. of that time flies when you feel the Internet, of the Internet is very able to enjoy the fun. Another percent of people do not think the Internet Time flies, of people feel the Internet to bring the fun, when these students belong to those who do not know much of the network or by the network crash victims on the impact of the type . (2) towards the new view of things and willingness to pay for the network services. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, although overall consumption is still in college to meet the "survival needs" phase, namely food and clothing is still the main aspects of spending, of course, and their economic independence have a great relationship, but Students characterized by its own fashion and independent living needs, they need to be respected, interpersonal, and self-realization, so they present a psychologically consumption chase new change of trend. The survey shows that for new things or curiosity or to seek access to new technologies, as well as trying to achieve the requirement to have accounted for , more in line with this vibrant college, fashion novel features. Survey results also show that nearly 50 percent of the students do not want to provide services for online extra pay, only of the students are willing to pay extra fees for online services, there are of the students as the situation to be willing to pay. Such phenomena show that the popularity of the network is also broad enough and deep network of consumer's attitude towards students is not very positive, but also indicates that the network is not in place of civilization propaganda. Another level of regional economic development, people's living standards and also restricting the development of network consumption, network development is still at a preliminary stage. (3) Shopping cause and site selection. Survey shows that a considerable part of the students are active online shopping, personal shopping reasons, price concessions, merchandise styles complete, convenient shopping map, as well as the proportion of amused curiosity fashion each of , , , , due to network consumption, low cost, convenient, and it is different from the traditional consumption of new consumption patterns and other features and advantages of attracting highly qualified, innovative and receptive to new ideas of fashion students. Online purchase of goods requires a cognitive process, but also the factors that produce online shopping, which is the online shopping needs, go to determine how the choice of the merchant. This is the will of students as consumers emotional process. The research shows that, when asked the most visited commercial websites this problem, the result is that the top surface Taobao, eBay, Sina Mall, Mall Sohu, Tencent, NetEase Mall ratio was , , , %, , . Select the main reason of such sites is known, by the influence of friends, integrity ratio of , , . (2) Students online shopping attitudes and intentions are directly proportional to its network of consumer impact. Research shows that the online world can enjoy themselves with college students in general can enjoy the fun brought by the network, and the network was close to the goodwill of the students, so they are generally under conditions permitting would be willing to pay for services for the network, and from within understanding of the process of contact networks online shopping, preferences of the network, it will naturally shift to accept this convenient online shopping consumption. (3) networking experience students have in their network consumption is proportional to the impact. College students the importance of the awareness level of the network with the access time will be gradually increased to deepen, different students on the network in their understanding of the importance of university life there is a big difference. In general, the length of the net age students with their level of awareness of the importance of the network is positively correlated; college students network with increasing age, consider buying from a full range of correct decision or not. For very sensible motivation to buy the products in the business on how to select, through this business forum on the network evaluation, consult the advice of friends, search providers
当代大学生消费文化及其引导 摘要:消费文化是高校校园文化的重要组成部分,也是当代大学生思想观念、价值取向以及行为准则的集中反映。高校应充分利用高校辅导员的主导作用,引导大学生消费文化向正确的方向发展,帮助高校学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。 关键词:大学生;消费文化;辅导员;引导 一、当代大学生消费文化的特征 随着时代的发展,来自社会的消费文化和大学生这一特殊的群体相接触后,使得大学生的消费文化呈现出鲜明的特征: 1.消费结构多元化、层次多样化。消费的多元化,主要指大学生消费结构由较为单一走向日益多元。从大学生的消费结构来看,除了生活、学习所需要的必要支出外,还存在日益普遍而多样的非必要性支出:社交消费、旅游消费、网络消费、娱乐消费等。而在多样化的消费结构中,生活必需品的消费占的比例最大,因为它是其它需要得以满足的前提和基础。一项调查显示,大学生用于基础性生活消费的月支出在400元左右,这一数值随着大学生月消费水平的提高还处于上升之中,但它在大学生月消费总额中所占的比例呈相对下降趋势。大学生消费结构的多样化,一方面反映出这是经济发展的必然趋势,是社会进步和人民生活水平日益提高的结果;从侧面也反映出社会潮流对大学生的影响。 消费的多层次性指由于经济发展和家庭收入不平衡,导致不同的大学生在消费水平上存在很大差异,高、中、低档消费层次均存在。一般来说,家庭经济条件好的学生,消费层次相对较高,来自农村、贫困家庭的学生生活相对艰苦,有些甚至还很拮据。调查显示,目前高校70%以上的贫困生来自“老、少、边、穷、山”地区,农村经济不景气,家里缺少劳动力,致使收入只够维持温饱,普遍存在负担过重而且经济拮据的情况。[1]这种差距目前还存在着进一步扩大的趋势,并因为其对大学生的成长影响巨大的因素而日益引起多方关注。校园的贫富差距从表面看是经济消费的差距,实际上是社会阶层分化的直接体现,已经涉及到了社会认同、自我认同以及文化认同等深层次问题。不同生活方式冲突的背后,事实上是文化的冲突和价值观的冲突。校园是社会的一个缩影,大学生内部的贫富差异是我国社会阶层分化、地区经济发展不平衡和城乡差距的直接反映。这对于高校的管理与发展、社会的稳定与公正都会产生重要的影响。 2.情感消费和交际消费比重持续增加。据一项调查显示:大吃大喝在一些大学生中存在攀比现象。高校附近密集着生意火爆人气旺盛的餐馆,其主要消费群体是高校院墙内的大学生。为联络感情、增进友谊老乡聚餐,请室友等吃饭;因获得奖学金、评奖评优、当选学生干部、入党等请客吃饭;节日或毕业前同学间互赠礼品等,这些支出已占大学生消费支出相当大比例。 3.时尚性和实用性兼顾。价格、质量、潮流是吸引大学生消费的主要因素。据了解,在购买商品的时候,大学生首先考虑的是价格和质量,在各类产品的选择标准中,“价格适中”、“性价比”总是大学生首要考虑的因素。由于消费能力有限,大学生们在花钱时往往会比较慎重,力求“花得值”,他们会尽量搜索那些价廉物美的商品,在流行与实用之间,更多大学生选择的是实用。当代大学生的各种社会活动较以前大大增多,加上城市生活氛围的影响,他们比较注重自己的形象,追求品位和档次,虽然不一定买名牌,但质量显然是他们关注的重要内容。 二、大学生消费文化存在的缺陷及其原因分析 1.消费盲目冲动,合理性存在问题。对于大部分当代的大学生而言,追求时尚和名牌是日日常新的话题。一些虚荣心和张扬个性击败了“量入为出、勤俭节约”的传统理念。大学生中盲目消费、攀比消费、赶潮流消费以及负债消费现象非常普遍。调查中发现学生手机拥有率近100%,还有部分学生甚至更换过多部手机。其次是发型、服装、饰物、生活用品,大学校园中都不乏追“新”族。第三是盲目参加各类培训班,不管是否适合自己的发展需要,只要是考证的培训班就参加,没有一个合理的规划。在消费方式上,信用卡走进大学校园,使一些大学生成为透支一族。超前透支等畸形消费现象在高校里的有所体现,不但使享乐主义、拜金主义思想滋生,而且还因为玩物丧志,使年轻大学生丢掉了所应具备的锐意进取的奋斗精神。同时,也给一些本不宽裕的家庭增加了经济负担,甚至成为不堪承受的重负。 2.边际消费耗时劳神。“追求生活质量”摆在了“勤俭节约”的对立面。在这些观念的引导下,一些大学生毫不犹豫地成为超前消费者,花起父母的钱来心安理得。大学生敏锐的时尚触角决定了其消费的特殊性:依赖型的经济来源和追求潮流的对抗性;其羞涩的钱包决定了他们的引领潮流必然是以负债消费为前提,很大一部分大学生中的负债消费表现为典型的超前享乐和及时行乐。消费对象多半是用于奢侈浪费的非必要生活消耗品。如举办生日宴会、打网球、保龄球、上舞厅跳舞、进歌厅“K歌”等。名目繁多的“人情往来”是这些大学生负债消费跨不过去的坎,这些不仅耗费了大学生大量的财力,也占用了他们大量的时间、精力。 3.消费知识不足、技能欠缺。现在很多人学生都是独生子女,从小有家长的关心和照顾。面临紧张的学习和考试压力,许多家长为了避免他们分散学习精力,家庭的经济状况从来不要求他们分担,许多学生不知金钱来之不易,没有理财的经验。上大学后远离家长进行独立生活,他们没有直接面对消费的经验,没有与生活相适应的实践知识。在社会各种不正确、不健康的消费文化的误导下,不会有计划地开支,而是盲目“追新求异”。新知识的爆炸式增长、新技术的迅速推广应用和新的信息传播媒介对日常生活的深入影响,使时尚的形成和流行更快捷,同时具有更鲜明的主题和更人性化的表现形式。这一切对大学生产生了巨大的诱惑,但是由于其世界观、价值观、人生观均仍处于待定型时期,加上年轻人特有的虚荣心理以及消费个性化的要求,随着社会接触的机会的增多,他们容易受到社会上不正确的消费观的影响。伴随着人们生活水平的提高,消费方式开始发生变化,传统消费观念受到了很深的冲击。大学生的消费心理又处在不成熟的阶段,直接影响到了大学生的消费观。 三、辅导员在引导大学生消费文化过程中的对策 辅导员是“开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是高校学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者”,[2]“帮助高校学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观”、“帮助高校学生养成良好的道德品质”[3]是辅导员的主要工作职责,辅导员理应采取积极的应对措施,在引导学生树立正确的消费观念方面发挥自己的作用,在高校消费主流文化的构建中发挥带头作用。 1.消费与市场基础理论教育。消费品基础知识教育,具体包括:常用消费品的选择、评价,鉴赏、维修与保护等,特别要重视提高学生评价和选择消费品的能力。通过教育使大学生具备必要的市场知识,包括消费观念、消费计划、消费结构、消费方式、消费市场、消费营销等知识,了解消费与市场的关系以及市场经济机制与消费的基本理论。这样不仅可以更好地保护大学生消费者的利益,更使大学生在了解消费品的基础上进行消费,从而可以更好地遵循科学消费原则,帮助大学生树立科学的消费观。 2.充分发挥大学生社团和校内媒体的作用。通过建立和发展相关大学生社团,开展形式多样的消费教育活动,帮助大学生处理消费投诉、负责消费信息和情报传递、引导大学生进行自我消费教育,以此提高大学生的消费能力,增强大学生的自我消费保护意识。高校社团本身所具有的自治性使其与大学生的兴趣、爱好、现实生活更加贴近,利用这些社团广泛开展多种有益的消费教育活动,将消费教育落到实处,引导大学生开展合理的消费活动。 3.加强校园文化建设,营造良好校风,培养大学生正确的消费伦理观。辅导员应把加强对大学生消费心理和行为的调查研究作为平时工作的重要组成部分,明确大学生消费道德教育的内容;积极组织有关消费状况的问卷调查和讨论,引导学生对不良消费心理和消费行为进行自我剖析。校园文化是社会文化的有机组成部分,它产生在高校校园内,以校园为依托,以形成全体师生的共同理想和精神支柱为根本,以师生的思想道德建设为灵魂,以营造良好的校园环境为条件,以传播科学知识、开发智力资源、提高全体师生的素质为内容,以培养高素质的人才为宗旨。可以说,校园文化是直接影响大学生身心健康成长的关键因素之一,一个良好的校园文化会使身处其中的大学生终身受益。 因此,正确的消费文化应当成为一个学校良好校园文化不可或缺的组成部分。要通过弘扬主旋律,引导大学生树立与时代发展同步的艰苦朴素的作风;通过国情教育,使学生全面了解到我国目前发展中所存在的成就巨大,又很不平衡,不少地区还十分贫穷的基本现状;通过对学生成才意识的培养,把学生的主要精力吸引到学习和研究方面来;通过感恩教育,让学生明白父母的辛苦和金钱的来之不易。所以,校园文化建设应该以其内容的丰富性和开放性、主体的广泛性和形式的多样性,营造良好的文化氛围,以利于大学生树立正确的消费意识和消费观念。 4.辅导员要协助学校教育管理部门严格规范大学生的消费行为。比如,制止大学生的高消费和奢侈浪费行为。根据大学生消费行为的从众和时尚特征,低年级学生的消费行为往往是以高年级学生为模仿对象的。所以,要切实加强对高年级学生的消费行为的引导,使之对低年级学生起到良好示范作用。学校的教职员工,也应自觉做到生活简朴,不铺张浪费,给学生树立一个良好的榜样。同时,辅导员还要加强与学生家长的联系,及时通报学生在校情况,特别是他们的学习、生活情况,协同家长对高消费的学生在经济上予以一定的约束,及时控制他们不必要的开支,使学生的注意力主要投入到学习和研究上来,投入到自身素质和情操修养的提高上来。 参考文献: [1]汝信,陆学艺,李培林主编.中国社会形势分析与预测[M].北京:中国社会科学文献出版社.. [2][3]教育部.普通高等学校学生管理规定(中华人民共和国教育部令第21号)[Z].2005-03-29.参
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1、 知网这没什么好说的,基本上应该都知道吧~作为权威文献来源的核心代表,大多数高校都与中国知网有合作。目前中国知网已经发展成为 期刊杂志,博士论文,硕士论文,会议论文,报纸,工具书,年鉴,专利,标准,国学,海外文献为一体的,具有国际领先水平的网络出版平台。中心网站的日更新文献量达5万篇以上。
在学校,可免费下载文献,校外是需要收费的。(实际上如果没有账号,某宝也是有知网账号出售的,很便宜哒 ,)知网数据库 网址:
2、 万方数据整合数亿调全球优质学术资源,集成期刊、学位、会议、科技报告、专利、视频等十余种资源类型,覆盖范围较广。很适合本科生的哦~
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6、Elsevier(sciencedirect)是荷兰一家全球著名的学术期刊出版商,每年出版大量的学术图书和期刊,大部分期刊被SCI、SSCI、EI收录,是世界上公认的高品位学术期刊。scienceDirect是爱思唯尔公司的全文数据库平台,是全球最大的科学、技术与医学全文电子资源数据库,提供2500余种学术期刊以及37000余种图书的全文内容。包括全球影响力极高的CELL《细胞杂志》、THE LANCET《柳叶刀杂志》等。
7、SpringerLink是全球最大的在线科学、技术和医学(STM)领域学术资源平台。Springer 的电子图书数据库包括各种的Springer图书产品,如专著、教科书、手册、地图集、参考工具书、丛书等。具体学科涉及:数学、物理与天文学、化学、生命科学、医学、工程学、计算机科学、环境科学、地球科学、经济学、法律。
8、PubMed 是一个免费的搜寻引擎,提供生物医学方面的论文搜寻以及摘要的数据库。它的数据库来源为MEDLINE。其核心主题为医学,但亦包括其他与医学相关的领域,像是护理学或者其他健康学科。PubMed 的资讯并不包括期刊论文的全文,但可提供指向全文提供者(付费或免费)的链接。
普通图书[M]、期刊文章[J]、报纸文章[N]、论文集[C]、学位论 文[D]、报告[R]、标准[s]、专利[P]、数据库[DB]、计算机程序[CP]、电 子公告[EB]、联机网络[OL]、网上期刊[J/OL]、网上电子公告[EB/OL]、其他未 说明文献[z]。
[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识]. 出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码(任选).
[1]刘国钧,陈绍业,王凤翥.图书馆目录[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1957: 15—18.
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