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Human Resources ManagementThe Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. Usually small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves because they can't yet afford part- or full-time help. However, they should always ensure that employees have -- and are aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in the form of employee manuals, which all employees that some people distinguish a difference between between HRM (a major management activity) and HRD (Human Resource Development, a profession). Those people might include HRM in HRD, explaining that HRD includes the broader range of activities to develop personnel inside of organizations, including, eg, career development, training, organization development, is a long-standing argument about where HR-related functions should be organized into large organizations, eg, "should HR be in the Organization Development department or the other way around?"The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the past 20-30 years. Many years ago, large organizations looked to the "Personnel Department," mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More recently, organizations consider the "HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner.

注意!楼上的这个英文文献是google译的,不顺。。。 resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.[1] The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations.[1] Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a features include:Personnel administration Personnel management Manpower management Industrial management[2][3] But these traditional expressions are becoming less common for the theoretical discipline. Sometimes even industrial relations and employee relations are confusingly listed as synonyms,[4] although these normally refer to the relationship between management and workers and the behavior of workers in theoretical discipline is based primarily on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs, and as such should not be thought of as basic business resources, such as trucks and filing cabinets. The field takes a positive view of workers, assuming that virtually all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively, and that the main obstacles to their endeavors are lack of knowledge, insufficient training, and failures of is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional approach. Its techniques force the managers of an enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can be understood and undertaken by the workforce, and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, HRM techniques, when properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organisations.[5]Synonyms such as personnel management are often used in a more restricted sense to describe activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its members with payroll and benefits, and administrating their work-life needs. So if we move to actual definitions, Torrington and Hall (1987) define personnel management as being:“a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing organisations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and, secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled" (p. 49).While Miller (1987) suggests that HRM relates to:".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage" (p. 352).Academic theoryThe goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. The key word here perhaps is "fit", . a HRM approach seeks to ensure a fit between the management of an organization's employees, and the overall strategic direction of the company (Miller, 1989).The basic premise of the academic theory of HRM is that humans are not machines, therefore we need to have an interdisciplinary examination of people in the workplace. Fields such as psychology, industrial engineering, industrial and organizational psychology, industrial relations, sociology, and critical theories: postmodernism, post-structuralism play a major role. Many colleges and universities offer bachelor and master degrees in Human Resources widely used scheme to describe the role of HRM, developed by Dave Ulrich, defines 4 fields for the HRM function:[6]Strategic business partner Change agent Employee champion Administration However, many HR functions these days struggle to get beyond the roles of administration and employee champion, and are seen rather as reactive than strategically proactive partners for the top management. In addition, HR organizations also have the difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to the company. Only in the recent years HR scholars and HR professionals are focusing to develop models that can measure if HR adds value.[7]Critical Academic TheoryPostmodernism plays an important part in Academic Theory and particularly in Critical Theory. Indeed Karen Legge in 'Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities' possess the debate of whether HRM is a modernist project or a postmodern discourse (Legge 2004). In many ways, critically or not, many writers contend that HRM itself is an attempt to move away from the modernist traditions of personnel (man as machine) towards a postmodernist view of HRM (man as individuals). Critiques include the notion that because 'Human' is the subject we should recognize that people are complex and that it is only through various discourses that we understand the world. Man is not Machine, no matter what attempts are made to change it . Fordism / Taylorism, McDonaldisation (Modernism).Critical Theory also questions whether HRM is the pursuit of "attitudinal shaping" (Wilkinson 1998), particularly when considering empowerment, or perhaps more precisely pseudo-empowerment - as the critical perspective notes. Many critics note the move away from Man as Machine is often in many ways, more a Linguistic (discursive) move away than a real attempt to recognise the Human in Human Resource Theory, in particular postmodernism (poststructualism), recognises that because the subject is people in the workplace, the subject is a complex one, and therefore simplistic notions of 'the best way' or a unitary perspectives on the subject are too simplistic. It also considers the complex subject of power, power games, and office politics. Power in the workplace is a vast and complex subject that cannot be easily defined. This leaves many critics to suggest that Management 'Gurus', consultants, 'best practice' and HR models are often overly simplistic, but in order to sell an idea, they are simplified, and often lead Management as a whole to fall into the trap of oversimplifying the practiceHuman resources management comprises several processes. Together they are supposed to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an HR department, but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by line-managers or other planning Recruitment (sometimes separated into attraction and selection) Induction and Orientation Skills management Training and development Personnel administration Compensation in wage or salary Time management Travel management (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM) Payroll (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM) Employee benefits administration Personnel cost planning Performance appraisal CareersThe sort of careers available in HRM are varied. There are generalist HRM jobs such as human resource assistant. There are careers involved with employment, recruitment and placement and these are usually conducted by interviewers, EOE (Equal Opportunity Employment) specialists or college recruiters. Training and development specialism is often conducted by trainers and orientation specialists. Compensation and benefits tasks are handled by compensation analysts, salary administrators, and benefits organizationsProfessional organizations in HRM include the Society for Human Resource Management, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the International Public Management Association for HR (IPMA-HR) and the International Personnel Management Association of Canada (IPMA-Canada).Management Association of Nepal [MAN]人力资源管理,是指为了完成管理工作中涉及人或人事方面的任务所进行的管理工作。人力资源管理工作包括:工作分析;制定人力需求计划以及人员招募;培训及开发;薪酬及福利管理、绩效评估;劳动关系管理等。人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。在经济发展成熟的体系下,人力资源管理必须配合以争取最佳的资源效益,若将不适当的人力配对不适当的职位,资源效益不但全无,或可能有损耗。现代经济讲求平衡及配合,提升管理效能和质素,就要人力资源配合以作平衡,个中的内容是设立人力资源架构框架,用最适合的人做最适合的工作。建立人力资源平台,作为沟通及搜集资讯渠道,将各方意见综合,舍短取长,以处理薪酬、福利等事宜。人力资源最重要是培训及发展,人力资源发展必须投资在培训方面,以发挥各阶层的人力资源潜能。发展简史在现实世界不同的国家人力资源的发展情况以及历史都不同。一般说来,人力资源的学术界发展经历了:人事管理(Personnel Management),人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)到现在新近兴起的人力资本管理(Human Capital Management)。其只要不同即在于公司和企业对待职员的理念的变化和发展。在人事管理阶段,人事经理们的工作是管理职工福利,以及和工会的法律程序方面。公司的上层管理部门将人事部门的各种活动以及公司职员皆看作公司的大笔纯支出,而尽可能的削减这部分的开支。公司对人事部的活动持不积极的支持态度。 在人力资源管理阶段,企业员工被看成企业的可以增值的资产而被发展以期充分利用潜能。人力资源部门充分利用职位分析,工作分析,职位概述,人员选择和招聘,员工培训等等活动来提高企业员工的效率,从而增加企业的管理和运营更加有效。当一个公司实行人力资源管理战略的时候,人力资源部门将被纳入公司战略计划的一个重要组成部分。公司的未来发展,市场拓展,新产品研发等等都要牵扯到人力资源部门的支持,协调与合作。人力资源被作为提高公司竞争力的战略手段而被重视。除此之外,人力资源管理就是协助公司去激励员工,透过一些物质上的满足和一些财务奖励,从而增加员工的对公司归属感、增加员工士气和减低对工作的不满等¨。有高昂的士气会使工作更加有效率和使工作更加顺利,最终公司和员工也各有得益。 在人力资本管理阶段,人力部门的基本职责仍与人力资源管理时期相似,但是企业员工不再被看作有发展潜力的资产,而是公司可以利用的资本。人力资源部门的各项活动被量化与公司的利润率挂钩,并且这也是衡量职工和各部门是否有效工作的主要手段。 主要职能人力资源管理的主要职能包括:人员招募;培训及开发;薪酬及福利管理。人员招募:人员招募又称为人员招聘。主要是基于组织(公司,政府,非盈利组织等)的近期及远期的业务需要,来制定人员需求的计划,并通过各种招聘手段来完成组织的人员需求。人员招募主要涉及人员规划,简历收集,选聘,录用及员工入职培训。培训及开发:培训及开发主要是通过一些培训及开发的技术及手段,提高员工的技能,以适应公司所处经营环境中的技术及知识的变化。主要的技术及手段有:培训 在岗培训 轮岗 员工继续教育计划 辅导,训导薪酬;福利管理:人力资源管理的内外部条件人力资源管理的外部条件劳动法规 劳动力市场 当地文化 人力资源管理的内部条件企业经营战略 国际化程度 人力资源部的组织设置有以下三种方式:职能型组织设置 人力规划 人力购得 培训与进修 工资和薪水 社会事业 对象型组织设置 技术类员工 管理类员工 领导层 受培训者 混合模式

人力资源管理的中英文文献术语: PROFIT SHARING-------------------利润分成 DOCK CHARGE----------------------码头费 INLAND CHARGE--------------------内陆转运费 MERCHANDISE INSPECTION-----------商检费 TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE---------THC DRAYAGE--------------------------提箱和还箱费 PEAK SEASON SURCHARGE------------旺季附加费 COMMISSION-----------------------佣金 MAILS FEE------------------------邮寄费 PANAMA CHANNEL CHARGE------------运河费 THE CHARGE OF FREIGHT------------运杂费 TRANSSHIPMENT COSTS -------------中转费 VANNING FEE----------------------装箱费 INSURANCE FEE--------------------保险费 CUSTOM CLEARANCE FEE-------------报关费 CY SURCHARGE---------------------CY交货附加费 EQUIPMENT RETURN CHARGE----------空箱返还费 DIVERSION FEE--------------------改港费 EQUIPMENT CHANGING CHARGE--------改箱费 PORT CONGESTION SURCHARGE--------港口拥挤费 BUNKER ADJUSTIVE FACTOR----------BAF(燃油附加费) CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR-------CAF(币值附加费) STORAGE CHARGE-------------------仓储费 CUSTOM INSPECTION FEE------------查验费 DEVANNING CHARGE-----------------拆箱费 DESTINATION DELIVERY CHARGE------DDC(终点码头卸货费) HANDLING CHARGE------------------代理费 REFUND---------------------------反佣 GENERAL RATE INCREASE------------GRI(全面涨价费) OCEAN FREIGHT--------------------海运费 DOCUMENT TRANSFERING FEE---------换单费 EQUIPMENT REPOSITION SURCHARGE---空箱调运费 WAREHOUSE REFUND SHARING---------拼箱退佣 CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION--------CFS(集装箱货运站) 随着社会的发展,行业竞争的日趋激烈,如何提高工作效率、降低管理成本、提高服务水平和企业的竞争能力,是每一个企业管理者最为关注的问题。越来越多的管理者认为实行计算机科学化管理是解决这一问题的关键。 物流运输企业由于行业特点,传统操作过程复杂,文件繁多,竞争日趋激烈。越来越多的信息问题涌现出来,例如:一方面,要不断开发客户市场,对客户的基本资料,货物分布情况、联系人的喜好及联系方式有较为全面的了解,另一方面,要作好财务的收付工作,确保运费能按时的收付,欠款一目了然,及时催缴。以往查阅厚厚的文件资料的做法,显然是不可取的。必须采取更有效的解决办法。同时收集处理信息的速度、信息的准确性、安全性,还影响到公司整体的管理水平和决策层对整体业务的控制和协调。采用计算机软件管理信息是解决上述问题的一个行之有效的办法。 物流管理软件,就是根据物流运输企业业务流程,将企业业务的各类数据联系起来,组成一个有机的系统,使得业务、财务、市场等方面的信息得以方便、快捷地传递,并经过综合处理生成各种报表送交给各个职能部门及决策层。应用物流管理软件系统不仅可以节省大量的人力,减少工作中的失误,对客户的询问可以迅速的从电脑中查询信息答复客户,而且可以帮助决策者及时调整公司经营策略,提高公司在同行业中的知名度,增强公司的竞争力。 过去物流管理着重在企业内部作业与组织的整合,对下游顾客的对应,是以服务与品质为主要重心。因此,评价物流的管理业绩和效果的准则,多半是以处理订单周期时间的速度,供货率及完成质量来量度。 随着物流业的发展,在供应链管理模式上增添新的内容,物流业出现了新的十大趋势。 (一)物流管理从物的处理,提升到物的加值方案设计、解决和管理上。可以为客户提供度身订造式的,并带有个性化的服务,企业逐渐转向强调跨企业界限的整合,使得顾客关系的维护与管理变得越来越重要。 (二)由对立转向联合。传统商业通道中,企业间多半以自我为中心,追求自我利益,因此往往造成企业间对立的局面。然而在追求更大竞争力的驱动下,许多企业开始在各个商业流通机能上整合,通过联合规划与作业,形成高度整合的供应链通道关系,使通道整体成绩和效果大幅提升。 (三)由预测转向终测。传统的流通模式通过预测下游通道的资源来进行各项物流作业活动,不幸的是预测很少会准确的,因而浪费了许多自然及商业资源。新兴的物流管理趋势是强调通道成员的联合机制,成员间愿意互换营运及策略的信息,尤其是内部需求及生产的资料,使得上游的企业无需去预测,流通模式是逐渐由预测基础转向终测基础发展。 (四)由经验积累转向变迁策略。一直以来经验曲线是企业用来分析市场竞争趋势及发展对应策略的方法,并以企业长年积累的经验作为主要竞争武器,然而科技的突飞进步,企业固守既有经验反而成为企业发展的障碍,因此在调度变化的环境下,经验及现存通道基础结构反变为最难克服的障碍,成功的企业要建立对策略方向的嗅觉和持续变迁管理体系才能生存。 (五)由绝对价值转向相对价值。传统财务评价只看一些绝对数值,新的评估方法将着重在相对价值的创造,亦即在通道中提供加值服务,顾客所增加的价值中企业可占多少比例。 (六)由功能整合转向程序整合。在竞争渠道日趋激烈的环境中,企业必须更快响应上、下游顾客的需要,因而必须有效整合各部门的营运,并以程序式的操作系统来动作,物流作业与活动多半具有跨功能,跨企业的特性,故程序式整合是物流管理成功的重点。 (七)由垂直整合转向虚拟整合。在传统渠道中,一些大企业进行通道的垂直整合,以期对通过掌握有更大的力量,事实证明这并不成功,反而分散了企业的资源,并将主业削弱。今日企业经营的趋势是专注核心业务,将非核心业务委托给专业管理公司去做,形成虚拟企业整合体系,使主体企业提供更好的产品及服务。 (八)由信息保留转向信息分享。在供应链管理结构下,供应链内相关企业必须将供应链整合所需的信息与其他企业分享,否则,无法形成有效的供应链体系。 (九)由训练转向知识学习。在可预见的未来,任何物流程序均以人力来完成。然而,物流作业多半需要在各个物流据点和运输网络中进行,大约有90%的时间,物流主管无法亲自加以监控。全球化的发展趋势,也增加了物流人力资源管理的复杂度。物流主管必须将以个别人员技能训练的方式,转向知识基础的学习发展。 (十)由管理会计转向价值管理。未来许多企业愿意投入许多资源建立基本会计系统,着重在提供增值创造,跨企业的管理信息,以期能确认可创造价值的作业,而非仅在于收益增加,成本升降上。 Along with society's development, the profession competition is day by day intense, how enhances the working efficiency, reduces the management cost, the enhancement service level and enterprise's competitive ability, is each enterprise superintendent most matter of concern. More and more many superintendents thought the implementation computer scientific style management solves this question key. The thing flows the transportation enterprise as a result of the profession characteristic, the tradition operating process complex, document many, the competition is day by day intense. The more and more many information question emerges, for example: On the one hand, must develop the customer market unceasingly, to the customer basic document, the cargo distribution situation, the contact person likes and the contact method has a more comprehensive understanding, on the other hand, must finish financial the receipts and disbursements work, guarantees the transport expense to be able on time receipts and disbursements, the debt to be clear, prompt press for payment. Formerly consulted the thick document material the procedure, obviously was cannot be taken. Must adopt more effective solution. At the same time collects the process information the speed, the information accuracy, the security, but also affects the company whole management level and the decision-making strata to the overall service control and the coordination. Uses the computer software management information is solution above question effective means. The thing class manages the software, is flows the transportation enterprise service flow according to the thing, according to relates the enterprise service various class numbers, composes an organic system, causes aspect the and so on service, finance, market information to be able to be convenient, to transmit quickly, and produces each kind of report form after synthesis processing to deliver for each function department and the decision-making strata. The appliance flows the management software system not only to be possible to save the massive manpower, reduces in the work the fault, may be rapid to the customer inquiry inquires the information answer customer from the computer, moreover may help the policy-maker promptly to adjust the company to manage the strategy, enhances company's in same profession well-knownness, the enhancement company's competitive power. In the past flowed the management emphatically in the enterprise interior work and organization's conformity, to the downriver customer's correspondence, was take serves and the quality as the main center of gravity. Therefore, the appraisal flows the management achievement and the effect criterion, is mostly by processes the order form period the speed, supplying goods rate and completes the quality to measure. Along with the thing flowing industry development, increased the new content in the supply chain management pattern, thing flowing industry had the new ten major tendencies. (1) thing flows the management from thing processing, promotes to in the thing Canadian value plan design, the solution and the management. May provides for the customer 度身订造 -like, and has the personalization the service, the enterprise gradually changes emphasized the cross enterprise boundary the conformity, causes the maintenance and the management which the customer relates changes more and more importantly. (2) changes the union by the opposition. In the traditional commercial channel, the enterprise mostly take as the center, pursues the self- benefit, therefore often makes the aspect which the enterprise opposes. However in under the pursue bigger competitive power actuation, many enterprises starts in each commercial circulation function the conformity, through the union plan and the work, forms highly the conformity supply chain channel relations, causes the channel overall result and the effect large promotion. (3) changes the final survey by the forecast. The traditional circulation pattern carries on each thing through the forecast downriver channel resources to flow the work activity, unfortunately forecasts very little can accurate, thus has wasted many natures and the commercial resources. The emerging thing flows the management tendency is emphasized the channel member's union mechanism, between the member is willing to exchange transport business and the strategy information upstream, in particular internal demand and the production material, causes the enterprise not to need to forecast, the circulation pattern changes the final survey foundation development gradually by the forecast foundation. (4) accumulates by the experience changes the vicissitude strategy. The empirical curve has since always been the enterprise uses for to analyze the market competition tendency and the development correspondence strategy method, and the experience which accumulates by the enterprise elders takes the main competition weapon, however the science and technology flies suddenly the progress, the enterprise defends stubbornly already has the experience instead to become the barrier which the enterprise develops, therefore in under the dispatch change environment, the experience and the extant channel foundation structure instead becomes the barrier which most difficult to overcome, the success enterprise must establish to the strategy direction sense of smell and continues the vicissitude management system to be able to survive. (5) changes the relative value by the absolute value. The traditional finance appraisal will look only some absolute values, the new appraisal method emphatically in the relative value creation, that is will provide adds the value service in the channel, in the value which the customer will increase the enterprise may account for how many proportions. (6) changes the procedure conformity by the function conformity. In the competition channel intense environment, the enterprise must day by day in a quicker response, the downriver customer's need, thus must effective conformity various departments' transport business, and acts by the procedure -like operating system, the thing flows the work and the activity has the cross function mostly, cross enterprise's characteristic, therefore the procedure type conformity is the thing class manages the successful key point. (7) changes the hypothesized conformity by the vertical conformity. In the traditional channel, some big enterprises carry on the channel the vertical conformity, to through grasps by the time has a bigger strength, the fact proved this is not successful, instead dispersed enterprise's resources, and weakens the principal work. Today the enterprise manages the tendency is dedicated nucleus □0 □$. The service, makes the non- core business request for the specialized management company, forms the hypothesized enterprise conformity system, causes the main body enterprise to provide a better product and the service. (8) changes the information share by the information retention. Under the supply chain management structure, supplies in the chain to be connected the enterprise to have to supply the information which the chain conformity needs to share with other enterprises, otherwise, is unable to form the effective supply chain system. (9) changes the knowledge study by the training. In future which may foresee, any thing flows the procedure to complete by the manpower. However, the thing flows the work to need to flow the foothold and in mostly the transportation network in each thing carries on, probably some 90% time, the thing flows the manager to be unable to perform to monitor personally. Globalization development tendency, also increased the thing to flow the human resources management the order of complexity. The thing flows the manager to have by the individual personnel skill training way, changes the knowledge foundation the study development. (10) changes the value management by management accounting. Future many enterprises will be willing to invest many resources establishments basic accountant the system, in will provide the increment creation emphatically, the cross enterprise's management information, by the time will be able the true approval creation value work, but must only will lie in the income to increase, in cost fluctuation.




resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.[1] The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations.[1] Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a features include:Personnel administration Personnel management Manpower management Industrial management[2][3] But these traditional expressions are becoming less common for the theoretical discipline. Sometimes even industrial relations and employee relations are confusingly listed as synonyms,[4] although these normally refer to the relationship between management and workers and the behavior of workers in theoretical discipline is based primarily on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs, and as such should not be thought of as basic business resources, such as trucks and filing cabinets. The field takes a positive view of workers, assuming that virtually all wish to contribute to the enterprise productively, and that the main obstacles to their endeavors are lack of knowledge, insufficient training, and failures of is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional approach. Its techniques force the managers of an enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can be understood and undertaken by the workforce, and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, HRM techniques, when properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organisations.[5]Synonyms such as personnel management are often used in a more restricted sense to describe activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its members with payroll and benefits, and administrating their work-life needs. So if we move to actual definitions, Torrington and Hall (1987) define personnel management as being:“a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing organisations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and, secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled" (p. 49).While Miller (1987) suggests that HRM relates to:".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage" (p. 352).Academic theoryThe goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. The key word here perhaps is "fit", . a HRM approach seeks to ensure a fit between the management of an organization's employees, and the overall strategic direction of the company (Miller, 1989).The basic premise of the academic theory of HRM is that humans are not machines, therefore we need to have an interdisciplinary examination of people in the workplace. Fields such as psychology, industrial engineering, industrial and organizational psychology, industrial relations, sociology, and critical theories: postmodernism, post-structuralism play a major role. Many colleges and universities offer bachelor and master degrees in Human Resources widely used scheme to describe the role of HRM, developed by Dave Ulrich, defines 4 fields for the HRM function:[6]Strategic business partner Change agent Employee champion Administration However, many HR functions these days struggle to get beyond the roles of administration and employee champion, and are seen rather as reactive than strategically proactive partners for the top management. In addition, HR organizations also have the difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to the company. Only in the recent years HR scholars and HR professionals are focusing to develop models that can measure if HR adds value.[7]Critical Academic TheoryPostmodernism plays an important part in Academic Theory and particularly in Critical Theory. Indeed Karen Legge in 'Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities' possess the debate of whether HRM is a modernist project or a postmodern discourse (Legge 2004). In many ways, critically or not, many writers contend that HRM itself is an attempt to move away from the modernist traditions of personnel (man as machine) towards a postmodernist view of HRM (man as individuals). Critiques include the notion that because 'Human' is the subject we should recognize that people are complex and that it is only through various discourses that we understand the world. Man is not Machine, no matter what attempts are made to change it . Fordism / Taylorism, McDonaldisation (Modernism).Critical Theory also questions whether HRM is the pursuit of "attitudinal shaping" (Wilkinson 1998), particularly when considering empowerment, or perhaps more precisely pseudo-empowerment - as the critical perspective notes. Many critics note the move away from Man as Machine is often in many ways, more a Linguistic (discursive) move away than a real attempt to recognise the Human in Human Resource Theory, in particular postmodernism (poststructualism), recognises that because the subject is people in the workplace, the subject is a complex one, and therefore simplistic notions of 'the best way' or a unitary perspectives on the subject are too simplistic. It also considers the complex subject of power, power games, and office politics. Power in the workplace is a vast and complex subject that cannot be easily defined. This leaves many critics to suggest that Management 'Gurus', consultants, 'best practice' and HR models are often overly simplistic, but in order to sell an idea, they are simplified, and often lead Management as a whole to fall into the trap of oversimplifying the practiceHuman resources management comprises several processes. Together they are supposed to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an HR department, but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by line-managers or other planning Recruitment (sometimes separated into attraction and selection) Induction and Orientation Skills management Training and development Personnel administration Compensation in wage or salary Time management Travel management (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM) Payroll (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM) Employee benefits administration Personnel cost planning Performance appraisal CareersThe sort of careers available in HRM are varied. There are generalist HRM jobs such as human resource assistant. There are careers involved with employment, recruitment and placement and these are usually conducted by interviewers, EOE (Equal Opportunity Employment) specialists or college recruiters. Training and development specialism is often conducted by trainers and orientation specialists. Compensation and benefits tasks are handled by compensation analysts, salary administrators, and benefits organizationsProfessional organizations in HRM include the Society for Human Resource Management, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the International Public Management Association for HR (IPMA-HR) and the International Personnel Management Association of Canada (IPMA-Canada).Management Association of Nepal [MAN]人力资源管理,是指为了完成管理工作中涉及人或人事方面的任务所进行的管理工作。人力资源管理工作包括:工作分析;制定人力需求计划以及人员招募;培训及开发;薪酬及福利管理、绩效评估;劳动关系管理等。人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。在经济发展成熟的体系下,人力资源管理必须配合以争取最佳的资源效益,若将不适当的人力配对不适当的职位,资源效益不但全无,或可能有损耗。现代经济讲求平衡及配合,提升管理效能和质素,就要人力资源配合以作平衡,个中的内容是设立人力资源架构框架,用最适合的人做最适合的工作。建立人力资源平台,作为沟通及搜集资讯渠道,将各方意见综合,舍短取长,以处理薪酬、福利等事宜。人力资源最重要是培训及发展,人力资源发展必须投资在培训方面,以发挥各阶层的人力资源潜能。发展简史在现实世界不同的国家人力资源的发展情况以及历史都不同。一般说来,人力资源的学术界发展经历了:人事管理(Personnel Management),人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)到现在新近兴起的人力资本管理(Human Capital Management)。其只要不同即在于公司和企业对待职员的理念的变化和发展。在人事管理阶段,人事经理们的工作是管理职工福利,以及和工会的法律程序方面。公司的上层管理部门将人事部门的各种活动以及公司职员皆看作公司的大笔纯支出,而尽可能的削减这部分的开支。公司对人事部的活动持不积极的支持态度。 在人力资源管理阶段,企业员工被看成企业的可以增值的资产而被发展以期充分利用潜能。人力资源部门充分利用职位分析,工作分析,职位概述,人员选择和招聘,员工培训等等活动来提高企业员工的效率,从而增加企业的管理和运营更加有效。当一个公司实行人力资源管理战略的时候,人力资源部门将被纳入公司战略计划的一个重要组成部分。公司的未来发展,市场拓展,新产品研发等等都要牵扯到人力资源部门的支持,协调与合作。人力资源被作为提高公司竞争力的战略手段而被重视。除此之外,人力资源管理就是协助公司去激励员工,透过一些物质上的满足和一些财务奖励,从而增加员工的对公司归属感、增加员工士气和减低对工作的不满等¨。有高昂的士气会使工作更加有效率和使工作更加顺利,最终公司和员工也各有得益。 在人力资本管理阶段,人力部门的基本职责仍与人力资源管理时期相似,但是企业员工不再被看作有发展潜力的资产,而是公司可以利用的资本。人力资源部门的各项活动被量化与公司的利润率挂钩,并且这也是衡量职工和各部门是否有效工作的主要手段。 主要职能人力资源管理的主要职能包括:人员招募;培训及开发;薪酬及福利管理。人员招募:人员招募又称为人员招聘。主要是基于组织(公司,政府,非盈利组织等)的近期及远期的业务需要,来制定人员需求的计划,并通过各种招聘手段来完成组织的人员需求。人员招募主要涉及人员规划,简历收集,选聘,录用及员工入职培训。培训及开发:培训及开发主要是通过一些培训及开发的技术及手段,提高员工的技能,以适应公司所处经营环境中的技术及知识的变化。主要的技术及手段有:培训 在岗培训 轮岗 员工继续教育计划 辅导,训导薪酬;福利管理:人力资源管理的内外部条件人力资源管理的外部条件劳动法规 劳动力市场 当地文化 人力资源管理的内部条件企业经营战略 国际化程度 人力资源部的组织设置有以下三种方式:职能型组织设置 人力规划 人力购得 培训与进修 工资和薪水 社会事业 对象型组织设置 技术类员工 管理类员工 领导层 受培训者 混合模式

我囧了 居然在这里还能遇见你···我靠!


【摘要】 时代在进步,科技在发展,医院认识档案管理也要不断的更新进步,在如今这信息爆炸的年代,传统的人事档案管理工作受到了挑战,出现了危机。传统人事档案管理的不足逐渐呈现出来,改进人事档案管理已经迫在眉睫。只有改进人事档案管理才能不被时代所淘汰,才能使工作更为有效,才能更为有效的促进人力资源管理的工作。

【关键词】 人事档案;人力资源;制度化




































也可以到国涛期刊网 在百度里搜一下进去看看得 听同事说也挺好的!你自己看吧 想发呢就上网 跟他们谈谈 不想发我帮不了你!自己问问嘛!对不对 他们找你未必安全啊!1、题目:题目应简洁、明确、有概括性,字数不宜超过20个字(不同院校可能要求不同)。本专科毕业论文一般无需单独的题目页,硕博士毕业论文一般需要单独的题目页,展示院校、指导教师、答辩时间等信息。英文部分一般需要使用Times New Roman字体。2、版权声明:一般而言,硕士与博士研究生毕业论文内均需在正文前附版权声明,独立成页。个别本科毕业论文也有此项。

With the development, popularization which the computer applied in business administration at full speed of the computer technology, the management which makes use of computer to realize enterprise's personnel is imperative. To modernized enterprise, utilize computer support the intersection of enterprise and high efficiency finish, work routine affair of personnel management, the personnel management of meeting the needs of modern enterprise system, promoting enterprises and working moves towards the scientific process, standardized requirement; Can guarantee, check and calculate accurate, export fast, can also go on, count with computer to relevant the intersection of personnel and various information of information, serve the other respects of personnel department and check and calculate and the personnel are dealt with, the computer also has incomparable advantage of administrative institute of a craft at the same time. For example: Search helping, high, great, privacy is good, longe-lived, cost low grade of storing amount of dependability fast, find out. These advantages can raise the efficiency of personnel management greatly, also managed by scientific process, regularization of enterprises, important condition that is integrated with the world. Different enterprise have different the intersection of personnel and management system, this determine different enterprise need different enterprise register system. It is extensive that this text has summarized ASP application in modernized enterprises, further investigate the systematic application result of registering in enterprises, system of registering in ASP enterprises designing one to be relatively simple .


因为我也是 这个专业毕业的

人力资源管理 的6 大模块,每个模块下面 又能分成很多小类!

当年我选择的是 6大模块中的 劳动关系 中的 一个小点“离职”

无非就是 先阐述一下 论点, 再分析,员工为什么离职,离职之后要怎么办? 从员工离职上能看到什么问题之类的;


设计标题: 企业人力资源管理系统

备       注: 源码+执行程序+论文



Along with the global information development, the enterprise information construction also catches up with the time the step .The human resources management system management system essential target is supports the enterprise the personnel management and business processes services labor intensity, the auxiliary business management, assists the high-level leadership decision-making, enhances the enterprise the working efficiency, thus enables the enterprise to obtain the better social efficiency and the economic efficiency by the few investments, looks like the human affairs system, the checking attendance management system management system and so on belongs to the human resources management system management system category .It is the unit realizes the modernization foundation engineering, is enhances the unit the management level, the service operating efficiency and the grade of service essential method .How therefore many programmers all possibly do face develop a set of quite perfect human resources management system management system the question.

Along with the computer technology rapid development, the computer in the business management the application popularization, uses the computer realization enterprise human affairs wages imperative the management .This system union company actual human affairs, the financial system, pass through the actual demand analysis, uses function formidable Visual  makes the human resources management system management system which develops for the development kit.

The overall system from conforms to the operation easily, the contact surface friendly, nimble, practical, the safe request embarks, completes the human affairs, the human resources management entire process, joined including recently the staff when the dossier establishment, the staff exited, the position and so on the change cause staff personnel management work and so on information revision, staff information inquiry, statistics as well as recently staff human resources supervisory work and so on wages addition, information revision .After the actual use proof, the human affairs human resources management system management system which this article designs may satisfy the company human affairs, the human resources management aspect need.

The paper mainly introduced this topic development background, must complete function and development process .Key explanation system design key point, design concept, difficult technology and solution

Key Words: DataBase , Visual Basic , HumanResource Management System


摘要 2

Abstract 3

第一章 绪论 5

 课题来源 5

 开发工具的选择 6

第二章 系统概述 10

 编写目的 10

 系统功能概述 11

 Access 概述 12

第三章 系统分析 13

. 系统需求分析 13

. 功能需求 13

. 数据需求 14

. 运行环境 14

. 数据流程分析 15

. 数据流程图 15

. 数据E-R图 16

. 系统功能模块分析 17

. 用户需求分析 18

第四章 系统设计 19

. 软件模块结构设计 19

. 数据库设计 21

第五章 系统实现 25

. 系统用户管理模块 25

. 基础数据维护模块 28

. 员工档案管理模块 29

. 绩效考勤管理模块 33

. 工资管理模块 37

. 权限管理模块 42

. 统计分析模块 48

. 打印功能 49

总结 51

致 谢 52

参考文献(仅供参考) 53

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毕业 论文是高校人才培养方案中不可或缺的重要组成部分,是高校英语专业的大学生毕业前必须完成的教学任务,而论文的题目确定工作则是毕业论文管理中的首要环节。下面是我带来的关于本科英语专业毕业论文题目的内容,欢迎阅读!英语专业毕业论文题目(一) 1. 浅析 广告 翻译中的 文化 顺应处理 2. 从文化角度分析中美房地产广告的差异 3. 浅析动画《加菲猫》和《加菲猫之双猫记》中的享乐主义和利己主义 4. 圣经原型解读《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》 5. 论《卡斯特桥市长》中哈代的进化向善论思想 6. 顺从的女人——分析《荒凉山庄》中埃斯特的形象 7. 从中美传统节日对比看节日的文化内涵 8. 成人的童话——《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中象征主义的体现 9. 简析网络时代英语全球化 10. 《查泰莱夫人的情人》的生态女性主义解读 11. 从社会文化价值方面比较中美情景喜剧差异 12. 论《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的宿命 13. 《蝇王》的启示:理性的呼唤 14. 中文旅游文本英译中的歧义现象分析 15. 从中美婚宴差异看集体主义和个人主义 16. 影响非英语专业大一新生口语输出的因素 17. 《走出非洲》:走出迪内森的矛盾态度 18. 旅游宣传资料中的误译与解决 方法 19. 从女性主义角度解读华顿《纯真年代》中的埃伦 20. 电子词典与 英语学习 英语专业毕业论文题目(二) 1. 英语习语与 ____ 2. 《伤心咖啡馆之歌》中爱米利亚性别身份分析 3. 从关联理论的角度欣赏幽默翻译 4. 英语缩略语及其语用功能 5. 英专和非英专学生 英语 作文 中错误的对比研究 6. 武汉方言对英语语音的影响及其对教学的启示 7. 中西行星命名的文化探源 8. 英语新闻中的新词 9. 中国古典诗歌英译中对“三美”理论的探索 10. 从电影《七宗罪》浅析原罪 11. 浅论体态语的社会功能 12. 中西 思维方式 差异对中英语篇的影响 13. 中国和西方国家婚俗的比较 14. 浅析合作原则的违背在广告语言中的运用 15. 浅析电影《推手》中中美家庭的文化冲突 16. 从广告语言看中美文化价值观差异 17. 用言语行为理论浅析英语广告中的双关语 18. 论新闻英语汉译中的归化与异化策略 19. 以Of Study(《论读书》)的两个中译本为例浅析译者主体性 英语专业毕业论文题目(三) 1. 广告语言模糊性的语用研究 2. 利用美剧进行 英语听力 自主学习 3. 大学生 英语口语 学习动机研究 4. 从文化视角看中国白酒广告 5. 从功能翻译看《围城》英译本中文化信息的传递 6. 对《达罗卫夫人》中克莱丽莎和塞普提默斯形象的研究 7. 公示语汉译英错误及对策探析 8. 探究美国安利公司的 企业文化 :基于其网站内容的文本分析 9. 运用写长法促进 英语写作 能力的提高 10. 中美“面子文化”对比分析 11. 英汉恭维语和告别语的对比分析 12. 英汉爱情隐喻的对比研究 13. 新闻英语汉译的翻译技巧浅析 14. 中美家庭文化比较 15. 从文化的角度浅析中美企业 人力资源管理 的差异 16. 华中农业大学英语专业学生高级英语学习状况调查 17. 跨文化交际中中西方馈赠礼仪刍议 18. 解读《双城记》中的人道主义思想 19. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的消费主义 20. 从戴姆勒克莱斯勒事件看文化因素对跨国企业合并的影响 21. 对中美离岸外包过程中跨文化交际案例的分析 22. 从"老友记"中看合作原则在英语称赞语及其回应语中的应用 23. 浅论美国文化与美语词汇 24. 英汉植物词语联想意义的跨文化对比 25. 一个被忽视的“准则英雄”——论《永别了,武器》中的女主人公凯瑟琳 英语专业毕业论文题目(四) 1. 美国二十世纪六十年代反战文化研究 2. 中国英语热的真相——文化帝国主义 3. 中美恭维语对比研究 4. 论民族中心主义与美国媒体近年来涉华报道 5. 从弗大枪击案看美国的枪支问题 6. 《推销员之死》中威利与比夫的父子关系 7. 从拉康的镜像理论看杨克的悲剧根源 8. 从正负值面子理论简析中美面子差异 9. 中国菜名翻译中的文化翻译策略 10. 从旧南方到新南方——斯佳丽·奥哈拉在内战前后的成长历程 11. 探究家乐福公司的企业文化:基于其网站内容的文本分析 12. 汉语对英语写作词汇的负迁移作用 13. 《美国悲剧》的消费文化分析 14. 从二语习得角度对比分析英语习语学习中的翻译导向模式与文化导向模式 15. 礼貌原则在英文商务信函中的应用 16. 南方哥特式小说特征在《心是孤独的猎手》中的体现 17. 城市公示语的汉译英探索 18. 归化与异化理论在汉语 歇后语 翻译中的应用 19. 《婚礼的成员》中弗兰淇·亚当斯双性同体现象的研究 20. 论《喜福会》中的文化冲突与共存 猜你喜欢: 1. 英语系文化类毕业论文 2. 本科英语专业毕业论文题目 3. 英语专业毕业论文选题文化 4. 翻译英语专业毕业论文选题 5. 英语语言学论文题目参考大全

毕业 时期,英语专业论文写作成为热门,面对导师的严格要求,要想顺利通过论文答辩,拟定 一个优秀的英语专业论文题目必不可少。下面我给大家带来英语专业优秀论文题目_英语专业毕业论文选题,希望能帮助到大家!


★ 英语专业毕业论文题目 ★

英语教学法论文题目 ★

★ 毕业论文答辩发言稿 ★

★ 大学毕业论文评语 ★


1、汉语对 英语写作 词汇的负迁移作用

2、《美国悲剧》的消费 文化 分析





7、归化与异化理论在汉语 歇后语 翻译中的应用



10、 广告 语言模糊性的语用研究

11、利用美剧进行 英语听力 自主学习

12、大学生 英语口语 学习动机研究





17、探究美国安利公司的 企业文化 :基于其网站内容的文本分析







24、从文化的角度浅析中美企业 人力资源管理 的差异

25、华中农业大学英语专业学生高级 英语学习 状况调查







32、浅论美国文化与美语词汇 98 英汉植物词语联想意义的跨文化对比











43、透过“超女现象” 反思 美国大众文化对中国传统精英文化的影响


















优秀 商务英语 本科论文题目







































39、商业 英文书信 所使用的 词语分类 浅析















3、“微时代”下的军事 医学英语 微课教学研究


5、传统美学视角下的 散文 翻译中情感美的传递










15、“西语哲”视域下的英汉 句子 形态的差异及启示






21、新课改下高校 教育 硕士(英语)培养模式的探索与反思








29、小学英语课堂激励 方法 的应用策略研究























52、单词 配对 法对双语词汇翻译的影响









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★ 本科英语专业毕业论文题目

★ 英语专业毕业论文选题文化

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★ 本科英语专业毕业论文题目选题

★ 2021英语专业各方向论文题目

★ 英语教学论文题目选题参考整理

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