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孙大文,英文名:Da-Wen Sun,广东省潮州市人,国际著名华人食品科学家,欧洲人文和自然科学院(Academia Europaea)院士,爱尔兰皇家科学院院士,国际食品科学院院士,爱尔兰国立都柏林大学终身教授,是国际著名的生物系统工程和食品科学与工程方面的学术权威,国际上该领域最活跃、最具创造力、最有影响的学术带头人之一,在国际同行中享有极高的知名度。1982年在华南理工大学机械工程专业获学士学位,1985年获硕士学位,1988年获化学工程博士学位。1989年至1995年,分别在德国斯图加特大学,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学,纽卡斯尔大学和谢菲尔德大学任职。1995年起,受聘于爱尔兰国立都柏林大学(UCD),成为在爱尔兰第一个获得永久教职的华人,并且以最短的时间从讲师晋升为高级讲师、副教授和正教授。当前,孙大文博士是爱尔兰都柏林大学食品和生物系统工程教授,领导着食品冷冻及计算机化食品技术研究团队,是爱尔兰有史以来的第一位华人终身教授。他的主要研究包括制冷、冷冻及干燥过程和系统、食品质量与安全、生物过程模拟和优化以及计算机视觉识别技术等。尤其值得指出的是,他在真空冷却熟肉制品、计算机视觉检测比萨饼质量、采用可食用膜技术实现果蔬货价期延长等方面具有世界领先的开创性成就,得到了国内外媒体的广泛报导。他在世界上著名杂志和国际会议上发表了800多篇高水平论文,出版专著14部,其中超过400篇论文被SCI收录(H指数=65) 。他是英国皇家农业工程师学会会士(Fellow)和爱尔兰工程师学会会士(Fellow),同时他还兼任SCI和EI收录、2012年影响因子为4.115、全球全食品行业排名第六的《食品和生物加工技术》(Food and Bioprocess Technology,Springer)国际期刊总主编、《现代食品工程》(Contemporary Food Engineering,CRC Press / Taylor & Francis)系列丛书主编和多家SCI收录的国际期刊编委,华南理工大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、中国农业大学、哈尔滨工业大学、江南大学、安徽省农业科学院等十几所高校和科研机构的顾问教授或客座教授。以及多次应邀出任大型国际学术会议大会主席、重要国际学术大会主旨演讲人和欧盟框架计划、美国自然科学基金、加拿大自然科学和工程研究委员会等特邀项目评委等多项重要国际职务。 由于他在世界食品工程领域所作的突出贡献和在该领域的领导地位,先后于2000年和2006年被素有农业工程界的“奥林匹克”之称的国际农业工程委员会(International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering,CIGR)授予CIGR杰出奖,2007年被授予印度食品科学家及技术人员协会会士(AFST(I) Fellow Award)荣誉称号,2008年获CIGR成就奖,2010年被授予国际农业工程委员会会士(CIGR Fellow Award)荣誉称号,并于2004年被英国皇家机械工程师学会授予“食品工程师年度人物(Food Engineer of the Year Award)”大奖。2010年12月底,被全球32个国家的152家中文媒体共同评为“2010年全球海外华人社区十大新闻人物”。2013年3月,他获颁由凤凰卫视,中国新闻社等两岸三地富有影响力的十余家华文媒体共同评选的2012-2013世界因你而美丽——“影响世界华人大奖”,与诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言、神舟九号飞行乘组等获奖个人和团体同台领奖。2013年5月,他又荣获国际食品保护协会(IAFP)颁发的冷冻食品基金会冷冻研究奖(Frozen Food Foundation Freezing Research Award),成为美国本土以外首位获得该著名奖项的科学家。2015年6月,他又被授予国际工程与食品协会(International Association of Engineering and Food,IAEF)终身成就奖(IAEF LifetimeAchievement Award),这一奖项是为表彰世界上杰出工程师为食品工程贡献一生而设立的。 2010年,他当选为代表爱尔兰国家最高学术荣誉和成就巅峰的的爱尔兰皇家科学院(Royal Irish Academy)院士。时任中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中央组织部部长现任中华人民共和国副主席李源潮同志特委托中组部发去贺信表示祝贺,盛赞孙大文“为中华儿女争了光,”“为推动中国食品技术的发展,培养年轻人才,付出了大量心血,做出了重要贡献。”同年,他又当选为国际农业工程委员会即任主席,任期从2011年元月开始,并于2013年起接任主席,他成为国际农业工程委员会成立82年以来的首位华人主席。 2011年,他再获殊荣,被光荣增选为欧洲人文和自然科学院(Academia Europaea)院士,成为首次当选该院院士的欧洲华人科学家,同时也成为欧洲历史上首位拥有两院院士的华人。2012年,他又当选为国际食品科学院(IAFoST)院士,为全球共增选的22名院士中唯一来自爱尔兰的学者。根据汤森路透集团出版发行的基本科学指标(Essential Science Indicators)数据库有关全球农业科学家排名,在汇集和分析过去十年Web of Science所收录SCI论文系统的数据统计,全球共有四千多名科学家排名进入农业科学专业领域前1%的“被引用次数最多的科学家”(Most Cited Scientists),其中孙大文多年来一直名列前茅,位列第26名(2015.1),按“高被引论文(HIGHLYCITEDPAPERS)”排名,全球排名第一(2015.8) 。他是中国侨联特聘专家 ,国务院侨务办公室专家咨询委员会委员,广东院士联谊会常务理事。

2011年11月06日,liuxue86.com报道. 据北京国际在线报道,近日,爱尔兰国立都柏林大学(UCD)终身教授孙大文被增选为欧洲人文和自然科学院院士2011年新院士,这是欧洲华人科学家首次当选该院院士,孙大文也因此成为欧洲历史上首位成为两院院士的华人。 据了解,来自中国著名侨乡广东省潮州市的孙大文是中国华南理工大学校友,2010年年当选为爱尔兰皇家科学院院士。 他是国际著名食品科学与工程和生物系统工程专家,目前是都柏林大学食品和生物系统工程教授,领导着食品冷冻及计算机化食品技术研究团队,是爱尔兰有史以来 的第一位华人终身教授。他的主要研究包括制冷、冷冻及干燥过程和系统、食品质量与安全、生物过程模拟和优化以及计算机视觉识别技术等。尤其值得指出的是, 他在真空冷却熟肉制品、计算机视觉检测比萨饼质量、采用可食用膜技术实现果蔬货价期延长、利用超声波等物理场强化食品低温绿色加工等方面取得了令人瞩目世 界领先的开创性成就,得到国际同行的广泛认同。 创立于1988年的欧洲人文和自然科学院总部设在英国伦敦,是欧洲多国科学部长倡导、英国皇家学会等多个代表欧洲国家最高学术水平的国家科学院共同发起成立的国际科学组织,目前有院士2300人左右,包括38位诺贝尔奖获得者。 本文来源:(www.liuxue86.com)


发表论文600多篇,其中被SCI收录论文高达250多篇 (SCI收录):1. Da-Wen Sun, Inspecting Pizza Topping Percentage and Distribution by a Computer Vision Method, Journal of Food Engineering, 44 [4] (2000) 245-249.2. Da-Wen Sun, Comparison and Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Rice, Journal of Stored Products Research, 35 [3] (1999) 249-264.3. Da-Wen Sun, Comparative Study of the Performance of an Ejector Refrigeration Cycle Operating with Various Refrigerants, Energy Conversion and Management, 40 [8] (1999) 873-884.4. Da-Wen Sun, The Aqua-Ammonia Absorption System - an Alternative Option for Food Refrigeration, Journal of Food Processing & Preservation, 22 [5] (1998) 371-386.5. Da-Wen Sun, Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Shelled Corn Based on Fitting to Available Data, Drying Technology, 16 [3/5] (1998) 779-797.6. Da-Wen Sun, Evaluation of a Combined Ejector-Vapour Compression Refrigeration System, International Journal of Energy Research, 22 (1998) 333-342.7. Da-Wen Sun, Comparison of the Performances of NH3-H2O, NH3-LiNO3 and NH3-NaSCN Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 39 [5/6] (1998) 357-368.8. Da-Wen Sun, Computer Simulation and Optimisation of Ammonia-Water Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Energy Sources, 19 [7] (1997) 677-690.9. Da-Wen Sun, Experimental Investigation of the Performance Characteristics of a Steam Jet Refrigeration System, Energy Sources, 19 [4] (1997) 349-367.10. Da-Wen Sun, Solar Powered Combined Ejector-Vapour Compression Cycle for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Energy Conversion and Management, 38 [5] (1997) 479-491.11. Da-Wen Sun, Thermodynamic Design Data and Optimum Design Maps for Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 17 [3] (1997) 211-221.12. Da-Wen Sun, Variable Geometry Ejectors and Their Applications in Ejector Refrigeration Systems, Energy, 21 [10] (1996) 919-929.13. Da-Wen Sun, Thermodynamic Analysis of Two-Stage Metal Hydride Heat Pumps with Different Operating Modes, Applied Energy, 54 [1] (1996) 29-47.14. Da-Wen Sun, New Methods for Evaluating the Performance of Metal Hydride Heat Pumps, Journal of the Institute of Energy, 68[476] (1995) 121-129.15. Da-Wen Sun, Designs of Metal Hydride Reactors, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 12 (1992) 945-949. (SCI收录):16. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Development of a Mathematical Model for Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Meats, Journal of Food Engineering, 77 [3] (2006) 379-385.17. Da-Wen Sun and L. Y. Zheng, Vacuum Cooling Technology for the Agri-Food Industry: Past, Present and Future, in Da-Wen Sun and L. Y. Zheng (eds), “Progress in Bioproducts Processing and Food Safety”, special issue of Journal of Food Engineering, 77 [2] (2006) 203-214.18. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Experimental Investigation of Performance of Vacuum Cooling for Commercial Large Cooked Meat Joints, Journal of Food Engineering, 61 [4] (2004) 527-532.19. Da-Wen Sun and C. J. Du, Segmentation of Complex Food Images by Stick Growing and Merging Algorithm, in Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computer Vision Applications in the Food Industry, special issue of Journal of Food Engineering, 61 [1] (2004) 17-26.20. Da-Wen Sun and B. Li, Microstructural Change of Potato Tissues Frozen by Ultrasound-Assisted Immersion Freezing, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [4] (2003) 337 - 345.21. Da-Wen Sun and T. Brosnan, Pizza Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision - Part 2. Pizza Topping Analysis, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [1] (2003) 91-95.22. Da-Wen Sun and T. Brosnan, Pizza Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision - Part 1. Pizza Base and Sauce Spread, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [1] (2003) 81-89.23. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cooked Meats Using Different Cooling Methods, International Journal of Refrigeration, 23 [7] (2000) 508-516.24. Da-Wen Sun and X. Zhu, Effect of Heat Transfer Direction on the Numerical Prediction of Beef Freezing Processes, Journal of Food Engineering, 42 [1] (1999) 45-50.25. Da-Wen Sun and Tadhg Brosnan, Extension of the Vase Life of Cut Daffodil Flowers by Rapid Vacuum Cooling, International Journal of Refrigeration, 22 [6] (1999) 472-478.26. Da-Wen Sun and C. Byrne, Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Rapeseed, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 69 (1998) 307-315.27. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Deep Bed Simulation of the Cooling of Stored Grain with Ambient Air: A Test Bed for Ventilation Control Strategies, Journal of Stored Products Research, 33 [4] (1997) 299-312.28. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Simulation of the Heat and Moisture Transfer Process during Drying in Deep Grain Beds, Drying Technology, 15[10] (1997) 2479-2508.29. Da-Wen Sun and I. W. Eames, Optimisation of Ejector Geometry and its Application in Ejector Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Cycles, Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 2 [1] (1997) 16-21.30. Da-Wen Sun, I. W. Eames and S. Aphornratana, Evaluation of a Novel Combined Ejector-Absorption Refrigeration Cycle, 1. Computer Simulation, International Journal of Refrigeration, 19[3] (1996) 172-180.31. Da-Wen Sun and I. W. Eames, Performance Characteristics of HCFC-123 Ejector Refrigeration Cycles, International Journal of Energy Research, 20[10] (1996) 871-885.32. Da-Wen Sun and I. W. Eames, Recent Developments in the Design Theories and Applications of Ejectors - A Review, Journal of the Institute of Energy, 68[475] (1995) 65-79.33. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Low Temperature Moisture Transfer Characteristics of Barley: Thin Layer Models and Equilibrium Isotherms, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 59 (1994) 273-283.34. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Low Temperature Moisture Transfer Characteristics of Wheat During Thin Layer Drying, Transactions of the ASAE, 37 (1994) 1919-1926.35. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, The Selection of Sorption Isotherm Equations for Wheat Based on the Fitting of Available Data, Journal of Stored Products Research, 30 (1994) 27-43.36. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, The Moisture Content/Relative Humidity Equilibrium Relationship of Wheat - A Review, Drying Technology, 11 (1993) 1523-1551.37. Da-Wen Sun and Roy J. Crawford, Analysis of the Effects of Internal Heating and Cooling During the Rotational Moulding of Plastics, Polymer Engineering & Science, 33 (1993) 132-139.38. Da-Wen Sun and Roy J. Crawford, Computer Simulation of Rotational Moulding Heat Transfer Processes, Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications, 19 (1993) 47-53.39. Da-Wen Sun, Manfred Groll and Ronald Werner, Selection of Alloys and Their Influence on The Operational Characteristics of a Two-Stage Metal Hydride Heat Transformer, Heat Recovery Systems & CHP, 12 (1992) 49-55.40. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Major Factors Affecting the Reaction Rate in Metal Hydride Beds, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 16 (1991) 751-754.41. Da-Wen Sun and Yu-Cheng Peng, A Practical Method to Design Hollow Profile Dies, Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications 16 (1991) 109-114.42. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Theoretical Descriptions and Experimental Measurements on the Effective Thermal Conductivity in Metal Hydride Powder Beds, Journal of Less-Common Metals, 160 (1990) 387-395.43. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, A Theoretical Model Predicting the Effective Thermal Conductivity in Powdered Metal Hydride Beds, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 15 (1990) 331-336.44. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Non-Steady Heat and Mass Transfer Problem in Metal Hydride Beds, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 15 (1990) 807-816.45. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Study of the Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Metal Hydride Beds: A Two-Dimensional Model, Journal of Less-Common Metals, 155 (1989) 271-279.46. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Study of the Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Metal Hydride Beds, Journal of Less-Common Metals, 141 (1988) 37-43. (SCI收录):47. N. A. Valous, K. Drakakis and Da-Wen Sun, Detecting Fractal Power-law Long-range Dependence in Pre-sliced Cooked Pork Ham Surface Intensity Patterns Using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, Meat Science, (2010) (in press).48. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Improving the Representation of Thermal Boundary Conditions of Livestock during CFD Modelling of the Indoor Environment, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, (2010) (in press).49. S. Yu, Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Effects of Freezing Rates on Starch Retrogradation and Textural Properties of Cooked Rice during Storage, LWT - Food Science and Technology, (2010) (in press).50. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Air Mixing in a Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building with Different Porous Eave Opening Conditions, Biosystems Engineering, (2010) (in press).51. S. Yu, Y. Ma, L. Menager and Da-Wen Sun, Physicochemical Properties of Starch and Flour from Different Rice Cultivars, Food and Bioprocess Technology, (2010) (in press).52. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen, N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza1and P. Ward, Identification of Important Image Features for Pork and Turkey Ham Classification Using Colour and Wavelet Texture Features and Genetic Selection, Meat Science, 84 [4] (2010) 711–717.53. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Assessing the Ventilation Performance of A Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building with Different Eave Opening Conditions, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71 [1] (2010) 7-21.54. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza and Da-Wen Sun, Emerging Non-contact Imaging, Spectroscopic and Colorimetric Technologies for Quality Evaluation and Control of Hams: A Review, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 21 [1] (2010) 26-43.55. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen, K. Brandon and A.-M. White, Correlation of Consumer Assessment of Longissimus Dorsi Beef Palatability with Image Colour, Marbling and Surface Texture Features, Meat Science, 84 [3] (2010) 564–568.56. A. Iqbal, N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Classification of Pre-sliced Pork and Turkey Ham Qualities Based on Image Colour and Textural Features and Their Relationships with Consumer Responses, Meat Science, 84 [3] (2010) 455–465.57. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Supervised Neural Network Classification of Pre-sliced Cooked Pork Ham Images Using Quaternionic Singular Values, Meat Science, 84 [3] (2010) 422–430.58. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Optimising the Ventilation Configuration of Naturally Ventilated Livestock Buildings for Improved Indoor Environmental Homogeneity, Building and Environment, 45 [4] (2010) 983-995.59. N. A. Valous, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen and F. Mendoza, The Use of Lacunarity for Visual Texture Characterization of Pre-Sliced Cooked Pork Ham Surface Intensities, Food Research International, 43 [1] (2010) 387–395.60. B. Wang, S. Y. Xu and Da-Wen Sun, Application of the Electronic Nose to the Identification of Different Milk Flavorings, Food Research International, 43 [1] (2010) 255–262.61. S. Yu, Y. Ma, T. Liu, L. Menager and Da-Wen Sun, Impact of Cooling Rates on the Staling Behavior of Cooked Rice during Storage, Journal of Food Engineering, 96 [3] (2010) 416-420.62. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Prediction of Beef Palatability from Colour, Marbling and Surface Texture Features of Longissimus Dorsi, Journal of Food Engineering, 96 [1] (2010) 151-165.63. F. Mendoza, N. A. Valous, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Characterization of Fat-Connective Tissue Size Distribution in Pre-sliced Pork Hams Using Multifractal Analysis, Meat Science, 83 [4] (2009) 713-722.64. S. Yu, Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Impact of Amylose Content on Starch Retrogradation and Texture of Cooked Milled Rice during Storage, Journal of Cereal Science, 50 [2] (2009) 139-144.65. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Automatic Segmentation of Beef Longissimus Dorsi Muscle and Marbling by an Adaptable Algorithm, Meat Science, 83 [2] (2009) 187–194.66. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Comparison of Various Wavelet Texture Features to Predict Beef Palatability, Meat Science, 83 [1] (2009) 82–87.67. A. E. Delgado, L. Y. Zheng and Da-Wen Sun, Influence of Ultrasound on Freezing Rate of Immersion-frozen Apples, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2 [3] (2009) 263–270.68. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Assessing the Ventilation Effectiveness of Naturally Ventilated Livestock Buildings under Wind Dominated Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Biosystems Engineering, 103 [1] (2009) 78-99.69. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Comparison of the Predictive Power of Beef Surface Wavelet Texture Features at High and Low Magnification, Meat Science, 82 [3] (2009) 353-356.70. R. Zhao, E. Chen, M. Lin, Da-Wen Sun and B. Xu, Characteristics of Chamber Temperature Change during Vacuum Cooling, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32 [2] (2009) 177-186.71. Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Hardness of Cooked Rices as Affected by Varieties, Cooling Methods and Chill Storage, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32 [2] (2009) 161-176.72. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Retrospective Shading Correction of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Beef Images for Three-Dimensional Visualization, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2 [2] (2009) 167-176.73. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Texture Appearance Characterization of Pre-Sliced Pork Ham Images Using Fractal Metrics: Fourier Analysis Dimension and Lacunarity, Food Research International, 42 [3] (2009) 353-362.74. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, C. J. Du and P. Allen, Prediction of Beef Eating Qualities from Colour, Marbling and Wavelet Surface Texture Features using Homogenous Carcass Treatment, Pattern Recognition, 42 [5] (2009) 751-763.75. T. Norton, A. Delgado, E. Hogan, P. Grace and Da-Wen Sun, Simulation of High Pressure Freezing Processes by Enthalpy Method, Journal of Food Engineering, 91 [2] (2009) 260-268.76. F. Mendoza, N. A. Valous, P. Allen, T. A. Kenny, P. Ward, and Da-Wen Sun, Analysis and Classification of Commercial Ham Slice Images Using Directional Fractal Dimension Features, Meat Science, 81 [2] (2009) 313-320.77. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Colour Calibration of a Laboratory Computer Vision System for Quality Evaluation of Pre-sliced Hams, Meat Science, 81 [1] (2009) 132-141.78. W. Wu, H. Zhang and Da-Wen Sun, Mathematical Simulation and Experimental Study of a Modified Zeolite 13X-Water Adsorption Refrigeration Module, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29 [4] (2009) 645-651.79. L. Drummond, Da-Wen Sun, C. T. Vila and A. G. M. Scannell, Application of Immersion Vacuum Cooling to Water-Cooked Beef Joints – Quality and Safety Assessment, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42 [1] (2009) 332–337.80. F. Xu, W.-J. Yu, Da-Wen Sun, X.-Q. Xu and T.-C. Hua, Performance Comparison of Free and Immobilized Chicken Liver Esterase Inhibited by Four Different Pesticides, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88 [14] (2008) 2538-2542.81. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, C. J. Du, P. Allen and G. Downey, Prediction of Beef Eating Quality from Colour, Marbling and Wavelet Texture Features, Meat Science, 80 [4] (2008) 1273-1281.82. C. J. Du, Da-Wen Sun, P. Jackman and P. Allen, Development of a Hybrid Image Processing Algorithm for Automatic Evaluation of Intramuscular Fat Content in Beef M. Longissimus dorsi, Meat Science, 80 [4] (2008) 1231-1237.83. L. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun, Temperature Evolution and Mass Losses during Immersion Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Beef Joints – a Finite Difference Model, Meat Science, 80 [3] (2008) 885-891.84. L. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun, Immersion Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Beef - Safety and Process Considerations Regarding Beef Joint Size, Meat Science, 80 [3] (2008) 738-743.85. Y. Xu, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun and G.-Y. Zhou, Experimental Study and Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Frozen Rabbit Aorta by Fracture Mechanics Approach, Journal of Biomechanics, 41 [3] (2008) 649-655.86. Y. Ma, L. Lin and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of High Fischer Ratio Oligopeptide by Proteolysis of Corn Gluten Meal, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 26 [1] (2008) 31-40.87. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Multi-Classification of Pizza Using Computer Vision and Support Vector Machine, Journal of Food Engineering, 86 [2] (2008) 234–242.88. T. Norton and Da-Wen Sun, Recent Advances in the Use of High Pressure as an Effective Processing Technique in the Food Industry, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1 [1] (2008) 2-34.89. Q. F. Cheng and Da-Wen Sun, Important Factors Affecting the Water Holding Capacity of Red Meat Products: A Review of Recent Research Advances, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 48 [1] (2008) 1–23.90. P. Barreiro, C. Zheng, Da-Wen Sun, N. Hernández-Sánchez, J. M. Pérez-Sánchez and J. Ruiz-Cabello, Non-Destructive Seed Detection in Mandarines: Comparison of Automatic Threshold Methods in FLASH and COMSPIRA MRIs, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 47 [2] (2008) 189–198.91. L. Guo, Y. Ma, Da-Wen Sun and P. Wang, Effects of Controlled Freezing-Point Storage at 0oC on Quality of Green Bean as Compared with Cold and Room-Temperature Storages, Journal of Food Engineering, 86 [1] (2008) 25-29.92. Z. W. Cui, L. J. Sun, W. Chen and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of Dry Honey by Microwave-Vacuum Drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 84 [4] (2008) 582-590.93. D. Wu, Y. He, S. Feng, and Da-Wen Sun, Study on Infrared Spectroscopy Technique for Fast Measurement of Protein Content in Milk Powder Based on LS-SVM, Journal of Food Engineering, 84 [1] (2008) 124-131.94. Y. Xu, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun, G.-Y. Zhou and F. Xu, Effects of Freezing Rates and Dimethyl Sulphoxide Concentrations on Thermal Expansion of Rabbit Aorta during Freezing Phase Change as Measured by Thermo Mechanical Analysis, Journal of Biomechanics, 40 [14] (2007) 3201-3206.95. P. F. Yang, X. Wang, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun, Z. H. Chang and Y. L. Cao, Water Transport during Freezing of Human Dermal Fibroblast as Affected by Various Freezing Rates, Cell Preservation Technology, 5 [3] (2007) 137-143.96. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Food Image Segmentation Using an Improved Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, Transactions of the ASABE, 50 [4] (2007) 1341-1348.97. X. Wang, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun, B. Liu, G. Yang and Y. Cao, Cryopreservation of Tissue-Engineered Dermal Replacement in Me2SO: Toxicity Study and Effects of Concentration and Cooling Rates on Cell Viability, Cryobiology, 55 [1] (2007) 60-65.98. Y. Li, S. Y. Xu and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of Garlic Powder with High Allicin Content by Using Combined Microwave-Vacuum and Vacuum Drying as well as Microencapsulation, Journal of Food Engineering, 83 [1] (2007) 76-83.99. A. E. Delgado and Da-Wen Sun, Influence of Surface Water Activity on Freezing/Thawing Times and Weight Loss, Journal of Food Engineering, 83 [1] (2007) 23-30.100. T. Jeliński, C. J. Du, Da-Wen Sun and J. Fornal, Inspection of the Distribution and Amount of Ingredients in Pasteurized Cheese by Computer Vision, Journal of Food Engineering, 83 [1] (2007) 3-9.等约600篇.

2011年11月06日,liuxue86.com报道. 据北京国际在线报道,近日,爱尔兰国立都柏林大学(UCD)终身教授孙大文被增选为欧洲人文和自然科学院院士2011年新院士,这是欧洲华人科学家首次当选该院院士,孙大文也因此成为欧洲历史上首位成为两院院士的华人。 据了解,来自中国著名侨乡广东省潮州市的孙大文是中国华南理工大学校友,2010年年当选为爱尔兰皇家科学院院士。 他是国际著名食品科学与工程和生物系统工程专家,目前是都柏林大学食品和生物系统工程教授,领导着食品冷冻及计算机化食品技术研究团队,是爱尔兰有史以来 的第一位华人终身教授。他的主要研究包括制冷、冷冻及干燥过程和系统、食品质量与安全、生物过程模拟和优化以及计算机视觉识别技术等。尤其值得指出的是, 他在真空冷却熟肉制品、计算机视觉检测比萨饼质量、采用可食用膜技术实现果蔬货价期延长、利用超声波等物理场强化食品低温绿色加工等方面取得了令人瞩目世 界领先的开创性成就,得到国际同行的广泛认同。 创立于1988年的欧洲人文和自然科学院总部设在英国伦敦,是欧洲多国科学部长倡导、英国皇家学会等多个代表欧洲国家最高学术水平的国家科学院共同发起成立的国际科学组织,目前有院士2300人左右,包括38位诺贝尔奖获得者。 本文来源:(www.liuxue86.com)


proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america。

2008年的影响因子为9.38,2009年影响因子为9.432, 2010年影响因子为9.771。

《美国科学院院报》(PNAS)是与Nature、Science齐名,被引用次数最多的综合学科文献之一,周刊。自1914年创刊至今,PNAS提供具有高水平的前沿研究报告、学术评论、学科回顾及前瞻、学术论文以及美国国PNAS:美国科学院院报。ProceedingsoftheNationalAcademyofSciencesoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica(ISSN:0027-8424。它作为一种权威综合性科技期刊,是为大家所熟知的。 PNAS收录的文献涵盖生物、物理和社会科学,2008年的影响因子为9.38,2009年影响因子为9.432。在SCI综合科学类排名第三位,因而已成为全球科研人员不可缺少的科研资料。 二:PNAS的投稿 PNAS的稿源有三类(TrackI,II,III)。细心的读者会发现PNAS文章在作者通讯地址的下方都会有一行以“Communicatedby...”、“Editedby...”或“Contributedby...”字样开头的文字。这是区分三类稿件的最直接方式。 其中“CommunicatedbyXXX”属于第一类稿件(TrackI),这类文章通常是由作者交与一个美国科学院院士(含外籍院士)交流,然后该院士再向PNAS推荐发表,这个XXX就是院士的大名。在推荐之前,该院士需要请两位论文相关研究领域内的专家进行审稿,并像所有的编辑部编辑一样处理审稿人与作者之间的联系,包括将审稿意见反馈给作者和将作者的回复、辩驳以及修改稿再返回给审稿人。按PNAS规定是不能将审稿人的身份透漏给作者的,但我们知道这通常是很难做到的。审稿结束之后院士必须将通过的稿件以及所有审稿人与作者之间联系的记录一起作为推荐材料交到编辑部,最终接收与否由编辑部决定。相比较与Nature、Science,国内还是又不少好的研究结果会发在PNAS上的,其中大都是生物类的文章,谈家桢老先生作为美国科学院外籍院士就曾经推荐过不少国内的文章。此类文章每位院士每年最多只能推荐2篇。 第二种途径是大家所熟知的自由投稿方式,但与其它杂志还是略有不同的。投稿时作者需要推荐3个编委,3个NAS院士和5个审稿人。杂志社收到稿件后,先由编委阅读并定性稿件是否属于前10%文章,这一关大约会有2/3的文章直接不送审而被拒掉。然后编辑部会给挑剩下的1/3文章指定一个NAS院士作为member-editor,这个院士也有决定文章是否值得送审的权利,通过之后就会找审稿人评审。接下来程序跟其它大多数杂志雷同,这一关会再拒掉一半,剩下的1/2,也就是整个TrackII途径稿件的1/6会被幸运录用。这个院士editor是何许人只有等到文章被接收并发表才会为作者所知晓。据PNAS网站说该类投稿占所有稿件的80%左右,但录用却只占40%。 第三类稿源属院士自己署名的文章(Contributedby)。此类稿件与TrackI的不同之处在于院士直接作为作者之一邀请2位审稿人给与评审意见并作修改,最后所有记录一并交于编委,并由编辑部决定录用与否。每位院士此类文章不得超过4篇/年。 三:投稿策略: 从上面的介绍看来PNAS沿用了早期学术论文发表的一些策略,即一些大牛尤其是诺奖获得者享有发表文章的优先权,不仅如此,其拥有的学术权威和声望也可以让其推荐的文章分量加重,从而获得发表的机会。以这些美国科学院院士的学识和眼力,他们投稿或推荐的文章应该算是上乘之作。但也不尽然。 一些学术界前辈的学术成就确实让人高山仰止,我们不盲目反对权威,但历史告诉我们绝对权威的存在不是什么好事。依我阅读文献的经历,PNAS文章看的多了,反而对PNAS越来越不感冒了,因为我发现我的研究领域内发表在该刊上的很多院士的文章往往并不特别突出,至少在我看来并没有给人眼前一亮、耳目一新的感觉,有些甚至是滥竽充数。说到这一点,我想跟PNAS这种特殊的稿件处理策略或许不无联系。院士可以通过TrackI和II投稿和处理审稿,这之间难免会出现猫腻。虽然PNAS对此两种途径审稿人的选择有要求,但不难想象院士们自己找审稿人还会给自己惹麻烦吗?熟人是必须的,熟人不添麻烦也是必须的,除了来点’a’改成’an’式的小意见,自然是溢美之词,尽数奉上,嗯嗯哈哈,一团和气。这样一来文章自然达不到水平,与TrakcII文章相去甚远了。情况大体就是这么个情况。 大多数院士会选择用满自己的4次投稿机会和2次推荐机会,这些文章是不是都被接收了呢?用上面提到的几个数据做个简单的计算吧:PNAS每期文章数大约在80-100篇,以100篇记,TrackII接收文章数应该是40篇左右,接受率为1/6,那么投稿数是240,这个数占总投稿数的80%,那么总投稿数为300,TrackI和II投稿数和为60篇(20%),这正好是文章总数与TrackII接收数的差值,也就是说院士们的文章100%悉数被接收,即使被拒也是六十分之一二。100%有时候就是绝对的代名词,美国人眼里院士的地位和绝对权威可见一斑。有人开玩笑说PNAS是PassedoverbyNatureAndScience或PapersNotAcceptedinScience,不知道是赞还是骂。家科学学会学术动态的报道和出版。



2011年11月06日,liuxue86.com报道. 据北京国际在线报道,近日,爱尔兰国立都柏林大学(UCD)终身教授孙大文被增选为欧洲人文和自然科学院院士2011年新院士,这是欧洲华人科学家首次当选该院院士,孙大文也因此成为欧洲历史上首位成为两院院士的华人。 据了解,来自中国著名侨乡广东省潮州市的孙大文是中国华南理工大学校友,2010年年当选为爱尔兰皇家科学院院士。 他是国际著名食品科学与工程和生物系统工程专家,目前是都柏林大学食品和生物系统工程教授,领导着食品冷冻及计算机化食品技术研究团队,是爱尔兰有史以来 的第一位华人终身教授。他的主要研究包括制冷、冷冻及干燥过程和系统、食品质量与安全、生物过程模拟和优化以及计算机视觉识别技术等。尤其值得指出的是, 他在真空冷却熟肉制品、计算机视觉检测比萨饼质量、采用可食用膜技术实现果蔬货价期延长、利用超声波等物理场强化食品低温绿色加工等方面取得了令人瞩目世 界领先的开创性成就,得到国际同行的广泛认同。 创立于1988年的欧洲人文和自然科学院总部设在英国伦敦,是欧洲多国科学部长倡导、英国皇家学会等多个代表欧洲国家最高学术水平的国家科学院共同发起成立的国际科学组织,目前有院士2300人左右,包括38位诺贝尔奖获得者。 本文来源:(www.liuxue86.com)


徐扬生徐扬生教授,中国工程院院士,深圳先进院副院长。1982年及1984年分别获得浙江大学学士、硕士学位,1989年获得美国宾夕法尼亚大学博士学位。1989年至1997年在美国卡耐基梅隆大学任教,1997年起在香港中文大学任教,现为自动化与计算机辅助工程学讲座教授。同时他担任系主任(1997-2004),中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院副院长(2006至今),香港中文大学协理副校长(2008-2011)。现为香港中文大学副校长。陈国良中国科学院院士。1938年生于安徽颍上。1961毕业于西安交通大学无线电系。1973年起在中国科学技术大学任教。1981年至1983年,在美国普度大学作访问学者。2003年当选中国科学院院士。现任中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院先进计算与数字工程研究所首席科学家、中国科学技术大学教授、软件学院院长、国家高性能中心(合肥)主任。陈国良教授20多年来系统地开展了并行算法的理论、设计和应用的研究,提出了并行算法研究的一系列新观点和新方法,形成了“并行算法——并行计算机——并行编程”一体化研究体系。在非数值并行算法和高性能计算及其应用的研究方面做出了系统的创造性成就和重大贡献。他承担了国家级项目15项,已完成11项。发表论文170多篇(他和学生第一作者 110多篇),著作8册,他引540余次。获国家科技进步二等奖,国家级教学成果二等奖,省、部级科技进步一、二等奖共12项,11项排名第一。培养了一批从事算法研究的高级人才,已毕业博士生26名。学风正派,为人师表。汪正平现为美国国家工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士;香港中文大学工程院院长、美国佐治亚理工学院董事教授,广东省“电子封装材料”团队负责人。其研究领域包括聚合物电子材料、电子、光子及微电子器件封装及互连材料、界面结合、纳米功能材料等。曾成功开创多种崭新材料,为半导体的封装技术带来革命性影响,多年来其研究成果丰硕,发表专业论文1000 余篇,申请60 多项美国专利。汪正平院士在先进电子封装材料领域的学术和产业界均享有颇高的声望,被誉为“现代半导体封装之父”。

发表论文600多篇,其中被SCI收录论文高达250多篇 (SCI收录):1. Da-Wen Sun, Inspecting Pizza Topping Percentage and Distribution by a Computer Vision Method, Journal of Food Engineering, 44 [4] (2000) 245-249.2. Da-Wen Sun, Comparison and Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Rice, Journal of Stored Products Research, 35 [3] (1999) 249-264.3. Da-Wen Sun, Comparative Study of the Performance of an Ejector Refrigeration Cycle Operating with Various Refrigerants, Energy Conversion and Management, 40 [8] (1999) 873-884.4. Da-Wen Sun, The Aqua-Ammonia Absorption System - an Alternative Option for Food Refrigeration, Journal of Food Processing & Preservation, 22 [5] (1998) 371-386.5. Da-Wen Sun, Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Shelled Corn Based on Fitting to Available Data, Drying Technology, 16 [3/5] (1998) 779-797.6. Da-Wen Sun, Evaluation of a Combined Ejector-Vapour Compression Refrigeration System, International Journal of Energy Research, 22 (1998) 333-342.7. Da-Wen Sun, Comparison of the Performances of NH3-H2O, NH3-LiNO3 and NH3-NaSCN Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 39 [5/6] (1998) 357-368.8. Da-Wen Sun, Computer Simulation and Optimisation of Ammonia-Water Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Energy Sources, 19 [7] (1997) 677-690.9. Da-Wen Sun, Experimental Investigation of the Performance Characteristics of a Steam Jet Refrigeration System, Energy Sources, 19 [4] (1997) 349-367.10. Da-Wen Sun, Solar Powered Combined Ejector-Vapour Compression Cycle for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Energy Conversion and Management, 38 [5] (1997) 479-491.11. Da-Wen Sun, Thermodynamic Design Data and Optimum Design Maps for Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 17 [3] (1997) 211-221.12. Da-Wen Sun, Variable Geometry Ejectors and Their Applications in Ejector Refrigeration Systems, Energy, 21 [10] (1996) 919-929.13. Da-Wen Sun, Thermodynamic Analysis of Two-Stage Metal Hydride Heat Pumps with Different Operating Modes, Applied Energy, 54 [1] (1996) 29-47.14. Da-Wen Sun, New Methods for Evaluating the Performance of Metal Hydride Heat Pumps, Journal of the Institute of Energy, 68[476] (1995) 121-129.15. Da-Wen Sun, Designs of Metal Hydride Reactors, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 12 (1992) 945-949. (SCI收录):16. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Development of a Mathematical Model for Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Meats, Journal of Food Engineering, 77 [3] (2006) 379-385.17. Da-Wen Sun and L. Y. Zheng, Vacuum Cooling Technology for the Agri-Food Industry: Past, Present and Future, in Da-Wen Sun and L. Y. Zheng (eds), “Progress in Bioproducts Processing and Food Safety”, special issue of Journal of Food Engineering, 77 [2] (2006) 203-214.18. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Experimental Investigation of Performance of Vacuum Cooling for Commercial Large Cooked Meat Joints, Journal of Food Engineering, 61 [4] (2004) 527-532.19. Da-Wen Sun and C. J. Du, Segmentation of Complex Food Images by Stick Growing and Merging Algorithm, in Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computer Vision Applications in the Food Industry, special issue of Journal of Food Engineering, 61 [1] (2004) 17-26.20. Da-Wen Sun and B. Li, Microstructural Change of Potato Tissues Frozen by Ultrasound-Assisted Immersion Freezing, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [4] (2003) 337 - 345.21. Da-Wen Sun and T. Brosnan, Pizza Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision - Part 2. Pizza Topping Analysis, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [1] (2003) 91-95.22. Da-Wen Sun and T. Brosnan, Pizza Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision - Part 1. Pizza Base and Sauce Spread, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [1] (2003) 81-89.23. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cooked Meats Using Different Cooling Methods, International Journal of Refrigeration, 23 [7] (2000) 508-516.24. Da-Wen Sun and X. Zhu, Effect of Heat Transfer Direction on the Numerical Prediction of Beef Freezing Processes, Journal of Food Engineering, 42 [1] (1999) 45-50.25. Da-Wen Sun and Tadhg Brosnan, Extension of the Vase Life of Cut Daffodil Flowers by Rapid Vacuum Cooling, International Journal of Refrigeration, 22 [6] (1999) 472-478.26. Da-Wen Sun and C. Byrne, Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Rapeseed, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 69 (1998) 307-315.27. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Deep Bed Simulation of the Cooling of Stored Grain with Ambient Air: A Test Bed for Ventilation Control Strategies, Journal of Stored Products Research, 33 [4] (1997) 299-312.28. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. 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Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Improving the Representation of Thermal Boundary Conditions of Livestock during CFD Modelling of the Indoor Environment, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, (2010) (in press).49. S. Yu, Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Effects of Freezing Rates on Starch Retrogradation and Textural Properties of Cooked Rice during Storage, LWT - Food Science and Technology, (2010) (in press).50. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Air Mixing in a Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building with Different Porous Eave Opening Conditions, Biosystems Engineering, (2010) (in press).51. S. Yu, Y. Ma, L. Menager and Da-Wen Sun, Physicochemical Properties of Starch and Flour from Different Rice Cultivars, Food and Bioprocess Technology, (2010) (in press).52. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen, N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza1and P. Ward, Identification of Important Image Features for Pork and Turkey Ham Classification Using Colour and Wavelet Texture Features and Genetic Selection, Meat Science, 84 [4] (2010) 711–717.53. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Assessing the Ventilation Performance of A Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building with Different Eave Opening Conditions, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71 [1] (2010) 7-21.54. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza and Da-Wen Sun, Emerging Non-contact Imaging, Spectroscopic and Colorimetric Technologies for Quality Evaluation and Control of Hams: A Review, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 21 [1] (2010) 26-43.55. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen, K. Brandon and A.-M. White, Correlation of Consumer Assessment of Longissimus Dorsi Beef Palatability with Image Colour, Marbling and Surface Texture Features, Meat Science, 84 [3] (2010) 564–568.56. A. Iqbal, N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and P. 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Xu and Da-Wen Sun, Application of the Electronic Nose to the Identification of Different Milk Flavorings, Food Research International, 43 [1] (2010) 255–262.61. S. Yu, Y. Ma, T. Liu, L. Menager and Da-Wen Sun, Impact of Cooling Rates on the Staling Behavior of Cooked Rice during Storage, Journal of Food Engineering, 96 [3] (2010) 416-420.62. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Prediction of Beef Palatability from Colour, Marbling and Surface Texture Features of Longissimus Dorsi, Journal of Food Engineering, 96 [1] (2010) 151-165.63. F. Mendoza, N. A. Valous, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Characterization of Fat-Connective Tissue Size Distribution in Pre-sliced Pork Hams Using Multifractal Analysis, Meat Science, 83 [4] (2009) 713-722.64. S. Yu, Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Impact of Amylose Content on Starch Retrogradation and Texture of Cooked Milled Rice during Storage, Journal of Cereal Science, 50 [2] (2009) 139-144.65. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Automatic Segmentation of Beef Longissimus Dorsi Muscle and Marbling by an Adaptable Algorithm, Meat Science, 83 [2] (2009) 187–194.66. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Comparison of Various Wavelet Texture Features to Predict Beef Palatability, Meat Science, 83 [1] (2009) 82–87.67. A. E. Delgado, L. Y. Zheng and Da-Wen Sun, Influence of Ultrasound on Freezing Rate of Immersion-frozen Apples, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2 [3] (2009) 263–270.68. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Assessing the Ventilation Effectiveness of Naturally Ventilated Livestock Buildings under Wind Dominated Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Biosystems Engineering, 103 [1] (2009) 78-99.69. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Comparison of the Predictive Power of Beef Surface Wavelet Texture Features at High and Low Magnification, Meat Science, 82 [3] (2009) 353-356.70. R. Zhao, E. Chen, M. Lin, Da-Wen Sun and B. Xu, Characteristics of Chamber Temperature Change during Vacuum Cooling, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32 [2] (2009) 177-186.71. Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Hardness of Cooked Rices as Affected by Varieties, Cooling Methods and Chill Storage, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32 [2] (2009) 161-176.72. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Retrospective Shading Correction of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Beef Images for Three-Dimensional Visualization, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2 [2] (2009) 167-176.73. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Texture Appearance Characterization of Pre-Sliced Pork Ham Images Using Fractal Metrics: Fourier Analysis Dimension and Lacunarity, Food Research International, 42 [3] (2009) 353-362.74. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, C. J. Du and P. Allen, Prediction of Beef Eating Qualities from Colour, Marbling and Wavelet Surface Texture Features using Homogenous Carcass Treatment, Pattern Recognition, 42 [5] (2009) 751-763.75. T. Norton, A. Delgado, E. Hogan, P. Grace and Da-Wen Sun, Simulation of High Pressure Freezing Processes by Enthalpy Method, Journal of Food Engineering, 91 [2] (2009) 260-268.76. F. Mendoza, N. A. Valous, P. Allen, T. A. Kenny, P. Ward, and Da-Wen Sun, Analysis and Classification of Commercial Ham Slice Images Using Directional Fractal Dimension Features, Meat Science, 81 [2] (2009) 313-320.77. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Colour Calibration of a Laboratory Computer Vision System for Quality Evaluation of Pre-sliced Hams, Meat Science, 81 [1] (2009) 132-141.78. W. Wu, H. Zhang and Da-Wen Sun, Mathematical Simulation and Experimental Study of a Modified Zeolite 13X-Water Adsorption Refrigeration Module, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29 [4] (2009) 645-651.79. L. Drummond, Da-Wen Sun, C. T. Vila and A. G. M. Scannell, Application of Immersion Vacuum Cooling to Water-Cooked Beef Joints – Quality and Safety Assessment, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42 [1] (2009) 332–337.80. F. Xu, W.-J. Yu, Da-Wen Sun, X.-Q. Xu and T.-C. Hua, Performance Comparison of Free and Immobilized Chicken Liver Esterase Inhibited by Four Different Pesticides, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88 [14] (2008) 2538-2542.81. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, C. J. Du, P. Allen and G. Downey, Prediction of Beef Eating Quality from Colour, Marbling and Wavelet Texture Features, Meat Science, 80 [4] (2008) 1273-1281.82. C. J. Du, Da-Wen Sun, P. Jackman and P. Allen, Development of a Hybrid Image Processing Algorithm for Automatic Evaluation of Intramuscular Fat Content in Beef M. Longissimus dorsi, Meat Science, 80 [4] (2008) 1231-1237.83. L. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun, Temperature Evolution and Mass Losses during Immersion Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Beef Joints – a Finite Difference Model, Meat Science, 80 [3] (2008) 885-891.84. L. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun, Immersion Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Beef - Safety and Process Considerations Regarding Beef Joint Size, Meat Science, 80 [3] (2008) 738-743.85. Y. Xu, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun and G.-Y. Zhou, Experimental Study and Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Frozen Rabbit Aorta by Fracture Mechanics Approach, Journal of Biomechanics, 41 [3] (2008) 649-655.86. Y. Ma, L. Lin and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of High Fischer Ratio Oligopeptide by Proteolysis of Corn Gluten Meal, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 26 [1] (2008) 31-40.87. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Multi-Classification of Pizza Using Computer Vision and Support Vector Machine, Journal of Food Engineering, 86 [2] (2008) 234–242.88. T. Norton and Da-Wen Sun, Recent Advances in the Use of High Pressure as an Effective Processing Technique in the Food Industry, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1 [1] (2008) 2-34.89. Q. F. Cheng and Da-Wen Sun, Important Factors Affecting the Water Holding Capacity of Red Meat Products: A Review of Recent Research Advances, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 48 [1] (2008) 1–23.90. P. Barreiro, C. Zheng, Da-Wen Sun, N. Hernández-Sánchez, J. M. Pérez-Sánchez and J. Ruiz-Cabello, Non-Destructive Seed Detection in Mandarines: Comparison of Automatic Threshold Methods in FLASH and COMSPIRA MRIs, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 47 [2] (2008) 189–198.91. L. Guo, Y. Ma, Da-Wen Sun and P. Wang, Effects of Controlled Freezing-Point Storage at 0oC on Quality of Green Bean as Compared with Cold and Room-Temperature Storages, Journal of Food Engineering, 86 [1] (2008) 25-29.92. Z. W. Cui, L. J. Sun, W. Chen and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of Dry Honey by Microwave-Vacuum Drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 84 [4] (2008) 582-590.93. D. Wu, Y. He, S. Feng, and Da-Wen Sun, Study on Infrared Spectroscopy Technique for Fast Measurement of Protein Content in Milk Powder Based on LS-SVM, Journal of Food Engineering, 84 [1] (2008) 124-131.94. Y. Xu, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun, G.-Y. Zhou and F. Xu, Effects of Freezing Rates and Dimethyl Sulphoxide Concentrations on Thermal Expansion of Rabbit Aorta during Freezing Phase Change as Measured by Thermo Mechanical Analysis, Journal of Biomechanics, 40 [14] (2007) 3201-3206.95. P. F. Yang, X. Wang, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun, Z. H. Chang and Y. L. Cao, Water Transport during Freezing of Human Dermal Fibroblast as Affected by Various Freezing Rates, Cell Preservation Technology, 5 [3] (2007) 137-143.96. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Food Image Segmentation Using an Improved Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, Transactions of the ASABE, 50 [4] (2007) 1341-1348.97. X. Wang, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun, B. Liu, G. Yang and Y. Cao, Cryopreservation of Tissue-Engineered Dermal Replacement in Me2SO: Toxicity Study and Effects of Concentration and Cooling Rates on Cell Viability, Cryobiology, 55 [1] (2007) 60-65.98. Y. Li, S. Y. Xu and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of Garlic Powder with High Allicin Content by Using Combined Microwave-Vacuum and Vacuum Drying as well as Microencapsulation, Journal of Food Engineering, 83 [1] (2007) 76-83.99. A. E. Delgado and Da-Wen Sun, Influence of Surface Water Activity on Freezing/Thawing Times and Weight Loss, Journal of Food Engineering, 83 [1] (2007) 23-30.100. T. Jeliński, C. J. Du, Da-Wen Sun and J. Fornal, Inspection of the Distribution and Amount of Ingredients in Pasteurized Cheese by Computer Vision, Journal of Food Engineering, 83 [1] (2007) 3-9.等约600篇.


近日,现代工程与应用科学学院张利剑教授课题组与德国乌尔姆大学 (Universität Ulm)Martin B. Plenio教授课题组、加拿大滑铁卢大学刘子文博士和澳大利亚悉尼 科技 大学俞能昆教授合作的成果"Experimental Quantification of Coherence of a Tunable Quantum Detector"发表于 《物理评论快报》 (Physical Review Letters 125, 060404 (2020), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.060404)。该工作从量子资源理论的角度出发,对量子探测器利用量子资源的能力进行了研究,首次在实验中量化了一类量子探测器--可调弱场零差探测器—在不同配置下对相干性这一量子资源的利用能力。 图1. 量化探测器相干性的实验原理图 量子探测器的结构和应用场景比经典探测器更为复杂,因而用来量化经典探测器性能的参数,如探测效率、噪声强度等,无法全面描述量子探测器的性能,而应该从量子资源的角度出发,提出量化量子探测器性能的新方法。量子相干性是量子技术超越传统设备性能的基本资源,而实现此优势的先决条件是测量设备可以有效提取量子态和量子操作中的相干性。基于最近发表的量子操作相干性的资源理论,研究团队将其推广并用来定量研究量子探测器提取相干性的能力,并针对一类重要的量子探测器—可调弱场零差探测器—探测量子相干性的能力进行研究,利用量子探测器层析(quantum detector tomography)实验重构该探测器的测量算符,进而计算探测器的相干性。通过对可调弱场零差探测器在不同配置下相干性的实验标定,研究团队得到导致该量子探测器探测相干性能力变化的因素,对将来进一步使用这类探测器提供了有力的理论指导。同时该工作首次以资源理论的角度对量子测量进行了实验研究,为准确评估量子测量设备的性能提供了新的思路。 图2. 不同本地振荡器和干涉对比度下可调弱场零差探测器的相干值变化趋势。 量子相干性在量子计算、量子通信、量子计量学和量子生物学等量子技术中发挥着不可或缺的作用。因此量子相干性作为一种资源的定量评估引起了广泛兴趣,并有大量工作针对相干性的产生和调控展开研究。但是要将量子相干性应用到更加广阔的领域,仅仅产生和调控相干性是不足够的,我们还必须能够探测相干性,而本工作正是填补了这一空白,从而完善了量子相干性的研究框架,将量子相干性的应用进一步推广。 南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院博士研究生徐慧超,许飞翔和乌尔姆大学博士研究生Thomas Theurer为该论文共同第一作者,本研究得到德累斯顿工业大学的Dario Egloff的大力支持和参与,张利剑教授和Martin B. Plenio教授为论文的共同通讯作者,南京大学为论文第一单位。该研究受到国家重点研发计划(2018YFA0306202,2017YFA0303703)、国家自然科学基金等项目资助,以及人工微结构科学与技术协同创新中心、固体微结构物理国家重点实验室等平台的大力支持。论文链接:

黄厦千任职时间(1944-1948)抗日战争爆发后,中央大学西迁至重庆沙坪坝。1939年黄厦千自美返国,受娉来中大执教,先后讲授气象观测、天气预报、高空探测、航空气象等课程。涂长望任职时间(1949-1950)气象学家。早年留学英国。回国后创建了中国科学工作者协会,并在重庆参与发起成立“九三学社”。建国后,先后任中央人民政府军委气象局局长、中央气象局局长。朱炳海任职时间(1950-1958)教授,出生于1908年2月,1927-1931就读于于中央大学地学系,毕业后在中央研究院气象研究所工作5年,1936年受娉中央大学地理系,解放后,南京大学建立,担任气象系主任。主要著作:《天气谚语》、《气象学词典》等。徐尔灏任职时间(1958-1970)1948年自英返国,受聘来中大气象学系任副教授,先后开设动力气象学、气象统计等课。黄士松任职时间(1977-1983)南京大学教授,博士生导师,早期师从涂长望,曾任中国气象学会名誉会长。主要研究方向为低纬大气环流及东亚季风环流、灾害性天气气候成因。陆渝蓉任职时间(1983-1984)南京大学教授,曾任南京大学党委书记、南大校友总会会长,主要研究方向为:气候变化、减灾和防灾、大气能量平衡和水循环。主要著作有:《地球水环境学》、《气候学》。伍荣生任职时间(1984-1993)中国科学院院士,国家教育部大气科学教学指导委员会主任,中国气象学会理事长,国际动力气象委员会中尺度工作组主席。1956年南京大学气象系毕业。倪允琪任职时间(1993-1997)曾任中国气象科学研究院院长,国家973“暴雨研究”项目首席科学家,中国气象科学研究院研究员。长期从事气候动力学和天气动力学的研究工作,在国内是该学科的知名专家和学科带头人。蒋维楣任职时间(1997-1998,副主任,主持工作),南京大学教授,博士生导师主要研究方向为空气污染模拟与大气环境研究。主要代表著作有:《空气污染预测与防治基础》、《空气污染气象学教程》、《边界层气象学基础》。谈哲敏任职时间(1998-2006)南京大学大气科学系教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者,全国优秀博士论文获得者,中国气象学会常务理事,主要从事中尺度动力学和数值模拟的教学与研究工作。杨修群任职时间(2006— )南京大学大气科学学院教授、博士生导师、灾害性天气气候研究所所长、教育部“跨世纪优秀人才”、首批“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、国家973项目首席科学家等。 王家梅 1955-1958白 玲 1958-1961张淑珍1961-1964姚鹤年 1964-1973谢家极 1973-1983李可位 1983-1991严伯平 1991-1993王晓如 1993-2011潘益农 2011-

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