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关于paper, 总是有比没有强。发paper有以下几种:第一,你已经发表了paper, 这样在你的简历你请把Citation写出来比如Additive temporal colored noise induced Eckhaus instabilityin complex Ginzburg-Landau equation systemAuthor: WANG Xin, TIAN Xu, WANG Hong-li, OUYANG Qi and LI HaoChinese Physics Letters Vol. 21, No. 12, pp2365-2368.第二,你写好了paper, 也已经提交了。人家也审完了,决定发表。但是还没真的发表出来这样在题目和作者后面写to be published (on 杂志名)第三,你写好了paper, 也已经提交了。人家没审完,你还不知道发表不发表这时候写submitted (to 杂志名)或者under review第四,你写好了paper, 还没提交。写to be submitted ( to 杂志名)第五,你还没写好paper, 写in preparation。甚至你还没写paper, 只要你觉得你在这个领域的工作可以总结了,就这么写就成了。没人管你什么时候写完的。很多人一大串的publication list里就有好几个preparation现在看出来这个等级了吧。还有,第一种情况也是分等级的,人家会看你发表在什么档次的杂志上。很多人问我第一第二作者的问题。我想类比一下上面的等级就明白了吧。论文合集或年鉴上也算,同上,有总比没有强。

当然算论文,是“没有发表的论文”。 如果自己觉得质量还可以,当然可以放在简历里,作为证明科研能力的一个参考。不过要当心自己的成果被剽窃啦。






white paper白皮书 ; 白纸 ; 未印过的纸张 ; 技术白皮书

Kraft paper牛皮纸 ; 年皮纸 ; 牛雨伞纸 ; 内衬防潮纸

toilet paper卫生纸 ; 手纸 ; 厕纸 ; 草纸


1、These trees provide the raw material for high-quality paper.


2、Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.


3、Put your hand up if you need more paper.


4、Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications.


5、She was invited to give a paper on the results of her research.


6、I read about the accident in the local paper.


7、We put an ad in the local paper.


8、The review is in today's paper.








paper 英[ˈpeɪpə(r)] 美[ˈpeɪpər] n. 纸; 论文; 文件; 文章; vt. 贴纸; vt. 包装,用纸覆盖; 贴壁纸; 提供纸张; [俚语] 提供免费入场券; [例句]He wrote his name down on a piece of paper for me他把他的名字写在一张纸上交给我。[其他] 第三人称单数:papers 复数:papers 现在分词:papering过去式:papered 过去分词:papered

单词“paper”是美式英语;在英式英语中,我们叫“essay”。他们两都一般与本科学位有关系。单词“thesis”一般与博士学生的最后那篇写作(通常就是指毕业论文)有关,而“dissertation”是指硕士学位的啦。Essay 一般指几千字级别的小论文/课程论文,通常只有文献综述和对文献的批判分析,可以没有独立的数据和实证(即便有也是简化的)。可以没有完整的数据或文献,也可以只针对一些著作或观点谈谈自己的想法和见解,可以是批判性的,也可以是赞同的。Essay 通常会比较常运用于美式英语中。在英式英语中,人们则会习惯于把 essay 当做本科时期的论文,这也是美式英语和英式英语的不同吧。不过,essay 相对其他两个 paper 和 dissertation 来说,它的用法是广泛的,它不仅仅涵盖了论文这一层面的意思,同时,它这个词在牛津词典里的含义有(尤指学生写的作为课程作业的)短文,论说文,小品文,散文。单词 thesis 和 dissertation,他们一般是指为了获得学位或呈现作者的研究和发现的文章。在某些情况下,thesis 或同类词是用于本科或硕士课程的一部分,然而 dissertation 通常适用于博士学位。有时候,又是相反的。graduate thesis 有时用来指硕士论文和博士论文。而在不同的国家,应用也不相同在英国英语中,本科和硕士论文叫做 dissertation, 博士论文用 thesis。在美国英语中,本科和硕士论文用 thesis,博士论文用 dissertation。

















读音:英 [ˈpeɪpə(r)]   美 [ˈpeɪpər]

复数: papers

习语:on paper:写下来;笔录


例如:The professor wrote a paper on psychology.教授写了一篇心理学论文。



essay、article、composition、paper 【词义:文章】

1、composition n. 作文


〔例证〕He made several spelling mistakes in the composition.他在作文中犯了多处拼写错误。

2、essay n. 文章,论说文,小品文


〔例证〕She wrote an essay on Homer.她写了一篇关于荷马的文章。

3、article n. 文章


〔例证〕Did you read the article on the information revolution?你读了有关信息革命的那篇文章没有?


新牛津英汉双解大词典 paper noun[mass noun]material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material纸a sheet of paper.一张纸。[as modifier]a paper napkin.一张餐巾纸。■[count noun]a newspaper报纸■wallpaper墙纸■[count noun](一般作 papers)a piece or sheet of paper with something written or drawn on it文件he riffled through the papers on his desk.他把桌上的文件翻阅了一遍。■(papers)significant or important documents belonging to a person个人的重要文件■[as modifier]denoting something that is officially documented but has no real existence or little merit or use名义上的;有名无实的a paper profit.名义上的益处。■[count noun]a government report or policy document政府报告;官方政策文件a recently leaked cabinet paper.一份最近泄露出来的内阁官方文件。■(papers)documents attesting identity; credentials身份证件;文凭;证明文件two men stopped us and asked us for our papers.两个人拦住了我们并要我们出示证件。■[count noun]a piece of paper used for wrapping or enclosing something or made into a packet包装纸toffee papers.褐色包装纸。■short for commercial papercommercial paper的简称■short for cigarette papercigarette paper的简称a set of examination questions to be answered at one session试卷we had to sit a three-hour paper.我们必须做一张三小时才能做完的试卷。■the written answers to such questions答卷■an essay or dissertation, especially one read at an academic lecture or seminar or published in an academic journal(尤指在学术演讲或讨论中宣读的或在学术刊物上发表的)文章;论文[mass noun](theatrical slang)free passes of admission to a theatre or other entertainment(舞台俚语)(剧院等娱乐场所的)免费入场券verb[with obj.](常作 be papered)apply wallpaper to (a wall or room)用墙纸裱糊(墙壁,房间)the walls were papered in a Regency stripe.墙上糊有等宽彩色条纹的墙纸。■[no obj.](paper over)cover (a hole or blemish) with wallpaper用墙纸覆盖(洞,污点)■(paper over)disguise (an awkward problem) instead of resolving it掩盖(尴尬问题);掩饰the ill feeling between her and Jenny must have been papered over.她和詹妮之间的敌意肯定是被掩盖了。(theatrical slang)fill (a theatre) by giving out free tickets(舞台俚语)发免费入场券使(剧院)满座 常用词组be not worth the paper it is written on be of no value or validity whatsoever despite having been written down毫无价值make the papers be written about in newspapers and thus become famous or notorious因上了报纸而出名on paper in writing以书面形式■in theory rather than in reality在理论上the combatants were, on paper at least, evenly matched.双方参战人员至少在理论上是势均力敌的。paper over the cracks disguise problems or divisions rather than trying to solve them掩饰分歧;掩盖问题 派生paperer nounpaperless adjective 语源Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French papir, from Latin papyrus 'paper-reed' (see papyrus). The verb dates from the late 16th cent 简明英汉词典 paper D.J.[ˈpeipə] K.K.[ˈpepɚ] n.纸, 墙纸The public are requested not to throw waste paper in the park.公众被要求不得在公园里乱扔废纸。〈口〉报纸The papers forecast clear skies tomorrow.报纸预报明天晴天。I asked him to fetch me the evening paper.我请他去给我把晚报拿来。文件Assemble your papers and put them in the file.把你的文件归拢放在这个文件夹内。文章, 论文My paper consists of ten pages.我的论文共10页。试卷The geography paper was difficult.地理试题很难。The teacher demands that students should turn in their test papers within two hours.老师要求学生两小时内交卷。vt. & vi.贴纸When did your father last time paper the room?上次, 你父亲是什么时候用纸裱糊房间的?We're papering the room.我们正在给这间屋子贴壁纸。vt.用纸覆盖She papered the oranges carefully.她很仔细地用纸把橘子包起来。隐瞒; 掩饰He agreed to paper over the cracks for the period of the election.他同意在选举期间暂时把分歧掩盖起来。 新牛津美语大词典 paper [ˈpāpər] noun material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material: a sheet of paper (as adjective) a paper bag.■a newspaper.■wallpaper.■(usu. papers) a piece or sheet of paper with something written or drawn on it: he riffled through the papers on his desk.■(papers) significant or important documents belonging to a person: the personal papers of major political figures.■(as adjective) denoting something that is officially documented but has no real existence or little merit or use: a paper profit.■a government report or policy document: a recently leaked cabinet paper.■(papers) documents attesting identity; credentials: two men stopped us and asked us for our papers.■a piece of paper used for wrapping or enclosing something or made into a packet: toffee papers.■short for commercial paper.■short for cigarette paper.an essay or thesis, esp. one read at an academic lecture or seminar or published in an academic journal.(theatrical slang )free passes of admission to a theater or other entertainment.verb (transitive) (often be papered) apply wallpaper to (a wall or room): the walls were papered in a Regency stripe.■(intransitive) (paper over) cover (a hole or blemish) with wallpaper.■(paper over) disguise (an awkward problem) instead of resolving it: the ill feeling between her and Jenny must have been papered over.(theatrical slang )fill (a theater) by giving out free tickets. 常用词组be not worth the paper it is written on be of no value or validity whatsoever despite having been written down.make the papers be written about in newspapers and thus become famous or notorious.on paper in writing.■in theory rather than in reality: the combatants were, on paper at least, evenly matched. 派生paperer nounpaperless adjective 语源– ORIGIN Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French papir, from Latin papyrus '‘paper-reed’' (see papyrus). The verb dates from the late 16th cent. 牛津英语习语词典 paper on 'paperconsidering sth from what is written down about it, rather than what is actually true in practice; in theory 据书面材料;理论上:This idea looks very good on paper, but I’m not sure that it’s very practical.从理论上说,这个主意不错,不过恐怕不够实际。,paper over the 'crackstry to hide a problem or disagreement in a way that is temporary and not likely to be successful 用纸煳住墙缝;权且掩饰(问题或分歧):These new prison reforms are just papering over the cracks. What we need is a fundamental change in the prison system. 这些新的监狱改革只是想掩盖问题罢了,我们所需要的是监狱体制的根本改变。ORIGIN This expression refers to putting wallpaper on a wall in order to hide the cracks in the plaster.这个表达法原指在墙上贴墙纸以掩盖灰泥上的裂缝。a ,paper 'tigera person or thing that is less strong, powerful, dangerous,etc. than they/it appears 纸老虎;外强中乾的人:He claimed that the enemies of his party were paper tigers and not to be feared. 他宣称他的政党的对手只是纸老虎,没什么可怕的。he, she, etc. couldn’t punch his, her, etc. way out of a paper bag 另见punchnot worth the paper it’s printed/written on 另见worthput pen to paper 另见pen 牛津短语动词词典 paper ,paper 'over sth to cover sth such as a wall with thick paper in order to hide sth用墙纸裱煳;用厚纸遮盖:We papered over the stains on the wall.我们用墙纸把墙上的污斑煳上了。to hide sth such as a problem, a disagreement, etc.,especially quickly or not very well暂时掩盖,权且掩饰(问题、分歧等):The divisions in the party had been papered over during the election campaign.竞选运动期间该党的内部分歧被掩盖了。Paper over sth can be used in the passive.paper over sth 可用于被动语态。[G]v+preppaper over the 'cracks (in sth) to try to hide a problem or fault, especially in a way that is unlikely to be successful掩饰,粉饰(很可能不遂) 牛津英语搭配词典 paper nounmaterial 材料[搭配]ADJ.thick, thin 厚纸;薄纸see-through, transparent透明纸plain, unlined 无横格的纸lined 印有横线的纸graph, squared 坐标纸;方格纸A3, A4, etc.A3 纸、A4 纸等foolscap 大裁纸blank 空白纸:I stared at the blank paper, not knowing how to start the letter. 我盯着白纸发楞,不知道信该从何写起。printed 印刷品:The Post Office has a special rate for printed paper. 邮局给印刷品订了优惠价。brown, coloured 牛皮纸;彩色纸:a brown paper parcel of books 牛皮纸包的一包书greaseproof, waxed 防油纸;蜡纸glossy, shiny亮光纸scrap, waste 小纸片;废纸:I made some notes on a piece of scrap paper. 我在一张小纸片上记了一些笔记。computer, typing 计算机用纸;打印纸writing 书写纸;信纸blotting 吸墨纸tracing 描图纸wrapping 包装纸crêpe 绉纸tissue 绵纸photographic 相纸filter 滤纸kitchen 厨房用纸toilet 厕纸cigarette卷烟纸:a packet of cigarette papers 一包卷烟纸[搭配]QUANT.bit, piece, scrap, sheet, slip, strip 一小片纸;一张纸;一页纸;一张纸条:I scribbled down his number on a scrap of paper. 我在一张小纸片上草草写下了他的号码。roll 一卷纸:a roll of kitchen paper 一卷厨房用纸side 一面纸:The essay filled seven sides of A4 paper. 这篇作文有满满7 面A4 纸那么长。[搭配]VERB + PAPER fold 将纸摺叠:Fold the paper in half. 把这张纸对摺。shred, tear 切碎纸;撕碎纸crumple (up), screw up 把纸弄皱;把纸揉成一团:I screwed up the paper and threw it in the bin. 我把那张纸揉成一团,扔进了垃圾箱。recycle 循环利用纸wrap sth in 把某物用纸包起来[搭配]PAPER + VERB be strewn 纸到处散落:There was paper strewn all over the floor. 满地都是纸。[搭配]PREP.on ~ 以书面形式:I’ve had nothing on paper (=in writing) to say that I’ve been accepted. 我还没有收到任何书面通知说我已经获得录取。[搭配]PHRASESput pen to paper 开始写:I’ve thought about what I’m going to write, but I haven’t yet put pen to paper. 我已经考虑写些什么,但还没有动笔。a waste of paper浪费纸张:This report is a waste of paper. 这篇报道真是在浪费纸张。newspaper 报纸[搭配]ADJ.daily, evening, morning, Sunday, weekly 日报;晚报;晨报;星期日报;周报today’s, yesterday’s 今天的报纸;昨天的报纸independent, left-wing, rightwing独立的报纸;左翼的报纸;右翼的报纸local, national 地方报纸;全国性报纸broadsheet, quality大幅报纸;高质量报纸tabloid 通俗小报[搭配]QUANT.copy 一份报纸:Have you got a copy of yesterday’s paper? 你有昨天的报纸吗?edition 一期报纸:today’s edition of the paper 今天的报纸[搭配]VERB + PAPER buy, get, take 买报纸;订报纸:Do you take a daily paper? 你订日报吗?flick through, read 浏览报纸;阅读报纸:What paper do you usually read? 你通常看什么报?print, produce, publish 印刷报纸;出版报纸edit, write for/in 编辑报纸;为报纸撰稿appear in 刊登在报纸上get into 登上报纸:The story got into the papers. 那篇报道上了报纸。[搭配]PAPER + VERB come out 报纸出版:The paper comes out every Saturday. 那份报纸每周六出版。[搭配]PAPER + NOUN shop 报刊经销店boy, girl 男报童;女报童round 送报;送报路线[搭配]PREP.in a/the ~ 在报纸上:I read about his arrest in the papers. 我在报纸上看到他被捕的消息。on a/the ~在报社:She got a job on the local paper. 她在当地的报社工作。(usually papers) offical document 公文[搭配]ADJ.commercial 商业文件necessary 必要的文件official 正式文件identity 身分证明文件personal, private 私人文件ballot 选票[搭配]QUANT.pile, sheaf 一摞文件;一叠文件[搭配]VERB + PAPERS show 出示证件:Be prepared to show your identity papers at the border. 准备好在边境出示你的身分证件。exam 考试[搭配]ADJ.exam, examination, question, test 试卷written笔试试卷:I did well on the oral but not on the written paper. 我口试考得好,但笔试不怎么样。English, geography, etc. 英语、地理等试卷[搭配]VERB + PAPER do, sit, take 参加考试set 出试卷:The exam papers are set by experienced teachers. 试卷是由经验丰富的教师出的。mark 批阅试卷turn over 把试卷翻过来:You may now turn over your papers. 现在可以翻开试卷。[搭配]PREP.in a/the ~ 在试卷里:the questions in the physics paper 物理试卷中的题目on a/the ~ 在试卷上:You must not write on the question paper. 请勿在试题纸上答题。piece of writing on a specialist subject 专题文章[搭配]ADJ.draft 论文的初稿consultation, consultative, discussion, position, working 咨询稿;讨论稿;建议书;研究报告research, scientific 研究论文;科学论文[搭配]VERB + PAPER deliver, give, present, put forward, read 递送论文;提交论文;宣读论文draft, prepare, produce, write 起草论文;准备论文;写论文issue, publish, release 发表论文[搭配]PAPER + VERB consider sth, deal with sth, focus on/upon sth, look at sth 论文谈到…;论文着眼于…:The paper looks at the future of primary school education. 这篇论文着眼于小学教育的未来。argue sth, propose sth 论文认为…;论文提出…demonstrate sth 论文论证…describe sth, outline sth, present sth 论文描述…;论文概述…be called sth, be entitiled sth论文题为…[搭配]PREP.in a/the ~ 在论文中:Freud first mentioned this concept in his paper ‘On Narcissism’. 弗洛伊德在他的论文《论自恋》中首次提到了这个概念。~ on 关于…的论文:a paper on the development of the novel 关于这部小说情节发展的论文 牛津英语同义词词典 paper [ˈpeɪpə] (noun 名词)纸a piece of paper.一张纸。SYNONYM 同义词:folio, leaf, sheet.KINDS OF PAPER 纸的种类:card, cardboard,cartridge paper, manila, notepaper, papyrus,parchment, postcard, stationery, tissue-paper,toilet-paper, tracing-paper, vellum, wallpaper,wrapping-paper, writing-paper.PAPER SIZES 纸的尺寸:A4 (A1, A2, etc.),foolscap, quarto.文件I keep important papers in a file.我把重要的文件归档。SYNONYM 同义词:certificates, deeds, documents,forms, records.报纸a daily paper.日报。SEE参阅 newspaper.论文a scientific paper.科学论文。SYNONYM 同义词:article,dissertation, essay, monograph, thesis, treatise. 基本词义paper (verb 动词)用壁纸裱煳to paper a room.用壁纸裱煳房间。SYNONYM 同义词:decorate. 英汉计算机词汇 paper 纸(张),论文;文件;报纸

paper英音:['peipə]美音:['pepɚ] paper的中文翻译名词 n.1.纸[U]Can you spare some paper for me?你能匀出一些纸给我吗?2.报纸[C]What news is there in the papers this morning?今天早上报纸里有点什么新闻?3.试题,试卷,答案(纸)[C]4.论文,报告[C]5.墙纸[C][U]6.文件[P]及物动词 vt.1.在...贴壁纸,用纸包The room was papered in green.房间用绿色墙纸裱糊。2.掩盖,粉饰[(+over/up)]形容词 a.1.纸的,纸制的2.似纸的,薄的3.纸上的,有名无实的






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