1. Gao canzhu,Lu Yuli,Liu Rutao.Influence of Additives on electrodeposition of Nickel from a Watts Bath-a Cyclic Voltammetric StudyPlating and Surface Finishing 1997,⑼83-85.2. Gao Canzhu Effects of the Compounds Containing Different Valence Sulfur on the Electrocrystallization of Nickel Transaction Institute of Metal Finishing,1999,77⑵,753. Gao Canzhu Effects of Saccharin and Pyridine Derivatives on the Electrocrystallization of Nickel Transaction Institute of Metal Finishing,1999,77⑸,1924. Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,Sui Hua,Jinghe Yang,Yuli Lu,Derivation and Rapid Spectrophotometric Determination of iron in Electroless Nickel Plating solution,Plating and Surface Finishing,2000,87⑵:73-77 (SCI类)5. Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,and Yuli Lu,Study on a medium speed and long life-span electroless nickel plating process TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF METAL FINISHING 2000,78⑸: 198-200 (SCI类)6. . Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,Jinghe Yang,Study on the High corrosion Resistance and Long Life-span Process of Electroless Nickel,Metal Finishing,2002,Vol.100,⑶,34-37(EI 类)7. Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,Sui Hua,Yanqing Feng,Jinghe Yang,Rapid spectrometric Determination of Ni2+ in Electroless Nickel Deposition Baths Containing Fe,Plating and Surface Finishing,2001,88⑼ (SCI类)8. Weimin Liu,Gao Canzhu,Tribological properties of aluminum-on-steel system under the lubrication of grease containing a complex of lanthanum N-salicylidene derivatice of malonic dihydrazideWEAR 196 (1996) 234-237.9. Yumingshi,Gaocanzhu Singular perturbations of a higher-order scalar…,ACTA Mathematica scientia 1997,17,⑵,167-19710.,高灿柱 光亮镀镍电解液中糖精含量的分析 材料保护 2000年 第33卷 第8期 23--24 第一作者。11. 高灿柱 镀镍液中吡啶嗡丙基硫代甜菜碱的测定 材料保护 2001年 第34卷 第8期 42--43。12. 刘汝涛,高灿柱,隋华,鹿玉理,化学镀镍液中镍离子浓度的快速测定, 材料保护,1998,31⑽:25-2713. 郑莹,高灿柱镀镍液中吡啶嗡羟丙基硫代甜菜碱的测定 材料保护 2002年 第35卷 第6期 46--47 第二作者。14. 高灿柱,鹿玉理,刘汝涛等,缓冲剂对镀镍过程作用机理的研究,电化学,1998,4⑵:223-22715. 高灿柱,鹿玉理。SBS胶粘剂的低毒低成本选择《化学与粘合》1997 ⑷,209-21016. 高灿柱;姜力夫;刘西德。硝酸催化法制取硫酸铜《化学世界》1995,⑶,125-126。17. 高灿柱;姜力夫;刘西德等。磷硝基甲苯的间接电氧化之一 ---Mn+3的阳极再生《山东化工》1995,⑶,28-29。18. 高灿柱;姜力夫;刘西德等。磷硝基甲苯的间接电氧化之二 ---Mn+3的阳极再生《山东化工》1995,⑶,30-31..19. 刘汝涛,高灿柱,鹿玉理,化学镀镍添加工艺的研究,电镀与环保,998,18⑸:19-21.20. .刘汝涛,高灿柱,隋华,鹿玉理,化学镀镍液中络合剂总量的快速测定, 电镀与精饰,1998,20,⑹,33-3621. . 刘汝涛,高灿柱,杨景和,鹿玉理,化学镀镍液中次亚磷酸钠浓度的快速测定,电镀与环保,2000,20⑴:29-3122. 刘汝涛,冯雁卿,高灿柱,杨景和, 化学镀镍清洁生产工艺的研究,化工环保,2000,(已接受)。23. 刘汝涛, 高灿柱,张继有,鹿玉理,影响化学镀镍液稳定性因素的研究,表面技术,2001,31⑴。24. 尤进茂,高灿柱电解还原法生产对氨基苯酚纯度及杂质的高效液相色谱分析《分析化学》1995,23⑼: 1058-1061.25. 张伟,薛群基,高灿柱电沉积Cu-Ni多层金属膜的结构特征及摩擦学性能,《机械科学与技术》1997,16,105-107。26. 高灿柱 铺设绿色的世界 国际学术动态 2000 年 第二期 42-4627. 高灿柱清洁生产与国际合作 国际学术动态 2000 年 第二期 47-4928. Gao canzhu,Bu Yuxiang,Shi Yuming,A New Formalism of the Particle-Tunneling Probability《分子科学学报》12卷,3期,26-33。(1996)。
1.许学夷诗学思想简论 《文学评论》2001、1 人大报刊复印资料《中国古代近代文学研究》2001、3全文转载2.许学夷对宋人“以才学为诗”二重性的认识 《文学遗产》2001、23.论方以智诗学思想的文化美学特色 《文学评论》2005、14.两种文学叙事范式的式微与现代性叙事的价值选择 《文学评论》2007年第2期5.从“兴趣”到“意兴”—许学夷论盛唐诗歌向纵深发展的审美方向 《文学遗产》2007年第6期6.艺术至境论 《文艺研究》1995、37.论意境是人类艺术未来形态的雏形 《社会科学辑刊》1997、5 人大报刊复印资料《中国古代近代文学研究》1997、12转载,《新华文摘》摘目8.人文关怀在文学中的维度与要义 《光明日报》(理论版)2000、8、319.述情切事与悉合诗体—许学夷的“诗史”之辩《文学评论丛刊》2002、210.中国古代文论中艺术理想的两个层面——从风骨论到意境论 《文学评论丛刊》2006、111.前七子的“诗变”观 《光明日报•文学遗产》2006年12月29日12.人文主义方法论与我国的文艺复兴 《东方丛刊》2000、413.全球化语境中新理性文学的应有品质 《东方丛刊》2002、314.三种艺术真实形态的美学蕴涵 《江汉论坛》1997、315.论李白对魏晋艺术精神的继承和发展 人大报刊复印资料《中国古代近代文学研究》1999、1 转载 《高等学校文科学报文摘》1999、1转载 《隋唐文学年鉴》转载16.人的价值与道德理性的误解和对立 《安庆师院学报》1990、3, 人大报刊复印资料《中国现当代文学研究》1990、11全文转载17.许学夷“诗体”论的文化整合特点 《社会科学辑刊》2004、2人大报刊复印资料《中国古代近代文学研究》2004、5转载18.玄妙之象与生命之境 《江苏大学学报》2004、2《新华文摘》2004、23摘登19.艺术形态与想象类型 《社会科学辑刊》1999、520.文学发展机制与重写文学史 《社会科学辑刊》2000、521.从“中和”哲学观到“雍容典雅”的诗学追求 《求是学刊》2000、522.盛唐诗歌的“入神”与“入圣” 《社会科学辑刊》2002、1《隋唐文学年鉴》转载23.“得意忘言”新识 《安徽师大学报》1997、524.走向成熟的审美 《古籍研究》1997、225.“美的艺术”与意境形态 《江淮论坛》1996、326.文艺的大众化问题与当代文艺创新的特殊性《安庆师院学报》1991、327.传统文化与文艺创新 《学语文》1992、128.开拓文学理论研究的广阔空间 《安庆师院学报》1994、129.历代崇高论的艺术形态学意义 《安庆师院学报》1996、130.艺术功利性与审美的形象形态 《安徽教育学院学报》1996、431.在现实与超越之间保持张力 《安庆师院学报》1997、132.论人类早期的艺术真实形态 《安庆师院学报》1997、333.历代山水名胜赋鉴赏辞典(部分) 中国旅游出版社1997年版34.论建设中的中国当代文艺学 《安庆师院学报》1999、1035.文艺的继承:偶然与必然 《安庆师院学报》2000、336.素质教育与当前文学概论课教学面临的价值取向 《安庆师院学报高教专刊》2000、1237.文学活动中马克思主义人文立场的确立 《安庆师院学报》2001、138.关于“全球化”语境中文学与人的三个问题《安庆师院学报》2003、339.近20年来都市文化存在的三种景观及其价值特征 《安庆师院学报》2004、540.许学夷诗学思想二题 《高等师范教育研究》2000年专刊41.方以智“性情”论的生态美学思想 《皖江文化探微》合肥工业大学出版社2005年版42.传统文化诗学视野中的经典阐释范式——以方以智“中边言诗”和“道艺”观为例 《桐城派研究论文集》中国文联出版社2006年版43.许学夷对初唐诗歌中唐诗精神的审视 《安庆师范学院学报》2006、344.许学夷的元批评及其对儒家诗学的修正与完善《社会科学辑刊》2006、5 1.《缪斯的足迹——文艺发展机制论》社会科学文献出版社2001年1月版(28万字)2.《徐学夷诗学思想研究》 黄山书社2006年12月版(29万字)3.《从文科综合到人文教育》(参著) 合肥工业大学出版社2005年版4.《从传统到现代:人文立场与诗学关怀》安徽教育出版社2007年版(28万字)
2010年:舞蹈,中国! 罗斌 【报纸】人民日报海外版 2011-01-05新中国舞剧及其精神 罗斌 艺术评论 2011-01-04宋风词韵 现代舞版 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2010-06-18昆舞:亦昆亦舞 化古而新 罗斌 【报纸】光明日报 2010-03-05舞语:“随心所欲”之后 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2009-12-26宽广细腻 洒脱深沉 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2009-12-18回眸中国舞剧艺术 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2009-09-02贵池傩舞与文化生态保护区 罗斌 【期刊】民族艺术研究 2009-06-28盛舞泱泱——观乐舞诗《大唐赋》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2009-02-01五十年不辍——关于“中国古典舞”的争论 罗斌; 高思远 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-12-01高等舞蹈教育的多元思维 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2008-09-27“小白鹭”说 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-09-01人鬼情未了——阅“前线”舞剧《牡丹亭》 罗斌; 李国平 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-08-01苦海无涯,怎一人“情”字了得——读舞剧《唐琬》偶得 罗斌; 叶进 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-05-01在打破与建构之间——关于2007“中国现代舞论坛” 罗斌 【期刊】艺术评论 2007-10-15假面阴阳—安徽贵池傩舞的田野考察与研究 罗斌 【博士】中国艺术研究院 2007-06-30“桃李杯”:个性滑落与视觉宴飨 罗斌 【期刊】艺术评论 2006-12-30澳门舞蹈的本土性特征 罗斌 【期刊】艺苑 2005-04-25品评的快乐——关于舞剧《澳门新娘》的对话 罗斌; 贾作光 【期刊】艺术评论 2004-11-05中国舞蹈尚乏成熟理论和市场品格 罗斌 【期刊】上海戏剧 2004-03-30荷逢盛世香——记舞蹈大师戴爱莲从艺80周年暨舞蹈艺术道路学术研讨会 罗斌 【期刊】北京舞蹈学院学报 2003-09-30祝贺戴爱莲从艺80周年并获艺术成就奖 罗斌 【期刊】北京舞蹈学院学报 2003-09-30瞻前顾后 左思右想——回瞻第二届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-12-05思考的快乐——呓语舞蹈理论与舞蹈创作 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-07-05只言片语DTV 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-06-05袁隆平的学问——杂嘴于“舞蹈分类辩论” 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-01-05“情话”流淌在虚实之间──现代舞“史话”《满江红》引发的臆语 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2001-08-05等待……——臆语大型舞台剧《乘愿再来》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2001-04-05“中间地带”的自觉——现代舞《野性的呼唤》臆语 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2000-04-05《跳布扎》与“傩”──观雍和宫“打鬼”泛起的思绪 罗斌 【期刊】民族艺术研究 1999-04-15洗尽铅华·“创舞”启示录 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-12-05跨越时空的共识——中、南舞蹈家“关于民间舞蹈的讨论”印象 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-12-05“和”:中国古典舞的哲学与美学底蕴 罗斌 【期刊】北京舞蹈学院学报 1998-11-15“荷花奖”理性的明证 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-08-05“胸中之竹” 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-08-05薪火化甘霖——《中国舞蹈艺术史图鉴》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-04-05寰宇浸漫巫风——周冰与《八卦舞谱》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-02-05最亮的星最好的人 吕永清; 罗斌 【期刊】黄河之声 1997-04-15中国思维方式与戏曲舞蹈的成因及动律 罗斌 【期刊】民族艺术研究 1994-12-15《跳布扎》与傩——观雍和宫“打鬼”泛起的思绪 罗斌 【会议】祭礼·傩俗与民间戏剧——'98亚洲民间戏剧民俗艺术观摩与学术研讨会论文集 1998-02-01关于傩舞研究的断想 罗斌 【会议】中国梵净山傩文化研讨会论文集 2003-10-01野草与鲜花的芳香——关于回族舞蹈保存与发展的思索 罗斌 【会议】第十四次全国回族学研讨会论文汇编 2003-09-01“舞我中华·东方之珠” 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2006-06-24“和”,中国古典舞的内在品格 罗斌(文代会代表) 【报纸】中国艺术报 2006-11-09大型舞作与精品意识 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2007-01-19花样舞季彰显人文追求 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2008-01-08
1. Gao canzhu,Lu Yuli,Liu Rutao.Influence of Additives on electrodeposition of Nickel from a Watts Bath-a Cyclic Voltammetric StudyPlating and Surface Finishing 1997,⑼83-85.2. Gao Canzhu Effects of the Compounds Containing Different Valence Sulfur on the Electrocrystallization of Nickel Transaction Institute of Metal Finishing,1999,77⑵,753. Gao Canzhu Effects of Saccharin and Pyridine Derivatives on the Electrocrystallization of Nickel Transaction Institute of Metal Finishing,1999,77⑸,1924. Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,Sui Hua,Jinghe Yang,Yuli Lu,Derivation and Rapid Spectrophotometric Determination of iron in Electroless Nickel Plating solution,Plating and Surface Finishing,2000,87⑵:73-77 (SCI类)5. Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,and Yuli Lu,Study on a medium speed and long life-span electroless nickel plating process TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF METAL FINISHING 2000,78⑸: 198-200 (SCI类)6. . Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,Jinghe Yang,Study on the High corrosion Resistance and Long Life-span Process of Electroless Nickel,Metal Finishing,2002,Vol.100,⑶,34-37(EI 类)7. Rutao Liu,Canzhu Gao,Sui Hua,Yanqing Feng,Jinghe Yang,Rapid spectrometric Determination of Ni2+ in Electroless Nickel Deposition Baths Containing Fe,Plating and Surface Finishing,2001,88⑼ (SCI类)8. Weimin Liu,Gao Canzhu,Tribological properties of aluminum-on-steel system under the lubrication of grease containing a complex of lanthanum N-salicylidene derivatice of malonic dihydrazideWEAR 196 (1996) 234-237.9. Yumingshi,Gaocanzhu Singular perturbations of a higher-order scalar…,ACTA Mathematica scientia 1997,17,⑵,167-19710.,高灿柱 光亮镀镍电解液中糖精含量的分析 材料保护 2000年 第33卷 第8期 23--24 第一作者。11. 高灿柱 镀镍液中吡啶嗡丙基硫代甜菜碱的测定 材料保护 2001年 第34卷 第8期 42--43。12. 刘汝涛,高灿柱,隋华,鹿玉理,化学镀镍液中镍离子浓度的快速测定, 材料保护,1998,31⑽:25-2713. 郑莹,高灿柱镀镍液中吡啶嗡羟丙基硫代甜菜碱的测定 材料保护 2002年 第35卷 第6期 46--47 第二作者。14. 高灿柱,鹿玉理,刘汝涛等,缓冲剂对镀镍过程作用机理的研究,电化学,1998,4⑵:223-22715. 高灿柱,鹿玉理。SBS胶粘剂的低毒低成本选择《化学与粘合》1997 ⑷,209-21016. 高灿柱;姜力夫;刘西德。硝酸催化法制取硫酸铜《化学世界》1995,⑶,125-126。17. 高灿柱;姜力夫;刘西德等。磷硝基甲苯的间接电氧化之一 ---Mn+3的阳极再生《山东化工》1995,⑶,28-29。18. 高灿柱;姜力夫;刘西德等。磷硝基甲苯的间接电氧化之二 ---Mn+3的阳极再生《山东化工》1995,⑶,30-31..19. 刘汝涛,高灿柱,鹿玉理,化学镀镍添加工艺的研究,电镀与环保,998,18⑸:19-21.20. .刘汝涛,高灿柱,隋华,鹿玉理,化学镀镍液中络合剂总量的快速测定, 电镀与精饰,1998,20,⑹,33-3621. . 刘汝涛,高灿柱,杨景和,鹿玉理,化学镀镍液中次亚磷酸钠浓度的快速测定,电镀与环保,2000,20⑴:29-3122. 刘汝涛,冯雁卿,高灿柱,杨景和, 化学镀镍清洁生产工艺的研究,化工环保,2000,(已接受)。23. 刘汝涛, 高灿柱,张继有,鹿玉理,影响化学镀镍液稳定性因素的研究,表面技术,2001,31⑴。24. 尤进茂,高灿柱电解还原法生产对氨基苯酚纯度及杂质的高效液相色谱分析《分析化学》1995,23⑼: 1058-1061.25. 张伟,薛群基,高灿柱电沉积Cu-Ni多层金属膜的结构特征及摩擦学性能,《机械科学与技术》1997,16,105-107。26. 高灿柱 铺设绿色的世界 国际学术动态 2000 年 第二期 42-4627. 高灿柱清洁生产与国际合作 国际学术动态 2000 年 第二期 47-4928. Gao canzhu,Bu Yuxiang,Shi Yuming,A New Formalism of the Particle-Tunneling Probability《分子科学学报》12卷,3期,26-33。(1996)。
赵忠祥在中国电视发展进程中的意义 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】当代电视 2010-12-01时代呼唤主流作品 胡智锋 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2010-11-15十七届五中全会后的若干报道热点 胡智锋; 张毓强 【期刊】中国记者 2010-11-012009年中国纪录片发展研究报告 张同道; 胡智锋; 赵蓉 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2010-10-15公共文化服务的必然之路 胡智锋 【报纸】中国文化报 2010-08-12电视栏目策划的理念与路径 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】新闻与写作 2010-07-05《中华医药》:电视品牌建设的独特路径 胡智锋 中国电视 2010-06-15中国影视文化创意产业的三大问题 胡智锋; 李继东 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2010-06-15“三善”的时代意义与现实价值 胡智锋; 张毓强 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2010-03-20广告主抢夺紧俏资源的战略分析 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】广告人 2010-03-15中国广播影视发展新起点——2010《现代传播》年度对话 朱虹; 胡智锋; 曾祥敏 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2010-02-15《现代传播》的30年 胡智锋 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2010-02-15对影视文化创意产业若干问题的思考 胡智锋; 李继东 【期刊】东岳论丛 2010-01-25《飞越海西》的意义、探索与启示 胡智锋 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2009-12-20新中国60年电影艺术发展之路与经验启示 胡智锋 【期刊】电影艺术 2009-11-05《北平战与和》的突破与意义 胡智锋 【期刊】电视研究 2009-11-05《中国记忆》三思 胡智锋 【期刊】电视研究 2009-09-05变革、困境与开拓——由《零距离》升级改版看中国民生新闻的新突破 胡智锋; 李刚 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2009-06-20《繁花——打工妹三十年实录》四题 胡智锋 【期刊】电视研究 2009-06-05《今日说法》十年发展的意义与启示 胡智锋 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2009-03-20新形势下中国电视媒体的责任与使命 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】湖南大众传媒职业技术学院学报 2009-03-15深刻总结本土经验,不断推进理论创新 胡智锋 【期刊】新闻与传播研究 2009-02-15见证历史的生动影像 胡智锋; 张国涛 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2008-12-20《中华医药》电视品牌建设的独特路径 胡智锋 【期刊】电视研究 2008-11-05新媒体语境下电视节目生产的发展空间 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】视听界 2008-09-25电视低俗化三题 胡智锋 【期刊】中国电视 2008-09-15从“宣传品”、“作品”到“产品”——中国电视50年节目创新的三个发展阶段 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2008-08-15速率·空间·品牌——天津卫视内容生产的发展轨迹与前瞻 胡智锋 【期刊】广告人 2008-07-15为尊严而战——对汶川大地震电视特别直播报道的探析与思考 胡智锋 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2008-06-15略论电视节目品质的“三性” 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】视听界 2008-01-25中国电视传媒人的角色转型——观察电视传媒与社会关系的另一种视角 胡智锋 【期刊】国际新闻界 2007-11-15电视媒体的文化自觉 胡智锋; 孔令顺 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2007-10-20电视媒体的文化责任 胡智锋; 孔令顺 【期刊】传媒 2007-10-15私人情感电视呈现的新探索——以江苏卫视《人间》为例 胡智锋; 张国涛 【期刊】当代电视 2007-09-01中国广播电视学科体系建设必须处理的三个关系 胡智锋 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2007-08-15中国电视内容生产格局中的电视栏目剧 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】电视研究 2007-08-05创新重大主题报道 推进电视新闻改革 胡智锋; 张国涛 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2007-07-20本土化:中国特色电视理论的建构与创新——访中国传媒大学博士生导师胡智锋教授 胡智锋; 杨乘虎 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2007-06-15电视节目编排的理念与策略 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】中国编辑 2007-01-102006:对中国电视的宏观描述 胡智锋 【期刊】广告大观(媒介版) 2007-01-10电视选秀的第三条道路 胡智锋; 张国涛 【期刊】视听界 2006-12-25话说春晚“仪式秀” 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】当代电视 2006-12-01浅议频道竞争中的特色栏目建设 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】新闻战线 2006-11-10电视媒体:节目编排成为“主角” 胡智锋 【期刊】广告大观(媒介版) 2006-11-10东方卫视的娱乐创新之道——以2006年SMG三档娱乐栏目为例 胡智锋; 张国涛 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2006-10-20电视节目编排三论 胡智锋; 周建新 【期刊】现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) 2006-10-01人文纪录片的“热”和“冷” 胡智锋 【期刊】广告大观(媒介版) 2006-09-10“新闻专业主义”的“本土化”途径——写在央视《新闻调查》十周年之际 胡智锋 【期刊】广告大观(媒介版) 2006-07-10“故事”热浪的背后 胡智锋 【期刊】广告大观(媒介版) 2006-05-10基于需要而发展的中国电影 胡智锋 【期刊】当代电影 2006-03-15《传奇故事》的成功之道 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2006-02-20当前电视纪录片创作需要思考的几个问题 胡智锋 【期刊】今传媒 2006-02-15中国电视内容生产的潮流与趋势 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2006-01-20省级卫视定位的问题与对策 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】电视研究 2006-01-052005:广播电视发展关键词 胡智锋; 孔令顺 【期刊】中国记者 2006-01-01SNG(卫星新闻传播)及其对中国电视发展的影响 胡智锋 【期刊】今传媒 2005-12-20中国影视文化建设三思 胡智锋 【期刊】现代传播 2005-12-15从播出平台到打造产业链——解读东方卫视的“影视支撑” 胡智锋; 张国涛 【期刊】新闻记者 2005-12-05《记者档案》:三岁之际的思考 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】当代电视 2005-12-01“时”——当前电视内容生产的传媒本质 胡智锋 【期刊】声屏世界 2005-11-30视听无界 胡智锋 【期刊】视听界 2005-11-25找准位·定好位·做到位 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】中国广播电视学刊 2005-11-25时代性与时尚化——点评专题片《红色家书》(DVD) 胡智锋 【期刊】北京党史 2005-11-05必视性才是重要的 胡智锋 【期刊】记者摇篮 2005-10-05三“品”《新闻调查》 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】中国电视 2005-09-15宣传艺术·全球意识·审美品格——解析央视国际频道综艺节目《中华情》 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】中国电视 2005-08-15《寻找金花》的成功策略 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】当代电视 2005-08-01五种视角看中国电视 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】新闻与写作 2005-07-10以何为本 以何称王——从央视经济频道改版谈电视频道的生存与发展 胡智锋; 顾亚奇 【期刊】电视研究 2005-06-05“产品”时代电视综艺新探索 胡智锋 【期刊】现代传播 2005-04-15
2010年:舞蹈,中国! 罗斌 【报纸】人民日报海外版 2011-01-05新中国舞剧及其精神 罗斌 艺术评论 2011-01-04宋风词韵 现代舞版 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2010-06-18昆舞:亦昆亦舞 化古而新 罗斌 【报纸】光明日报 2010-03-05舞语:“随心所欲”之后 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2009-12-26宽广细腻 洒脱深沉 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2009-12-18回眸中国舞剧艺术 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2009-09-02贵池傩舞与文化生态保护区 罗斌 【期刊】民族艺术研究 2009-06-28盛舞泱泱——观乐舞诗《大唐赋》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2009-02-01五十年不辍——关于“中国古典舞”的争论 罗斌; 高思远 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-12-01高等舞蹈教育的多元思维 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2008-09-27“小白鹭”说 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-09-01人鬼情未了——阅“前线”舞剧《牡丹亭》 罗斌; 李国平 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-08-01苦海无涯,怎一人“情”字了得——读舞剧《唐琬》偶得 罗斌; 叶进 【期刊】舞蹈 2008-05-01在打破与建构之间——关于2007“中国现代舞论坛” 罗斌 【期刊】艺术评论 2007-10-15假面阴阳—安徽贵池傩舞的田野考察与研究 罗斌 【博士】中国艺术研究院 2007-06-30“桃李杯”:个性滑落与视觉宴飨 罗斌 【期刊】艺术评论 2006-12-30澳门舞蹈的本土性特征 罗斌 【期刊】艺苑 2005-04-25品评的快乐——关于舞剧《澳门新娘》的对话 罗斌; 贾作光 【期刊】艺术评论 2004-11-05中国舞蹈尚乏成熟理论和市场品格 罗斌 【期刊】上海戏剧 2004-03-30荷逢盛世香——记舞蹈大师戴爱莲从艺80周年暨舞蹈艺术道路学术研讨会 罗斌 【期刊】北京舞蹈学院学报 2003-09-30祝贺戴爱莲从艺80周年并获艺术成就奖 罗斌 【期刊】北京舞蹈学院学报 2003-09-30瞻前顾后 左思右想——回瞻第二届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-12-05思考的快乐——呓语舞蹈理论与舞蹈创作 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-07-05只言片语DTV 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-06-05袁隆平的学问——杂嘴于“舞蹈分类辩论” 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2002-01-05“情话”流淌在虚实之间──现代舞“史话”《满江红》引发的臆语 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2001-08-05等待……——臆语大型舞台剧《乘愿再来》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2001-04-05“中间地带”的自觉——现代舞《野性的呼唤》臆语 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 2000-04-05《跳布扎》与“傩”──观雍和宫“打鬼”泛起的思绪 罗斌 【期刊】民族艺术研究 1999-04-15洗尽铅华·“创舞”启示录 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-12-05跨越时空的共识——中、南舞蹈家“关于民间舞蹈的讨论”印象 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-12-05“和”:中国古典舞的哲学与美学底蕴 罗斌 【期刊】北京舞蹈学院学报 1998-11-15“荷花奖”理性的明证 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-08-05“胸中之竹” 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-08-05薪火化甘霖——《中国舞蹈艺术史图鉴》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-04-05寰宇浸漫巫风——周冰与《八卦舞谱》 罗斌 【期刊】舞蹈 1998-02-05最亮的星最好的人 吕永清; 罗斌 【期刊】黄河之声 1997-04-15中国思维方式与戏曲舞蹈的成因及动律 罗斌 【期刊】民族艺术研究 1994-12-15《跳布扎》与傩——观雍和宫“打鬼”泛起的思绪 罗斌 【会议】祭礼·傩俗与民间戏剧——'98亚洲民间戏剧民俗艺术观摩与学术研讨会论文集 1998-02-01关于傩舞研究的断想 罗斌 【会议】中国梵净山傩文化研讨会论文集 2003-10-01野草与鲜花的芳香——关于回族舞蹈保存与发展的思索 罗斌 【会议】第十四次全国回族学研讨会论文汇编 2003-09-01“舞我中华·东方之珠” 罗斌 【报纸】中国文化报 2006-06-24“和”,中国古典舞的内在品格 罗斌(文代会代表) 【报纸】中国艺术报 2006-11-09大型舞作与精品意识 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2007-01-19花样舞季彰显人文追求 罗斌 【报纸】中国艺术报 2008-01-08
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在Critical Reviews in Biotechnology、Microbial Cell Factories、Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology、Biochemical Engineering Journal、Biotechnology Progress、生物工程学报等发酵工程领域国内外主流学术期刊发表学术论文50篇,其中SCI收录论文37篇。参与6本科技专著或教材的编写工作。近几年代表性学术论文如下:[1] Liu Long, Zhu Yunfeng, Li Jianghua, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Microbial production of propionic acid from propionibacteria: Current state, challenges and perspectives. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2012, DOI: 10.3109/07388551.2011.651428. (2010IF: 5.281)[2] Jia Dongxu, Li Jianghua, Liu Long, Yang Yu, Zhang Dongxu, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. High-level expression, purification, and enzymatic characterization of truncated poly(vinyl alcohol) dehydrogenase in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012, Accepted. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-3. (2010IF: 3.28)[3]Han Ruizhi,Liu Long, Li Jianghua, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Functions, applications and production of 2-O-D-glucopyranosyl-L-ascorbic acid. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012, In press. (2010IF: 3.28)[4] Zhang Jiaxin, Liu Long, Li Jianghua, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Enhanced glucosamine production by Aspergillus sp. BCRC 31742 based on the time-variant kinetics analysis of dissolved oxygen level. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 111: 507-512. (2010IF: 4.365)[5]Chen Xin,Liu Long, Li Jianghua, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Improved glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine production by an engineered Escherichia coli via stepwise regulation of dissolved oxygen level. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 110: 534-538.(2010IF: 4.365)[6]Guan Ningzi, Liu Long, Zhuge Xin, Qu Qiaoyan, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Genome-shuffling improves acid tolerance of Propionibacterium acidipropionici and propionic acid production. Advances in Chemistry Research. 2012. Ed. Nova, ISBN: 978-1-61942-524-8. In press.[7] Liu Long, Liu Yanfeng, Li Jianghua, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Microbial production of hyaluronic acid: Current state, challenges, and perspectives. Microbial Cell Factories. 2011.10: 99. (2010IF: 4.544)[8] Yang Haiquan, Liu Long, Li Jianghua, Du Guocheng, ChenJian. Heterologous expression, biochemical characterization, and overproduction of alkaline α-amylase from Bacillus alcalophilus in Bacillus subtilis. Microbial Cell Factories. 2011. 10: 77. (2010IF: 4.544)[9] Liu Long, Sun Jun, Wang Miao, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Application of a novel cavern volume controlled culture model to the microbial hyaluronic acid production by batch culture of Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2010, 48: 141-147. (2010IF: 2.692)[10] Liu Long, Sun Jun, Xu Wenbo, Wang Miao, Du Guocheng, Chen Jian. Modeling and optimization of microbial hyaluronic acid production by Streptococcus zooepidemicus using radial basis function neural network coupling quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization algorithm. Biotechnology Progress. 2009, 25: 1819-1825.(2010IF: 2.178)
在国内外学术刊物和会议发表重要论文约230多篇,其中被SCI收录103篇,EI/ISTP收录91篇,发表教学法论文6篇,申请或已公开专利60余项,其中已授权国家发明专利14项。2009年获得国土资源部科学技术二等奖(排名第1),2007年12月获得国土资源部科学技术二等奖(排名第6)。近两年的代表性论文有:(1)Juntong Huang, Zhaohui Huang, Yan’gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Kai Chen, Yaoting Huang, Saifang Huang, Haipeng Ji, Jingzhou Yang, Xiaowen Wu, Shaowei Zhang. β-Sialon nanowires, nanobelts and hierarchical nanostructures: morphology control, growth mechanism and cathodoluminescence properties. Nanoscale, 2014, 6: 424–432. (SCI/EI, IF=6.233)(2)Shuai Yi, Zhaohui Huang, Juntong Huang, Minghao Fang, Yan’gai Liu, Shaowei Zhang. Novel calcium hexaluminate/spinel-alumina composites with graded microstructures and mechanical properties. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 4333. (SCI, IF=2.927)(3)Zhaohui Huang, Haitao Liu, Kai Chen, Minghao Fang, Juntong Huang, Shuyue Liu, Saifang Huang, Yan-gai Liu and Xiaowen Wu. Synthesis and formation mechanism of twinned SiC nanowires made by a catalyst-free thermal chemical vapour deposition method. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 18360–18364. (SCI/EI, IF=2.562)(4)Saifang Huang,Zhaohui Huang, Xin Ouyang, Li Yin, Juntong Huang,Yan-gai Liu, Minghao Fang. Investigation on lanthanide-dependent z value of JEM-phase Sialon. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 6556–6559. (SCI/EI, IF=2.562)(5) Jian Chen, Yan-gai Liu, Haikun Liu, Dexin Yang, Hao Ding, Minghao Fang, Zhaohui Huang. The luminescence properties of novel a-Mg2Al4Si5O18:Eu phosphor prepared in air. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 18234–18239. (SCI/EI, IF=2.562)(6) MeiLing Hu, MingHao Fang, Chao Tang, Tao Yang, ZhaoHui Huang, YanGai Liu, XiaoWen Wu and Xin Min. The effects of atmosphere and calcined temperature on photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanofibers prepared by electrospinning. Nanoscale Research Letters 2013, 8: 548. (SCI, IF=2.524)(7)Minghao Fang, Yan'gai Liu, Xianfeng Leng, Guangzhi Gao, Zhaohui Huang. Effect of LiTaO3 grain sizes on microstructure and properties of Al2O3. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 2826–2829. (SCI/EI, IF=2.562)(8)Xin Ouyang, Saifang Huang, Weijun Zhang, Peng Cao, Zhaohui Huang, Wei Gao. Investigation of phase evolution of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) by in situ synchrotron high-temperature powder diffraction. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014, 211: 58-62. (SCI, IF=2.04)(9)Zhaohui Huang, Saifang Huang, Minghao Fang, Yan-gai Liu, Xin Ouyang, Juntong Huang. Transmission electronmicroscopy study on crack propagation characteristics of pressureless sintered 15R-β-U Sialon-polytypoid composite. Ceramics International, 2014, 40: 1045–1049. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(10)Haipeng Ji, Zhaohui Huang, Kai Chen, Wenjuan Li, Yuanfei Gao, Minghao Fang, Yan-gai Liu, Xiaowen Wu. Synthesis of Si3N4 powder with tunable α/β-Si3N4 content from waste silica fume using carbothermal reduction nitridation. Powder Technology, 2014, 252: 51-55. (SCI/EI, IF=2.024)(11)De-Xin Yang, Yan-Gai Liu, Ming-Hao Fang, Zhao-Hui Huang, Ding-Yun Ye. Study on the slag corrosion resistance of unfired Al2O3-SiC/β-Sialon/Ti(C,N)-C refractories. Ceramics International, 2014, 40: 1593–1598. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(12) Xin Min, Minghao Fang, Zhaohui Huang, Yan’gai Liu, Chao Tang, Tingting Qian, Xiaowen Wu. Synthesis and luminescence properties of nitride lanthanum magnesium hexaluminate LaMgAl11O19 phosphors. Ceramics International 40 (2014) 4535–4539. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(13)Juntong Huang,Zhaohui Huang, Yan'gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Haitao Liu, Xiaowei Cao, Xiaochao Li, Mengyan Yin, Ruilong Wen, HaoTang. Preparation and blast furnace slag corrosion behavior of SiC–Sialon–ZrN free-fired refractories. Ceramics International, 2014, In perss. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(14)Xueyin Liu, Minghao Fang, Yan-gai Liu, Zhongjun Qian, Hao Ding, Zhaohui Huang. Fe-Sialon-Ti(C,N) Composites from Carbothermal Reduction-Nitridation of Low-priced Minerals and Their Application in Taphole Clay Refractories. Ceramics International, 2014, In perss. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(15)Juntong Huang, Shaowei Zhang, Zhaohui Huang, Minghao Fang, Yan’gai Liu, Kai Chen. Co-catalyzed nitridation of silicon and in-situ growth of α-Si3N4 nanorods. Ceramics International, 2014, In perss. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(16)Gansheng Yang, Li Yin, Xian-ge Fang, Minghao Fang, Yan-gai Liu,Zhaohui Huang, Baolin Liu. Fabrication and liquid–solid, two-phase erosion wear behaviour of β -Sialon ceramic from pyrophyllite by carbothermal reduction and nitridation. Ceramics International, 2014, In perss. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(17)Haipeng Ji, Zhaohui Huang, Xiaowen Wu, Juntong Huang, Kai Chen, Minghao Fang, and Yan’gai Liu. Preparation, microstructure, and compressive strength of carbon foams derived from sucrose and kaolinite. Jounrnal of Materials Research, 2014, In perss. (SCI/EI, IF=1.713)(18)Juntong Huang, Zhaohui Huang, Shaowei Zhang, Minghao Fang, and Yan’gai Liu. Si3N4-SiCp Composites Reinforced by In Situ Co-Catalyzed Generated Si3N4 Nanofibers. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2014, 2014: 752378. (SCI, IF=1.547)(19)Xin Min, Zhaohui Huang, Minghao Fang, Yan’gai Liu, Meiling Hu, Chao Tang, Tingting Qian, Yuanfei Gao, Fengjiao Liu. The Influence of Platelet-Like LaMgAl11O19 on the Toughness of 3 mol% Yttria Partially Stabilized Zirconia Ceramic. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2014, In press. (SCI/EI, IF=1.153)(20)Juntong Huang, Minghao Fang, Zhaohui Huang, Yan’gai Liu, Jingzhou Yang, Saifang Huang, Youguo Xu, Kai Chen, Shuai Yi, Shaowei Zhang. Preparation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Spinel- Corundum-Sialon Composite Materials from Waste Fly Ash and Aluminum Dross. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, In press. (SCI/EI, IF=0.5)(21)Xiaochao Li, Shusen Chen, Zhaohui Huang, Minghao Fang, Yangai Liu, Xiaowen Wu, Juntong Huang, Baolin Liu. Effect of silicon addition on high temperatures solid particle erosion-wear of Mullite-SiC composite refractories prepared by nitriding reactive. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, In press. (SCI/EI, IF=0.5)(22)Juntong Huang, Yan’gai Liu, Zhaohui Huang, Minghao Fang, Shaowei Zhang, et al. Ni(NO3)2-assisted catalytic synthesis and photoluminescence property of ultralong single crystal Sialon nanobelts. Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13: 10-14 (SCI/EI, IF=4.689)(23)Saifang Huang, Peng Cao, Ying Li, Zhaohui Huang, Wei Gao. Nucleation and Crystallization Kinetics of a Multicomponent Lithium Disilicate Glass by in Situ and Real-Time Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction. Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 4031-4038. (SCI/EI, IF=4.689)(24)Juntong Huang, Shaowei Zhang, Zhaohui Huang, Yan’gai Liu and Minghao Fang. Growth of α-Si3N4 nanobelts via Ni-catalyzed thermal chemical vapour deposition and their violet-blue luminescent properties. CrystEngComm, 2013, 15:785-790. (SCI, IF=3.879)(25)Kai Chen, Minghao Fang,Zhaohui Huang, Juntong Huang, Yan-gai Liu. Catalytic synthesis and growth mechanism of SiC@SiO2 nanowires and their photoluminescenceproperties. CrystEngComm, 2013, 15: 9032–9038. (SCI, IF=3.879)(26)Saifang Huang, Zhaohui Huang, Xin Ouyang, Juntong Huang, Yan-gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Peng Cao, Wei Gao. A porous (La, Sm) co-doped Sialon-polytypoid ceramic with colour and structure differences in multilayers. CrystEngComm, 2013, 15: 8552–8558. (SCI, IF=3.879)(27)Juntong Huang, Zhaohui Huang, Shuai Yi, Yan’gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Shaowei Zhang. Fe-catalyzed growth of one-dimensional α-Si3N4 nanostructures and their cathodoluminescence properties. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3: 3504. (SCI, IF=2.927)(28)Saifang Huang, Bo Zhang, Zhaohui Huang, Wei Gao, Peng Cao. Crystalline phase formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of a lithium disilicate glass–ceramic. Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48: 251–257.(SCI/EI, IF=2.163)(29)Xiaojun Wang, Minghao Fang, Lai-Chang Zhang, Hao Ding, Yan-Gai Liu, Zhaohui Huang, Shaoping Huang, Jingzhou Yang. Solid particle erosion of alumina ceramics at elevated temperature. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 139: 765-769. (SCI/EI, IF=2.072)(30)Kai Chen, Zhaohui Huang, Yan-gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Juntong Huang, Youguo Xu. Synthesis of β-Si3N4 powder from quartz via carbothermal reduction nitridation. Powder Technology, 2013, 235: 728-734. (SCI/EI, IF=2.024)(31)Li Yin, Youguo Xu, Zhaohui Huang, Yan-gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Baolin Liu. Synthesis of ZrN-Si3N4 composite powders from zircon and quartz by carbothermal reduction and nitridation. Powder Technology, 2013, 246: 677-681. (SCI/EI, IF=2.024)(32)Youguo Xu, Yangai Liu, Zhaohui Huang, Minghao Fang, Xiaozhi Hu. Synchronistic preparation of fibre-like SiC and cubic-ZrO2/SiC composite from zircon via carbothermal reduction process. Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48: 7-11. (SCI/EI, IF=1.913)(33)Kai Chen,Zhaohui Huang, Juntong Huang, Minghao Fang, Yan-gai Liu, Haipeng Ji, Li Yin. Synthesis of SiC nanowires by thermal evaporation method without catalyst assistant. Ceramics International, 2013, 39(2): 1957-1962. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(34)Haipeng Ji, Minghao Fang, Zhaohui Huang, Kai Chen, Youguo Xu, Yan’gai Liu. Effect of La2O3 additives on the strength and microstructure of mullite ceramics obtained from coa lgangue and γ-Al2O3. Ceramics International, 2013, 39: 6841–6846. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(35)Jing-Zhou Yang, Rumana Sultana, Paul Ichim, Xiao-Zhi Hu,Zhao-Hui Huang, Wei Yi, Bin Jiang, Youguo Xu. Micro-porous calcium phosphate coatings on load-bearing zirconia substrate: Processing, property and application. Ceramics International, 2013, 39: 6533–6542. (SCI/EI, IF=1.789)(36)Ming Guan, Lefu Mei, Zhaohui Huang, Chengxue Yang, Qingfeng Guo, Zhiguo Xia. Synthesis and near-infrared luminescence properties of LaOCl:Nd/Yb. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2013, 60: 98-102. (SCI, IF=1.364)(37)Zhaohui Huang, Wenjuan Li, Zihe Pan, Yan’gai Liu, Minghao Fang. High-temperature transformation of asbestos tailings by carbothermal reduction. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2013, 61(1): 75-82. (SCI/EI, IF=1.114)(38)Juntong Huang, Shaowei Zhang, Zhaohui Huang, Yan Wen, Minghao Fang, Yangai Liu. Catalyst-assisted synthesis and growth mechanism of ultralong single crystal α-Si3N4 nanobelts with strong violet-blue luminescent properties. CrystEngComm, 2012, 14: 7301-7305. (SCI, IF=3.842)(39)Yan Li, Zhao-hui Huang, Yan’gai Liu, Ming-hao Fang. Characterization of dielectric performance of tourmaline single crystals from Yunnan,China. CrystEngComm, 2012, 14: 7153-7156. (SCI, IF=3.842)(40)Xiaomeng Wu, Shichao Zhang Lili Wang, Zhijia Du, Hua Fang, Yunhan Ling, Zhaohui Huang. Coaxial SnO2@TiO2 nanotube hybrids: from robust assembly strategies to potential application in Li storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22:11151-11158. (SCI, IF=5.968)(41)Wen-Juan Li, Zhao-Hui Huang, Yan-Gai Liu, Ming-Hao Fang, Xin Ouyang. Phase behavior of serpentine mineral by carbothermal reduction nitridation. Applied Clay Science, 2012, 57: 86-90. (SCI/EI, IF=2.474)(42)Jing-Zhou Yang, Ming-Hao Fang, Zhao-Hui Huang, Xiao-Zhi Hu, Yan-Gai Liu, Hao-Ran Sun, Jun-Tong Huang, Xiao-Chao Li. Solid particle impact erosion of alumina-based refractories at elevated temperatures. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012, 32: 283–289. (SCI/EI, IF=2.353)(43)Zhao-Hui Huang, Jing-Zhou Yang, Yan-Gai Liu, Ming-Hao Fang, Jun-Tong Huang, Hao-Ran Sun, Sai-Fang Huang. Novel Sialon-Based Ceramics Toughened by Ferro-Molybdenum Alloy. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012, 95(3): 859–861. (SCI/EI, IF=2.272)(44)Juntong Huang, Heping Zhou, Zhaohui Huang, Guanghua Liu, Minghao Fang, Yan’gai Liu. Preparation and Formation Mechanism of Elongated (Ca,Dy)-a-Sialon Powder via Carbothermal Reduction and Nitridation. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012, 95(6): 1871-1877. (SCI/EI, IF=2.272)(45)Juntong Huang, Heping Zhou, Zhaohui Huang, Guanghua Liu, Minghao Fang, and Yan’gai Liu. Effect of Y-a-Sialon Seeding and Holding Time on the Formation of Elongated (Ca,Dy)-a-Sialon Crystals Prepared via Carbothermal Reduction and Nitridation. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1-5 (2012). (SCI/EI, IF=2.272)(46)Saifang Huang, Zhaohui Huang, Yan-gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Li Yin. Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Pressure-Less Sintered AlN-polytypoid Based Composites by Compositional Design. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012, 95(6): 2044-2050. (SCI/EI, IF=2.272)(47)Yuetong Li, Zhaohui Huang, Youguo Xu, Minghao Fang, Yan-gai Liu, Jingzhou Yang, Xiaozhi Hu. Synthesis of ZrN-sialon composites from zircon and alumina by carbothermal reduction-nitridation. Materials Research Bulletin, 2012, 47: 3273-3276. (SCI/EI,IF=2.105)(48)Yuanfei Gao, Zhaohui Huang, Minghao Fang, Yan-gai Liu, Saifang Huang, Xin Ouyang. Synthesis of Al8B4C7 ceramic powder from Al/B4C/C mixtures. Powder Technology, 2012, 226: 269-273. (SCI/EI,IF=2.08)(49)Feng-Jiao Liu, Ming-Hao Fang, Zhao-Hui Huang, Yan-Gai Liu, Sai-Fang Huang, Xin Min, Mei-Ling Hu, Hai-Peng Ji. Preparation and mechanical properties of NiCr-Al2O3-ZrO2(8Y) ceramic composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 554: 1-5. (SCI/EI,IF=2.003)(50)ouguo Xu, Zhaohui Huang, Yan-gai Liu, Minghao Fang, Li Yin, Ming Guan. Influence of yttria addition on the phase transformations of zirconia from zircon ore by carbothermal reduction process. Solid State Sciences, 2012, 14: 730-734. (SCI/EI,IF=1.856)
近年来发表的主要论文有*张奇等。Investigation of Evaluating Blast Damage Power to Ground Surface Targets by Explosion Seismic Effect 【J】。Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.2004,v24,519-525 (SCI)*张奇等。Experimental Research on the Critical Ignition Temperature about a Kind of Fuel Air Explosive【J】. Defense Science Journal. 2004 (SCI)*张奇等,Adiabatic Compression of Pores in Mixed Fuel Medium During Launching。高压物理学报,2004,4 (EI)*张奇等,Effect of Center High Explosive in Dispersion of Fuel。J. of Peijing institute of tech, 2004,13(2) (EI)? *张奇等。 Relation of fragment with air shock wave intensity for explosion in a shell【J】。 International Journal of Impact Engineering, v 28, n 10, November, 2003, p 1129-1141(SCI)? *张奇等。Motion State of Fuel with Shell in Projection Acceleration Process【J】. Defense Science Journal. 2003 53(3)(SCI)? *张奇等。Inflence of Delay Interval on Blasting Efficency of Parallel Hole Cuts with an Empty Hole【J】. Journal of Mineral Metallurgy Materials.2003,10(4):12-16(SCI)? *张奇,等。槽腔内岩石破碎介质运动过程的X射线摄影实验研究。岩石力学与工程学报。2003,22(9):1426-1429 (EI)? *张奇,闫华,白春华.装药发射过载动力学研究。振动与冲击。2003,22(2):78-80.?* 张奇等。一次引爆燃料空气炸药及其爆炸效应研究。实验力学。2000,15(4),448-453?* 张奇等, Near-Field Dispersal Researching for Fuel Air Explosive . J. of Peijing institute of tech, 1999,8(2) (EI)? *张奇等,Effect of Center High Explosive in Dispersion of Fuel。J. of Peijing institute of tech, 2004,13(2) (EI)? *张奇,等。爆炸冲击波强度与破片的相关性,应用力学学报。2003(3) (EI)?* 张奇等,云雾爆炸地震效应评价,爆炸与冲击,2002,22(1),(EI)?* 张奇等,云雾爆炸(燃料空气炸药)装置结构研究,兵工学报,2001,(4) (EI)? *张奇,等,中心药量对云雾的抛散作用。火炸药学报。2001,24(1),17-19? *张奇等。气溶胶云团固液混合介质状态及特性研究。燃烧科学与技术,2001,7(3),288-290,(EI)?* 张琦等,壳体对燃料近区抛散速度的影响,应用力学学报,2000,(3)
杜亚军近年来发表的主要论文:[1].YaJun Du, HaiMing Li. Strategy for Mining Association Rules for Web Pages Based on Formal Concept Analysis. Applied Soft Computing, 2010,10(2),( SCI).[2].YaJun Du,ZhanBing Dong. Focused Web Crawling Strategy Based on Concept Context Graph. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1097-1106(EI: 20094412411886).[3].ShangMing Chen, YaJun Du, QiangQiang Peng. Ontology-Based Query ExPansion In Formal Concept Analysis. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1603-1612(EI: 20094412411945).[4].FuGui Wang, YaJun Du, QingHua Dong. A search Quality Evaluation Based on FCA. International Journal of Digitai Content Technology and Its Applications, 2009, 3(2):55-61.[5].Mingli Feng, Yajun Du Mingjun Feng, Yingyu Wang. Personalized user-query semantic clustering using search click information. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[6].Qiangqiang Peng, Yajun Du,Yufeng Hai,Shaoming. Topic-specific crawling on the Web with concept context graph based on FCA. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[7].Zhen Zhang, YaJun Du, ChengJie Li. AntCrawlers: Focused Crawling Agents Based on the Idea of Ants. The Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009, 250:253.(EI:20094712474494)[8].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, LiBo Jia. The method of Query Expansion Based On Domain Ontology. The Proceeding of Pacific-Asia Congerence on Circuits, Communications and System, 2009, 755-758.( EI:20094512436248)[9].YingYu Wang, YaJun Du, ShaoMing Chen. The understanding between teo agent Crawlers Based on Domain Ontology. The proceeding of Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2009, 47-50.(EI: 20094512430674)[10].YueKui Yang, YaJun Du, YuFeng Hai, ZhaoQiong Gao, A Topic-Specific Web Crawler With Web Page Hierarchy Based on HTML Dom_tree. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 420-423. (EI:20094912527470)[11].ZhaoQiong Gao, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, QiangQiang Peng, YueKui Yang, Incrementally Updating Concept Context Graph(CCG) for Focused Web Crawling Based on FCA. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 40-43. (EI:20094812515462)[11].杜亚军,The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2008,27(6):38-48.[12].Kai Li, Yajun Du, Dan Xiang, Honghua Chen, Zhenwen Liao. A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix Operation. ICIC (2) 2007:350-359.(EI: 080311023722).[13].Dong QinHua, Du YaJun, Wang FuGui. Scheduling strategy based on the collaboration of agents for MSE. Proceedings - ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management.2008.8: 556-560(EI :084311659247).[14].Li XinChun, Du YaJun. Domain Ontology based Semantic Matching of Concept Lattices. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2008.02:535-540.(EI: 081811231572).[15].Yajun Du, HaiMing Li. An intelligent model and its implementation of search engine. Journal of convergence information technology. 2008, 3(2): 57-66.[16].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, YuTing Wang HaiMing Li. Query Expansion based on Topics. Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD2008,v2:610-614(EI: 20090211845668).[17].YuTing Wang, YaJun Du. Selection of personalized start-URLs based on User Ontology.Journal of Computational Information Systems.2008,v2,3: 899-906. (EI: 083211445080).[18].Qinhua Dong, Yajun Du, Fugui Wang.A MSE Model with Learning Mechanism and FCA Merging,2008, proceedings of ICALIP 2008(EI: 083911587679).[19].Fugui Wang ,Yajun Du,Qinhua Dong. A search quality evaluation based on objective-subjective method. Journal of convergence information technology, 2008, 3,2: 50-56.[20].Yuekui Yang, Yajun Du, Jingyu Sun,Yufeng Hai. A topic-specific web crawler with concept similarity context graph based on FCA, proceeding of icic2008: 840-847.(EI: 084111630427).[21].Yan Bing, Du YaJun, Li ZhanSheng. The new clustering strategy and algorithm based on latent semantic indexing. Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2008, v 1, 486-490.( EI:20085211803858).[22]. Xiang dan, YaJun Du. Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search Agents. icnc2007:703-707. (EI: 080311026960).[23]. ChunZhi Xie, Liangzhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice. ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005-1011. (EI:082911 375286).[24]. Tang, Juan; Du, Ya-Jun; Wang, Ke-Liang. Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA. ICMLC.2007:4026-4031.(EI: 080311031024).[25]. Yajun Du, Zheng Pei, Haiming Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447.(EI: 080311038602).[26].杜亚军,智能信息处理及其在搜索引擎中的应用,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2007,26(2):1-5.[27].唐娟,杜亚军,王可亮. 一种基于形式概念分析的问答系统答案抽取的研究. 计算机应用. 2007,27(3):653-656.[28].邓波, 杜亚军, 王丽. 基于BAM的用户查询与网页匹配的研究. 河北师范大学学报:自然科学版. 2007:31(5):594-599.[29].YaJun Du, XinChun Li. An Semantic Rank for Web Crawler Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007.10:971-977.[30].ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi and YaJun Du. An Algorithm for Fuzzy Concept Lattices Building with Application to Social Navigation. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:950-955.[31].Jing Wang, YaJun Du. A Method of Personalized Web Search Result Clustering Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:983-987.[32].YaJun Du, Zheng Pei, HaiMing Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447(EI: 20080311038602).[33].YaJun Du, The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept. ICIC (2) 2007:489-498.[34].Tang Juan, Du YaJun, Wang KeLiang. Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA. ICMLC.2007:4026-4031(EI: 20080311031024).[35].Tang Jun, Du YaJun, Qi, Liang. Research on Concept Lattice Based Personalized Information Retrieval. ICMLC.2007:4032-4037(EI: 20080311031025).[36].Kai Li, YaJun Du, Dan Xiang, HongHua Chen, ZhenWen Liao. A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix Operation. ICIC (2) 2007:350-359(EI 20080311023722).[37].Li Kai, Du YaJun, Dan Xiang. Collaborative Recommending Based on Core-Concept Lattice. ASC2007:583-592.[38].Deng Bo, Du YaJun. Research on matching between user queries and web pages based on BAM. SNPD 2007:81-85(EI: 20074110862678).[39].Xiang Dan, YaJun Du. Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search Agents. icnc2007:703-707(EI: 20080311026960).[40].ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice. ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005-1011(EI: 20082911375286).[41]Du YaJun, Li HaiMing, Chen HongHua, Xie Chuan, The analysis of intelligence behavior of search engine. 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT, 563-567(EI: 20083711530362).[42].Hai YuFeng, Du YaJun, Li HaiMing. A New Strategy of Query Expansion using Formal Concept Analysis. Proceedings - Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EI:20073110733126).[43].Cao Long, Du YaJun,Shen JieFeng. Design and implementation of universal print function about grid component in Delphi. Computer Engineering. 31(20), 2005, p 229-230+233(EI:05479500429).[44].Zeng ChuanHua, Xu Yang, Du YaJun, Xie WeiCheng. Knowledge discovery and model structure selection based on rough set theory.Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v 41, n 3, June, 2006, p 324-328(EI: 063310068157).[45].Pei Zhen, Du YaJun, Ying LiangZhong. Decision inference based on extended decision rules of probabilistic information system. Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v 41, n 1, February, 2006, p 131-134(EI: 06139783852)[46].陈俊华, 慕长龙, 陈秀明, 向成华, 罗成荣, 陈国先, 杜亚军. 基于物元分析的小流域土地利用结构调整及景观格局变化. 生态学报, 2006, 7. 2093-2100.[47]. Du Ya-Jun, Li Hai-Ming, Hao Fei, Xie Chuan. A method checking the correctness of sentence of formal language based on linear resolution. 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 558-562 (EI:20083711530361).[48].Jun Tang, Du YaJun, Shen JieFeng.Research in Concept Lattice based automatic document ranking.2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, 5560-5565(EI: 05509539716).[49].Du YaJun, Xu Yang, Pei Zheng, Pen Hong, Li HaiMing. An algorithm retrieving rules from web page based on concept lattice. 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, 2368-2372(EI: 05509539134).[50].Shen JieFeng, Du YaJun, Jun Tang. The personalized page recommender system based on meta-search engine, 17th IMACS world congress scientific computation applied mathematics and simulation, 2005.[51].曹龙, 杜亚军. 基于Web Services的个人搜索引擎. 计算机工程与应用,2005年2期: 138-141,175.[52].Zheng Pei, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, Yang Xu, Obtaining a complex linguistic data summaries from database based on a new linguistic aggregation operator, IWANN2005, LNCS,Springer-Verlag, Spain, 771-778,2005. (SCI BCO15)[53].YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, Zheng Pei, Hong Peng. Intelligent Spider's Algorithm of Search Engine Based on Keyword. Transactions on Computer and Information technology. 2005 1(01):40--49.[54].沈杰峰,杜亚军,唐俊,基于项目分类的协同过滤算法,第22届全国数据库会议,2004[55].沈杰峰,杜亚军,唐俊,基于蚁群算法的网页推荐,西华大学学报·自然科学版,2005, 24(6), 29-32.[56].唐俊杜亚军沈杰峰. 判断点与区域位置关系的改进算法. 西华大学学报:自然科学, 24(5), 14-17,71.[57].YaJun Du, Yang Xu, LiangZhong Yi, Zheng Pei. Research on Personal Intelligent Search Engine Based on Keywords. Proceeding of International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies 2004. Sapporo, Japan. 2004:228--231.(EI:05299224396).[58].YaJun Du, Yang Xu, ZhanShen Li, DongMei Qi. Discussion on Interest Spider's Algorithm of Search Engine. Proceeding of The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI 2004). Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 2004:433--436(EI:05169044887).[59].YaJun Du, Yang Xu, ZhanShen Li, DongMei Qi. Implementation of AN Intelligent Spider's Algorithm for Search Engine.Applied Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference:324--327.(EI:04498704428).[60].杜亚军,邱小平,徐扬. 中文搜索引擎智能的探讨. 计算机应用研究. 2004, 21(4), 29-31,35.[61].杜亚军, 严兵宋亮. 爬行虫算法设计与程序实现.计算机应用. 2004,24(1),33-35.[62].齐冬梅, 杜亚军, 李战胜. 计算机应用, 2004, 24(B12),179-182.[63].杜亚军. 计算机科学前沿问题综述与评价. 四川工业学院学报, 2004, 23(4), 46-48.[64].杜亚军, 陈国先, 陈秀明, 陈俊华, 雷效章, 蔡小虎, 彭沛好.川渝77县长防林(一期)工程的综合效益评价与分析. 生态学杂志, 2003,22(1),69-72.[65].杜亚军, 陈国先, 李辉, 蓦长龙, 陈秀明. 低山丘陵地区稳定高效防护林体系地理信息系统. 四川工业学院学报, 2003, 22(3),74-76.[66].YaJun Du, Zheng Pei,Yang Xu. The Humanity Research of Seaech Engine Based on Uncertain Reasoning. Proceeding of The Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC'2003). 2003, Xi'an, Volumn 4:447--452 (EI:EIP04128071058).[67].ZhanShen Li,YaJun Du, Yang Xu, YueKun Wang, Dongmei Qi. The Personalized PageRank Based on User Behavoirs, Applied Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference:318--323.(EI:04498704427).[68].XiaoPing Qiu, Yang Xu, YaJun Du, Xiaohong Liu, YongChuan Tang, Hua Zhu,A New Special-Domain and Stepwise Intelligent Development Method in Software Engering.Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man \& Cybernetics, Oct. 2004, Washington:2398--2401 (EI:04458446856).[69].李辉, 杜亚军. 图书资料检索过程的智能行为研究. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004, 23(4).[70].XiaoPing Qiu, Haiming Li, YaJun Du, Yang Xu. Adding Forecast Support to Workflow Management System by Classical Logic Formula Computing. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC'2003). 2003, Xi'an, Volumn 4:2061--2066(EI: 04128072218).[71].XiaoPing Qiu,YaJun Du, FengBin Zheng. An Automated Reasoning Method Used in Workflow Management System. Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man \& Cybernetics. Oct. 2003, Washington: 5016-5021 (EI:03487751505).[72].杜亚军,徐扬. 关系数据库中的关系代数范畴模型的讨论. 西南交通大学学报. 2003, 38(2):703-707.[73].杜亚军, 陈国先. 低山丘陵地区稳定高效防护林体系地理信息系统主要功能-小流域结构调整. 四川工业学院学报, 2002, 21(4), 50-53.[74].杨顺军, 郭再平, 杜亚军. 小折射解释程序的研制与应用. 四川地质学报, 2002, 22(3).[75].杜亚军, 刁礼泉. 基于Windows95/98操作系统的软盘加密系统, 四川工业学院学报, 2001, 20(1), 37-38.[76].Du Yajun, Yang Long, He Zhengwei. Reservoir parameter prediction procedure facing to microfacies on the basis of BP artificial neural network. Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25( Suppl), 107-111(EI:1998084339183).[77].Du Yajun, YangLong. Application of the scientific visualization and artificial intelligence to the substratum correlation. Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25(Suppl), 112-117(EI:1998084339184).[78].Yang, Long; Du, Yajun. Visual research into BP neural network and BP intelligence algorithms. Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25(Suppl), 97-106(EI:1998084339182).[79].杜亚军, 杨龙. 线性地质统计学在地质工作计算机化中的作用及意义. 四川地质学报, 1996, 4.[80].杜亚军,田竞亚.李伍铜矿床控矿构造地质特征及演化模式探讨. 四川地质学报, 1996, 16(3), 213-218.