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sci论文投稿,给期刊主编的信的模式 Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paperfor consideration to be published on "(Journal name)". The furtherinformation about the paper is in the following: The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX The authors claim that none of thematerial in the paper has been published or is under consideration forpublication elsewhere. I am the corresponding author andmy address and other information is as follows: Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX, University of Science and Technology, Hefei,Anhui, 230026, P.R.China E-mail: Tel: 86-551-36XXXXX Fax: 86-551-36XXXXX Thank you very much forconsideration! Sincerely Yours, 教你搞定编辑处理信和审稿人意见的回复向期刊投稿只是论文发表过程的第一步。绝大多数情况下,论文都要根据期刊编辑和审稿人反馈意见经过一些改动或者修改,期刊直接接受作者文稿而且无需修改的情况极为罕见。每位作者在其职业生涯中都会面对稿件被拒的情况!首先,我们看看期刊常用的处理类型。尽管名称各不相同,但如下几种最为典型:1、不加评论完全拒绝2、提出意见后完全拒绝3、接受,但需要大修4、接受,但需要小修5、完全接受现在,让我们把精力放在第3种和第4种上,因为在这些情况下,论文还有被编辑接受的机会,但处理期刊审稿人的意见是确保论文被再次审核的关键一步,也是论文被编辑接受的最好机会。如何处理审稿人的意见?首先,期刊一般会将每个审稿人的意见做个完整清单,加上编辑处理信一起发给您。因此,您可以清楚地看到每位审稿人的意见。1、仔细阅读审稿人意见,确保自己明白问题所在及为什么审稿人会提出这些问题。当稿件被拒时,您可能会沮丧或者对所提问题持不同意见。但是,被拒和不同意见是科研分析和辩论的正常部分,所以不要认为他们是针对您个人的。请记住他们只是想帮您改进论文。如果您不明白某个意见,应在您的答复中明确提出来,或者给编辑写信要求进一步解释。但是,在此之前,请与您的合作作者讨论一下,确保你们都清楚审稿人意见并确定后续如何处理这些意见。2、准备回复文件。考虑每条意见以及如何答复。写答复时,应做到清楚、简明扼要,并用证据说明您做出的改动或者您采用特定的方式处理意见的原因。3、逐一答复每条意见和修改建议。• 将每条意见复制、粘贴到一个新文件中(不要只提“审稿人1,意见1”,因为这需要期刊工作人员花时间相互参照)。请在每条意见后写答复。• 提到您对哪些地方做出了修改。不要只提及页码,而是使用行号,或者引用某个特定部分的句子开头部分。• 明确解释您对哪些建议持反对意见及理由(并且给出您的证据)。• 务必做到积极、礼貌和简明扼要。4、不要错过截止期限!大多数期刊都有接收修回稿的具体期限。确保自己按时答复!计划好答复时间,以便您有足够的时间撰写答复,并对文章做出修改。如果您需要重新查询数据或者做出大范围修改,比如减少字数或者增加额外内容,您可能需要花费一定的时间。5、不要向其他期刊提交原稿。即使您的论文被完全拒绝,也不要将原稿直接发给另一家期刊,可能别的期刊也会给出类似意见(甚至可能使用同样的审稿人!),因此您应根据反馈意见修改论文,然后确定后续步骤。如果审稿人意见不一致怎么办?这种情况其实很普遍。例如,审稿人1可能说“表2多余—请删除”,而审稿人2可能会说“表2的第3列数据集还需进一步解释。”您该接受哪个意见?自己做出判断,并征求合作作者的意见,在答复中明确说明您为何选择删除数据而不是增加数据。再次强调,在提及您做出的修改时务必明确—引用具体行数/表号,您做出了哪些修改以及原因。……如果我的论文还是被拒了怎么办呢?在这种情况下,和您的合作作者讨论如何回应,决定是否向期刊编辑申诉……还是转而向其他期刊投稿。如上所述,在未充分考虑其他期刊的性质和范围之前,不要贸然将原稿投给它们。 参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色贴士

! 不用写的~~~心意有就行!hfut1879(站内联系TA)这个没有必要吧?除非你或者你老板跟这个编辑很熟悉基金喜羊羊(站内联系TA)写感谢信是俺们国人的思维,其实根本不用写,要有点学者的傲慢visitor958(站内联系TA)系统发的就算了,编辑单独电邮给你,可以回一下说谢谢就好了。seagullnin(站内联系TA):tiger38:木有写过,也不用写laoda111(站内联系TA)这个不用,中国人的习惯。ECUST小熊(站内联系TA)Originally posted by yensh at 2011-04-29 09:44:03:下次有好的论文继续投到这个杂志就是最好的心意。dafeng001(站内联系TA)写个毛 , 人家事情这么多了 还要看你感谢信 还要回信 烦不烦啊supermight(站内联系TA)不用的,想想人家工作量多大,每天处理的稿件和邮件都n多,你发的感谢信相当于垃圾邮件ronggangsky(站内联系TA)没有必要写感谢信吧 呵呵mushichun(站内联系TA)不需写的,他应该感谢你才对croninszl(站内联系TA)需要昧?SCI论文被接收了,想给编辑回复一封感谢信,不知道怎么写,最好能给个模板,谢谢啦!! 自己好好庆祝一下,呵呵yingying1588(站内联系TA)无人关心这个,也无此必要!!!jwb811225(站内联系TA)写感谢信是俺们国人的思维,其实根本不用写,要有点学者的傲慢mooncakeaa(站内联系TA)画蛇添足。。。。。

举例一:论文题目:Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on the antivirus effects of A (一种中草药) against virus B (一种病毒)所 投杂志:Life Sciences投稿结果:这次大修后又经过一次小修,被接受发表编辑信内容(注: 有删节):Dear Mr. XXX,Your manuscript has been examined by the editors and qualified refereeMoon. We think the manuscript has merit but requires revision before we can accept it for publication in the Journal. Careful consideration must be given to the points raised in the reviewer comments, which are enclosed below.If you choose to submit a revision of your manuscript, please incorporate responses to the reviewer comments into the revised paper. A complete rebuttal with no manuscript alterations is usually considered inadequate and may result in lengthy re-review procedures.A letter detailing your revisions point-by-point must accompany the resubmission.You will be requested to upload this Response to Reviewers as a separate file in the Attach Files area.We ask that you resubmit your manuscript within 45 days. After this time, your file will be placed on inactive status and a further submission will be considered a new manuscript.To submit a revision, go to and log in as an Author.You will see a menu item called Submission Needing Revision. You will find your submission record there.Yours sincerely,Joseph J. Bahl, PhDEditorLife SciencesFormat Suggestion: Please access the Guide to Authors at our website to check the format of your article. Pay particular attention to our References style.Reviewers" comments:Reviewer #1:XXXXX (略)Reviewer #2:XXXXX (略)Editors note and suggestions: (注:编辑的建议)Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary English>>>Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of the antiviral effects of A against virus B.Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.A, an alkaloid isolated from C (注:一种中草药), was tested for antiviral activity against virus B. Both in vitro and in vivo assays along with serum pharmacological experiments showed A to have potent antiviral activity. The pharmacokinetic profile of A in Sprague/Dawley rat plasma after oral administration was measured by HPLC. Blood samples taken at selected time points were analyzed to study potential changes in antiviral pharmacodynamics as measured by infectivity of viruses. From the similarity of the serum concentration profiles and antiviral activity profiles it is concluded that A it self, rather than a metabolite, exerted the effect against the virus prior to bioinactivation. The need for effective clinical agents against virus B and these results suggest the possibility of benefit from further experiments with A.The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, plasma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract and text.Introduction: some sentences can be made less passive. example 1st paragraph>>>> A appears to be the most important alkaloid isolated from the plant, its structural formula is shown in Fig 1. ... While it produced a general inhibition of antibody production lymphocyte proliferation was stimulated (Xia and Wang, 1997). These pharmacological properties suggest a potential use in the treatment of viral myocarditis against virus B that could be studied in experiments in cell culture and animals.>>>The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errors (example given: in your text alkaloid is incorrectly spelled alkaloid)>>>The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the reference section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guideline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et al., 2003)and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)>>>>>The authors instead of directly answering the first complex question of reviewer #1 may include the three questions as future research aim in the discussion section.>>>>>>Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend the wording of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of tables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.>>>>> reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be satisfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showing CPE. Remember most readers of the journal have never seen what you are trying to describe.Because I think that you can deal with all of the points raised I am hoping to see a revised manuscript that you have carefully checked for errors. If you have questions or do not know how to respond to any of the points raised please contact me at Joseph Bahl, PhD Editor 2 Life Sciences作 者回复信原稿:Dear Dr. Bahl,I’m (注:正式信函不要简写)very appreciate (注:不适合作为给编辑回信的开始,同时有语法错误)for your comments and suggestions.I (注:实际上是学生做的)have conducted in vivo antivirus experiments again (注:要表明是应审稿人或编辑建议而作). Mice were sacrificed on 15 days and 30 days after infection. Death rate, heart weight to body weight ratio (HW/BW), virus titers and pathologic slices (注:用词错误)were calculated(注:用词不当). Production of mRNA of IL-10, IFN-γand TNF-αwere (注:语法错误)measured by RT-PCR.I have revised this manuscript and especially paid much attention to your comments and suggestions. I would like to re-submit it to LIFE SCIENCE. Title of manuscript has been changed to “The antivirus effects of A against virus B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it more clear and smooth.Answers to Reviewers’ questions were as follows: (注:可附在给编辑的回复信后)Reviewer #1:XXXXXReviewer #2:XXXXXEditors note and suggestions:Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary EnglishAnswer: I have rewrite the title to “The antivirus effects of A against virus B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it more clear and smooth(注:多处语法错误).Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.Answer: I have revise the abstract carefully to make it more smooth and informative(注:语法错误).The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, plasma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract and text.Answer: I have paid attention to this question and it is clearer (注:不具体).Introduction:some sentences can be made less passive.Answer: I have revise the whole paper to make sentences less passive and obtained help of my colleague proficient in English (注:语法错误,句子不通顺).The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errorsAnswer: I’m very sorry to give you so much trouble for those spelling errors (注:不必道歉,按建议修改即可). I have carefully corrected them.The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the reference section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guideline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et al., 2003) and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)Answer: I changed the style of references.Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend the wording of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of tables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.Answer: (注:作者请编辑公司帮回答)reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be satisfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showing CPE. Remember: most readers of the journal have never seen what you are trying to describe.Answer: Thank you for your suggestions. I have supplemented pictures of cardiac pathologic slices in the paper (Fig2).I have to apologize for giving you so much trouble because of those misspelling and confusing statements (注:一般不是延误或人为失误,不必轻易道歉,按建议修改即可). Your comments and suggestions really helped me a lot. I have put great efforts to this review. I wish it can be satisfactory.If there’s (注:正式信函不要简写)any information I can provide, please don’t hesitate to contact me.Thank you again for your time and patience. Look forward to hear (注:语法错误)from you.Yours SincerelyXxxx Xxxx (通讯作者名)


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