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Starch/Stǎrke 是SCI收录的期刊,影响因子:2009年为0.832,2008年为1.000,2007年为1.064。


一、溶胶是怎样的概念胶体从外观上看貌似均匀,与溶液没什么差异,因此胶体常称为溶胶。溶胶与胶体是同一个概念。二、对淀粉、蛋白质等高分子溶于水形成的分散系,为什么有时称其为溶液,有时又称其为胶体教材中是按分散质微粒直径的大小来给分散系分类的。淀粉、蛋白质等高分子溶于水形成的分散系可称为胶体。但是判断一种分散系是属于胶体还是溶液,单从分散质微粒直径的大小这一方面来考察,其结论是不全面的,甚至是错误的。正确判断一种分散系是溶液还是胶体,还要看分散质微粒的结构。如果分散质微粒的结构简单,比如是单个的分子或较小聚合度的分子或离子,那么这样的分散系应称为溶液。由于淀粉、蛋白质溶于水后都是以单个分子的形式分散在水中的,因此,尽管这些高分子很大,这些分散系仍应称为溶液。只是因为高分子的大小与胶粒相仿,高分子溶液才具有胶体的一些特性,如扩散慢、不通过半透膜、有丁达尔现象等。化学上常把Fe(OH)3,AgI等难溶于水的物质形成的胶体称为憎液胶体,简称溶胶;而把淀粉、蛋白质等易溶于水的物质形成的分散系称为亲液胶体,更多地是称为高分子溶液。三、溶液是均一的,胶体也均一吗憎液溶胶的分散质微粒是由很大数目的分子构成,因此是不均一的;高分子溶液中的分散质微粒是单个的分子,因此是均一的。四、胶体能在较长时间内稳定存在的原因是什么憎液溶胶的胶粒带有相同的电荷,由于同性电荷的排斥作用而使憎液胶体可以稳定存在。淀粉、蛋白质等高分子中含有多个极性基团(如—COOH,—OH,—NH2等),可以与水高度溶剂化(高分子表面形成水膜),因此也可较长时间稳定存在。很明显,这两类胶体稳定存在的原因是不同的。五、溶液中的溶质微粒也作布朗运动吗胶体微粒在各个方向上都受到分散剂分子的撞击,由于这些作用力不同,所以胶体微粒作布朗运动。溶液中的溶质微粒和分散剂分子大小相仿,因此溶质微粒的运动状况与胶体的胶粒运动状况是有差别的。由于胶体的丁达尔现象,用超显微镜才可以观察到胶粒的布朗运动。溶液无丁达尔现象,因此用超显微镜观察不到溶质微粒的运动状况。六、凝聚与盐析有何差别凝聚是憎液(水)胶体的性质,胶体的凝聚过程就是胶粒聚集成较大颗粒的过程。由于憎液(水)胶体的分散质都难溶于水,因此,再采用一般的溶解方法用水来溶解胶体的凝聚物是不可能的,也就是说,胶体的凝聚是不可逆的。盐析实际上就是加入电解质使分散质溶解度减小而使其析出的过程。盐析不是憎液胶体的性质,它是高分子溶液或普通溶液的性质,能发生盐析的分散质都是易溶的,如淀粉溶液、蛋白七、蔗糖溶于水形成的分散系是溶液,为什么在生物课的渗透实验中,蔗糖分子却不能通过半透膜不同的半透膜,如羊皮纸、动物膀胱膜、玻璃纸等,其细孔的直径是不同的,也就是说,不同的半透膜,其通透性是不一样的。显然,笼统地讲半透膜能使离子或分子通过,而不能使胶体微粒通过是不恰当的。八、憎液胶体与高分子溶液在性质上有何异同憎液胶体全面地表现出胶体的特性,高分子溶液则不然。这两种分散系中的分散质微粒都作布朗运动,都有丁达尔现象;憎液胶体有电泳现象,淀粉溶液无电泳现象,而蛋白质溶液则较为复杂;使憎液胶体凝聚的方法有:加入电解质、给胶体加热、加入带相反电荷的胶体,使高分子溶液中的分散质沉淀,主要是破坏高子分与分散剂间的相互作用,如加入大量的电解质也能使淀粉、蛋白质沉淀,这一现象称为盐析,它是可逆的。九、有没有溶液能产生类似于胶体的电泳现象由于溶液是均一的,不存在“界面”,因此,给溶液通电不会产生界面移动现象(即一极液面高,另一极液面低),但是有些溶液通电后却可以产生一极溶液颜色加深,另一极溶液颜色变浅的现象。比如,给紫红色KMnO4溶液通电一段时间后,阳极附近溶液的颜色就会变深,阴极附近溶液的颜色就会变浅。这是由于通电后,紫红色的MnO4-向阳极移动,但却不会在阳极放电(MnO4-远比OH-难放电)的缘故。CuSO4溶液就不会产生类似的现象,因为Cu2+会在阴极放电。十、Fe(OH)3胶体长时间电泳或电压增大,将发生怎样的现象如果Fe(OH)3胶体长时间电泳或将电泳的电压显著增大,都会在阴极出现凝聚现象,因为不论是长时间电泳还是电压显著增大,都会使阴极附近积聚很多的Fe(OH)3胶粒,大量胶粒的聚集必然会出现凝聚现象。如果电泳电压特别大,还会出现电解水的现象。质溶液、肥皂的甘油溶液,由于分散质都是易溶的,所以盐析是可逆的。First, what is the concept of sol Judging from the appearance of seemingly homogeneous gel, with no difference in the solution, so often referred to as sol-gel. Sol and gel is the same concept. 2, starch, protein and other water-soluble polymer dispersed system formed, why the solution is sometimes called, sometimes also called it as colloidal Quality of teaching is dispersed particle diameter according to the size of a decentralized system classification. Starch, protein and other polymer dissolved in water to form colloidal dispersion system can be called. But the determination of a colloidal dispersion system or solution are, just from the dispersed particle diameter size of the mass to examine this aspect, the conclusion is incomplete, even wrong. Correct determination of a solution or colloidal dispersion system is, depends on the structure of particle dispersion quality. If the quality of particle dispersion structure as simple as a single molecule or smaller degree of polymerization of the molecules or ions, then it should be called the solution of the decentralized system. As the starch, protein is dissolved in water to form a single molecule dispersed in water, so, even though these polymers large distributed systems should still be called the solution of these. Only because of the size of polymer particles similar, only with the gel polymer solution of some features, such as the proliferation of slow, not through the semipermeable membrane, with Tyndall phenomena. Chemistry often to Fe (OH) 3, AgI and other substances insoluble in water, the formation of colloidal liquid gel called monks, called sol; while the starch, protein and other substances soluble in water, the formation of liquid disperse system as pro- colloid, more is known as the polymer solution. Third, the solution is homogeneous, uniform gel also do Hate liquid sol particle dispersion quality by a large number of molecules, it is uneven one; polymer solution, the dispersion of particles is a single molecular mass, and therefore uniform. 4, colloid stability can exist over an extended period because of what Hate liquid sol particles with the same charge, due to charge repulsion Ershi homosexual hate colloidal solution can exist. Starch, protein and other polymers containing multiple polar groups (such as-COOH,-OH,-NH2, etc.), can be highly solvent and water (molecular water film formed on the surface), so there can be a long time stability . Obviously, these two types of colloidal stability of the reason there are different. 5, solution for Brownian motion of solute particles also do Colloidal particles in all directions are subject to the impact dispersant molecules, because these forces because of their different colloidal particles as Brownian motion. Solution of solute particles and dispersant molecules are similar in size, so the movement of solute particles and colloidal particles movement situation is different. As the colloidal Tyndall phenomenon, with a super microscope can observe particles of the Brownian motion. Solution without Tyndall phenomenon, not so ultra-microscope, the movement of the solute particles. 6, the difference between condensation and salt Cohesion is hate liquid (the water) colloidal nature of the condensation process of colloidal particles to larger particles that process. As the monks liquid (water) quality is immune colloidal dispersion of water-soluble, therefore, re-dissolution method commonly used in water to dissolve colloidal aggregates is impossible, that is, the concentration of colloid is not reversible. Electrolyte salt is actually added to its decentralized nature and the solubility decreased precipitation process. Liquid colloidal salt is not the nature of hate, it is common solution polymer solution or the nature of the dispersion of salt can occur are soluble nature, such as starch solution, protein VII, sugar dissolved in water to form the dispersion system is a solution Why infiltration in biology class experiment, but can not be semi-permeable membrane sucrose molecule Different semi-permeable membrane such as parchment, animal bladder film, cellophane, its pore diameter is different, that is, different semi-permeable membranes, the permeability is not the same. Obviously, generally speaking semi-permeable membrane allows ions or molecules to pass through, without giving colloidal particles through is not appropriate. 8 and hate liquid colloid and polymer solution of the similarities in the nature of Comprehensive demonstration of monks colloidal solution colloidal properties of polymer solution is not. This decentralized system of two particles in the dispersion quality are as Brownian motion, there Tyndall phenomenon; hate liquid gel with electrophoresis, starch solution without electrophoresis, the protein solution is more complicated; to hate liquid colloid aggregation methods are: adding electrolyte to gel heating, by adding gel with the opposite charge, so that the dispersion of polymer solution quality of precipitation, mainly sub-divided and the destruction of high interaction between dispersant, such as adding a large number of electrolyte also make starch, protein precipitation This phenomenon is known as salting, it is reversible. 9, there is no solution to produce phenomena similar to gel electrophoresis As the solution is homogeneous, there is no "interface", and therefore to the solution of power does not produce the phenomenon of interface movement (ie a very high surface, another extremely low liquid level), but after powering some of the solution but the solution can generate a very color deepened, and the other pole solution faded color phenomenon. For example, purple KMnO4 solution to power after a period of time, the color of the solution near the anode will become darker in color of the solution near the cathode will be lighter. This is because the power, the purple MnO4-move to the anode, but not in the anode discharge (MnO4-OH-hard than the discharge) of the reason. CuSO4 solution will not produce a similar phenomenon, because Cu2 + in the cathode discharge. 10, Fe (OH) 3 gel electrophoresis time or voltage increases, the phenomenon will happen to If Fe (OH) 3 gel electrophoresis or electrophoresis time the voltage was increased significantly and there will be condensation phenomena in the cathode, because whether or voltage electrophoresis time was significantly larger accumulation near the cathode will cause a lot of Fe (OH) 3 particles, the aggregation of a large number of particles bound to the phenomenon of condensation. Particularly if the electrophoresis voltage, electrolysis of water is still there. Quality solution, glycerin soap solution, due to dispersion quality are soluble, so salt is reversible.

你好,能否给我一个邮箱,我可以给你发送一些期刊论文或者学位论文,中英文都有,但是英文对应翻译很难找。我专门为百度知道提问者提供文献,你可以看看我的回答记录,提供文献居多。需要时请百度hi我,我常在线,不在线时也可以发百度消息给我,但不要留言,我不常到空间去,希望对你有帮助!——百度知道 举手之劳团队 队长:晓斌11蓝猫


我之前投汉 斯 出 版 社的刊,他们的编辑告诉我,说他们的要求是,正文字数不少于3000字,建议字数5000-8000

期刊论文发表字数要求发表期刊论文的字数有限制。 无论是毕业生,还是专业人士想要评估职称,论文要发表在期刊上,都需要按照期刊的要求进行。 因为期刊的页数和版面有限,不可能像写文章一样写多少字就发表多少字,尤其是一些稿源多的好期刊。发表普刊论文一般要求3000字以上即可,如果要发核心论文,字数就要偏多一些,至少要5000字以上,目前很多普刊拒收3000字以下的文章,核心期刊拒收5000字以下的文章,所以这个字数要求可以说是底线要求,尤其发表核心期刊论文的作者,一定要把握最基本要求,因为字数偏少的文章基本上没有实质性内容,可能就是一些夸夸其谈,基本没有什么发表价值,期刊通常不会录用这样的文章来拉低办刊质量的,所以字数不达标面临的很可能就是直接被拒稿,因此字数的多少大家在心里要有一杆秤。具体文章写多少字合适,作者除了要看期刊的发表要求,还要关注单位或者学校的具体要求,毕业论文就要关注学校对毕业论文的具体要求,评职称就要关注单位颁布的具体评审条件,按照要求去写作论文,才能被相应的期刊杂志所接受,得以尽快发表,关于论文发表的更多疑问欢迎咨询职称驿站在线编辑。期刊论文发表字数要求发表期刊论文的字数有限制。 无论是毕业生,还是专业人士想要评估职称,论文要发表在期刊上,都需要按照期刊的要求进行。 因为期刊的页数和版面有限,不可能像写文章一样写多少字就发表多少字,尤其是一些稿源多的好期刊。发表普刊论文一般要求3000字以上即可,如果要发核心论文,字数就要偏多一些,至少要5000字以上,目前很多普刊拒收3000字以下的文章,核心期刊拒收5000字以下的文章,所以这个字数要求可以说是底线要求,尤其发表核心期刊论文的作者,一定要把握最基本要求,因为字数偏少的文章基本上没有实质性内容,可能就是一些夸夸其谈,基本没有什么发表价值,期刊通常不会录用这样的文章来拉低办刊质量的,所以字数不达标面临的很可能就是直接被拒稿,因此字数的多少大家在心里要有一杆秤。具体文章写多少字合适,作者除了要看期刊的发表要求,还要关注单位或者学校的具体要求,毕业论文就要关注学校对毕业论文的具体要求,评职称就要关注单位颁布的具体评审条件,按照要求去写作论文,才能被相应的期刊杂志所接受,得以尽快发表,关于论文发表的更多疑问欢迎咨询职称驿站在线编辑。




问题一:期刊投稿论文参考文献一般多少篇 你发表的是什么期刊?核心期刊还是省级期刊,还是国家级的期刊? 问题二:论文一般要写多少字啊? 看你是什么论文了。 小学的500字 中学的500-1000字 大学毕业设计3000-5000 大学投杂志1000-3000 硕士论文3-5万 博士论文10-20万 问题三:发表在省、部级以上核心学术期刊的一篇论文大概需要多少字? 这个不好说,省刊最少也要3000字符,有的好点的刊,要求5000、7000的都有。 问题四:投稿到期刊的论文要多少字? 看你发的期刊的版面要求,一般一个版面是一页纸正反两面。有的期刊是2200,有的就是2500都不等。 问题五:学术论文大概要写多少个字??? 一般都是两到十页不等 看你的内容 没有明文规定的,但是要发表的话就要看所投杂志社的要求了,上面会说多少字的 问题六:现代期刊发表的论文的摘要字数最长不超过多少字 毕业讠仑文引用一般每个文献超过200字数就不行了,而且就算你引用了,查重时一样会把其算进去的,除非你引用的文献是你自己发表的学术讠仑文,如果你还是不懂,找我问问,上面很多学术讠仑文写作以及毕业论文写作技巧类攻略文章,值得抽时间学习下 问题七:研究生发表核心期刊有字数的限制吗?一般都是多少字? 20分 字数尽量不要太多。摘要一般在9000字左右,或者更少,这是一篇文章的主轴线,贯穿了整篇文章,也要明确表达出文章的主旨以及文章的整体思路。关键词是利于检索、关键词的选择可以是标题、摘要、正文等地方选择可以表达论文思路概念的词汇或短语,一般在3到5个词汇之间。 大部分没有明确的规定,可以通过咨询品 优刊 ,了解思路。望采纳! 问题八:学术期刊论文篇幅以多少为宜? 分享到: 收藏推荐 学术期刊在版面安排上没有报纸那么灵活,它在编排方面似乎有更多的限制。例如题目一定要在第一页的开头,“下转××页”的情况在每期最多不能超过三个,不允许出现超过页面 1/4以上的页尾空白等。因此要求作者和编辑都要留心文章的篇幅问题。 为方便读者阅读,在安排版面的时候, 5号字排通栏,小 5号字排双栏。小于小 5号的字体一般不用。像本刊这样大 16开页面的期刊,若用 5号字排通栏,每行可排 48个字 (包括标点符号 ),每页可排 43行,共 2064个字。若用小 5号字排双栏,每行可排 26个字,每页可排 48行,共 2496个字。按照国家新闻出版署颁发的《中国学术期刊 (光盘版 )编排规范》,每篇学术理论性的文章要有“摘要”和“关键词”,连同文章标题、作者姓名、单位都要译成英文,还要有“中图分类号”等检索标志。“摘要”一般要求是 200字左右。这样,文章正文之外的部分,一般要占到 2/3个页码。 问题九:论文一个版面大概有多少字? 一般的论文期刊都是两栏的,一页的字数大概为1500-1700之间,要是版面有图的话,那字常就要相应的减少一些了。 如果是英文的论文那每页的字符数(不计空格)为3500-4000之间。















我之前投汉 斯 出 版 社的刊,他们的编辑告诉我,说他们的要求是,正文字数不少于3000字,建议字数5000-8000








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