Human behavior triggers natural disasters 人类的活动将引发自然灾害 If a homeless man were standing on the corner of a street as you were passing by, screaming "The world is coming to an end!" would you believe him? 如果街角一个无家可归得人在你经过他的时候大喊 世界末日将要来了 你会相信他么? Movies set aside, most would try not to make eye contact and walk by swiftly muttering, "He's crazy." 除了是在电影当中,大部分得人将试图不去看他的眼睛并且远离他,一边还嘀咕着 他疯了 But what if this "insane" man's predictions came true? What if a fire started in your own backyard because of a drought or if your entire neighborhood was wiped out by a terrible monsoon one night? 不过如果这个 精神有问题 得人所说的事情成真又会怎么样呢?假如你家后院因为干燥着火或者你的邻居一夜之间被一场大雨冲跑了又会怎么样呢? Global warming is no longer the problem of our future generations. It is our problem. 全球变暖不再是一个我们后代需要面临的问题,它已经成为了我们的问题。 Rising sea levels due to melting glaciers; droughts, monsoons, wildfires and greenhouse gasses are all natural disasters that have come to be known as not-so-natural. 冰川融化引起的海平面上升,干旱,大雨,野火和温室气体都是一些不太正常的自然灾害。 How is something we can't control not natural? Its simple- these actions have been on the rise because of the effect of our every day lives on Mother Nature. 为什么说它们不太正常呢?答案很简单,这些灾害的发生都在因为人类在自然环境中的日常行为而逐渐变得频繁。 Whether it's a citizen's daily commute, running their clothes through a dryer in the middle of the day, watering their lawn during winter or even the kind of light bulbs they use, they have a bigger impact on the environment then they are aware of. 一个人日常乘车上下班,中午烘干自己的衣服,冬天给自己的草坪浇水甚至用了特定种类的灯泡对大自然所造成的影响都比我们所认知的要大得多。 In fact, the United States only makes up four percent of the world's population but is responsible for an alarming 22 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. 事实上,美国人口只占全世界人口的4%但却制造了全世界22%的温室气体。 Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main culprit for our greenhouse gas emissions. Earth is designed to hold just enough CO2 to create a warm blanket, therefore allowing life to form. 二氧化碳使我们排放的温室气体中最主要的部分,地球保持一定得二氧化碳含量在大气中,以形成一层隔温层类保持温度,确保了生物的产生。 With Americans pumping out millions of pounds of carbon every day with our gas-guzzling cars and ruthless energy use, Mother Nature was bound to lash back sometime. 美国人近乎冷酷的使用能量,我们的汽车每天产生百万吨含碳废气,着一些作为使大自然不得不有时做出一些回击。 There's always the skeptic who couldn't possibly make the connection between them driving their car to work everyday and the polar ice caps melting at alarming rates. 总有一些怀疑论者不能将每天开车上下班和地球两极冰盖加速融化联系起来。 Anyone who's taken a science class in their lifetime knows that heat melts ice. The more carbon released into the atmosphere, causes more heat to be trapped which means glaciers act as ice in a glass on a summer day in the Valley of the Sun. 任何上过科学课的人都知道热能融化冰雪。排向大气中的碳越多,越多的热量就会被困在大气层之内,这也就意味着冰川就像夏天在放大镜下的一块冰块一样。 But what most people don't realize is how much carbon and even money they can save by carpooling with someone who is taking the same route. In a year, it can save 1,590 pounds of CO2 and hundreds of dollars. 可是大多数人们相互谈论这件事情的时候并不能意识到不用车能够节省多少二氧化碳排放甚至说节省多少钱。一年之内它能够减少1590磅二氧化碳排放并省了你好几百美元。 Drastic climate changes aren't the only predictions in Earth's crystal ball. 猛烈地气候变化并不是世界末日的唯一预兆。 Insect-born diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and encephalitis can be spread by mosquitoes and rodents who migrate to warmer areas. 疟疾,骨痛热和脑炎等通过昆虫传染的疾病将因蚊子和啮齿类动物向更暖的地区迁徙而广泛传播。 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), climate change contributes to 150,000 extra deaths a year. With the climate gradually getting worse, this number can easily be doubled in the next 25 years. 根据世界卫生组织调查显示,每年150000人死于气候的变化。在未来的25年中如果气候持续恶化,这个数字至少会增加一倍。 Respiratory problems are also in the future due to high levels of CO2 favoring the growth of ragweed and other pollen producers. The amount of pollen produced rises with CO2 emissions and therefore causes more asthma and allergy attacks. 高二氧化碳含量会使豚草等产生花粉的植物生长旺盛以致带来呼吸方面的问题,随二氧化碳排放而不断增多的花粉将导致更多的哮喘和过敏症患者产生。 For anyone living in Arizona with allergies or asthma, they might not even be able to imagine it being any worse with all of the dust and plants residing here. 对亚利桑那州的哮喘或过敏症患者来说,他们身边充满尘土以及花粉植物,情况已经糟糕到了极点。 This is the grim outlook of the world if people continue on the careless path of believing it will never happen to them. Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse, the advancement of our own society is finally fighting back. 如果大家依然认为这一切不会发生在他们身上,那么以上是对未来环境所做的最坏预期。当我们认为一切已经糟糕到极点的时候,我们社会的进步将会导致大自然的逆袭。(最后一段直译了,意译的话大概就是说社会进步可能导致人类文明危机。。。) 说说感受吧,本来再懒得打字了不过送佛送到西 呵呵 感觉本文应该是一个在美国生活过的伪老外高中生或者一个国人初中小孩应付作业写的一个东西,没有具体的分析,理论上用作支撑论点的论据很单薄,逻辑上没有对分论点做哪怕一点点阐述来全面自己的论证,而且整个讨论所贯穿的思想比较过时,显然没有下功夫阅读最近有关自然科学的期刊等与作业有关联的内容。很没劲的一篇东西,估计写到最后自己也写烦了,呵呵。。。 有点像以前英语考试给的命题作文那种感觉,看着试卷上给的几句话就愣写。。。还有就是20分的确太少了,也不怨没人看你的贴。哈。我太恶毒了。。。
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Human behavior triggers natural disasters 人类的活动将引发自然灾害 If a homeless man were st