直接到他们的主页看投稿须知,其中一段话Papers should not normally exceed 10,000 words, with allowance made for tables and illustrations. All submissions should be made by email to: 即通过邮箱投稿:
该期刊是半月刊,一般审稿都挺快的,1个月左右就会有结果,影响因子逐年上升。期刊名 journal of polymer science part b-polymer physics 出版周期: 半月刊 中科院杂志分区 高分子科学分类下的 3 区期刊 近四年影响因子:2014年度 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 3.83 2.548 2.221 1.531 杂志由 WILEY-BLACKWELL 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0887-6266 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 The Journal of Polymer Science reports results of fundamental research in all areas of high polymer chemistry and physics. The Journal is selective in accepting contributions on the basis of merit and originality. It is not intended as a repository for unevaluated data. Preference is given to contributions that offer new or more comprehensive concepts interpretations experimental approaches and results. Part B: Polymer Physics accepts contributions in physics and physical chemistry. Contributions may be submitted as Regular Articles as Rapid Communications or as Notes. Regular articles are full length papers to be considered as complete publications of original unpublished results. Rapid Communications refer to mostly preliminary reports of extreme urgency significance and originality which should be limited to a maximum of 3 printed pages. Papers to be submitted for consideration as Notes should be short versions of Regular Articles.
ieee的期刊提交分为两个版本的论文 注:既然你问这个问题,是不是从ieee网站上下载了latex压缩包。如果是的话,里面不是有IEEEtranHOWTO.pd
polymer是二区期刊。 《polymer》期刊出版来自高分子科学技术各个领域的着重于从分子或介观尺度解释数据的原创性研究。其中特别欢迎来自新兴领域的论文。除
SCI三区杂志,开源期刊,版面费10000人民币左右。期刊名字 EnergiesENERGIES 期刊ISSN 1996-1073 20
直接到他们的主页看投稿须知,其中一段话Papers should not normally exceed 10,000 words, with allowanc
直接到他们的主页看投稿须知,其中一段话Papers should not normally exceed 10,000 words, with allowanc