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从简是指复合句从句简化(clause reduction)。复合句其间有一些重复、空洞的元素。剔除他们,节省空间,精简句子就是复合句从句简化。我知道说起语法很无趣,但是,这种语法现象在地道的英文写作中频率颇高。我认为熟练运用这个工具是英文写作登堂入室的标志之一。以下是《时代周刊》一篇封面文章的节选。作者Michael Schuman是一名“老笔杆子”,其文笔相对更注重表现力。




Richard C. Wydick在他的法律英文写作经典Plain English for Lawyers中谈到了分号,他描述道:“一些律师对于分号的态度就像是对野蘑菇:有些非常美味,但是有些却是致命的;因为没法分辨两者的区别,那就干脆统统避开。”Wydick自己的观点是分号没有那么危险,并且十分有用。其一,分号可以用来连接两个关系紧密的分句,这种做法的最大好处是可以增添写作的多样性,并且避免使用太多and之类连接词所带来的断断续续感(choppy sentences),同时也精简了用字。这就是为什么我给分号起了个隐形胶水的绰号。


冒号表明其后引用的内容是前边内容的列举、总结或阐述。每当放一个冒号,就像提醒读者:我要开始解释了。冒号用作列举则可省去include/including,并在视觉上创造一个更醒目的标志。而冒号更有价值的用法是引导对前文的总结(summary)、阐述(elaboration)或者是例证(illustration)。以下的例子也来源于“Plain English for Lawyers”:

c. 破折号:无声的强调






就像在一个只有锤子的人眼里,所有问题都是钉子。如果你的英文写作技法有限,表达方式往往也会重复单调,我认为这是“中国味”英文单调无趣的一个重要原因。以上的三宝,从简、标点、副词巧,希望能为你的写作工具箱加上几种工具,把你的作品雕琢的更加细致、凝练。但另一方面,这三宝只是写作的工具,而不是写作的原则,这也是为什么我们会看到作者视情况采取不同的选择。希望我们驾驭英文能够像驾驭跑车,收放自如,风驰电掣,享受到Sheer Writing Pleasure。


1.不能使用第一人称。例如I、me、mine、my这些词,只有文中出现,就是扣分。如果是针对一个大的群体时,可以用we/our,例如:our humans 我们人类。不过如果只是指你和你朋友我们,那样的话不行。

2.一定不能有私人用语,比如 stuff 东西,这种说法感觉太私人。

3.要用肯定的语句,不能含糊不清。例:she is like friendly towards him. 她好像对他很友好。 句子中有“好像”这个意思就不行。

4.每一个段落结构都要完整,包括开头句topic sentence(一个话题),然后支撑句 support sentence,  结合句 linking sentence,总结局 conclusion

5.每段中都需要有和主题对应的题目,不能跑题 。

6.不能出现缩写词,例如只能写can not,不能写can’t。


essay 由 introduction, body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 。

essay是理论性较强的论文,通常情况下,一定用第3人称,禁止出现第一,二人称字样,并注意语言措辞,多用些副词。澳洲悠悠论文老师为了避免使用 第一人称,某些地方可以用被动语态或其他句型代替。



Nowadays a great majority of teachers argue that students are more and more diverse and it is quite hard for them to know clearly about all the details of each and every one of their students. Fortunately, students’ sharing their own personal story with the teacher can, to a great extent, help the teacher better understand the students so that the teacher can give what students want and provide necessary suggestions for them in time. In this way, there is no doubt that students can in the meantime have a pleasant study journey under the proper guidance of the teacher, resulting in students’ better performance both for life and for study. Personally speaking, I am quite willing to share with you my personal story, hoping that you can know more about me and if possible I can make friends with you when the class is over. Therefore this memorandum explains some of my basic information, the most typical and crucial of which lies in my academic and professional aspirations as will be elaborated in the following.


I am one that hails from China and the reason why I go abroad for further study is that I really long for an overseas education experience. I always hold that an overseas education experience can shape me into a better one through steeling myself to be able to deal with all kinds of difficulties either small or large. I have to admit that the moment when I put forward the idea of applying for abroad study, my family members all disagree with it in that they are afraid that I can not well take care of myself when I am alone abroad. However my persistence has enabled them to see my desire and they are on my side in the end. Many people may wonder why I firmly insist on studying abroad without taking any regard of my parents’ disapproval and what I really expect in college. To be honest, what I expect the most is not something seemingly great but just to broaden my own horizon and strengthen my accounting knowledge by taking advantage of rich resources in the foreign libraries. Moreover, I would like to make as many friends as possible with people from other countries all over the world so that I am able to experience the cultural difference and can keep in touch with those international friends even after graduation. Also, I believe that more chances to practice my English will make it improve step by step and I can speak English fluently some day.

Speaking of my academic disappointments, what is a pity to say is that I have actually done poorly in some of the quizzes either due to my being careless while taking them or my not preparing well enough for them before. Certainly, there are times when there are really difficult problems for me and they are in fact out of my ability, leading to my being unable to solve them. When those occasions turn up, I will become somewhat frustrated in the first beginning while I will quickly adjust myself to figure out ways to help myself out as soon as possible. Thus, I can smoothly tackle those difficult problems in the end. And it is right at the minute when I successfully deal with those difficult problems that I can feel the happiness and relief from within. Or maybe it can be put in another way that the smooth handling of those difficult problems can be regarded as part of my academic achievements. As for other sources of my academic achievements, what I would like to mention is that I have sometimes obtained quite satisfactory outcome in the exams and I am really proud that my efforts can pay off in the due time. By the way, my motto is just “No pains, no gains”, which fits really perfectly in this situation. And when I patiently explain the hard points to other classmates who can not get across to them, I can as well have a sense of making achievements. Furthermore, whenever I find out the way to solve a certain problem or an easier way for that same problem, I can in the meantime taste the sweetness of success.

The rationale why I select accounting as my major is that I am born with rather strong mathematical analysis ability, logical thinking ability together with a profound understanding capacity and I always show fervent interest in numerical issues. Besides, accounting is one of the promising professions in China and it seems to be given increasing attention and emphasis by most people. It is said that China is in great urgency of accounting personnel so that I may be given a greater possibility to have my secured post-graduation employment if I step into the accounting field. The most significant one is that I am sensitive to numbers and I am sure that I am competent enough to become a qualified accountant in the future. When it comes to my professional goal, I have made up my determination that I will spare no efforts to become an accountant as my future career, from a junior one and gradually become a senior one through the constant accumulation of experience and the increase of my knowledge about how to become a better accountant. So for the present period, I have to equip myself with necessary knowledge and skills in order that I can deal with the practical conditions with facility in real scenes.

In order to put the theory into the practice, I have applied to become an intern in Bank of China in the summer vocation and now I have completed that internship. Detailed speaking, I am responsible for dealing with all kinds of documents for Document Center of BC International Settlement and I have to guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all the documents. So when I am with a document, I will tackle it over and over again so that it can be with no errors. And those documents are with a high frequency of numbers, I have actually made my potential to the full play when working as an intern there. Though this internship lasts just for a short vocation, I have really benefited a lot from within and I have realized many defects of my own. I understand that if I would like to be an accountant in the near future, I have to try my best to correct those bad habits and not to commit the same mistake any more. Talking about myself in five years, I feel like that I have already become an advanced accountant and I can easily deal with any account-related issues. Apart from that, I can in the meanwhile turn to some financial methods for better financing of my own funds by using my major advantages.


That’s part of my personal story and I bet that you can know me quite well if you have read all about them. If you would like to know more me, I am pretty eager to share with you other matters about myself. Thanks for your time.

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研究型:研究类硕士学位(Master by Research)适应人群:本科/硕士毕业语言要求:雅思至少6.5以上(根据不同学校要求)学制:1-3年专业:与本科或硕士研究背景相同该硕士学位要求申请学生在国内有较强的研究背景和一定的论文发表,并且需要针对个人申请的专业递交开题报告(Research Proposal)。另外研究类硕士课程比较容易申请到奖学金,需要注意的是同学们在申请学校时,澳洲五星级大学的学费也会略高。多数选择学习研究型硕士的学生都有着未来读博的打算,硕士期间研究的课题对于博士选题方向,以及导师认可度都有很大的帮助。普通型:授课类硕士学位(Master by Coursework)适应人群:获得本科学士学位语言要求:雅思至少6.5以上(根据不同学校要求)学制:1-2.5年专业:不完全受限制,根据不同学校的要求这类硕士学位的部分课程可以接受没有本科相关专业背景的学生入读,如商科、信息工程、翻译、教育等专业。过渡型:过渡课程+硕士学位(Master)适应人群:二年/三年制大专生及本科无学位者语言要求:雅思6.0或6.5,根据学校不同的要求学制:4个月-2年过渡性课程+1-2年硕士学位学校专业:限于商科、信息系统、大众传媒等专业通过攻读4个月到2年的过渡性课程,直接升入澳大利亚对口院校相关专业的硕士。过渡课程对雅思要求比直接读硕士课程低一点,且能为学习硕士课程打下基础,学生最短可在2年内获得硕士学位,甚至有可能额外获得本科学位,在申请移民时有额外的加分。快捷型:专科直升硕士学位适应人群:三年大专生及本科无学位者及有一定工作经验者语言成绩:雅思6.0/6.5,根据不同学校的要求学制:1-2.5年学校专业:限于会计、信息工程、国际贸易、金融等。专科生直读硕士是一条通往高学历的捷径。学制短,节省费用。但是,专升硕的学生在选择学校和专业上会受到很大的限制。部分院校必须是有2-5年的工作经验的大专生方可申请。澳大利亚硕士留学申请要求大学成绩申请澳洲研究生需要提供大学阶段的平均成绩,一般要核算成GPA。申请澳洲研究生,GPA最好在80%或者以上。雅思(语言)成绩多数院校对雅思成绩的要求是6.5分,个别专业要求相对较高。比如法律、翻译、医学等专业,需要注意, 澳洲多数院校对雅思四部分小分有一定要求。大学背景澳大利亚对中国学生本科阶段的背景比较看重,如果是“211”,“985”院校的毕业生申请澳洲院校就比较有利。比如211学生申请悉尼大学会计硕士基本入学要求大学四年均分达到75分或以上,而非211学生则需要80分或以上。专业背景专业对口是很多澳大利亚硕士课程的要求。通常,由申请人的导师出具推荐信,或提供其他辅助文件(如作品集、毕业论文、职业资格证书等)来说明专业背景。工作背景澳大利亚一些大学的商科类课程或管理类硕士课程,虽然不要求申请人有相关的专业背景,但要求其具备一定的工作经验。例如MBA等课程。通常,由申请人的工作单位出具有关工作证明。

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    我叫德卢衣 7人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 澳洲硕士留学怎样发表论文

    现如今越来越多的人申请留学澳洲,文书材料对申请院校非常重要。那么该如何书写留学essay呢?接下来我带来了2021年澳洲硕士留学essay书写技巧。 书写技巧。

    笨丫头19868 6人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 澳洲硕士怎么发表论文

    论文写作技巧: 一、写作前 1、要知道在引言中陈述论点。 2、用论文的剩余部分陈述理由和证据,使论点得到充分支持。 3、考虑一下呈现这些内容的顺序:怎样安排段落

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  • 澳洲硕士论文发表要求


    可可京99 6人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 澳洲硕士论文发表网站

    论文网站如下: 1、中国知网(期刊、学位论文) 2、维普资讯中文科技期刊数据库(期刊论文) 3、万方数字资源系统(学位论文、会议论文、外文文献) 4、读秀学术搜

    兰生幽荣 6人参与回答 2023-12-10