文献引用和文献标注是学术写作中非常重要的一个部分。如何正确引用文献,如何正确标注文献决定了同学们文献引用这部分的分数。那么,在实践过程中我们需要额外注意的有哪些内容呢?让我们来一起看看吧。1:….the rich get richer (Smith, 2003).Full stop MUST go after reference当文献引用出现在句子末尾的时候,必须加句号。2 :Author’s last name and date ONLY in essay在文章中引用的时候只要出现作者的姓和年份。(Lynne Gornall, 2004) X 姓和名同时出现,是错误的。(Gornall, L, 2004) X 姓和名的首字母同时出现,是错误的。(Lynne, 2004) X名和年份同时出现,是错误的。(Gornall, 2004) ü姓和年份同时出现,是正确的。3:And in references list:Gornall, L. (2004) Globalisation the final answer, UCLAN, UC publishing. ü在文章后的文献引用列表中,可以出现姓和名的首字母,并按照标准的引用法引用。4:NO URLs in essay:在正文中,不能出现网址的链接。可以在文章后的引用列表中按照标准引用法表示。学术写作中除了文献引用这部分内容,同学们还需要注意以下一些问题:· NOT answering the question文章中内容和主题问题不一致,偏题。· Poor expression (especially linking paragraphs together)语言表述有问题,需要注意连接词的使用· Poor paraphrasing (copy and paste)引用只是复制粘贴,导致相似度比较高。· Poor (internet) sources使用网络资源,权威性比较差。以下推荐同学们一些常用的比较好的过渡转折的词句,同学们可以在学术写作中多加运用。Effective Transitional phrases/sentences1):Although this is a widely held view, there is evidence to suggest…..2):However, further analysis would suggest …3):Much research shows however, that ….4):The work of several leading analysts might provide a different interpretation …或许我可以给你点帮助呢。call me
申请者应提供的证明材料主要有以下几种:1.学历、学位证明,主要是大学、研究生毕业证书,硕士学位证书,博士学位证书;2.成绩单,成绩单是任何申请人都必须提供的,我国大专院校的成绩评定大多采用百分制,而美国则以采用等级制为多,其平均值通常用平均成绩点数(GPA)表示,因此,必须注明所采用的记分方法,最好能提自己在班级所排名次,现在,美国大多数学校都要求申请者通过ETS直接提供TOEFL或GRE 成绩:3.财力证明;4.体检表和健康证明,一般应由指定级别的医院出具;5.学业(术)奖励和工作证明,一般学校尽管不作要求,但获得过奖励和有过实际工作经验的申请者,在录取时必定会得到优先考虑,这一点在申请助教、助研及奖学金时尤为重要。范例1大学毕业证书Let it be known that Mr. Wang Chumming, native of Shandong Province, born on January 17, 1962, having specialized in seismological geology in the Geology Department of Changchun University from October, 1978 to July, 1982 and having completed the four year undergraduate program with qualified standing, is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation.范例2研究生毕业证书Mr. Kang Jiangrong was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in April, 1968. From September 1985 to December 1989, he was a postgraduate student in our institute, majoring in Textile Machinery, He fulfilled his study plan, and passed oral examination on his thesis in July 1989. He was allowed to graduate.范例3硕士学位证书Certificate of Master Degree University of ShanghaiWe the undersigned hereby certify that Mr. Jiang Shan having fulfilled the requirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of the University was by the University authority admitted to the Degree of Master of Science in Electronic Engineering at a Congregation held in the University on July 14, 1989.范例4国家教委出具的公费留学财力证明PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINATO Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that Mr. Wan Li, born, June 17, 1960, a native of People's Republic of China, graduated from Tsinghua University, and he has been awarded a government scholarship by this commission for studying abroad.The scholarship is for two academic years. covering his / her living costs, full tuition required by the host university, round trip travelling expenses, as well as other miscellaneous fees.The money will be given directly to M, who is then responsible for the payment of fees to the university.Any assistance and advice you may render to M during his / her study tour will be highly appreciated.DirectorBureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations范例5健康证明书TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that Mr. Lin Chonghan is physically and mentally healthy. This statement is based on his health history and a physical checkup. My observation of his health condition is that he is capable of doing extensive hard work, both manually and intellectually.Sincerely yours,Dept. Of Internal MedicinePost Hospital范例6工作证明INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRSJuly 11, 1986To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.Particulars of the certificate follow:Name: ShuNative Place: Sichuan ProvinceDate of Birth: November, 1955Classification : Mechanical EngineeringSincerely yours,K. A. WangDirector General范例7参加学会、社团证明TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that Mr. Liang is a member of IEMC (Institute of Education for Mass Communication) since 1982.To the best of my knowledge, Mr. liang has been a senior lecturer teaching in the Dept. of Mass Communication, Beijing University since the beginning of 1984. He is also teaching some courses in Joint College.I would like to mention that Mr. Liang is responsible. aggressive and gets along with his colleagues very well. Hence, he also demonstrates superior scholastic capacity and his potential for further academic growth.If there is any information regarding this gentleman, please do no hesitate to let me know.Best Regards.范例8职称证书INSTRUCTOR'S LICENCEDate: Feb., 1984File No. Jiangzi 19045This is to certify that Mr. Cheng Qin, a native of Chengdu City, China, born on March 26, 1966, has been qualified for instructorship pursuant to Teacher's Qualification Regulations of Colleges and Universities.Minister of Education:Submitting School: Sichuan College of Technology范例9大学获奖证明Tsinghua UniversityNO. 742821 November 22, 1985TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that Miss Liu a senior student in our Department of International Trade College of Law, received four times the Book Coupon Awards, which only students among the top five percent are entitled to.
要求每一段的开头按Tab键后开始而不是直接空格,行距:double space ;字体要求:Times New Roman; 字体大小:12号; 需要有页眉第一页的页眉要有Running head:(你的文章标题的简版,要求全部大写)还有页码在页眉的最右边,而第二页的页眉内容不需要Running head,只需要你的文章标题的简版+大写,纸张的边距要求:1英寸(63.5px);需要Title Page,上面要有文章名,作者名(你的),指导老师,科目,学校,日期,甚至于班级(这条按照不同的教授稍有不同的要求).2. 文献引用和参考文献清单文献引用是用来标注“参考来源”的。如果文章引用包含了作者名和发表日期,请以括号夹注(有时会再加上页数)的方式标注并放于引用文字或句子之后。“参考文献”中的人名须以姓氏的字母顺序进行排序,包括姓氏的前缀。英国智库为你解答
社团活动之类的算在CV里,就是简历。不需要开具证明,除非学校明确要求。澳洲的话 一般 不需要CV,只需要你的本科成绩单和在读证明就可以申请,加拿大的申请比较复杂,需要推荐信,自我陈述,CV等文件才可以。澳洲和加拿大相比较来说,澳洲名校的要求较为容易一些,加拿大学校对于本科的成绩要求非常高
论文的格式: 1、题目应简洁、明确、有概括性,字数不宜超过20个字。 2、摘要要有高度的概括力,语言精练、明确,中文摘要约100到200字。 3、关键词从