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国际杂志 1. Jian S. Dai, Tieshi Zhao, and C. Nester Sprained Ankle Physiotherapy Based Mechanism Synthesis and Stiffness Analysis of a Robotic Rehabilitation Device, Autonomous Robots 16 207-218, 2004 (SCI,EI)2. Na Li, Tieshi Zhao, Yanzhi Zhao , Yongguang Lin. Design and realization of a snake-like robot system based on a spatial linkage mechanism. Robotica, 2009,27(5): 779-788 doi:10.1017/S026357 4708005195(SCI)3. Jingjun Yu, and Tieshi Zhao, Type synthesis of parallel mechanisms with three translational degrees of freedom, PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, Vol.13(7):536-545 July 2003, (SCI,EI)4. Tieshi Zhao, and Jian S. Dai, Dynamics and Coupling Actuation of Elastic Underactuated Manipulators,Journal of Robotic Systems,2003, Vol.20, No.3, pp135-146 (Indexed by SCI,EI)5. Tieshi Zhao, Jian S. Dai and Z. Huang, Geometric Synthesis of Spatial Parallel Manipulators with fewer than Six Degree- of-Freedom, Int. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2002,216(12): 1175-1185 (Indexed by SCI and EI)6. Tieshi Zhao, Jian S. Dai and Z. Huang, Geometric Analysis of Overconstrained Parallel Manipulators with three and four degrees-of-freedom, JSME International Journal Series C, 2002, Vol.45, No.3, pp1-11 (Indexed by SCI and EI)7. Jian S. Dai, and Tieshi Zhao, Stiffness Characteristics and Kinematics Analysis Of Two-Link Elastic Underactuated Manipulators, Journal of Robotic Systems, vol.19, no.4, (2002) pp.169-176 (Indexed by SCI,EI)8. Y.S. Zhao, L. Lu,Tieshi Zhao, Y.H. Du and Z.Huang, Dynamic performance analysis of six-legged walking machines, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2000, Vol.35:155-163 (Indexed by SCI and EI)9. Tieshi Zhao, Y.S. Zhao and Z.Huang, Study on adeptability of a sea crab and its bionics mechanism model, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1999, Vol.34:1271-1280 (Indexed by SCI and EI)10. Y.S. Zhao, L. Lu,Tieshi Zhao, Y.H. Du and Z.Huang, The novel approaches for computing the dynamic load-capacity of multiple cooperating robotic manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1998, Vol.34:637-643 (Indexed by SCI and EI) 国际会议论文 11. Zhao Tieshi, Bian Hui, Li Ningning. Type synthesis of overconstrained dual parallel mechanisms with three and four degrees of freedom, Proceedings of the 2009 ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, ReMAR 2009, p 200-204, 2009, (EI检索20094612456091:)12. Tieshi Zhao, Yanzhi Zhao and Zhen Huang. A Novel Approach to Kinematic Characteristics Analysis of Parallel Manipulators with Fewer Than Six DOF. The Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, Bangkok, Thailand, 2006, pp. 353-357. (EI检索: 073110732836)13. Yanzhi Zhao, Tieshi Zhao and Rui Wen. Performance Analysis and Optimization of Sizable 6-axis Force Sensor Based on Stewart Platform. The Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China, 2007, pp. 2189-2193. (EI检索: 075110979568).14. Tieshi Zhao, Yanzhi Zhao and Liju Shi. Stiffness Characteristics and Kinematics Analysis of Parallel 3-DOF Mechanism with Flexible Joints. The Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China, 2007, pp. 1822-1827. (EI检索: 075110979504).15. Yanzhi Zhao, Tieshi Zhao and Rui Wen. Friction Model of Sizable Stewart Platform-based Force/Torque Sensor. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Sanya, China, 2007, pp. 1682-1687. (EI检索)16. Na Li; Tieshi Zhao. A snake-like robot based on a spatial linkage mechanism and its kinematics. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2007, pp.995-1000. (EI 检索 083411464268)17. Na Li and Tieshi Zhao. The Dynamic Modeling of Snake-like Robot by Using Nominal Mechanism Method. 1st International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2008, pp.1185-1194. (EI 检索 084911762285)18. Tieshi Zhao, Yanwen Li, and Jiang Chen, A Novel Four-DOF Parallel Manipulator Mechanism and its Kinematics,The IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics,2006, P0407 (IE收录)19. Tieshi Zhao and Jian S Dai, Constraint And Stiffness Of Coordinative Manipulators With Passive Flexible-Joints,Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science,May 27~30, 2004, Tianjin, China (EI 收录:7111140737, ISTP收录)20. Hongbin Wang, Yueling Wang, Tieshi Zhao, Hongrui Wang. Passivity-based Variable Structure Control of Two-link underactuated Robot. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004,496-499 (EI 收录:04458446480;ISTP 收录)21. Yu, Jingjun; Bi, Shusheng; Zong, Guanghua; Zhao, Tieshi; Huang, Zhen Type synthesis of three-dof translational parallel mechanisms, Proceedings of the 2003 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 2: 29th Design Automation Conference, p 1107-1115 (EI收录)22. Tieshi Zhao, and Z.Huang, A novel three-dof translational platform mechanism and its kinematics, ASME DETC2000/MECH-14101 (EI收录)23. Z. Huang Tieshi Zhao and Q.C. Li , Theory of the Synthesis of Parallel Manipulators, International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai, 2000,1024. Y.S. Zhao, Y.H. Du, Tieshi Zhao, and Z.Huang, The novel approach for the optimal dynamic loads distribution of motiple cooperating manipulation, Proceedings of International. Conference on Mechanical, Transmission and Mechanisms, China, Tianjing, 1997, 970-97325. Y.S. Zhao, Tieshi Zhao, and Z.Huang, Task space dynamic analysis of walking machine, Proceedings of The 3rd Asia Conf. on Robotics and Its Application, Japan, 1997, 405-41026. Z.Huang and Tieshi Zhao, The specific resistance of seacrab’s walking-legged system model, IEEE Conf. on System, Man and Cybernetics, Canada, 1995, Vol.3:1735-1739 (Indexed by SCI and EI) 国内杂志论文 27. 赵铁石, 赵延治. 空间并联机构连续刚度非线性映射研究. 机械工程学报. 2008,44(8)20-25(EI检索)28. 赵铁石,李娜, “蛇形机器人动力建模的虚设机构法” 《机械工程学报》 2007, 43(8):66-71. (EI检索)29. 赵铁石,林永光,缪磊,王春雨,一种基于空间连杆机构的蛇形机器人, 《机器人》2006.11,Vol.28(6):629-635 (EI)30. 赵延治, 赵铁石, 师丽菊. 弹性铰平面闭环六杆机构刚度特性研究. 中国机械工程, 2008, 19(5):509-513. (EI检索: 081511196874)31. 赵延治,赵铁石,温锐,王宏光,并联结构六维力传感器性能分析与优化设计,《中国机械工程》,2006,Vol.17(增刊):299-30232. 李宁宁,赵铁石,并联式四自由度定位平台误差分析,机器人,2008,30(3):223-230(EI检索)33. 李宁宁,赵铁石,并联式四自由度定位平台性能优化,机器人,2008,30(2):130-137(EI检索)34. 于海波,赵铁石,李仕华,李艳文,空间3-SPS对顶双锥机构的运动学分析,机械设计,2007,Vol.24(2):11-1335. 温锐, 赵铁石, 赵延治等. 大型铰接并联六维测力平台摩擦建模. 机械设计与研究, 2008, 24(1):46-50.36. 赵延治, 赵铁石, 温锐等. 基于结构变形的大型并联六维力传感器精度研究. 机械设计, 2007, 24(9):22-25.37. 李宁宁,赵铁石,边辉,双重驱动四自由度并联机构型综合,《机械设计与研究》,2008,24(1):51-53.38. 赵铁石, 张立先, 赵玉勤,虚系数与被约束刚体连续运动判别,机械设计与研究,2006(专刊):290-29339. 赵铁石,陈江,王家春,黄真,“4-UPU并联机器人机构及其运动学”,《中国机械工程》,2005,Vol.16(22):2034-2037(EI收录)40. 赵铁石,于海波,戴建生,一种基于3-RSS/S并联机构的踝关节康复机器人, 《燕山大学学报》,2005,Vol.29(6):471-47541. 李宏,赵铁石,黄真,一种3-P(4U)并联机器人运动学分析, 《燕山大学学报》,2003,Vol.27(2):133-13942. 于靖军,赵铁石,毕树生,宗光华,黄真,三维平动并联机构型综合的研究,自然科学进展,2003年,13(8):843-850(EI收录)43. 赵铁石,黄真,“欠秩并联机器人输入选取的理论和应用”, 《机械工程学报》,2000年第10期, 55-61 (EI 收录)44. 赵铁石,黄真,“仿蟹步行机构模型灵活度分析”《中国机械工程》1998,Vol..9(3):52-5445. 赵铁石,黄真,“能实现三维移动的并联3-RRC平台机构运动学分析”,《中国机械工程》,2001,Vol.12(6):613-61646. 赵铁石,黄真,“海蟹步行族系仿生模型轻动性研究”,《机器人》, 中国自动化协会主办,1995,Vol.17(5):309-315 (EI 收录)47. 赵铁石,赵永生,王晶,刘乐春,黄真,“空间缩放式六自由度并联机构模型及位置分析”,《机器人》,中国自动化协会主办,1998,Vol..20(5):,346-35148. 黄真,赵铁石,王晶,“欠秩三自由度并联平台机构工作空间中的单纯性路径”, 《机器人》,中国自动化协会主办,1999,Vol..21(3):,229-23349. 赵铁石,赵永生,黄真,“欠秩并联机器人能实现连续转动转轴存在的物理条件和数学判据”,《机器人》,中国自动化协会主办,1999,Vol..21(5):,347-35150. 黄真,赵铁石,“一种新型三维移动并联机构及其运动学分析” 《机器人》,1999,Vol.21(7):507-51351. 赵永生,杜永辉,赵铁石,黄真,“步行机动力学操作性研究及机构参数优化” 〈〈光学精密工程〉〉1998,VOL6(1):75-8052. 赵永生,任敬轶,赵铁石,黄真,“多机器手协同系统的动载协调数值仿真研究” 〈〈光学精密工程〉〉1999,VOL7(3):63-7053. 赵铁石,高英杰,杨铁林,赵永生,黄真,“混合型四自由度并联平台机构及其位置分析”,〈〈光学精密工程〉〉2000,Vol.8(1):42-4554. 赵铁石,黄真,一种新型四自由度并联平台机构及其位置分析《机械科学与技术》, 2000,No.655. 赵铁石,黄真,混合型三维移动并联机构及其运动学分析 《机械传动》2000, Vol.24(2):1-456. 赵铁石,赵永生,刘爱秀,李晨霞,黄真,“海蟹足系仿生机构模型及位置反解” 〈〈东北重型机械学院学报〉〉1996,VOL.20(1):10-1457. 赵铁石,赵永生,黄真,“一种空间缩放式六自由度平台机构及位置反解” 〈〈燕山大学学报〉〉1998,VOL.22(3)248-25158. 赵铁石,黄真,“欠秩3-RPS立方角台机器人位置解”,《燕山大学学报》,2000,Vol.24(1):4-759. 赵铁石,黄真,“被约束刚体连续运动的充分必要条件”,《燕山大学学报》,2000,Vol.24(2):60. 卜勇力,刘才,姜文光,赵铁石,“基于模糊推理的机械手表设计专家系统的研究” 〈〈燕山大学学报〉〉1998。 VOL 22(3):241-24361. 赵铁石,赵永生,黄真,“螃蟹步足海底适应性及参数测量” 〈〈机械工业的未来〉〉北京航空航天大学出版社,1996年,P211-21562. 赵铁石,,杨铁林,祁晓野,孔祥东,“P80KV玻璃钢型材拉挤机的设计与制造”,〈〈机械设计与制造〉〉1998,Vol.2(4):44-4663. 杨铁林,姜波,赵铁石,“玻璃钢型材拉挤机加紧机构的研究与改进设计” 〈〈液压与气动〉〉,1999,No.1:24-2564. 赵铁石,黄真,“混合型三维移动并联机构及其运动学分析”,《机械传动》,2000, No.265. 卜勇力,刘才,姜文光,赵铁石,“机械手表步局智能化设计与实现”,〈〈钟表〉〉,中国钟表协会主办,1997,Vol.20(2):25-26

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黄真先后承担国家自然科学基金项目10项,国家863项目3项,国家科技攻关、河北省高层次优秀人才支持计划等项目一共20余项。论文已在国内外发表320余篇,SCI收录47篇、SCI他引共184次,单篇引用最高39次。出版专著《空间机构学》、《并联机器人机构学理论及控制》,后者被审定为“全国高技术重点图书”,专著《高等空间机构学》被教育部研究生司推荐为全国研究生教材。培养硕士52人、博士研究生22人。卓越的成就使他获得了肯定,他先后获教育部科技一等奖2项、河北省科技一等奖2项、部省级二等奖2项。 黄真的研究在国内外影响深远。黄真1997年出版的《并联机器人机构学理论与控制》一书几乎成为全国所有开展并联装置研究的院所的研究生的入门必读。经检索证实这本书他引816次——这个数目在机械工程领域颇为鲜见。2006年出版的《高等空间机构学》被教育部学位管理与研究生司推荐为“全国研究生教学用书”,。国际上美国等13个国家的诸多知名教授,他们一致肯定了他在该领域的突出贡献——“黄真取得了又一个重要的进展”、“他的研究是一个更加普遍性的分析”、“黄真的这些结论是最重要的贡献,…比先前的代数形式更加完善和精彩”;美国“机械设计”副主编Rico教授在美国机械工程学会的年会上发表的文章说,“黄真的研究是最近十到十五年,在并联机构的型综合中的5个重要的理论贡献之一”。2007年国家自然科学基金会出版的《机械科学基础研究20年》称黄真的研究为少数几个“原创性”成果之一。在2004年即将举行有44个国家500多名学者参加的IFToMM(国际机器和机构学学会)国际学术年会第11届大会上,他被IFToMM的第35届执委会会议推荐为6个中心发言人之一,让他介绍他的前沿性的研究成果。

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---------------------------代表性论文-----------------[1] Hongbo Wang and Fumio Kasagami. A Patient Transfer Robot between Bed and Stretcher, the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B, 2008, 38 (1), pp. 60-67 (SCI)[2] Hongbo Wang, Ke Yu, Bingyi Mao, “Self-localization and Obstacle Avoidance for a Mobile Robot,” Neural Computer and Application, 2009, 18 (5): 495-506(SCI)[3] Hongbo Wang and takakazu Ishimatsu. Vision-based Navigation for an Electric Wheelchair Using Ceiling Light Landmark, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2005. Vol. 41, pp. 283-314 (SCI)[4] 王洪波,齐政彦, 胡正伟, 黄 真,“并联腿机构在四足/两足可重组步行机器人中的应用,” 机械工程学报, 2009, 45 (8): 24-30.[5] 王洪波, 等. 病人搬移设备的机电一体化设计和应用. 机 械 工 程 学 报, 45(8): 68-74, 2009.[6] Hongbo Wang, Ke Yu and Hongnian Yu, “Mobile Robot Localisation Using ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks and a Vision Sensor,” International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control,10(3/4):184-193,2010.[7] Hongbo Wang, Zhengyan Qi, Guiling Xu, Fengfeng Xi, et al., Kinematics Analysis and Motion Simulation of a Quadruped Walking Robot with Parallel Leg Mechanism, The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, (4):77-85, 2010.[8] Hongbo Wang, et al., Load control based on PIC microcomputer for a training machine suited to elderly people, Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 7(4): 382-395, 2009.[9] Hongbo Wang, Xiaohua Shi, Hongtao Liu, Liang Li, Zengguang Hou and Hongnian Yu. Design, kinematics, simulation, and experiment for a lower-limb rehabilitation robot, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering July 18, 2011, 225 (6): 860-872.-------------------------2012年-----------------期刊论文[1] Xiaohua Shi, Hongbo Wang, Lin Yuan, Zhen Xu, Hongwei Zhen, Zengguang Hou, Design and Analysis of a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 490-495: 2236-2240.[2] Hongbo Wang, Xue Yang, Xiaoqian Zheng, Ning Du, Hongwei Zhen, and Zengguang Hou, Design and Analysis for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventional Surgical Robot System, Advanced Science Letters, 2012,8: 31-36.国际会议-------------------------2011年-----------------期刊论文[1] Fengfeng XI, Yuwen LI, Hongbo WANG. Module-based method for design and analysis of reconfigurable parallel robots,Front. Mech. Eng. 2011, 6(2): 151–159.[2] Hongbo Wang, Xiaohua Shi, Hongtao Liu, Liang Li, Zengguang Hou and Hongnian Yu. Design, kinematics, simulation, and experiment for a lower-limb rehabilitation robot, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering July 18, 2011, 225 (6): 860-872.国际会议[1] Xue Yang, Hongbo Wang, Lin Yuan, Ning Du, Zengguang Hou. Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventional Surgical Robot System, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August, Beijing, pp.124-129.[2] Hongbo Wang, Xue Yang, Guoqing Hu, Zengguang Hou and Hongnian Yu. Catheter Intervention Manipulation System of Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, Zhengzhou, China, August 11-13, 2011, pp. 211-216.-------------------------2010年-----------------期刊论文:[1] Hongbo Wang, Ke Yu and Hongnian Yu, “Mobile Robot Localisation Using ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks and a Vision Sensor,” International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control,10(3/4):184-193,2010.[2] Hongbo Wang and Zhengwei Hu, Road edge recognition for mobile robot using laser range finder, Int. J. Advanced Mechatronic Systems,2(4): 236-245, 2010.[3] Hongbo Wang, Zhengyan Qi, Guiling Xu, Fengfeng Xi, et al., Kinematics Analysis and Motion Simulation of a Quadruped Walking Robot with Parallel Leg Mechanism, The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, (4):77-85, 2010.[4] 王洪波, 史小华, 赵永生, 史艳国, 姚建涛, 基于CDIO教育理念的项目教学实践与探索, 中国教育研究论坛, 2010,11(130):15-17.[5] 王洪波,史小华, 张庆玲, 王志松, 赵玉琴基于项目的单片机原理及应用实践教学改革,” 现代教育导引杂志, 2010,76:63-65.[6] 赵永生, 姚建涛, 郑魁敬, 王洪波, 李仕华, 史艳国, 五位一体式“机电一体化系统设计”课程教学体系的建构与实践,中国大学教学,2010,(3):40-42.[7] 王洪波, 徐桂玲, 张典范, 胡星, 助老助残四足/两足可重构并联腿 步行机器人运动学建模与仿真,燕山大学学报,2010,34(6):508-515.会议论文:[1] Guoqing Hu; Zhengwei Hu; Hongbo Wang, Complete Coverage Path Planning for Road Cleaning Robot, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, April 10–12, 2010, Chicago, USA, 2010: 643-648.[2] Zhengwei Hu and Hongbo Wang, Tian Zhang, Xiaoqian Zheng, and Xue Yang, Path Planning and Control System Design for Cleaning Robot,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation,Harbin, China June 20-23, 2010: 2368-2373.[3] Hongbo Wang, Zhengyan Qi, Guiling Xu and Zhen Huang, Reconfiguration Plan Analysis of Quadruped/Biped Walking Robot with Parallel Leg Mechanism, 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications,Qingdao, China,July 15-17, 2010: 196-201.[4] Guoqing Hu, Liang Li, Hongbo Wang and Yun Xiang, A Novel Active Training Machine Used for Elderly People, The 2010 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2010), Okayama, Japan, July 17-19, 2010: 688-691.[5] Fengfeng Xi, Yuwen Li, Hongbo Wang, A Module-Based Method for Design and Analysis of Reconfigurable Parallel Robots, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation August 4-7, 2010, Xi'an, China, 2010: 627-632.-------------------2009年-----------------期刊论文:[1] Hongbo Wang, Ke Yu, Bingyi Mao, “Self-localization and Obstacle Avoidance for a Mobile Robot,” Neural Computer and Application, 2009, 18 (5): 495-506[2] 王洪波,齐政彦, 胡正伟, 黄 真,“并联腿机构在四足/两足可重组步行机器人中的应用,” 机械工程学报, 2009, 45 (8): 24-30.[3] 王洪波, 等. 病人搬移设备的机电一体化设计和应用. 机 械 工 程 学 报, 45(8): 68-74, 2009.[4] Hongbo Wang, et al., Load control based on PIC microcomputer for a training machine suited to elderly people, Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 7(4): 382-395, 2009.[5] 张立丽, 王洪波. 基于PIC 单片机的直流电机控制器的设计[J]. 计算机工程与设计, 2009, 2009, 30 (11): 2681-2683.会议论文:[1] Zhengyan Qi, Hongbo Wang, Zhen Huang, “Kinematics of a Quadruped/Biped Reconfigurable Walking Robot with Parallel Leg Mechanisms,” ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009), June 2009, London, UK, pp. 558-564.[2] Zhengwei Hu, Hongbo Wang and Hongnian Yu. Sensor Based Road Boundary Recognition of Mobile Robot, The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control(ICNSC2009),March 26-29, 2009, Okayama, Japan, pp. 210-215.[3] Hongbo Wang, Hongtao Liu, Xiaohua Shi and Zengguang Hou. Design and Kinematics of a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot, 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 17-19 October, 2009, Tianjin, China. pp. 1174-1177.[4] Peng-Feng Li, Zeng-Guang Hou, Feng Zhang, Min Tan, Hong-Bo Wang, Yi Hong, Jun-Wei Zhang, An FES Cycling Control System Based on CPG, 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, September 2-6, 2009, pp. 1569-1572.[5] Wang Hongbo, Shi Xiaohua, Li Liang A New Active Training Machine for Aged People. 机械设计与研究, 2009年增刊(2009中国机构与机器科学应用国际会议), pp. 120-122-------------------2008年-----------------期刊论文:[1] Hongbo Wang and Fumio Kasagami. A Patient Transfer Robot between Bed and Stretcher, the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B, 2008, 38 (1), pp. 60-67 (SCI)[2] 王洪波,田行斌,张海明,黄真,“差动机构在全方位移动机器人上的应用,”机械设计与研究,2008, (2)。会议论文:[1] Hongbo Wang. Path Planning Based on Ceiling Light Landmarks for a Mobile Robot, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Sanya, China, April 6-8, 2008, pp.1593-1598(EI, STPT)--------------------------2007年以前-------------------------------------------国际期刊-----------------[1] Wang H.B., Huang Z., Kinematic Influence Coefficient Method of Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1990, 25(2): 167-173 (SCI)[2] Huang Z, Wang H.B., Dynamic Force Analysis of n-DOF Multi-Loop Complex Spatial Mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1992, 27(1), 97-105 (SCI)[3] Hongbo Wang, Takakazu Ishimatsu and Jamal Mian. Self-Location for an Autonomous Wheel Chair, JSME International Journal, 1997, 40(3),pp. 433-438 (SCI)[4] Wang .B., Ishimatus T.Schaerer C. Huang Z., Kinematics of a Five-Degrees-of-Freedom Prosthetic Arm, Mechanism and Machine Theory,1998, 33(7):895-908 (SCI)[5] Hongbo Wang, Chul-Ung Kang, Takakazu Ishimatsu and Tsumoru Ochiai. Auto Navigation on the Wheel Chair, International Journal of Artifical Life and Robotics, 1998, 1(4), pp. 141-146[6] Hongbo Wang and takakazu Ishimatsu. Vision-based Navigation for an Electric Wheelchair Using Ceiling Light Landmark, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2005. Vol. 41, pp. 283-314 (SCI)--------------------------国际会议-----------------[8] Wang Hongbo and Huang Zhen, Dynamic Force Analysis of Six-DOF Parallel Multi-Loop Robot Manipulator, ASME Paper 86-DET-68, October, 1986[9] Wu Shengfu, Wang Hongbo and Huang Zhen, The Relation Between Workspace and Construction Parameter of the Parallel Robot Manipulator, Proc. of Asian Conf. on Robotics and Its Application, Hongkong, April, 1991, pp. 425-428[10] Uhrhan Christoph, Hongbo Wang and Takakazu Ishimatsu. Inverse Kinematic and Simulation of a Prosthetic Arm, Proc. of Asian Control Conf., Tokyo, July, 1994, pp. 611-614[11] Hongbo Wang, Takakazu Ishimatsu, Uhrhan Christoph and Zhen Huang. Kinematic Analysis of a Prosthetic Arm, The 3rd Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision, Singapore November, 1994,pp. 682-686[12] Hongbo Wang, Chul-Ung Kang, and Takakazu Ishimatsu. Computer Control of Wheel Chair by Using Landmark, Proc. of the 10th Korea Automation Control Conf.(International Program), October 1995, pp. 388-391[13] Izuru Yoshioka, Nobuyoshi Taguchi, Baek Ju Yeol, Hongbo Wang and Ishimatsu Takakazu, Coordnation of Dual Arm Robot Using 3-D Vision Sensor, Proc. of the 10th Korea Automation Control Conf.(International Program), October 1995, pp. 400-403[14] Chul-Ung Kang, Hongbo Wang, Takakazu Ishimatsu and Tsumoru Ochiai. Wheel Chair Assisted with Laser Range Finder, Proc. SPIE Int. Conf. Machine Tool, In-Line, and Robot Sensor and Control, Philadelphia, October, 1995, Vol. 2595: pp. 92-99 (EI)[15] Hongbo Wang, Chul-Ung Kang, and Takakazu Ishimatsu. Auto Navigation on the Wheelchair, Proc. of Int. Symp. on Artifical Life and Robotics, Oita, February 1996,pp. 199-202[16] Hongbo Wang, Takakazu Ishimatsu and Christof Schaerer. Position Analysis of a Prosthetic Arm, Proc. Of the IASTED Int. Conf. on Robotics and Manufacturing, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 1996, pp. 287-290[17] Hongbo Wang, Takakazu Ishimatsu, and Jamal Mian, Vision-guided Navigation for a Wheel chair, Conf. on Robotics and Manufacturing, Hawaii, USA, August, 1996,pp. 145-148[18] Hongbo Wang, and Takakazu Ishimatsu. Path Planning for an Autonomous Wheelchair, Proc. of 2nd Int. Workshop on Advance Mechatronics, Nagasaki, Japan, December 1997, pp. 260-264[19] Izuru Yoshioka, Nobuyoshi Taguchi, Baek Ju Yeol, Hongbo Wang and Ishimatsu Takakazu, Tele-Operation of Coordinated Dual Arm Robot Using Delta Type Master Arm, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Precision Engineering, November, 1997,[20] Hongbo Wang. Kinematic analysis of robot with two arms, Sixth Int. Symposium on China Development in 21 Century, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2003[21] Fumio Kasagami, Hongbo Wang, Masahiro Araya, Ichiro Sakuma and Takeyoshi Dohi. Development of robot to assist patient transfer, Proc. Int. Conf. System, Man and Cybernetics, Hague, Netherlands, Oct. 2004, pp. 4383-4388 (EI)[22] Fumio Kasagami, Hongbo Wang, S. Toshimitsu, Ichiro Sakuma and Takeyoshi Dohi. Patient transfer apparatus used in hospital, Proc. Int. Conf. Network, Sensing and Control, Arizona, USA, Mar. 2005, pp. 738-743 (EI)[23]Hongbo Wang and Fumio Kasagami, “Careful-Patient Mover Used for Patient Transfer in Hospital”, in 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering-CME2007, Beijing, May 23-27, 2007, pp. 20-26 (EI)[24]Hongbo wang, Lingfu Kong and Hongnian Yu, “Ceiling Light Landmarks Based Localization and Motion Control for a Mobile Robot,” 2007 IEEE International Conference On Networking, Sensing and Control, London, April 15-17, 2007, pp. 285-290 (EI).[25]Hongbo Wang, “Kinematics and Control for a Personal Robot with Five Degrees-of-freedom Arms,” in 2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, London, April 15-17, 2007, pp. 507-512 (EI).[26]Hongbo Wang and Fumio Kasagami, “Development of Motor Controller Based on PIC,” 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology, Korea, November 2007. 1102-1107(EI).——————国内杂志——————[1] 黄真,王洪波,“复杂多环空间机构动力分析的影响系数法”,机械工程学报,1988,24(3),74-80 (1A, EI)[2] 王洪波, 黄真, “螺旋理论在空间机构运动和动力分析上的应用”,机械工程学报,1992,28(2), pp. 98-102 (1A, EI)[3] 王洪波, 赵永生, 黄真,“空间机构受力分析的螺旋法”, 力学与实践,1992,No.4,pp. 39-42 (核心)[4] 王洪波, 黄真,“YS-I 并联机器人的运动和动力模型”,机械设计,1993,10(6),pp. 42-45 (1B)[5] 澹凡忠,王洪波, 黄真,“6-SPS机器人的影响系数及其应用”,机器人,1989,89(5),20-24 (1B)[6] 王洪波, 黄真,“六自由度并联式机器人拉格朗日动力方程”,机器人,1990,12(1),pp. 23-26 (1B)[7] 吴生富,王洪波, 黄真,“并联机器人工作空间的研究”,机器人,1991,91(3),33-39[8] 黄真,王洪波,“六自度并联多回路机器人动力分析的影响系数法”,机械科学与技术,1989,89(3),41-49 (核心)[9] 王洪波,赵永生,黄真,“6-TPS并联机器人的力传递矩阵”,机械科学与技术,1992,41(1),pp. 44-49 (核心)[10] 杨传岩,王洪波,黄真,“三角平台并联机器人工作空间研究(一) 优化算法”,机械科学与技术,1992,42(2),pp. 12-18 (核心)[11] 杨传岩,王洪波,黄真,“三角平台并联机器人工作空间研究(二)结构参数的影响”, 机械科学与技术,1992,43(3),pp.32-36 (核心)[12] 赵永生,王洪波,高峰,黄真,“应用旋量建立机械手的动力学模型”, 机械科学与技术,1993,46(2),pp. 30-32 (核心)[13] 王洪波,黄真,“单环空间机构运动和动力分析的影响系数法”,东北重型机械学院,1987,11(4), pp.37-45[14] 王洪波,“空间机构运动分析的正交螺旋法”,东北重型机械学院,1991,14(1), pp.32-38[15] 王洪波,“5R和7R串联机械手的运动分析”,河北机电学院学报,1989,(3), pp.130-133[16] 澹凡忠,王洪波, 黄真,“并联机器人位置干涉的研究:(1)液压缸的干涉”,1989,(2),pp.55-59[17] 澹凡忠,王洪波, 黄真,“并联机器人位置干涉的研究:(2)虎克铰的干涉”,1989,(3),pp.118-123[18] 澹凡忠,王洪波, 黄真,“并联机器人位姿相关空间的研究”,天津大学学报增刊,1990,,pp.63-66[19] 王洪波, 齐波,孙健,刘树军,“影响系数在平面机构中的应用”, 东北重型机械学院,1993, 17(3), pp. 199-205[20] 王洪波, 黄真,“YS-I 并联机器人的运动分析”, 东北重型机械学院,1993, 17(1), pp. 9-16[21] 陈超超,田行斌,王洪波,黄真,“一种用于移动机器人避障的模糊神经控制算法”,机器人,2003 (1B)

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