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3,冬天其实很冷的因为有了奶茶 我突然感觉一点都不冷了。


6,忙碌的一天被事情搞得很烦躁突然收到小王给我点的奶茶瞬间治愈 太快乐了。

7,一个小风扇 一杯奶茶 一部剧 可以治愈自己喔!明天也要是元气满满的一天呢。




166 评论


I got this from "wikipedia"The Chinese have consumed tea for thousands of years. People of the Han Dynasty used tea as medicine (though the first use of tea as a stimulant is unknown). China is considered to have the earliest records of tea consumption[28][29], with records dating back to the 10th century BC.[28]Laozi (ca. 600-517 BC), the classical Chinese philosopher, described tea as "the froth of the liquid jade" and named it an indispensable ingredient to the elixir of life. Legend has it that master Lao was saddened by society's moral decay and, sensing that the end of the dynasty was near, he journeyed westward to the unsettled territories, never to be seen again. While passing along the nation's border, he encountered and was offered tea by a customs inspector named Yin Hsi. Yin Hsi encouraged him to compile his teachings into a single book so that future generations might benefit from his wisdom. This then became known as the Dao De Jing, a collection of Laozi's sayings. To honor Yin's generosity and its effect on the book's creation, a national custom of offering tea to guests began in China.[citation needed]In 59 BC, Wang Bao wrote the first known book with instructions on buying and preparing tea, establishing that, at this time, tea was not only a medicine but an important part of diet.[citation needed]In 220 , famed physician and surgeon Hua Tuo wrote Shin Lun, in which he describes tea's ability to improve mental functions: "to drink k'u t'u [bitter tea] constantly makes one think better..."[citation needed]During the Sui Dynasty (589-618 AD) tea was introduced to Japan by Buddhist monks.[citation needed]The Tang Dynasty writer Lu Yu(729-804 AD)'s (simplified Chinese: 陆羽; traditional Chinese: 陆羽; pinyin: lùyǔ) Cha Jing (The Classic of Tea) (simplified Chinese: 茶经; traditional Chinese: 茶经; pinyin: chá jīng) is an early work on the subject. (See also Tea Classics) According to Cha Jing tea drinking was widespread. The book describes how tea plants were grown, the leaves processed, and tea prepared as a beverage. It also describes how tea was evaluated. The book also discusses where the best tea leaves were produced. Teas produced in this period were mainly tea bricks which were often used as currency, especially further from the center of the empire where coins lost their value.During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), production and preparation of all tea changed. The tea of Song included many loose-leaf styles (to preserve the delicate character favored by court society), but a new powdered form of tea emerged. Steaming tea leaves was the primary process used for centuries in the preparation of tea. After the transition from compressed tea to the powdered form, the production of tea for trade and distribution changed once again. The Chinese learned to process tea in a different way in the mid-13th century. Tea leaves were roasted and then crumbled rather than steamed. This is the origin of today's loose teas and the practice of brewed tea.Tea production in China, historically, was a laborious process, conducted in distant and often poorly accessible regions. This led to the rise of many apocryphal stories and legends surrounding the harvesting process. For example, one story that has been told for many years is that of a village where monkeys pick tea. According to this legend, the villagers stand below the monkeys and taunt them. The monkeys, in turn, become angry, and grab handfuls of tea leaves and throw them at the villagers.[30] There are products sold today that claim to be harvested in this manner, but no reliable commentators have observed this firsthand, and most doubt that it happened at all.[31] For many hundreds of years the commercially-used tea tree has been, in shape, more of a bush than a tree.[32] "Monkey picked tea" is more likely a name of certain varieties than a description of how it was obtained.[33]In 1391, the Ming court issued a decree that only loose tea would be accepted as a "tribute." As a result, loose tea production increased and processing techniques advanced. Soon, most tea was distributed in full-leaf, loose form and steeped in earthenware vessels.

174 评论


茶在民间婚俗中历来是"纯洁、坚定、多子多福"的象征。明代许次纾在《茶流考本》中说:"茶不移本,植必生子。"古人结婚以茶为礼,取其"不移志"之意。古人认为,茶树只能以种子萌芽成株,而不能移植,故历代都将"茶"视为"至性不移"的象征。因"茶性最洁",可示爱情"冰清玉洁";"茶不移本",可示爱情"紧贞不移";茶树多籽,可象征子孙"绵延繁盛";茶树又四季常青,以茶行聘寓意爱情"坚贞不移",又寓意爱情"永世常青"、祝福新人"相敬如宾"、"白头偕老"。故世代流传民间男女订婚,要以茶为礼,茶礼成为了男女之间确立婚姻关系的重要形式。"茶"成了男子向女子求婚的聘礼,称"下茶"、"定茶",而女方受聘茶礼,则称"受茶"、"吃茶",即成为合法婚姻。如女子再受聘他人,会被世人斥为"吃两家茶",为世俗所不齿。 民间向有"好女不吃两家茶"之说。"三茶":旧时在江浙一带,将整个婚姻礼仪总称为"三茶六礼"。其中"三茶",即为订婚时"下茶",结婚时"定茶",同房时"合茶"。也有将"提亲、相亲、入洞房"的三次沏茶合称'三茶"。"三道茶":举行婚礼时,还有行"三道茶"的仪式。第一道为"百果";第二道为"莲子或枣子";第三道才是"茶叶",都取其"至性不移"之意。吃三道茶时,接第一道茶要双手捧之,并深深作揖。尔后将茶杯向嘴唇轻轻一触,即由家人收去。第二道依旧如此。至第三道茶时,方可接杯作揖后饮之。浙西地区,媒人于男女双方之间说合也俗称"食茶"。媒人说媒后,倘女方应允则泡茶、煮蛋相待。在浙江德清地区婚姻中的茶俗,则更为丰富多彩,列举如下:"受茶":男女双方对上"八字"后,经双方长辈同意联姻,由男方向女方赠聘礼、聘金,如女方接受,则谓之"受茶"。"订亲茶":男女双方确定婚姻关系后即举行定亲仪式。这时双方须互赠茶壶十二把并用红纸包花茶一包,分送各自亲戚,谓之"定亲茶"。"大接家茶":女子结婚后,由娘家备发芽蚕豆、茶点分送双方亲邻,谓"大接家茶"。"毛脚女婿茶":未出"阁",待字闺中的姑娘家里,来串门的小伙子特别多。因此姑娘家往往要备上好茶,以招待来客中的"未来女婿"(即俗称"毛脚女婿")。"亲家婆茶":女子出嫁后第二天,父母看望女儿时,要随身携带一两茶叶(最好"雨前"茶),并半斤烘豆、二两橙子皮拌野兰麻,称之谓"亲家婆茶"。"新娘子茶":望朝之后,新媳妇的婆婆要至女方家请"亲家公"、"亲家婆"及亲家面上的近亲至自家喝"喜茶",称为"新娘子茶"。在我国湖南地区,男子去女方上门相亲,姑娘需给男子递上清茶一杯。男子饮后,置贵重物品或钱钞于杯中回赠姑娘,如姑娘当即接受,即示"心许"。在结婚入洞房前,要以红枣、花生、桂圆、龙眼等泡入茶中,再拌以冰糖以招待宾客,寓取"早生贵子"、"跳龙门"之意。合枕茶:新人入洞房前,夫妇要共饮"合枕茶"。这时,由新郎捧茶,用双手递一杯清茶,先给新娘喝一口,再自己喝一口,意味着完成了人生大礼。婚礼过后的第二天,新郎新娘需捧着盛满香茶的茶盘,向长辈们"献茶"行拜见礼。长辈们喝了茶,即摸出红包放于茶盘上作为"见面礼"。闹茶:在我国云南地区举行婚礼时,有"闹茶"的习俗。"闹茶"于新婚三天内,每天晚上,由新郎新娘在客堂的中间,向亲朋好友们敬茶。茶内必须加放红糖,取其"甜蜜"之意。闹茶时,可由宾客出题,要新郎新娘以绕口令、猜谜语、咏诗歌等形式回答考题。若新郎新娘不从,宾客们则不饮茶,而若文不对题,众皆哄堂大笑。闹茶取"越闹越热"之意。开门茶:江苏地区旧俗,大户人家联姻,新郎至新娘家迎亲,进女家的一重门,要作揖一次,一直至堂屋见岳丈岳母时止。然后再饮茶三次后,才能暂至岳母房中歇息,耐心地等待新娘上花轿,谓之"开门茶"。谢媒茶:男女举行婚礼后,新婚夫妇或双方家长要用茶来谢媒,因在诸多谢礼中,茶叶是必不可少之物,故称"谢媒茶"。

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