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1. Cheng Peng, Jin Hai, Zhang Jiangling, Design of High Performance RAID in Real-Time System, Computer Architecture News, June 19992. Cheng Peng, Jin Hai, Zhang Jiangling, HUST_RAID: High Performance RAID in Real-Time System, 1999 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing,August , 1999, Victoria, B.C., Canada3. Cheng Peng, Zhang Jiangling, RAID Benchmark Based on Application-related Model, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, August 1999, Nanjing, P.R.China4. Cheng Peng, Zhang Jiangling, Jin Hai, Relational Algebra Operation Algorithms Based on Hash Bit Array, Proceedings of 1997 International Workshop of computational Science and Engineering, May, 1997, Hefei, P.R. China5. Jin, H., P. Cheng and J. Zhang,Buffer System for Optical Storage System,1997 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing ,August , 1997, Victoria, B.C., Canada6. Jin, H., P. Cheng and J. Zhang,High Reliability, High Performance Optical Data Storage System Architecture, Proceedings of Optical Storage Technology 1998, SPIE, Vol. 3562, 16-19, Sept. 1998, Beijing, China, pp41-507. Zhou Xinrong, Cheng Peng, Jin Hai, Performance of continuous Operating Cache Schedule for Discontinuous Sector’s Transferring, Journal of The Magnetics Society of Japan, Vol 21, Supplement, No.S2, pp.343~3468.程鹏,周欣荣,张江陵,磁盘阵列实时控制软件设计,小型微型计算机系统, Vol. 20, No. 8, 1999年8月9.程鹏,张江陵,冯丹,基于磁盘阵列的实时多队列I/O调度算法,华中理工大学学报, Vol. 27 No.4,1999年4月10.程鹏,周欣荣,磁盘阵列中的Buffer系统研究,第七届全国青年计算机学术会议,1998年10月11.程鹏,周欣荣,高性能串行总线P1394及发展趋势,第七届全国青年计算机学术会议,1998年10月12.程鹏,周欣荣,HUST_RAID磁盘阵列系统设计,第十一届全国微机技术交流年会,1998年11月13.程鹏,金海,周欣荣,LINUX入门指南(教材),电子工业出版社,1998年14.张沛、程鹏概率潮流程序及其在电力系统扩展规划中的应用,南方电网技术研究,第2卷第4期/Vol. 2 No.4,2006年7月15.程鹏基于Web的电力系统数据模型转换,电力自动化设备,第26卷 第10期,2006年10月

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44. Hu, T. and Zhuang, W. (2005). Stochastic properties of p-spacings ofgeneralized order statistics. Probability in the Engineering andInformational Sciences, 19 (2), 259-278.45. Hu, T., Xie, C. and Ruan, L. (2005). Dependence structures of multivariateBernoulli random vectors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 94 (1),172-195.46. Hu, T. and Zhuang, W. (2005). A note on stochastic comparisons ofgeneralized order statistics. Statistics & Probability Letters, 72 (2),163-170.47. 唐启鹤、胡太忠、成世学译, 《现代精算风险理论》, 科学出版社,2005年[原著: R. Kass, M. Goovaerts, J. Dhaene & M. Denuit (2001). ModernActuarial Risk Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston]。48. Hu, T. and Zhuang, W. (2006). Stochastic Comparisons of m-spacings.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 (1), 33-42.49. Hu, T., Chen, J. and Xie, C. (2006). Regression dependence in latentvariable models. Probability in the Engineering and InformationalSciences, 20 (2), 363-379.50. Hu, T. and Zhuang, W. (2006). Stochastic orderings between p-spacings ofgeneralized order statistics from two samples. Probability in theEngineering and Informational Sciences, 20 (3),463-477.51. Hu, T., Chen, J. and Yao, J. (2006). Preservation of the locationindependent risk order under convolution. Insurance: Mathematics andEconomics, 38 (2), 406-412.52. Hu, T. and Xie, C. (2006). Negative dependence in the balls and binsexperiment with applications to order statistics. Journal of MultivariateAnalysis, 97 (6), 1342-1354.53. Hu, T., Wang, F. and Zhu, Z. (2006). Stochastic comparisons and dependenceof spacings from two samples of exponential random variables.Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods,35 (6), 979-988.54. Fang, Z., Hu, T., Wu, Y. and Zhuang, W. (2006). Multivariatestochastic orderings of spacings of generalized order statistics.《应用概率统计》,22 (3), 295-303.55. Zhuang, W. and Hu, T. (2007). Stochastic comparisons of sequential orderstatistics. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences,21 (1), 47-66.56. Wen, S., Lu, Q. and Hu, T. (2007). Likelihood ratio orderings of spacingsof heterogeneous exponential random variables. Journal of MultivariateAnalysis, 98 (4), 743-756.57. Hu, T. and Li, Y. (2007). IFR and DRHR properties of the minimum andmaximum of multivariate distributions with log-concave ensities. Metrika,65 (3), 325-330.58. Hu, T., Kundu, A. and Nanda, A.K. (2007). A note on Bayesian imperfectrepair model. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 15 (4), 407-411.59. Hu, T., Jin, W. and Khaledi, B.-E. (2007). Ordering conditionaldistributions of generalized order statistics. Probability in theEngineering and Informational Sciences, 21 (3), 401-417.60. Wei, G. and Hu, T. (2007). Characterizations of aging classes in termsof spacings between record values. Stochastic Models, 23 (4), 1-17.即将发表的论文61. Colangelo, A., Hu, T. and Shaked, M. (2007). Conditional orderings andpositive dependence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis.62. Hu, T., Yao, J. and Lu, Q. (2007). Nonnegativity of covariances betweenfunctions of ordered random variables.Probability in the Engineering andInformational Sciences, Vol 21, No. 4.63. Chen, J. and Hu, T. (2007). Multivariate dispersive ordering ofgeneralized order statistics. Journal of Iranian Statistical Society.64. Xie, H. and Hu, T. (2007). Ordering conditional distributions of spacingsof generalized order statistics. Journal of Iranian Statistical Society.65. Chen, H. and Hu, T. (2008). Multivariate likelihood ratio orderings betweenspacings of heterogeneous exponential random variables. Metrika.66. Yao, J and Hu, T. (2008). Dependence structure of a class of symmetricdistributions. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods.67. Hu, T. and Chen, H. (2008). Dependence properties of order statistics.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.

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