发表论文50多篇,其中40多篇发表在SCI收录的国际期刊上。近期代表性论文:Review Papers:B.X.Liu,W.S.Lai and Z.J.Zhang,“Solid-State Crystal-to-Amorphous Transition in Metallic Multilayers and Its Thermodynamic and Atomistic Modeling”,Advances in Physics 50 ⑷(2001) 367-429.B.X.Liu,W.S.Lai,and Q.Zhang,“Irradiation Induced Amorphization in Metallic Multilayers and Calculation of Glass-Forming-Ability from Atomistic Potential in the Binary Metal Systems”,Mater. Sci. Eng.: Reports 29 (1-2) (2000) 1-48.Regular Papers:W.S. Lai,Y.N. Osetsky,D.J. Bacon,“Point-defect properties of,and sputtering events in,the {001} surfaces of Ni3Al. Ⅱ. Sputtering events at and near surfaces”,Philosophical Magazine 85 ⒃(2005) 1687-1700.W.S. Lai,X.S. Zhao,Strain-induced elastic moduli softening and associated fcc « bcc transition in iron, Applied Physics Letters, 85⒆(2004) 4340-4342.W.S. Lai,A.V. Barashev,D.J. Bacon,Multiscale modeling of surface sputtering in a scanning transmission electron microscope, Physical Review B,70⒆(2004) 195429.W.S. Lai,Y.N. Osetsky,D.J. Bacon,Point-defect properties of,and sputtering events in,the {001} surfaces of Ni3Al - I. Surface and point-defect properties,Philosophical Magazine 84 ⑵ ;(2004) 173-191.W.S. Lai and B.X. Liu,Glass-forming ability of the Ni-Zr and Ni-Ti systems determined by interatomic potentials,J. Mater. Res. 16 (2001) 446-450.W.S. Lai,Q. Zhang,B.X. Liu,and E. Ma,Solubility criterion for sequential disordering in metal-metal multilayers upon solid-state reaction,Philos. Mag. Lett. 81 (2001) 45-53.W.S. Lai,Q. Li,C. Lin and B.X. Liu,“Critical solid solubility of the Ni-Ti system determined by molecular-dynamics simulation and ion mixing”,Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 227⑵ ;(2001) 503-514.W.S. Lai and B.X. Liu,Lattice stability of some Ni-Ti alloy phases versus their chemical composition and disordering,J. Phys. Condensed Matter,12 (2000) 53-60.W.S. Lai et al.,Structural stability and amorphization transition in the Ni-Ti system studied by molecular dynamics simulation with an n-body potential,J. Phys. Soc. Japan,69 (2000) 2903-2937.W.S. Lai and B.X.Liu,Influence of interfacial texture and asymmetric growth in diffusion-limited amorphization in Ni-Zr multilayers upon medium-temperature annealing,Phys. Rev. B. 58 (1998) 6063-6073.W.S. Lai and B.X.Liu,Evidence of diffusion-controlled vitrification in Ni/Zr bilayer at medium temperatures by molecular-dynamics simulation,Europhys. Lett., 39 (1997) 401-405.
近5年,在《Journal of Food Science》《Journal of Enology and Viticulture》等外文和国内核心期刊发表论文28余篇,其中SCI收录8篇;参编著作2部。代表性学术论著 :1、Zhao, Y., Y. Xu, J. Li, et al. Profile of Volatile Compounds in 11 Brandies by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Journal of food science,2009, 74( 2):C90-C99. SCI收录. 2、Zhao, Y., Y. Xu, J. Li, et al. Characterization of Aroma Compounds of Four Brandies by Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis. Journal of Enology and Viticulture,2009, 60(3):269-276. SCI收录. 3、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al.Characterization of the aroma-active compounds in five sweet cherry cultivars grown in Yantai (China) [J]. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2010, 25 (4): 206-213. SCI收录. 4、Zhao Yuping, Wang Lei, Li Jiming, et al. Comparison of Volatile Compounds in Two Brandies using HS-SPME coupled with GC-O, GC-MS and Sensory Evaluation. S.A. Journal of Enology & Vitivulture ,2011, 32 (1), 9-20. SCI收录. 5、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al.Evaluation of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains on the profile of volatile compounds and polyphenols in cherry wines [J]. Food Chemistry, 2011 (127): 547-555. SCI收录. 6、Yu Ping Zhao, JiMing Li, Bao Chun Zhang, et al. A comparison of the influence of eight commercial yeast strains on the chemical and sensory profiles of freshly distilled Chinese brandy [J]. journal of institute brewing, 2012, 118: 315-324. SCI收录. 7、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al. Comparison of aromatic and phenolic compounds in cherry wines with different cherry cultivars by HS-SPME-GC-MS and HPLC [J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2012, 47 (1): 100–106. SCI收录. 8、Zhao Yuping, Zheng XingPing, Song Pu, et al. Characterization of volatiles in the six most well-known distilled spirits[J]. Journal of the American society of brewing chemists, 2013, 71 (3): 161-169. SCI收录. 9、第七章废水的生物处理. 微生物工程技术原理[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社. 2007, 7 10、 第十章植物饮料.饮料工艺学[M]. 北京: 科学技术出版社.2014,01, ISBN:978-7-03-039389-0
2010年:舞蹈,中国! 罗斌 【报纸】人民日报海外版 2011-01-05新中国舞剧及其精神 罗斌 艺术评论 2011-01-04宋风词韵 现代舞版 罗斌 【
近3年发表的代表性论文:1. Na Shao, Jie Li, Rende Shui, Xiaojie Zheng, Jiangang Lu, Mowei Sh
发表论文50多篇,其中40多篇发表在SCI收录的国际期刊上。近期代表性论文:Review Papers:B.X.Liu,W.S.Lai and Z.J.Zhan
(1) WANG Yuan, Solutions for 2-dimensional compatibility equations, Accepted by