Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics [0972-0502] 为EI检索期刊,一般一审1~3个月,审稿速度一般吧 本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2010年) 本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2011年) 本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2013年) 杂志简介:The Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics is a refereed journal following two-referee system which is currently being published in one volume per year of three issues in the month of February, June and October. However, from 2007 it will be published in one volume per year of six issues in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December alongwith the Online version.Original research papers, survey articles, books reviews, dissertation abstracts etc. devoted to mathematical applications in different disciplines, and to the methodological and theoretical role of mathematics as ground of all the scientific disciplines and related areas are considered for publication in the journal.
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《应用数学学术期刊》:中稿率12%,投稿后得到回音平均需要36天,被接受的话,到发表还需要平均57天的时间。 这个期刊由Hindawi投稿平台管理,所以你需要去