代表性论文⒈ Structure and properties of soy protein/poly(butylene succinate) blends with improved compatibilityBiomacromolecules,2008,9⑾: 3157-3164⒉ A phosphorus-containing thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester with low mesophasetemperature and high flame retardanceJ Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 2008,46⒄: 5752-5759⒊ Microwave-assisted ring-opening polymerization of p-dioxanoneJ Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 2008,46⑽:3207-3213⒋ Phosphorus-containing telechelic polyester-based ionomer: facile synthesis and anti-dripping effectsJ Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem,2008,46⑼:2994-3006⒌ In vitro degradation of biodegradable blending materials based on poly(p-dioxanone) and poly(vinylalcohol)-graft-poly(p-dioxanone) with high molecular weightJ Biomed Mater Res,Part A 2007,80A,453-465⒍ A novel biodegradable poly(p-dioxanone)-grafted poly(vinyl alcohol) copolymer with a controllable invitro degradationPolymer,2006,47⑴:32-36⒎ Synthesis,characterization and thermal properties of a novel pentaerythritol-initiated star-shapedpoly(p-dioxanone)J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem,2006,44⑶:1245-1251⒏ Preparation and characterization of a novel biodegradable poly (p-dioxanone)/ montmorillonitenanocompositeJ Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem,2005,43⑾:2298-2303.⒐ A new biodegradable copolyester poly(butylene succinate-co-ethylene succinate-co-ethyleneterephalate)Acta Mater,2004,52⒇: 5871-5878.⒑ A new approach to simultaneous improvement of the flame retardancy,tensile strength and meltdripping of polyethylene terephthalateJ. Mater. Chem. 2003,13⑹,1248-1249.
1 说“雁”——李清照二词中“雁”之意象 张颖 福建教育学院学报 2006/07 2 邓恩诗歌意象研究——兼与李清照诗词意象比较 李正栓 外语与外语教学 200
中医养生主要是通过各种 方法 颐养生命、增强体质、预防疾病,从而达到延年益寿的一种医疗活动,那1000字中医养生论文该怎么写呢?下面我给大家分享一些1000
但注意,药食同源原理并不意味着药材可以像日常食品一样吃。 2018年,国家卫健委发布新版药食同源目录,其中共有110种中药列入名单,包括丁香、八角、茴香、马齿苋