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男,1971年5月出生,中共党员,博士研究生,副教授。专业方向为动物学。 学术经历及成就 1996年6月毕业于河北师范大学生物系生物教育专业。2000年6月毕业于河北师范大学生命科学学院动物学专业,研究方向为土壤动物学,2000年7月获硕士学位并到河北大学生命科学学院工作至今。2005年6月获动物学博士学位。 科研方向主要为动物学,包括蛛形动物分类和系统发育、区系和生态等方面的内容,目前主持河北省自然科学基金1项,主持河北大学自然科学预研基金1项,主持河北大学青年基金1项(已完成),作为第一主研人参加国家自然科学基金重大项目子项目1项,参与国家和河北省自然科学基金3项。在SCI收录期刊、国家权威核心期刊等杂志上发表论文30余篇;出版专著1部。 近年来发表论文、承担科研 项目及研究成果 著作:《中国动物志、蜘蛛目、平腹蛛科》 宋大祥,朱明生,张 锋

210 评论


Waiting for his not laugh, but death pond. In the carnival, monterey spindle is wearing black thick mask, wearing a cape, and this dress is a symbol of death (blessed terry spindle is handled her death, from his room into hell). In the fiction, the carnival is a symbol of life and of human; While the tomb is a symbol of death and of hell. Their torches is more and more weak, also symbolizes the f handled in extinguishing the light of her life. It is worth mentioning that the monterey spindle family home and family precepts. Emblem is so big a human foot, gold, lined with a piece of sky blue. Beat a buckled up snake rotten, snake teeth bite a heel. The family precepts is: everyone who hurt me, will be punished. All of these are the symbol of revenge. A god of death, death, and hell, and revenge, all of which hold the reader's heart, creepy.Then, the embodiment of the irony technique are: the name of the protagonist f in the deep breathing (Fortunato) and the English Fo rtunate (lucky) similar to the pronunciation. And the deep breathing is not lucky, finally in the carnival was thought to be his friends enemies of murder. Second, f figure, drink off the last bottle of wine brand was De grey, (De "), is a kind of white wine produced in bordeaux, France. G rave in English means grave, and f figure, but don't know he is heading for his own tomb. His mental and he will face death in such an easy and monterey cable vicious produced a strong contrast between psychological, tightly holding the reader's curiosity. The use of these techniques for irony makes the reader in comparison to the theme of the novel bizarre deep experience deeper, to this kind of depressive mood feeling more intense fear.Clear the most important of all, the story of the killers, calm, no ordinary people committing crimes when the cramped and uncomfortable. Wine cellar, introduced step by step, he will be an enemy, with the middle bound chains will be an enemy in the alcove, ready to build by laying bricks or stones wall were suffocated. When build by laying bricks or stones wall almost half hour, / I ceasedm y labours and sat down upon the bones0 (I just live in the hand, sit down) on the bone pile, enjoyed the adversary and dying, the process of the murder for revenge pleasure enjoy the process. After the crime, didn't have the slightest fear and guilt, he only said: designs s/M y heart g ick0 (felt a bit sick), and: / It w as on account o f the dampness of theca tacombs0 (this is) because of the moisture in the tomb pit. The inherent views about death and revenge the readers and form a strong contrast, irony. The use of irony here not only reflects the avengers heart full of hatred and distorted morbid psychology, but also has a fear in maximum extent, make readers.F figure, the clown cap on the bell in a total of five times. Is the first time in the carnival night, monterey and f figure, encounter. The author do to f figure, wear a simple description, this is one of one of the few times of ink in full description. When f figure, dressed as a clown, / in noise provisions tights, wearing a long round cap, tied with bells. He euphoric, slightly drunk, in monterey attraction, can not afford time to change clothes, can't wait to pull to the monterey cable to the latter's tomb pits on wine. The background of this arrangement for his ultimate muddleheaded buried pit bottom end increased credibility. The second time is f figure, deep one feet shallow one feet to walk in the dark, damp the bells in the tomb pit when, it apply colours to a drawing the atmosphere of the gothic horror story. The third and fourth appearance figure, is a blessing in monterey decoys drinks warm, comfortable of bells shook her head at the fifth time when is f figure, trapped in the depths of the grave pit, the bells when struggling helplessly. Here, the authors do not use any adjective describing trapped lock f figure, fear and he struggled helplessly. His fears and struggles in the implication of the bells in his hat. Four times the bell sound was actually have paved for the last time, he care before and after the good at using matting technique, make the story more compact and complete, also left a limitless space for the reader's imagination.In the story the monterey spindle for a pretence advise f handled back, because he cough too much.

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104 评论


男,1971年5月出生,中共党员,博士研究生,副教授。专业方向为动物学。 《科学24小时》《化石吟》 原文 最早的鱼儿怎么没下巴? 最早的鸟儿怎么嘴长牙? 最早登陆的鱼儿怎么没有腿? 最早的树儿怎么不开花? 逝去万载的世界可会重现? 沉睡亿年的石头能否说话? 长眠地下刚苏醒的化石啊, 请向我一一讲述那奇幻的神话。 你把我的思绪引向远古, 描绘出一幅幅生物进化的图画; 你否定了造物主的存在, 冰冷的骸骨把平凡的真理回答。 肉体虽早已腐朽化为乌有, 生之灵火却悄然潜行在地下, 黑色的躯壳裹藏着生命的信息, 为历史留下一本珍贵的密码。 时光在你脸上刻下道道皱纹, 犹如把生命的档案细细描画, 海枯,石烂,日转,星移…… 生命的航船从太古不息地向近代进发。 复原的恐龙、猛犸仿佛在引颈长吼, 重现的远古林木多么葱茏、幽雅, 啊,你——令人叹服的大自然, 高明的魔法师,卓越的雕刻家! 逝去万载的世界又重现, 沉睡亿年的石头说了话。 长眠地下刚苏醒的化石啊, 你讲的故事多么令人神往、惊讶

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