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ape:APE由软件Monkey's audio压制得到,开发者为Matthew T. Ashland,源代码开放,因其界面上有只“猴子”标志而出名。

FLAC:FLAC项目由Josh Coalson于2000年启动。进入beta阶段后并在2001年1月15日发布的0.5版的参考实现时,FLAC位流格式冻结。





以一首49784KB的“5 Star Grave - In Bed With The Dead.wav”为例,转换为flac后大小为37006KB,转换为ape后大小为36460KB,两者的压缩率分别为74.33%和73.24%。













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嗯本人做过一些实际测试,虽然前人都有很多答案了,我做个总结吧内容原创,所以有不正确的地方尽情提出吧注意,忽略一切解码损耗,并且看作音源是足够好的音质A&B 音质和文件容量(我合并了起来,因为他们有密切关联)既然用到无损,想必也是对音质有追求的。FLAC和APE都是无损,理论不考虑解码失真和音源失真的话,音质都是“完美”的。压缩前压缩后解码所得数据是完全一模一样的,可以用MD5验证。此处涉及码率问题,本人给以解释码率看音质有前提,首先要保证音源音质要足够好,否则64Kbps MP3转出来的无损也是一样的。其二,所谓码率看音质一般适用于MP3的CBR恒定比特率(VBR动态比特率的音质本人考究过,其最高码率据说没有320KBPS好,比较相位谱后我认为差距不大)像FLAC、APE作为无损压缩格式,其音质决定因素只有音源,码率只不过是数据的“流量”而已,用它本身看音质也只是间接的(码率大表示数据量大,音频数据量大一般表示数据比较完整,所以说是间接看而不是直接)并且本人亲测,同样无损格式,同样压缩级别,压出来的码率也不尽相同,音质是一样的。注,无损压缩级别只是代表压缩程度,只影响压缩速率和压缩后大小,不影响解码后的数据,也就是说音质还是一样的)C编码FLAC的编码确实比APE要有优势(以下部分内容参考百科)FLAC解码是整数运算,APE则是浮点运算。FLAC的解码运算量要小很多,这点在电脑上看不出,在便携设备上表现明显。举个例子,本人曾使用OPPO S11I型号播放FLAC APE Mp3,做了如下实验:1 在停止播放状态打开一张比较大的图片2 在播放音乐的状态打开同一图片3 换格式重复操作第二步结果发现播放FLAC时,打开该图的速度明显快于其他,更接近停止状态的时候打开图片所需时间。这样的话,对于低端的便携播放器,FLAC有一定的性能优势,可以略节能,程度并不大。D压缩率FLAC压缩率57%左右,APE53.4%左右,本人将同一首音乐调到最高压缩级别分别压缩为FLAC和APE,然后发现APE只小了1.3MB而已……差距不大另外,压缩率和乐曲本身数据内容有关,不是固定的压缩比率,差距也未必总是1.3MB,,我只是举个例子。当然还有压缩级别影响着压缩率,同一文件多次压缩造成的不同比特率也是正常情况,这本就不是一个数字说明一切的东西,大概就好了。所以APE也没有很大的优势E细节关于爆音的处理,FLAC是静音,APE则是直接播放,这处理和编码器相关(注意是编码不是播放的解码),与其本身的编码应该没关系。(以下内容听盗版的人无视了,不要骂我,我客观分析。还有,这段信息解释的不好,遇到的例子不多)FLAC在版权保护方面有缺陷,像Windows Media Player上正版音乐网下载的免费歌曲都有使用授权一类的,而FLAC在编码时就会删除这些信息。APE不详,估计一样。对于歌曲信息的存储(类似专辑、歌手、年份一类的专辑信息),MP3有支持ID3,而FLAC和APE均不支持。播放整轨FLAC或APE以及显示歌曲信息需要外加CUE文件,内嵌CUE方面知道甚少,不做解释。————F资源这理论来说不算作这格式本身的东西,我姑且发表看法吧。资源多少不重要,都是无损听着一样,更何况可以转码。另外再说点,下载资源有假无损的存在可能,购买劣质CD也有这种可能,具体要用频谱鉴定,由于与该话题关系不大,具体方法在此不做解释。最后发表下自己的看法看过了那么多,FLAC和APE还是真难比出个所以然啊。大小其实差不多大,硬盘不计较;音质其实一样的,耳朵听不出;解码速度不会慢的,CPU不小气。呵呵……其实呢,关于音质。就算比出来了,我们都未必听得出,音质好坏有心理作用成分。人的感官毕竟能力有限,人耳听到的声音也一般是20-20000Hz,数据再完整,DTS或者是最新的SACD数据量都比普通CD高几十倍,SACD数据量达到2.24MBps,若没有专业的设备既播放不出效果,若没有所谓的“金耳朵”,我们也听不出个所以然来。另外,说明一点,每个人稍微懂点行、耳朵没问题的人都可以听出无损和320Kbps的音质区别,并且不是想象的那么难,不过设备 不能太蹩脚,音量可能要略接近“导演效果”,可以听出,具体是什么不多说,有兴趣的百科吧。题外话:音响这个圈子里有几个大谎言,发烧友要谨慎。音乐为的是娱乐、放松、享受艺术,我们今天就算听的是留声机,那经典怀旧的音质也能让我们感到快乐。现在都有能力追求音质,懂点行了,可不要忘记音乐的初衷是什么啊!在追求高音质的时候,在感叹自己家里音响多么破旧的时候,想想音乐带给你的快乐,想象你孤独寂寞的时候,那破音响积灰的纸盆上振动的是你喜爱的和谐的旋律。这已足矣。

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共发表代表性SCI论文20余篇,研究成果主要发表于《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》、《Soil Science》、《Soil Science Society of America Journal》等刊物上。He H.B., Li X.B., Zhang W., Zhang X.D. 2011. Differentiating the dynamics of native and newly immobilized amino sugars in soil frequently amended with inorganic nitrogen and glucose. European Journal of Soil Science 62: 144-151.He H.B., Zhang W., Zhang X.D., Xie H.T., Zhuang J. 2011. Temporal responses of soil microorganisms to substrate addition as indicated by amino sugar differentiation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43: 1155-1161.He H.B., Lü H.J., Zhang W., Hou S.M., Zhang X.D. 2011. A liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric method to evaluate 13C and 15N incorporation into soil amino acids. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11: 731-740.Guan T.X., He H.B., Zhang X.D., Bai Z. 2011. Cu fractions, mobility and bioavailability in soil-wheat system after Cu-enriched livestock manure applications. Chemosphere 82: 215-222.Xie H.T., Yang X.M., Drury C.F., Yang J.Y., Zhang X.D. 2011. Predicting soil organic carbon and total nitrogen using mid- and near-infrared spectra for Brookston clay loam soil in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91: 1-11.Ding X.L., He H.B., Zhang B., Zhang X.D. 2011. Plant-N incorporation into microbial amino sugars as affected by inorganic N addition: A microcosm study of 15N-labeled maize residue decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43: 1968-1974.Ding X.L., Zhang B., Zhang X.D., Yang X.M., Zhang X.P. 2011. Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China. Soil and Tillage Research 114: 43–49.Liang C., Zhang X.D., Wei L.P., He H.B., Higbee A.J., Balser T.C. 2011. Investigation of the molecular ion structure for aldononitrile acetate derivatized muramic acid. Journal of Microbiological Methods 86: 224-230.Chen, Y., X.D. Zhang, H.B. He, H.T. Xie, Y. Yan, P. Zhu, J. Ren, L.C. Wang. 2009. Carbon and nitrogen pools in different aggregates of a Chinese Mollisol as influenced by long-term fertilization. Journal of Soils and Sediments.Ding, X.L., X.D. Zhang, H.B. He, H.T. Xie. 2009. Dynamics of soil amino sugar pools during decomposition processes of corn residues as affected by inorganic N addition. Journal of Soils and Sediments.Hou, S.M., H.B. He, W. Zhang, H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang. 2009. Determination of soil amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography-electro spray ionization-mass spectrometry derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate. Talanta. 80: 440-447.Zhang, X.D., H.B. He, W. Amelung. 2007. A GC/MS method to assess 15N and 13C incorporation into soil amino acid enantiomers. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39: 2785-2796.Zhang, W., H.B. He, X.D. Zhang. 2007. Determination of neutral sugars in soil by capillary gas chromatography after derivatization to aldononitrile acetates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39: 2665–2669.Liang, C., X.D. Zhang, Kennedy F. Rubert IV, Teri C. Balser. 2007. Effect of plant materials on microbial transformation of amino sugars in three soil microcosms. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43: 631-639.Liang, C., X.D. Zhang, Teri C. Balser. 2007. Net microbial amino sugar accumulation process in soil as influenced by different plant material inputs.Biology and Fertility of Soils,44: 1-7.He, H.B., H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang. 2006. A novel GC/MS technique to assess 15N and 13C incorporation into soil amino sugars. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 38: 1083-1091.Amelung, W., X.D. Zhang, K.W. Flachc. 2006. Amino acids in grassland soils: Climatic effects on concentrations and chirality. Geoderma 130: 207–217.He, H.B., H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang, Y.H. Wang and Y.Y. Wu. 2005. A gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric method for tracing the microbial conversion of glucose into amino sugars in soil. Rapid Communication of Mass Spectrometry. 19: 1993-1998.Zhang, X.D., J. Wang, H.T. Xie, J.K. Wang, W. Zech. 2003. Comparison of organic compounds in the particle-size fractions of earthworm casts and surrounding soil in humid Laos, Applied Soil Ecology. 23: 147-153.Amelung, W., Miltner A, X.D. Zhang, et al.. 2001. Fate of microbial residues during litter decomposition as affected by minerals. Soil Science.166: 598-606.Amelung, W., X.D. Zhang. 2001. Determination of amino acid enantiomers in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 33: 553-562.Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung, Y. Yuan, W. Zech. 1999. Land-use effects on amino sugars in particle size fractions of an Argiudoll. Applied Soil Ecology, 11: 271-275.Amelung, W., X.D. Zhang, W. Zech. 1999. Amino sugars in native grassland soils along a climosequence in North America. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63: 86-92.Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung, W. Zech. 1998. Can amino sugars serve as indicators of climate variations and land use on soil organic matter? Advances in Geoecology, 31: 225-230.Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung, Y. Yuan, W. Zech. 1998. Amino Sugar Signature of Particle Size Fractions in Soils of the native Prairie as Affected by Climate. Soil Science, 163: 220-229.Amelung, W., W. Zech, X.D. Zhang, A. Sajjapongse and C. Niamskul. 1998. Lignin and carbohydrates in soils under secondary forest, alley-cropping and continuous farming, Thailand. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd. 297-230.Amelung, W., W. Zech, X.D. Zhang, R.F. Follett, H. Tiessen, E. Knox, K. W. Flach. 1998. Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur pools in particle size fractions as influenced by climate. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 62: 172-181.Amelung, W., K.W. Flachc, X.D. Zhang, W. Zech. 1998. Climatic effects on C pools of native and cultivated prairie. Advances in GeoEcology, 31: 217-224.Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung, Y. Yuan, W. Zech. 1997. Amino sugars in soils of the North American cultivated prairie. Z.Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd, 160: 533-538.Zhang, X.D., W. Amelung. 1996. Gas chromatographic determination of muramic acid, glucosamine, galactosamine, and mannosamine in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 28: 1201-1206.

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