大哥 一样的标准定义可是没有找到啊 只找到中国人大的一篇相关论文啊 是关于 农业产业链利益联结机制的 你的牛奶业也被包含在里面了 可以看看啊 届硕士毕业论文> 房风文:农业产业链中农户与龙头企业的利益联结机制研究 Author : / Date : 2007-06-27 13:44摘 要随着市场经济的发展,农业分工越来越细,专业化水平越来越高,从生产资料供应、农产品生产到农产品加工、销售形成了一个完整的产业链。发达国家的农业产业链发展比较早,商业化运作比较成熟,极大地带动了地区农业的发展,提高了农业的经济收益。我国的农业产业链有了一定的发展,各地形成了多种各具特色的农业产业链,有牛肉产业链、蔬菜产业链、猪肉产业链等,产业链的内容和形式在不断充实和完善中。在农业产业链中,农户与龙头企业之间的利益关系是农业产业链稳定发展的重要内容,研究两者关系具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文对前人的研究进行了文献综述。综述了农业产业链的概念、组织形式、运行机制、农户与龙头企业的利益联结机制等内容,利益联结机制方面重点总结了利益联结方式、影响因素、理论解释等内容。在综述中,对已有的文献进行了简单评述,并指出了本文的研究方向。在总结前人关于农业产业链和利益联结机制研究成果的基础上,本文提出了此次研究的理论依据和和理论框架。理论依据主要是产业组织理论和交易费用理论。在理论框架中,将影响农业产业链中农业与龙头企业的利益联结机制分为两类,即市场交易方式的松散利益联结机制和合同契约交易的紧密利益联结机制,并分析影响两者关系的因素。将多种影响因素归纳为制度环境、交易主客体特性、交易特性三大因素,并进一步细分为各具体的因素。在系统的理论框架中,分别阐述各因素对农户与龙头企业利益联结关系的作用,在此基础上提出理论假说,并绘出框架说明图。 在案例研究部分,结合在广西壮族自治区横县调查的茉莉花产业链和蚕茧产业链,分析了影响利益联结机制的各因素在两个产业链中的具体体现。在案例分析中,首先介绍产业链发展的基本情况及茉莉花和蚕茧两条产业链的基本环节。再从制度环境条件、交易主客体特性和交易特性方面入手,具体分析农业产业链中的各影响因素。制度环境提供了农业产业链发展的外部环境条件,有利于农业产业链的健康发展。交易客体特性是指茉莉花和蚕茧两种农产品的自然属性和产品品质方面的内容。交易主体主要是农户与龙头企业两个主体。农户特性主要从其种植规模、生产资料投资等方面来刻画。龙头企业的特性从其所有制性质、产值、利润、企业人数、资产、负债、企业用房面积、企业负责人、企业部门、设备、科研实力、生产工艺、企业同质性等方面来反映。交易方式特性方面从资产专用性、交易频率和不确定性三个方面来阐述。资产专用性不做单独论述,同论述农户特性与龙头企业特征时一起论述。交易频率反映农户与龙头企业的交易频繁程度。不确定性指市场价格波动和自然风险两方面。在分析不同特性基础上,农户与龙头企业对交易费用和其它利益的权衡,最终选择了茉莉花与蚕茧产业链的不同利益联结方式,市场利益联结方式和合同契约利益联结方式。文中对两种交易方式如何运行的做了较细说明。两种交易方式产生了内生交易费用和外生交易费用,结合案例做了具体分析。内生交易费用是机会主义的对策行为所引起的交易费用,是市场均衡同帕累托最优之间的差额。外生交易费用,是指交易过程中直接或间接发生的那些费用,包括运输中耗去的资源及各种设施等。最后计算了单个农户的收益情况,不同农业产业链的种植规模不同,经济效益也不相同。 文章的最后得出了本文的结论。茉莉花的制度环境具有一般性、茉莉花的产品品质要求低、农户的规模小、茉莉花龙头企业的实力一般、茉莉花交易双方的资产专用性弱、固定交易频率低和不确定性大,这些特性共同决定了茉莉花农户与龙头企业采用市场利益联结的方式。蚕茧的制度环境具有一般性和针对性、蚕茧产品品质高、农户的规模大、蚕茧龙头企业的实力强、蚕茧交易双方的资产专用性强、固定交易频率高和不确定性小,这些特性共同决定蚕茧农户与龙头企业采用合同契约利益联结的方式。两种利益联结方式是各因素共同作用的结果,单一因素并不必然导致该结果。 本文还给出了政策含义。不同的农业产业链有不同的特性,要因地制宜的选择合适的利益联结机制,争取更多政策优惠支持,促进农业产业链的发展。茉莉花龙头企业还要加强兼并与联合,拓宽销售渠道,做好营销宣传。蚕茧龙头企业要进一步完善与蚕农的利益关系,增强企业的带动力,发挥协会的作用。最后提出了本文的研究不足,并指出了进一步研究的可供选择的方向。关键词: 农户;龙头企业;利益联结机制 AbstractFollowing the development of market economic, the agriculture divides into more and more parts, its specialty level becomes more and more high, then forms a completely industrial chain from production material supplying, agriculture production making to agriculture production processing and marketing. The agricultural chain of foreign developing countries developed early and its commerce operation level was high, that promoted region agriculture development and improved the agriculture economic earning. In China agricultural chain has had some development, some regions have had all kinds of special agricultural chain, such as beef chain, vegetable chain, pork chain and so on, and its contents and forms are enriching and perfecting. In the agricultural chain the relationship between peasant household and the agribusiness firm is the important content of the agricultural chain development steadily and the relationship study has important theory and reality meaning. This paper makes a summary about formers’ studies. Those are summarized, which are the concept of agricultural chain, organization forms, operations mechanism, the profit mechanism between peasant household and agribusiness firm and so on, which mainly summarizes the form of profit link, influence factors and theory explanation. In the summary, we make some simply review, and point out the study direction. Based on that, the paper brings forward theory bases and theory frame. The theory bases include industry organization theory and transition cost theory. In the theory frame we studies the profit mechanism between peasant household and agribusiness firm in agricultural chain, which divides into loose profit relationship of market exchange form and tight profit relationship of contract form, and analyzes the factor influencing their relationship based on summarizing former studies about agricultural chain. And various factors are reduced to institute environment, exchange guest and host characteristic and exchange characteristic, and divided more subsection factors. In a systemic theory frame , various factors’ effects influencing on profit relationship between peasant household and agribusiness firm are analyzed, then theory hypothesizes are provided based on that analysis, and a frame graph is described.Based on theory analysis and investigation of jasmine industrial chain and cocoon industrial chain in Guang Xi Zhuang Autonomous Region, how various factors influence on the profit mechanism are analyzed. Firstly, the basic information about industrial chain and industrial chain of jasmine and cocoon are introduced. Then various influence factors are analyzed from the angle of institution environment, exchange host and guest characteristic and exchange characteristic. Institution environment conditions provide good environment conditions and it is in favor of agricultural chain healthy development. Exchange guest characteristic is the natural attribute and production quality of jasmine and cocoon. Exchange host mainly includes the peasant household and the agribusiness firm. The peasant household’s characteristic comes from its size, input of production material and so on. Agribusiness firm’s characteristic comes from its possession property, production value, profit, number of corporation worker, asset, owes, square of corporation house, corporation chief, corporation department, equipment, scientific research, production techniques, corporation homogeneity and so on. Exchange characteristic comes from asset specialty, exchange frequency and uncertainty. Asset specialty isn’t discussed singly, but is discussed with peasant household characteristic and agribusiness characteristic. Exchange frequency reflects the degree of exchange frequency. Uncertainty is discussed from market price fluctuate and natural risk. Based on the different characteristic analyzes, the peasant household and agribusiness firm balance the transaction cost and other profit, finally choose the different profit mechanisms of jasmine industrial chain and cocoon industrial chain, which are market profit mechanism and contract profit mechanism. The content of how the two exchange mechanisms operate is discussed. The two exchange mechanisms induce to endogenous transaction cost and exogenous transaction cost, and they are concretely analyzed with the cases. Endogenous transaction cost is the transaction cost, which comes from the opportunistic countermeasure action, and equals the balance between market equilibrium and Pareto Optimality. Exogenous transaction cost is the transaction cost, which occurs directly and in directly in the exchange and it includes the resource in the transaction and various establishments. Finally the earning of single peasant household is calculated, the plant sizes are different in different agribusiness chain, and economic benefit is different. The end of the paper makes a conclusion. The institution environment of jasmine is general, quality demand of jasmine is low, size of peasant household is small, jasmine agribusiness firm’s power is general, asset specific of the two exchange host is soft, fix frequency is low and uncertainty is big, that all determined the market profit mechanism of between jasmine peasant household and agribusiness firm. The institution environment of cocoon is general and special, quality of cocoon is high, size of peasant household is huge, cocoon agribusiness firm’s power is strong, asset specific of the two exchange host is strong, fix frequency is high and uncertainty is small, that all determined the contract profit mechanism of between cocoon peasant household and agribusiness firm. The two kinds of mechanisms are results of all kinds factors, which operate together, and single factor can’t induce to the result necessarily. Also paper provides some policy meanings. The different agribusiness chain has different characteristic, so the profit mechanisms are chose separately according to concrete conditions and strives for more preference policy supports. Jasmine agribusiness firm should annex and cooperate intensely, enrich sales channels, do better market advertising. And cocoon agribusiness firm should further perfect the relationship with cocoon peasant household, enforce firm’s drive, and exert the action of association. Finally, the deficiencies of this paper are pointed out, and we indicate the possible research directions for further study. Key Words: peasant household; agribusiness firm; profit mechanism
利弊:努力完善农民专业合作社的利益联结制度 利益联结机制是农民合作社运行和发展的核心问题,每一个社员应该设立成员账户,明确每一个成员的产权份额,社员可以通过平等合作和公平公平参股实现合作社内的直接结合。在生产过程中结成平等的合作关系,使成员获得个人劳动的产权。
奶业是一个由乳制品消费、乳制品制造、原奶生产三个主要环节,奶农、乳制品加工企业、消费者、政府等要素构成的有机系统。相互之间存在着非常密切的经济联系,但是独立的利益主体间又存在一定的冲突。实践表明,建立“风险共担,利益共享”的利益分配机制是奶业产业化经营的核心。而奶业产业经营中的利益联结模式直接影响着利益分配是否合理,利益分配的合理又影响着奶业产业链中利益共同体的形成。可以说利益分配机制是奶业产业化经营的基础。 本文以奶业利益分配机制为主要研究内容,通过建立模型,以微观经济学和产业经济学模型为工具,运用图表、案例、对比研究等方法来对奶业产业化经营中不同的利益分配机制进行系统的比较和探讨。现阶段,奶业的利益分配机制主要有两大类,即以商品合同为纽带的利益分配机制和以要素契约为纽带的利益分配机制。 通过比较得出,以要素契约为纽带的利益分配机制更有利于奶业的健康发展。但是目前,中国奶业产业化经营中主要以以商品合同为纽带的利益分配机制为主。本文认为可以通过政府发挥宏观调控职能;奶农联合,成立中介组织;打破企业区域垄断来弥补现行利益分配机制的不足。
Conflict of Interest 指利益冲突,意思是个人或组织的利益可能影响到他人的利益。有时为了防患于未然,也是为了避免发生学术不端的情况,编辑会要求