好文章容易接收,审稿较快,2-4周 近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 1.16 1.515 1.361 1.564 中科院杂志分区 昆虫学分类下的 4 区期刊 缩写名/全名 ARCH INSECT BIOCHEM 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 WILEY-BLACKWELL 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0739-4462 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology is an international journal that publishes articles in English that are of interest to insect biochemists and physiologists. Generally these articles will be in or related to one of the following subject areas: Endocrinology Development Neurobiology Behavior Pharmacology Nutrition Carbohydrates Lipids Enzymes Proteins Peptides Nucleic Acids Molecular Biology Toxicology. ARCHIVES will publish only original articles. Articles that are confirmatory in nature or deal with analytical methods previously described will not be accepted.
你好,投稿要求如下: 期刊名 food hydrocolloids 出版周期: Bimonthly近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 4.28 3.494 3.473 2.659 中科院杂志分区 食品科技分类下的 2 区期刊 这个杂志比较专业,审稿周期一般是4-6周,主编非常负责任,如果文章做的很有新意或者比较深入的话,可尝试投稿,毕竟机会还是不小的。出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0268-005X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Food Hydrocolloids publishes original research in basic and applied aspects of the properties, functionality and use of macromolecules in food systems. Hydrocolloids in this context include polysaccharides, modified polysaccharides and proteins acting alone, or in mixture with other food components, as thickening agents, gelling agents or surface-active agents. Included within the scope of the journal are studies of real and model food colloids - dispersions, emulsions and foams - and the associated physicochemical stability phenomena - creaming, sedimentation, flocculation and coalescence. In particular, Food Hydrocolloids covers: the full scope of hydrocolloids behaviour, including isolation procedures, analytical and physicochemical characterization, through to end use and analysis in finished food products; structural characterization of established food hydrocolloids and new ones ultimately seeking food approval; use of cellculture and bacterial fermentation science and technology in the production of food approved or potentially food-approvable hydrocolloids, and other novel procedures for the extraction and work-up of food hydrocolloids; gelling mechanisms, syneresis and polymer synergism in the gelation process; rheological investigations where these can be correlated with hydrocolloids functionality, colloid stability or organoleptic properties; theoretical, computational or simulation approaches to the study of colloidal stability, provided that they have a clear relationship to food systems; surface properties of absorbed films, and their relationship to foaming and emulsifying behaviour; phase behaviour of low-molecular-weight surfactants or soluble polymers, and their relationship to food colloid stability; droplet and bubble growth, bubble nucleation, thin-film drainage and rupture processes; fat and water crystallization and the influence of hydrocolloids on these phenomena, with respect to stability and texture; direct applications of hydrocolloids in finished food products in all branches of the food industry, including their interactions with other food components; and toxicological, physiological and metabolic studies of hydrocolloids including associated legislative considerations.
1,现在是信息化时代,我们大部分人都拥有着电子产品,相较于以前的投稿方式的匮乏,现代社会中的投稿方式不可谓不多。首先使用的投稿方式就是通过电子邮箱进行投稿。 2
向期刊投稿论文步骤如下: 1、投稿期刊的等级区分: 大家经常说的省级和国家级期刊,其实就是他们的主办单位不同,国家级的期刊主办单位就是由国家机构或者中央机构主办
可以投稿的杂志有《中国青年》、《作品》、《东方文学》。 1、《中国青年》 这是一本95岁的杂志,永远和青年在一起,笃信思考的力量,澎湃生活的热望。有坚守,有改变
1,现在是信息化时代,我们大部分人都拥有着电子产品,相较于以前的投稿方式的匮乏,现代社会中的投稿方式不可谓不多。首先使用的投稿方式就是通过电子邮箱进行投稿。 2