1、201101 论文题目:Tunable terahertz-wave generation from DAST crystal pumped by a monolithic dual-wavelength fiber laser,刊物名称:Opt. Express,卷数:19,期数:,页数:779-786,作者名次排名:1,三大索引收录号:,刊物类别:A类,收录类别:SCI;2、201005 论文题目:Dual-wavelength single-crystal double-pass KTP optical parametric oscillator and its application in terahertz wave generation,刊物名称:Optics Letters,卷数:35,期数:,页数:1698-1700,作者名次排名:1,三大索引收录号:,刊物类别:A类,收录类别:SCI;3、200907 论文题目:Single-frequency 1060 nm semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based fiber laser with 40 nm tuning range,刊物名称:Optics Letters,卷数:34,期数:,页数: 2204-2206,作者名次排名:1,三大索引收录号:,刊物类别:A类,收录类别:SCI;4、200906 论文题目:Seamless generation and provisioning of broadcasting and independent services in WDM-PON access networks,刊物名称:Optics Express,卷数:17,期数:,页数: 9630-9636,作者名次排名:1,三大索引收录号:,刊物类别:A类,收录类别:SCI;5、200603 论文题目:Four-wave mixing assisted self-stable 4x10 GHz actively mode-locked Erbium fiber ring laser,刊物名称:Optics Express,卷数:14,期数:,页数:1726-1730,作者名次排名:1,三大索引收录号:,刊物类别:A类,收录类别:SCI;主要论文(历史数据)International Journal Publications:[1] M. Tang, H. Minamide, Y. Wang, T. Notake, S. Ohno, and H. Ito, Tunable terahertz-wave generation from DAST crystal pumped by a monolithic dual-wavelength fiber laser, Opt. Express, vol. 19, pp. 779-786, 2011.[2] Y. Y. Wang, H. Minamide, M. Tang, T. Notake, and H. Ito, Study of water concentration measurement in thin tissues with terahertz-wave parametric source, Optics Express, vol. 18, pp. 15504-15512, Jul 19 2010.[3] M. Tang, H. Minamide, Y. Y. Wang, T. Notake, S. Ohno, and H. Ito, Dual-wavelength single-crystal double-pass KTP optical parametric oscillator and its application in terahertz wave generation, Optics Letters, vol. 35, pp. 1698-1700, May 15 2010.[4] Y. Huang, P. Shum, F. Luan, and M. Tang, Energy efficient chalcogenide waveguide Raman laser for optical interconnect, Opt. Express, vol. 18, pp. 24434-24440, 2010.[5] X. L. Tian, M. Tang, P. P. Shum, Y. D. Gong, C. L. Lin, S. N. Fu, and T. S. Zhang, High-energy laser pulse with a submegahertz repetition rate from a passively mode-locked fiber laser, Optics Letters, vol. 34, pp. 1432-1434, May 1 2009.[6] X. L. Tian, M. Tang, X. P. Cheng, P. P. Shum, Y. D. Gong, and C. L. Lin, High-energy wave-breaking-free pulse from all-fiber mode-locked laser system, Optics Express, vol. 17, pp. 7222-7227, Apr 27 2009.[7] M. Tang, X. L. Tian, X. N. Lu, S. N. Fu, P. P. Shum, Z. R. Zhang, M. Liu, Y. Cheng, and J. Liu, Single-frequency 1060 nm semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based fiber laser with 40 nm tuning range, Optics Letters, vol. 34, pp. 2204-2206, Jul 15 2009.[8] M. Tang, S. N. Fu, and P. P. Shum, Seamless generation and provisioning of broadcasting and independent services in WDM-PON access networks, Optics Express, vol. 17, pp. 9630-9636, Jun 8 2009.[9] Z. Q. Luo, W. D. Zhong, M. Tang, Z. P. Cai, C. Ye, and X. S. Xiao, Fiber-optic parametric amplifier and oscillator based on intracavity parametric pump technique, Optics Letters, vol. 34, pp. 214-216, Jan 15 2009.[10] S. N. Fu, W. D. Zhong, P. Shum, Y. J. Wen, and M. Tang, Simultaneous Multichannel Photonic Up-Conversion Based on Nonlinear Polarization Rotation of an SOA for Radio-Over-Fiber Systems, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, pp. 563-565, May-Jun 2009.[11] X. P. Cheng, P. Shum, M. Tang, and R. Wu, Numerical analysis and characterization of fiber Bragg grating-based Q-switched ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber lasers, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. 47, pp. 148-155, Jan 2009.[12] J. Q. Li, K. Xu, H. Huang, S. N. Fu, M. Tang, P. Shum, H. Wu, and J. T. Lin, Simultaneous Implementation of All-Optical Microwave Bandpass Filtering and Up-Conversion for Radio-Over-Fiber Applications, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 26, pp. 2202-2210, Jul-Aug 2008.[13] J. Q. Li, S. N. Fu, K. Xu, J. T. Wu, J. T. Lin, M. Tang, and P. Shum, Photonic ultrawideband monocycle pulse generation using a single electro-optic modulator, Optics Letters, vol. 33, pp. 288-290, Feb 1 2008.[14] Y. Gao, L. Dou, A. Xu, P. Shum, and M. Tang, Novel tunable microwave photonic notch filter using a 3 x 3 coupler based Sagnac loop, Optics Communications, vol. 281, pp. 1476-1479, Mar 15 2008.[15] S. N. Fu, W. D. Zhong, M. Tang, P. Shum, and X. Li, All-optical NRZ-DPSK clock recovery using linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating induced clock tone, Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 14, pp. 222-226, Jul 2008.[16] X. P. Cheng, C. H. Tse, P. Shurn, R. F. Wu, M. Tang, W. C. Tan, and J. Zhang, All-fiber Q-Switched erbium-doped fiber ring laser using phase-shifted fiber bragg grating, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 26, pp. 945-951, Mar-Apr 2008.[17] X. P. Cheng, P. Shum, C. H. Tse, J. L. Zhou, M. Tang, W. C. Tan, R. F. Wu, and J. Zhang, Single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber ring laser based on high finesse fiber Bragg grating Fabry-Perot etalon, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20, pp. 976-978, May-Jun 2008.[18] J. Li, K. Xu, S. Fu, J. Wu, J. T. Lin, M. Tang, and P. Shum, Ultra-wideband pulse generation with flexible pulse shape and polarity control using a Sagnac-interferometer-based intensity modulator, Optics Express, vol. 15, pp. 18156-18161, Dec 24 2007.[19] S. N. Fu, M. Tang, W. D. Zhong, Y. J. Wen, and P. Shum, All-optical NRZ-DPSK clock recovery using chromatic-dispersion-induced clock tone, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 19, pp. 925-927, May-Jun 2007.[20] X. P. Cheng, J. Zhang, P. Shum, M. Tang, and R. F. Wu, Influence of sidelobes on fiber-bragg-grating-based Q-switched fiber laser, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1646-1648, Sep-Oct 2007.[21] M. Tang, X. L. Tian, P. Shum, S. N. Fu, H. Dong, and Y. D. Gong, Four-wave mixing assisted self-stable 4x10 GHz actively mode-locked Erbium fiber ring laser, Optics Express, vol. 14, pp. 1726-1730, Mar 6 2006.[22] Y. D. Gong, X. L. Tian, M. Tang, P. Shum, M. Y. W. Chia, V. Paulose, J. Wu, and K. Xu, Generation of dual wavelength ultrashort pulse outputs from a passive mode locked fiber ring laser, Optics Communications, vol. 265, pp. 628-631, Sep 15 2006.International Conference Publications:[1] M. Tang, T. Notake, Y. Y. Wang, K. Nawata, H. Ito, and H. Minamide, Intracavity widely-tunable monochromatic terahertz-wave generation with organic BNA crystal and KTP-OPO, in CLEO 2011, Proc. JThB112, Baltimore, Maryland, US, May 1-6, 2011.[2] Y. Y. Wang, H. Minamide, M. Tang, T. Notake, K. Nawata, and H. Ito, Measurement and imaging of water concentration in thin tissues with THz-wave, in The fifth workshop of the stimulated Brillouin scattering and phase conjugation (5th SBS&PC). Proc. 15p-F-15. Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 2010.[3] Y. Y. Wang, H. Minamide, M. Tang, T. Notake, K. Nawata, and H. Ito, An analysis of accuracy for water concentration measurement in thin biological tissues using THz-wave, in Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Autumn Sep, 2010. Proc. 15p-F-15. Nagasaki, Japan, 2010.[4] Y. Y. Wang, H. Minamide, M. Tang, T. Notake, and H. Ito, An analytical study of water concentration measurement in tissues with THz-wave, in 35th international conference on infrared, millimeter and terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). Proc. Tu-D1.4. Rome, 2010.[5] Y. Y. Wang, T. Ikari, M. Tang, T. Notake, H. Minamide, and H. Ito, The study of water concentration measurement in tissues with Terahertz-wave parametric source, in Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Spring Mar, 2010. Proc. 19a-L-11. Kanagawa, Japan, 2010.[6] M. Tang, T. Notake, H. Minamide, Y. Y. Wang, and H. Ito, Tunable narrow linewidth THz-wave generation using dual-wavelength fiber ring laser and organic DAST crystal, in 35th international conference on infrared, millimeter and terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). Proc. We-C3.3. Rome, 2010.[7] M. Tang, H. Minamide, Y. Y. Wang, T. Notake, S. Ohno, and H. Ito, Tunable Terahertz-wave generation using dual-phase matched single-KTP-based OPO and DAST crystals, in Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Spring Mar, 2010. Proc. 17p-M-5. Kanagawa, Japan, 2010.[8] M. Tang, H. Minamide, Y. Y. Wang, T. Notake, S. Ohno, and H. Ito, Wideband tunable Terahertz-wave generation using dual-phase matched KTP-OPO and nonlinear organic DAST crystal, in Asia-pacific microwave photonics conference (APMP) 2010, invited paper. Proc. TB1-3. Hong Kong, 2010.[9] M. Tang, H. Minamide, Y. Y. Wang, T. Notake, and H. Ito, Tunable Terahertz-wave generation using dual-wavelength fiber laser pumped DAST-DFG system in Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Autumn Sep, 2010. Proc. 16a-F-5. Nagasaki, Japan, 2010.[10] M. Tang, H. Minamide, and H. Ito, Frequency-agile THz-wave source using DAST crystal and its application, in Symposium of Outlook of Advacned Photonics Tokyo, Japan, 2010.[11] T. Notake, M. Tang, Y. Y. Wang, H. Minamide, H. Ito, K. Miyamoto, S. Ohno, T. Yokoe, and H. Hashimoto, Optimization of DFG-THz radiation source by using an organic nonlinear crystal BNA, in Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Spring Mar, 2010. Proc. 19p-L-8. Kanagawa, Japan, 2010.[12] T. Notake, M. Saito, M. Tang, Y. Y. Wang, H. Minamide, and H. Ito, Solution growth of an organic N-benzyl-2-methyl-4-nitroaniline (BNA) crystal for DFG-THz source, in 35th international conference on infrared, millimeter and terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz). Proc. Th-P86. Rome, 2010.[13] M. Tang, S. Ohno, A. Hamano, H. Minamide, T. Ishihara, and H. Ito, Observation of sum-frequency-generation in a frequency-agile terahertz-wave source using DAST crystal, in Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Autumn Sep. 2009. Proc. 8p-M-9. Toyama, Japan, 2009.[14] T. Notake, K. Miyamoto, H. Minamide, M. Tang, S. Ohno, H. Ito, T. Yokoe, and H. Hashimoto, Broadband and high efficiency BNA-DFG THz source pumped by dual-wavelength BBO-OPO, in Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Autumn Sep. 2009. Proc. 8p-M-8. Toyama, Japan, 2009.[15] M. Tang, Integration and implementation of broadcasting and P2P service in WDM-PON architecture, in Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2008, invited paper. Wuhan, China, 2008.[16] S. Fu, M. Tang, W.-D. Zhong, Y. J. Wen, L. Xia, and P. Shum, All-optical NRZ-DPSK Clock Recovery Using Chirped Fibre Bragg Grating (CFBG) Induced Clock Tone, in ECOC 2007 - 33rd European Conference and Exhibition of Optical Communication. vol. P059 Berlin, Germany, 2007.[17] L. Xia, P. Shum, X. Yu, M. Tang, Y. Wang, and T. Cheng, The design of ultranarrow dual-transmission-band optical FBG filter with controllable wavelength spacing, in Proc. SPIE 6351, 63511C (2006) Gwangju, South Korea, 2006.[18] X. L. Tian, M. Tang, Y. D. Gong, and P. Shum, Repetition rate switching in a passively mode-locked fibre laser, in Proc. SPIE 6351, 63513Z (2006) Gwangju, South Korea 2006.[19] M. Tang, P. Shum, Y. D. Gong, S. N. Fu, H. Dong, and X. L. Tian, Highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber stabilized 10 GHz dual-wavelength actively mode-locked fiber ring laser, in the 5th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, the 2nd International Symposium on Advances and Treads in Fiber Optics and Applications.(ICOCN/ATFO2006). paper ID: 1010164, Chengdu, China, 2006.[20] M. Tang, Y. D. Gong, P. Shum, and X. L. Tian, 10-GHz dual wavelength actively mode-locked fiber ring laser stabilized by HNL-PCF, in the 11th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC). Proc. 4P-18-1, Kaosiung, Taiwan, 2006.[21] P. Shum, M. Tang, X. Cheng, Y. Gong, S. Fu, and H. Dong, Multi-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser, in Proc. SPIE 6351, 63511U (2006). invited paper, Gwangju, South Korea 2006.[22] P. Shum, X. Dong, M. Tang, S. Fu, H. Dong, Y. Gong, and X. Yang, Nonlinearity enhanced fiber ring laser, in Proc. SPIE 6379, 637901 (2006). invited paper, Boston, MA, USA 2006.主要获奖情况Best Paper Award (Gold) at IEEE Region 10 InfocomColloquium on Broadband Access,2004
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