water research 投稿要求:图片处理o not embed figures, graphics or photos in the manuscript text file. Please upload each figure as a separate file and the figure caption should be present below the figure in the figure file. Elsevier's preferred file formats are EPS, TIFF and PDF. MS Office file formats are only allowed under certain conditions.Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Submit each caption directly below each figure. A captionshould comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text inthe illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. The figurecaption should be understandable independant of the text and abbreviations should be avoided.
当然不行,一般没有牛人的推荐,人家又不认识你, 99.9%的概率是,标题都不一定看完全就直接丢垃圾箱。 要先搞定一切才能去奋战啊,
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在物理这个方向上,除了《现代物理评论》(Reviews of Modern Physics),当属《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letter