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幼儿 教育 是基础教育之基础,同时也是终身教育的奠基阶段。现阶段,探求教育公平的触角开始延伸至幼儿教育领域。下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于幼儿教育论文发表的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!幼儿教育论文发表篇1 浅谈幼儿教育与幼儿生活的相互融合 摘要:幼儿在接受教育的群体中身份较为特殊,由于其年龄小且各个层面的发育都不成熟,因此, 文化 知识的硬性教学模式并不适合幼儿的发展。相比之下,幼儿成长和获取知识的过程更加依赖于其本身的生活,所以幼儿工作者应该在日常工作中将幼儿教育与生活进行相互融合。本文基于此,将通过幼儿教育与生活融合的重要性为出发点来简要论述实现幼儿教育与生活融合的具体途径。 关键词:幼儿教育;生活融合 幼儿作为接受教育的群体具有一定的特殊性,其年龄小,缺乏自我保护能力和生活 经验 ,且对于知识的接收能力也十分有限。在实际的幼儿教育过程中,多数幼儿园或是托儿所为了让家长满意并看到直接的教育成果,以一些小学知识为核心教育部分来向幼儿灌输。虽然短期看来幼儿确实学到了很多具体的知识,但是从孩子发展的长期角度而言,幼儿时期并不适合接受具体的文化知识,而应该让教育与其实际生活相结合,教会他们去从生活中获取知识并学会感知世界,激发自己的创造力。 一、幼儿教育与生活融合的重要性 教育本身就人们长期生活中获得的经验,幼儿时期可与人类原始时期相对应,成长的过程主要依赖于生活的启蒙作用。首先,幼儿本身就不具备基本的生活常识和经验,幼儿阶段的学习重点就是要去了解世界、了解生活,所以幼儿阶段的教育应该以服务生活为主。其次,教育与生活是相互促进的,从生命出生到生命终止这一时间段内,人们无时无刻不再接受教育,感受生活,对于幼儿同样也不例外。最后,幼儿时期对事物经验的学习主要通过感知和模仿,他们并没有足够的能力去学习具体的、抽象的文化知识,而是通过感知周围的事物、模仿身边人的行为来进行学习。此外,幼儿的可塑性相比青少年和成人来说都是最强的,所以他们就更容易受到外在事物的影响。因此,只有将幼儿教育与其生活进行融合,才能为幼儿的成长塑造一个良好的环境,才能对其人格的发展产生积极作用。 二、促进幼儿教育与幼儿生活融合的具体途径 1.实现教学主题的多样化。 在实际的幼儿教育中,教师要尤其注重教学主题的选择来实现教育活动的多样化。幼儿阶段的教育活动主要可以包括以下三类:劳动主题、游戏主题和家庭主题。就劳动主题而言,这是幼儿所必须接受的教育层面,劳动是每个人类必需的生存之道,也是社会发展的物质根基。尽管在幼儿阶段,我们不强求孩子能够在实际生活中学会劳动,帮助父母做家务事,但是孩子在成长阶段需要树立这种劳动意识,以便于在其成长至青少年的时候,能够意识到劳动的重要性并能投身其中。就游戏主题而言,这也是幼儿教育中最常见且最受孩子欢迎的主题。游戏主题活动开展的意义主要在于两个层面,首先,幼儿教育的游戏基本都带有一定的益智性质,幼儿可以在游戏的过程中激发自己的潜能并促进大脑的发育。其次,幼儿教育的游戏大多都是集体游戏,在大家共同玩耍的过程中,幼儿也慢慢学会了如何和同伴进行相互交流,如何和老师进行沟通,并学会了如何遵守规则。就家庭主题而言,这个过程主要是帮助幼儿梳理家庭关系,并帮助孩子明确自己对于父母的依赖是一种源于血缘的亲情,同时也帮助孩子学会“爱人”和“被爱”,并懂得一些基本的伦理常识。 2.实现教学内容的生活化。 要想促进幼儿教育与幼儿生活的相互融合,教学内容的选择必须要贴近生活。例如,在吃饭的时候,有的孩子浪费饭菜。针对这样的情况,大多数教师可能选择直接进行说教,虽然当时孩子可能会硬着头皮把饭菜吃掉,但不能从根本上解决这种现象。因此,最为适当的做法是要让孩子懂得粮食得来的不易和粮食的实际效用。教师可以通过给大家介绍粮食的 种植 和制作过程或者让班级里爱吃饭、身体强壮的同学作为表率,来让孩子了解到自己浪费粮食不仅仅是忽视了他人辛勤的劳动,更是对自己的成长不利。 3.实现教学沟通的家园化。 在幼儿教育阶段,与孩子们接触最多的不是教师,不是同学,而是父母。幼儿时期孩子没有独立意识,生活中很多事情需要依赖父母去完成,且自己基本的情感也通过父母去表达。显而易见,最了解孩子的就是父母。因此,要实现幼儿教育与幼儿生活的相互融合,教师应该在教育的过程中注意到与幼儿父母进行沟通的重要性,来不断实现教学沟通的家园化。例如,孩子在班上的表现突然与往常相异,整天都闷闷不乐。那么教师就应该及时和父母反映情况,与父母进行沟通,那么孩子不开心的原因就很容易获得解答,教师就能在幼儿教育中尽力去弥补孩子的失落。比如孩子因为家里宠物丢了很伤心,那么教师在进行教育的过程中,可以让这个孩子和大家袒露一下自己的心情,并鼓励全班同学在课余的时候帮他找到宠物。这样一来,孩子的心情得到释放,心中对于宠物的找寻又重新树立起了希望,并且还能让他体会到同伴的力量和班集体带来的温暖。总而言之,幼儿是每个家庭的希望,更是祖国的未来。幼儿工作者要始终把幼儿的教育和长远发展放在首位,切不可急功近利地只顾培养幼儿的文化知识素养,而忽视了其基于生活的人生观架构。幼儿工作者只有在日常工作中为幼儿教育保驾护航,注重其在认识世界过程中形成的生活意识和行为,将幼儿教育与生活相融合,才能更为理想地实现教育成果。 参考文献: [1]秦若于.体验生活——现代幼儿健康生活方式教育[M].上海社会科学院出版社,2007. [2]高华.幼儿艺术教育综合性的实践研究[D].东北师范大学,2005. [3]杨双叶.浅谈 安全教育 与幼儿的一日生活常规的融合实践研究[J].科学中国人,2015(15). 幼儿教育论文发表篇2 浅谈农村幼儿教育教学资源 一个人品质的高低和行为习惯的养成大都是从幼年时期开始的,因此,从小培养良好的生活与学习习惯就显得尤为重要。在当今时代,农村社会经济的变革迅速发展,农村幼儿教育也具有广阔的发展前景,但也面临着很多的困难。农村幼儿园教师要充分挖掘农村可利用的丰富资源,对幼儿进行寓教于乐的感性教育,引导幼儿的全面发展,使农村幼儿教育朝着更好的方向发展。 一、充分挖掘利用农村自然材料,培养幼儿的美术表现力 儿童 在幼年时期有很多广泛的 兴趣 爱好 ,怀着一颗好奇的心去探索未知的世界。美工活动是受到很多儿童欢迎的一项活动,它可以充分发挥幼儿的 想象力 和创造力,采用多种不同的天马行空的方式,来表现他们想要表达的效果。在美术课上,教师通常要为课堂的进行提前准备一些美术材料、美术用具,非常的浪费时间和精力。然而在农村幼儿园,就不必为此而烦恼了,因为你会发现丰富的农村资源为我们带来了取之不尽用之不竭的美工材料。 例如,春天的田野里开满了鲜花,长满了野草,大树也在枝繁叶茂的茁壮生长着,鸟儿叽叽喳喳的落在枝杈上唱着歌,泉水叮叮咚咚的在欢快流淌,到处一片生机勃勃、万物复苏的景象。教师要引导幼儿发现大自然的美丽,拥有一双发现美的眼睛。教师可以带领他们到幼儿园附近的田野中,收集采摘鲜花、野草、泥土和树叶等等,可以让幼儿们根据自己的兴趣爱好在大自然中进行收集和采摘。然后,回学校之后对植物进行擦洗和修剪,对泥土进行封装和保存。这样一来,幼儿们通过自己在大自然中的实践活动会感到受益匪浅,学到许多课堂上无法学到的知识,激发了儿童的创造想象能力,培养了儿童的审美情趣,丰富情感并且能够陶冶情操。 二、充分挖掘利用种植园地,培养幼儿的劳动能力 相比较于城市里的幼儿园,农村的幼儿园占地面积较大,场地显得更加宽阔,拥有更多的空地,这是一个很大的优势。农村幼儿园的教师可以充分利用多余的空地让孩子们自己去种植一些花草或者树木,学习一些基本的劳动技能,培养他们关爱和照顾植物的爱心与耐心,这是一个有意义的种植活动与体验劳动的过程。教师可以带领幼儿在适合播种的季节,举办一个有意义的种瓜点豆的亲身实践活动。先让孩子们种下黄瓜、丝瓜或者苦瓜之类瓜果的种子,按时施肥,浇适量的水,再教给孩子们一些基本的点豆的基本技巧,例如教给他们如何轻松的使用铲子,点豆之前要先挖好一个坑,每个坑放几粒种子更容易存活等等。 最后,让孩子们自己经历种植瓜果的过程,体验劳动与种植的乐趣。秋天是一个收获的季节,教师这个时候就可以带领孩子们来到之前播种的地方进行采摘啦。孩子们亲手把自己种植的瓜果采摘回来,回到家后让妈妈做成美味菜肴,品尝劳动后的成果,充分享受劳动的乐趣。在这个过程中,更多的使孩子们掌握了一些基本的劳动技能,培养了孩子们对劳动的热爱与兴趣,更加热爱劳动,勤奋勇敢。农村地区具有特有的丰富资源,在农村这样的特殊环境下,如果可以充分利用这些资源,就能够起到事半功倍的效果,既能让幼儿通过亲身经历学到书本上学不到的知识,又能节省时间减少精力获得资源,同时也能减少资源上的投资。 三、充分挖掘利用周边环境,培养幼儿的环保意识 随着工矿产业的发展,排放的有害气体越来越多,对环境造成的污染也越来越大,水污染和空气污染也愈发严重,大大降低了我们日常的生活质量。作为一名幼儿教师,应该在儿童幼年时期就多对他们灌输保护环境的观念,树立起环保意识,让儿童意识到保护环境的重要性。在夏天的田地里,经常会有麦草燃烧过的痕迹,对空气造成了很大的污染,这一现象应该引起我们的思考与重视。教师可以针对这些发生在身边的环境污染事件给孩子们开一次主题班会,或者开展保护环境的主题活动,让他们明白环境与我们的生活息息相关,有着密切的联系。教师先给他们讲解一些有关环境污染的知识,然后进行集体讨论,发表自己的看法,让他们明白农民不应该在田地里大面积的燃烧麦草,并且回家主动告诉自己的爷爷奶奶不要在田地里燃烧麦草,以免造成环境污染。 在幼儿学习的课本教材中,有一篇《清清小河水》的课文,教师可以围绕这个主题开展一次具有教育意义的活动。我们想要更好的发挥此次教育活动的作用,因此幼儿被我们带到了农村幼儿园附近的一条小河边。那条小河的污染特别严重,在河的中心以及周边漂浮着许多垃圾和树叶,阵阵令人恶心的臭味不时的散发出来。孩子们靠近小河的时候就开始发出不满的声音,都嫌弃这条又脏又臭的小河。这时候教师让孩子对看到的景象进行观察和讨论,并且发表自己的看法和感想。经过教师的引导,孩子们知道了造成小河污染的原因是由于人们经常随意在小河里丢弃垃圾,工厂大面积的排放废水等等。回到幼儿园之后,我让孩子们根据自己看到的景象,把这条被污染的小河用图画展现出来,然后进行讨论,提出自己的建议。他们画出的河水都是污浊不堪的,黑漆漆的一片,每个孩子都表现的十分积极。最后我又 总结 了造成河水污染的原因以及防范 措施 ,用浅显易懂的语言告诉孩子们保护环境,人人有责。 四、充分挖掘利用自然角,培养幼儿的观察能力 幼儿天生就有一颗好奇的心,具有无限的探索欲和求知欲,经常想去探索一些新奇的事物,具有浓厚的兴趣。针对幼儿的这些天性上的特点,组织一些亲近大自然的实践活动,让孩子们体会到无穷的乐趣。农村有着丰富的自然资源和物质资源,这是一笔大自然赠予的财富,我们要学会充分挖掘和利用。在农村,随处可见一户户人家的门前房后有小菜园,种植着许多常见的瓜果蔬菜。家长可以带着孩子种植蔬菜的小苗,拿小铲子锄土,给蔬菜小苗浇水施肥。我们也可以让孩子养一些花花草草,或者河里的小鱼小虾等小动物,多多进行一些接近大自然的观察体验活动。 孩子们与大自然进行亲密接触,通过亲身经历与实践活动,能够更清楚的了解到一些自然知识,体验到大自然的奥妙,还有更多来自实践的乐趣。在农村进行的各种自然活动具有重大的意义,不仅仅培养了幼儿敏锐的观察力,持久的意志力和审美情趣,还有对细微生命的呵护,同时也激发了幼儿浓厚的兴趣。农村自然资源丰富,有许许多多资源等待着我们的开发和利用,这需要教师善于挖掘,发挥引导作用,促进幼儿的全面发展。大自然是一个神奇的世界,我们要以开阔的眼界和广博的胸怀去面对大自然,探索其中的奥妙。农村恰恰有我们所需的这种自然资源,大大节约了教师寻找资源的时间和耗费的经历,减少投资。搞好幼儿时期的教育十分重要,我们要充分挖掘利用农村的幼儿教育教学资源,让儿童在幼年时期就养成良好的行为习惯,促进终身全面发展。 参考文献: [1]高玉峰,高美婵.挖掘农村乡土资源优化幼儿素质教育[J].今日科苑,2007,(10):153-154. [2]杜启明,江芳.西部农村幼儿园乡土教育资源的开发利用探究[J].贵州师范学院学报,2015,(04):71-75. [3]程五一,杨明欢.基于中国 传统文化 的幼儿教育资源开发与应用研究[J].中国电化教育,2012,(08):97-101. [4]王小兰.挖掘农村自然资源丰富幼儿户外活动[J].长春教育学院学报,2013,(03):158-159. [5]何银花.以本土资源为载体,优化农村幼儿教育活动[J].学周刊,2016,(36):110-111. 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于幼儿教育的论文范文 2. 关于幼儿教育的论文范文 3. 幼儿教育小文章分享 4. 关于幼儿教育的小论文范文

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SOME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN EDUCATION Education must meet the challenges of a changing world, and in doing so, no student must be left behind. We teach our students for the world that will be, not the world that was and will not come again. Please do not think I am critical of China, there are so many things I admire and respect in China but as a westerner I firmly believe we all learn from each other when we talk about our differences, as good friends should. Today I will speak on four main subjects of western education:- 1, A General Introduction to the Western Educational Environment 2. Teachers and Teaching Beliefs in Western Countries 3. The Differences between Chinese and Western Students 4. The Changing ClassroomWhen Chinese teachers talk about western education they think it is all the same in every western or foreign country but education is very different in England from America while Australia is different again from England and America and South Africa is very different again with its heavy teaching of African culture A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE WESTERN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTSouth Africa is considered to have one of the best educational systems in the world and since 2005 has focused heavily on literacy, mathematics and the African culture of art, history and music The Australian educational system prepares students for adult life and makes sure that all students have knowledge and a very clear understanding of the world we all share. Meanwhile the English educational system prepares students for opportunities, responsibilities and the experiences of the adult life they will have in the future.The American educational system is considered one of the worst in the world with very badly paid teachers. The man collecting garbage in the streets earns more money than American teachers. There are very over crowded classrooms and some schools do not have enough money to look after their students properly. Further more, American teachers have eight weeks summer holidays each year but do not receive pay for all this time. Many are forced to find work as waiters or serve in a shop to support their families or themselves during this time.Many excellent American school teachers now work in foreign countries such as China where education and teachers are respected.TEACHERS AND TEACHING BELIEFS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES Most teachers of the world teach with books, in a classroom with a blackboard but it is the communication skills and culture of each country all over the world that creates the differences in our classrooms, and yet in many ways, we are all the same.We believe our Western teachers must have a kind heart, be very patient with a strong generosity, endurance and strength. Further more, in our class room the student is the most important person not the teacher. We are there to help, advise and encourage students on their journey to adulthood.We do not believe in shouting at a student if they get an answer wrong, it is not a terrible crime because next time, or the time after that, or the time after that they will get it right if you encourage and guide them along. We firmly believe in the west that you, as a teacher set students on the path for success. If you shout at a student enough they will lose heart and never get it right. Surely a teacher encourages, helps and inspires students to do better not only for themselves but for their parents and China We all need to ask ourselves how many good students have been lost to us, and our countries, because of bad teaching both here and in the west.The bond, and communication, formed between a teacher and student is very important to us, in fact, we consider this one of the most important responsibilities we have. We become friends of a kind and this friendship, and guidance continues long into adulthood. When my students achieve in adult life they come and tell me and I fell so proud and happy for them.As western teachers we constantly move around the classroom and try, every lesson, to talk to each individual student. I also make direct eye contact with students because in the western culture we believe that you are not a good person unless you look a person directly in the eye when speaking to them. My students are encouraged to get up and walk over to me when they have a question or need help.I teach English so my class room is very noisy because we believe that students must talk in English for the entire class to me or to each other. How else will they learn to speak English? I talk for only 20% of my class time and the students speak English for up to 80%.Finally, on the subject of teachers and teaching we believe that a western teacher should be sent to a new school to teach every few years to learn new skills and ideas and the teacher will also get a fresh approach to teaching. When we foreign teachers here at No 1 Middle School go home we will take with us many things we have learnt here and will be much better teachers, with many new ideas, for this experience.SOME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN TEACHERSStudents are the same the world over but in China the students are so respectful, polite friendly and well mannered it is a delight to teach here. We foreign teachers consider that the Chinese students are generally much happier with a very strong love not only for their country but for their parents as well. This is not always apparent in the western culture.There is much more pressure on the students here to achieve top marks and so enter top universities. The western educational system has changed because we found that we had so many people with degrees who only wanted professional work, but who was going to fix the lights when they were not working or drive the taxis?. We now recognize the value of choice for students because we all cannot get top marks and many students will never get top marks but will go to lead happy and successful lives. Students in the west usually start school at 9am and finish at 3.30pm, leaving them plenty of time to be creative, play sport and learn about life in general. All of the western educational systems recognize the importance of teaching the young about their future lives as adults and the responsibilities they face. We recognize in the west that these students are always tired, because that is the time in their lives when they are growing to their full height, and you may have noticed that we westerners are a tall race of people.It is said we have become lazy in the west because we do not have to compete to enter universities, and it is true, because we do not have to compete really hard for anything because of a smaller population. We can go back many times to university in our lives to study or learn new skills. It is not unusual for 60 or 70 year olds to be at university working towards another degree. The oldest person was a 90 year old American woman who obtained a degree several years ago. THE CHANGING WESTERN CLASSROOMStudent learning, in the west, is no longer only in the classroom because of the changes in technology. Computers, particularly laptops now mean that students can study anywhere anytime online and use the internet as a wonderful source of information and referenceAustralia has started home learning through television programs starting at 6 in the morning, which enables students to study for a degree in their own home without a computerFinally I have talked about the di9fferences in Chinese and Western education because I am among friends and so that we may all learn from each other. It may help our students to achieve and have a very happy and successful life. We are teachers and this is what we do

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