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1. Zha Xiaoxiong, Zhong Shantong. Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of the Prestressed CFST Bending Members, Guangzhou, Proceedings of the Fourth Anniversary of China Steel Concrete Composite Structure Society,1993,12: 79-862. Zha Xiaoixong, Zhong Shantong, The Behaviour Effect on CFST Members Subjected to Compression under the Initial Stress of Steel Tube Based on the Finite Element Method, Harbin, Journal of Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,1997,1: 41-493. Zha Xiaoixong, Zhong Shantong, The Behaviour Effect on CFST Members Subjected to Compression-Bending, Compression-Bending-Torsion Under the Initial Stress of Steel Tube, Harbin: Journal of Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,1997,2: 46-534. Zha Xiaoxiong, Tang Jiaxiang, The United Design Theory for CFST Members Subjected to Compression-bending-torsion under the Initial Steel Stress, Wuhan: Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1998,8: 41-435. Zha Xiaoixong, Yang Jiaxiang, The Study of the Composite Sectional Bending Rigidity of CFST Columns and its Application on the Analysis of High-Rise Frame Structures. Harbin: Journal of Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 1998,5: 40-456. Zha Xiaoxiong, Yang Jiaxiang, The Parallel Grade Separation Construction and the Initial Steel Stress Effect on CFST High-rise and Super-highrise Structures, Beijing: Industrial Construction, 1998,11: 32-347. Zha Xiaoixong, Yang Jiaxiang, The Study and Application of Concrete Bounding Surface Constitutive Relationship on the Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of CFST Structures, Beijing: Engineering Mechanics.1999,5: 29-358. Zha Xiaoxiong ,Ye Jianqiao.The Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of CFST Compression-Bending-Torsion Members under the Initial Stress. California, USA: The 6th ASCCS International Conference on Steel-Concrete Composite Structure. 2000,3: Vol.2, 1115-11219. Zha Xiaoxiong, etc. The FE analysis of fire resistance of concrete columns under one side fire, Vienna, Austria, The Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 2001.10. X.X. Zha , S.T. Zhong,Behaviour of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns under Fire,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (English Edition),2002. 3, Vol.9, No.3, p292-296.11. X.X. Zha, Three Dimensional Non-Linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Members in Fire, UK: Journal of Building and Environment,Volume 38, Issue 2, February 2003, Pages 297-307(SCI)12. X.X. Zha, FE analysis of fire resistance of concrete filled CHS columns, UK: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume/Issue: 59/6, 2003, Page 769 – 779(SCI)查晓雄,钟善桐,钢管混凝土预应力受弯构件的理论分析和试验研究,哈尔滨建筑大学学报,1993.12, Vol.26, p79-86.查晓雄,钟善桐,用有限元法分析钢管初应力对钢管混凝土轴压构件基本性能的影响,哈尔滨建筑大学学报,1997.1, Vol.30,No.1, p41-49.查晓雄,钟善桐,钢管初应力对钢管混凝土压弯、压弯扭构件工作性能的影响,哈尔滨建筑大学学报,1997.2,Vol.30,No.2, p45-53.查晓雄,唐家祥,钢管混凝土柱组合截面抗弯刚度的研究及在高层框架结构分析中的应用,哈尔滨建筑大学学报,1998.5, Vol.31, No.5, p40-45.查晓雄,唐家祥,具有初应力的钢管混凝土压弯扭构件承载力相关方程及统一理论设想,华中理工大学学报,1998.8, Vol.26,No.8, p41-43.查晓雄,唐家祥,钢管混凝土高层及超高层建筑中平行立体交叉法施工及施工中初应力的影响,工业建筑,1998.10, Vol.28,No.295, p32-35.查晓雄,钟善桐,唐家祥,有初应力的钢管混凝土压弯扭构件非线性有限元分析,计算力学学报,1999.1, Vol.16,No.1, p52-57. (权威刊物)查晓雄,唐家祥,钢管混凝土结构非线性有限元分析中混凝土边界面模型的研究及应用,工程力学,1999.6, Vol.16, No.6, p29-35. (EI收录)查晓雄,钟善桐,钢管混凝土肋型拱桥施工特点及初应力影响,哈尔滨建筑大学学报,1999.6, Vol.32, No.3, p101-105. (EI检索刊源)X.X. Zha, The Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Composite Structures. California, USA. The 6th ASCCS International Conference on STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 2000.3, p1115-1121(国际会议:美国)查晓雄,钟善桐,可计算CFST组合结构复杂应力不同路径反复荷载的NFE模式,科学出版社:2000年中国博士后学术大会论文集―土木与建筑分册。2000,6, p138-141.X.X. Zha , L.Y. Li and J.A. Purkiss. FE Analysis of Fire Resistance of RC Columns. Austria, Eisenstadt: Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference On Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 2001,9,p161-162(国际会议:奥地利)查晓雄,钟善桐,钢和混凝土构件在各种不同受火条件下温度场计算的分析方法,哈尔滨建筑大学学报,2002.2, Vol.35, No.2, p16-20. (EI检索刊源)查晓雄,钟善桐,钢筋混凝土构件在受火时力学性能分析,华中科技大学学报(城市科学版),2002.3, Vol.19, No.1, p86-90.(权威刊物)查晓雄,钟善桐,钢筋混凝土受压构件防火性能的非线性分析,哈尔滨工业大学学报,2002. 6, Vol.34, No.3, p289-293. (EI收录)X.X. Zha , S.T. Zhong,Behaviour of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns under Fire,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (English Edition),2002. 3, Vol.9, No.3, p292-296.(EI检索刊源)查晓雄,钟善桐,钢筋混凝土受弯构件三面受火时非线性分析,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2002.7, Vol.30, No.7, p52-55.(EI收录)

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