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238 评论


结果 324例慢性乙型肝炎患者血清中,随着HBV-DNA拷贝数的升高,LHBs的浓度呈上升趋势,两者之间有良好的相关性(r=0.97,P<0.01),且LHBs的阳性率也逐步增加,不同组别间LHBs阳性率差异有显著性意义 (均P<0.05);在l71例HBeAg阴性血清中,LHBs与HBV-DNA的阳性率分别为66.08%和61.99%,两者差异无显著性意义 (x²=0.473,P>0.05);在l71例HBeAg阴性血清中,113例LHBs阳性与58例LHBs例阴性组血清ALT比较,两者差异有统计学意义(t=2.89,P<0.05)。Results:In the serum of 324 cases of CHB patient, the concentration of LHBs shows an increasing trend with the increase of copy number of HBV-DNA, and there is good correlativity between them (r=0.97,P<0.01), furthermore, the positive rate of LHBs also increases gradually, the difference of LHBs positive rate among different groups offers notable significance (all,P<0.05) ;In 171 cases of HBeAg negative serum the positive rates of LHBs and HBV-DNA are 66. 08% and 61. 99%, respectively, the difference between them has no notable significance (x²=0.473,P>0.05);In 171 cases of HBeAg negative serum,the ALT of 113 cases of LHBs positive serum is compared with that of 58 cases of LHBs negative serum, the difference between them has statistics significance (t=2.89,P<0.05)结论 LHBs是反映HBV感染者特别是HBeAg阴件患者体内病毒复制程度敏感、可靠指标;检测CHB患者血清中LHBs对于了解乙型肝炎肝细胞损伤程度、抗病毒疗效和估计预后上具有一定的临床价值;从方法学上看,LHBs检测项目具有经济、简便的特点,适宜于我国基层医院推广应用。Conclusion: LHBs is a sensitive and reliable indicator to reflect the level of in vivo virus replication of HBV infected persons, especially the patients with HBeAg negative; testing LHBs in the serum in CHB patients has certain clinical value for knowing the extent of liver damage and the anti-virus effect, and estimating prognosis; from the point of view of methodology, the testing project of LHBs features economic, simple, so it is suitable for promotion and application in our primary hospitals.

232 评论


Results: Concentration of LHB does, with raising of HBV-DNA copies, shows increasing tendency in serums from 324 cases of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients and, there is favourable correlation/relevance(2选1,下同) between the above two indexes/indicators (coefficient r=0.97, P<0.01) with increasing of positive rate of LHBs, while there is significant statistics difference in positive rates of LHBs among groups (all shows P value less than 0.05). As for 171 cases of HBeAg-negative serums, positive rate of LHBs and that of HBV-DNA are 66.08% and 61.99% respectively, which shows no significant statistics difference (chi-square/x²=0.473, P>0.05), whereas amongst 171(?感觉数据有出入,总和≠324?) cases of HBeAg-negative serums, comparing between serum ALT level in 113 ones with HBeAg-positive and that in 58 ones with HBeAg-negative leads to statistics difference (t=2.89, P<0.05).Conclusions: LHBs is a sensible and reliable indexe/indicator for duplication level of HBV virus in the body of those HBV Infected, especially those HBeAg-negative patients. Thus examination on LHBs in serum as of CHB patients possesses some clinical value on study for damage extent of hepatocyte, anti-virus effect as well as estimate/evaluate on prognosis as for hepatitis B. Besides, in terms of methodology, there are economical and convenient characteristics as for LHBs examination item, which makes it suitable for clinic promotiong and application in grassroot(基层) hospitals(医院)/healthcare centers(医疗中心) throughout China.题外:1.这段(中文)够长啊,现在似乎很多医学期刊限字数...替LZ捏把汗(英文系对应中文,故无法缩短,否则内容无法完整传递)2.文中统计学指标:r、卡方、P、t,投稿时均斜体表示(这里无法显示)

319 评论


  • CHB期刊投稿期限


    开心土星 3人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • 期刊投稿期限

    期刊发表一般需要一个月到三个月。看你找的哪家出版社了,每家出版社的运作方式不一样。 如何发表期刊 首先就是注意格式规范,还要控制字数。因为很多刊物是按计空格字数

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  • 期刊投稿有限制


    胖纸没烦恼 4人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 期刊投稿有限制吗

    论文投稿不可以同时投好几个地方。 不管是杂志要求,还是著作权法,我们可以确定论文不可以同时投稿几个杂志,若作者这样操作了,属于发表不端行为,被杂志发现了,作者想

    李嘉图路 5人参与回答 2023-12-09
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    期刊论文发表字数要求发表期刊论文的字数有限制。 无论是毕业生,还是专业人士想要评估职称,论文要发表在期刊上,都需要按照期刊的要求进行。 因为期刊的页数和版面有限

    猫女盈盈 4人参与回答 2023-12-06